Concealing & carrying pistols while running/working out



  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Live in Canada...!! :)

    Not an option. They won't let me carry my gun.

    And, in the immortal words of Homer Simpson: "Why would I want to leave America to go to America Junior?"
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Even with a Concealed weapon permit you can't shoot someone for "Taking your IPOD" they have to be threatening your life BIG DIFFERENCE. ....

    I'm having trouble understanding how taking my iPod is less serious than threatening my life. I mean, what's life without an iPod?
    I also fail to see how someone can take your Ipod WITHOUT threatening your life.

    "Give me your Ipod.
    "Give me your Ipod or I will kill you (threat)

    Now you have no choice, you MUST defend your life.

    Damn straight.

    Some people will snatch it and run.
    And some will kill you reguardless.
    Are you willing to make that gamble?

    Gamble, you have a better chance of winning the mega millions than being killed for your IPod, especially since you are a MAN. Puhleeze
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Even with a Concealed weapon permit you can't shoot someone for "Taking your IPOD" they have to be threatening your life BIG DIFFERENCE. ....

    I'm having trouble understanding how taking my iPod is less serious than threatening my life. I mean, what's life without an iPod?
    I also fail to see how someone can take your Ipod WITHOUT threatening your life.

    "Give me your Ipod.
    "Give me your Ipod or I will kill you (threat)

    Now you have no choice, you MUST defend your life.

    Damn straight.

    Some people will snatch it and run.
    And some will kill you reguardless.
    Are you willing to make that gamble?

    Gamble, you have a better chance of winning the mega millions than being killed for your IPod, especially since you are a MAN. Puhleeze

    Wait... does that mean I AM going to have someone try to steal my iPod? Because I'm kinda counting on that mega millions win. It's my whole retirement plan.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member

    The point is glaring...American (gun owners) dont feel the need for a government entity to provide them with protection. Nor do we trust them to provide us with the personal protection we need for our self and our family. The congested urban areas do. That's why highly populated metropolitan areas tend to vote democrat because they need the government to provide services for them instead of providing them on their own. Democrats are dependent on outside entity. Relying on some one else to provide that for you is a recipe for failure. If you Europeans, Australians and Canadians want to sit back and enjoy the psuedo comfort of your government supplying you with a false sense of protection you are more than welcome.

    We are glad you live over there too :)
    Stay over their and keep your European ideas to yourself. :)

    Eventually your government will fail as ALL governments have in history. Who will protect you then? Do you think those gunless bobbies will give two hoots about weather or not you are protected when **** falls apart? Keep telling yourself that you have no need and you will be safe. You live in a dream land of false safety. You think that you are protected but when it actually comes down to it, No one is looking out for you and your family except you. In America, gun owners not criminals, have a sense of responsibility for themselves, their family, and their property. We dont expect anyone to come to our rescue. We are self sufficient and dont need a government to help us. If you trust your government congratulations. I hope that works out well for you. I hope on your life that you never have to experience it. As for me and my family well we will be protected.

    So your local police department has failed you? Your local District Attorney's office has failed you? Your local fire department has failed you? Your state police department has failed you? Your state legislators and locally elected officials have failed you? Your states National Guard and our Armed Forces have failed you? What a patriot. What you are saying makes absolutely no sense. Your tax dollars pay police, fire and government salaries, they damn well better protect you. That is their job. Someone better be on the other end if I need to call 911 and an officer should respond. We live in a civilized society, where vigilante justice is not the law of the land and if you understood the constitution then you would respect law and order. We are the UNITED States of America, one nation.

    And since you are so self- sufficient and need absolutely nothing from the government, then I'm sure you have enough cash to pay for your kids tuition outright, no financial aid, you have no plans of ever getting social security, medicaid or medicare, you don't drive on roads and bridges, you fly over them because you don't need those roads the government built, you use well water instead of municipal water, don't drink that government stuff and your gun is illegal because you wouldn't bother going to to the government to get a concealed carry permit. You really should read what you write before you post, because you can't be serious

    You are twisting what I said and misquoting me.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member

    You are twisting what I said and misquoting me.

    Your Words

    "The point is glaring...American (gun owners) dont feel the need for a government entity to provide them with protection. Nor do we trust them to provide us with the personal protection we need for our self and our family. The congested urban areas do. That's why highly populated metropolitan areas tend to vote democrat because they need the government to provide services for them instead of providing them on their own. Democrats are dependent on outside entity. Relying on some one else to provide that for you is a recipe for failure."

    These are your words. So my question is has your local police, fire department, courts and lawmakers and armed forces not protected you? And since you say the cities depend on government instead of providing for themselves, how do you suggest the cities do that? Sounds like you are promoting vigilante justice to me.

    "We dont expect anyone to come to our rescue. We are self sufficient and dont need a government to help us. If you trust your government congratulations. I hope that works out well for you. I hope on your life that you never have to experience it. As for me and my family well we will be protected. "

    You said you don't need government help you are self-sufficient, but you don't live in the United State of Massive Delta, but the United States of America. I have no idea why you don't trust your police, fire, courts, lawmakers and armed forces to do their jobs. I don't know where they have failed you and your family, or how they left you vulnerable and unprotected. In fact the very laws that they protect and uphold allow you have a weapon in the first place. You say I am twisting your words, but there they are in black and white.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Even with a Concealed weapon permit you can't shoot someone for "Taking your IPOD" they have to be threatening your life BIG DIFFERENCE. ....

    I'm having trouble understanding how taking my iPod is less serious than threatening my life. I mean, what's life without an iPod?
    I also fail to see how someone can take your Ipod WITHOUT threatening your life.

    "Give me your Ipod.
    "Give me your Ipod or I will kill you (threat)

    Now you have no choice, you MUST defend your life.

    Damn straight.

    Some people will snatch it and run.
    And some will kill you reguardless.
    Are you willing to make that gamble?

    Gamble, you have a better chance of winning the mega millions than being killed for your IPod, especially since you are a MAN. Puhleeze
    So there IS a chance that someone will try to kill me for my Ipod?
    Thanks but, I will try to up my odds of survival.
  • danewortley
    danewortley Posts: 25 Member

    You are twisting what I said and misquoting me.

    Your Words

    "The point is glaring...American (gun owners) dont feel the need for a government entity to provide them with protection. Nor do we trust them to provide us with the personal protection we need for our self and our family. The congested urban areas do. That's why highly populated metropolitan areas tend to vote democrat because they need the government to provide services for them instead of providing them on their own. Democrats are dependent on outside entity. Relying on some one else to provide that for you is a recipe for failure."

    These are your words. So my question is has your local police, fire department, courts and lawmakers and armed forces not protected you? And since you say the cities depend on government instead of providing for themselves, how do you suggest the cities do that? Sounds like you are promoting vigilante justice to me.

    "We dont expect anyone to come to our rescue. We are self sufficient and dont need a government to help us. If you trust your government congratulations. I hope that works out well for you. I hope on your life that you never have to experience it. As for me and my family well we will be protected. "

    You said you don't need government help you are self-sufficient, but you don't live in the United State of Massive Delta, but the United States of America. I have no idea why you don't trust your police, fire, courts, lawmakers and armed forces to do their jobs. I don't know where they have failed you and your family, or how they left you vulnerable and unprotected. In fact the very laws that they protect and uphold allow you have a weapon in the first place. You say I am twisting your words, but there they are in black and white.

    *SLAM* *SLAM* <---the noise a criminal makes kicking in your door at night when trying to steal you medications to cook crack or meth. I dare you to call 911 and wait for them to respond. When you live in rural Arkansas (such as myself) your average wait time for a police response is more than 5 minutes. Do you think you can ask the criminal to come back because you believe in the local fire department, police department and judicial system? My Wife and Son are the things i think about not my possible legal fee's. I'm not saying smoke everything that walks in your door,. Be trained, exercise caution and hopefully you will never need to use your training. Lots of people have car insurance, but not everyone gets into an accident. If you don't believe these sort of things happen take a look:

    Im happy you live in a place where you can rely on others, that's part of why we pay our taxes, please don' get blinded by your securities many people are not that lucky....
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    So your local police department has failed you? Your local District Attorney's office has failed you? Your local fire department has failed you? Your state police department has failed you? Your state legislators and locally elected officials have failed you? Your states National Guard and our Armed Forces have failed you? What a patriot. What you are saying makes absolutely no sense. Your tax dollars pay police, fire and government salaries, they damn well better protect you. That is their job. Someone better be on the other end if I need to call 911 and an officer should respond. We live in a civilized society, where vigilante justice is not the law of the land and if you understood the constitution then you would respect law and order. We are the UNITED States of America, one nation.

    I've read and followed this thread. I'm somewhat entertained how someone asking "how to carry" while out running would turn to this. It's also entertaining to me that this is on a "Fitness and Exercise" bulletin board. The point really seems missed. The initial question wasn't "Do you agree with me on my having a firearm" but "if I did carry one, how do I do it.

    And to answer the questions about being "failed" - Yes! Failed is a great description for the majority of services you have referred to. I work in the legal field, and if you think that any of these resources are equip to protect you at all times, and someone "better be on the other end"... really made me laugh. A runner 2 homes away from my rural home got mauled by dogs, her husband is a state patrol officer, he wishes she had a gun on her that day. Instead, no officer, no ambulance, no district attorney, no military... no one but an armed citizen stopped to help her, fired shots to scare the dogs (killed one), picked her up carried her to the hospital and stayed with her until family arrived. There were really no charges to press other than a violation for dogs at large, there was no money to sue for as the dog owner was uninsured.... yes, I think failed is a pretty good description. Frankly the resources aren't there. The county sheriff covers 400 square miles of land, much needing a 4wd to get to, with only two or three officers on duty at some times. It may take hours to get law enforcement to respond, most of the time, it's with a phone call back of "do you want to do a report on the phone or want us to come see you, it will be three days". I live in rural america, we have had 11 murders in 5 months in a town of under 20K people. I'm not saying that my gun is the answer, but I would rather be the one armed.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member

    You are twisting what I said and misquoting me.

    Your Words

    "The point is glaring...American (gun owners) dont feel the need for a government entity to provide them with protection. Nor do we trust them to provide us with the personal protection we need for our self and our family. The congested urban areas do. That's why highly populated metropolitan areas tend to vote democrat because they need the government to provide services for them instead of providing them on their own. Democrats are dependent on outside entity. Relying on some one else to provide that for you is a recipe for failure."

    These are your words. So my question is has your local police, fire department, courts and lawmakers and armed forces not protected you? And since you say the cities depend on government instead of providing for themselves, how do you suggest the cities do that? Sounds like you are promoting vigilante justice to me.

    "We dont expect anyone to come to our rescue. We are self sufficient and dont need a government to help us. If you trust your government congratulations. I hope that works out well for you. I hope on your life that you never have to experience it. As for me and my family well we will be protected. "

    You said you don't need government help you are self-sufficient, but you don't live in the United State of Massive Delta, but the United States of America. I have no idea why you don't trust your police, fire, courts, lawmakers and armed forces to do their jobs. I don't know where they have failed you and your family, or how they left you vulnerable and unprotected. In fact the very laws that they protect and uphold allow you have a weapon in the first place. You say I am twisting your words, but there they are in black and white.

    *SLAM* *SLAM* <---the noise a criminal makes kicking in your door at night when trying to steal you medications to cook crack or meth. I dare you to call 911 and wait for them to respond. When you live in rural Arkansas (such as myself) your average wait time for a police response is more than 5 minutes. Do you think you can ask the criminal to come back because you believe in the local fire department, police department and judicial system? My Wife and Son are the things i think about not my possible legal fee's. I'm not saying smoke everything that walks in your door,. Be trained, exercise caution and hopefully you will never need to use your training. Lots of people have car insurance, but not everyone gets into an accident. If you don't believe these sort of things happen take a look:

    Im happy you live in a place where you can rely on others, that's part of why we pay our taxes, please don' get blinded by your securities many people are not that lucky....

    Protecting yourself from an intruder versus running on a hiking trail while carrying are apples and oranges. BTW most states where killing an intruder can be a justifiable shooting, usually requires it to be on your property while you were in imminent danger. I can't tell you how many cases I have covered of people who in the heat of the moment chased after the intruder shooting them and then faced jail time. Our taxes do cover government services and that poster says they are self-sufficient and don't rely on the government for anything. Even if you prefer to be prepared , which is your right, to deal with an intruder while you wait five minutes for the cops, you still call the cops. It sounded to me like that poster was promoting vigilante justice and I don't think that is okay.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    So your local police department has failed you? Your local District Attorney's office has failed you? Your local fire department has failed you? Your state police department has failed you? Your state legislators and locally elected officials have failed you? Your states National Guard and our Armed Forces have failed you? What a patriot. What you are saying makes absolutely no sense. Your tax dollars pay police, fire and government salaries, they damn well better protect you. That is their job. Someone better be on the other end if I need to call 911 and an officer should respond. We live in a civilized society, where vigilante justice is not the law of the land and if you understood the constitution then you would respect law and order. We are the UNITED States of America, one nation.

    The top quote seriously made me laugh out loud...

    The belief in law enforcement and all of the other stuff is quite amusing.

    I fully respect and appreciate law enforcement but working in the security industry... (hmmm now that is interesting an ENTIRE INDUSTRY BASED on a service to fulfill what local law enforcement cannot fulfill)

    I just cannot wrap my head around that statement... To think that it is safer and an advantage to not be armed and to rely on a police agency that is any where from 1 minute to 1 hour away from you at any given moment and you think that they are going to protect you and your family. Law Enforcement is not there to be your personal body guard and when people have that expectation it is quite disturbing. It is a very victim based mentality that believes that they will be there to protect you.

    I am sure when I was stabbed as a child a cop was there to stop the guy that did it to me, yep he was right there I was not walking back holding my wound as blood was seeping out crying looking for my house... nope a cop swooped in and stopped the bad guy and arrested him ! Nope, you have to call 911 first and usually it takes a while...

    If you are intelligent of the use of a concealed firearm then it is a highly effective tool. I have used it several times to avoid bodily injury to myself or others, the mere presence of it de-escalated it....

    But you know personal accounts are meaningless... They are just facts.
  • danewortley
    danewortley Posts: 25 Member

    You are twisting what I said and misquoting me.

    Your Words
    "The point is glaring...American (gun owners) dont feel the need for a government entity to provide them with protection. Nor do we trust them to provide us with the personal protection we need for our self and our family. The congested urban areas do. That's why highly populated metropolitan areas tend to vote democrat because they need the government to provide services for them instead of providing them on their own. Democrats are dependent on outside entity. Relying on some one else to provide that for you is a recipe for failure."

    These are your words. So my question is has your local police, fire department, courts and lawmakers and armed forces not protected you? And since you say the cities depend on government instead of providing for themselves, how do you suggest the cities do that? Sounds like you are promoting vigilante justice to me.

    "We dont expect anyone to come to our rescue. We are self sufficient and dont need a government to help us. If you trust your government congratulations. I hope that works out well for you. I hope on your life that you never have to experience it. As for me and my family well we will be protected. "

    You said you don't need government help you are self-sufficient, but you don't live in the United State of Massive Delta, but the United States of America. I have no idea why you don't trust your police, fire, courts, lawmakers and armed forces to do their jobs. I don't know where they have failed you and your family, or how they left you vulnerable and unprotected. In fact the very laws that they protect and uphold allow you have a weapon in the first place. You say I am twisting your words, but there they are in black and white.

    *SLAM* *SLAM* <---the noise a criminal makes kicking in your door at night when trying to steal you medications to cook crack or meth. I dare you to call 911 and wait for them to respond. When you live in rural Arkansas (such as myself) your average wait time for a police response is more than 5 minutes. Do you think you can ask the criminal to come back because you believe in the local fire department, police department and judicial system? My Wife and Son are the things i think about not my possible legal fee's. I'm not saying smoke everything that walks in your door,. Be trained, exercise caution and hopefully you will never need to use your training. Lots of people have car insurance, but not everyone gets into an accident. If you don't believe these sort of things happen take a look:

    Im happy you live in a place where you can rely on others, that's part of why we pay our taxes, please don' get blinded by your securities many people are not that lucky....

    Protecting yourself from an intruder versus running on a hiking trail while carrying are apples and oranges. BTW most states where killing an intruder can be a justifiable shooting, usually requires it to be on your property while you were in imminent danger. I can't tell you how many cases I have covered of people who in the heat of the moment chased after the intruder shooting them and then faced jail time. Our taxes do cover government services and that poster says they are self-sufficient and don't rely on the government for anything. Even if you prefer to be prepared , which is your right, to deal with an intruder while you wait five minutes for the cops, you still call the cops. It sounded to me like that poster was promoting vigilante justice and I don't think that is okay.

    You speak of the castle law...I understand what you talking about and agree with you to an extent.
    Running trails can vary from central park to mountainous terrain, desert depending on location... In some cases, and ill use Arkansas again because its where i live, it will take a lot longer to get to you out in the woods and country, or you may not even have phone service to call for help. Bad things can happen out here from Meth addicts to wild animal attacks and as a conceal carry gun owner you must retreat where possible, if retreat IN YOUR OPINION is not possible and you face the risk of serious injury or death you have the right to protect yourself with your firearm.
    Please dont take me the wrong way, we are all different and how we react is different based on our backgrounds and locations, I hope the original poster protects himself because he thinks that's what is right for him, and that's what is important.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    So your local police department has failed you? Your local District Attorney's office has failed you? Your local fire department has failed you? Your state police department has failed you? Your state legislators and locally elected officials have failed you? Your states National Guard and our Armed Forces have failed you? What a patriot. What you are saying makes absolutely no sense. Your tax dollars pay police, fire and government salaries, they damn well better protect you. That is their job. Someone better be on the other end if I need to call 911 and an officer should respond. We live in a civilized society, where vigilante justice is not the law of the land and if you understood the constitution then you would respect law and order. We are the UNITED States of America, one nation.

    The top quote seriously made me laugh out loud...

    The belief in law enforcement and all of the other stuff is quite amusing.

    I fully respect and appreciate law enforcement but working in the security industry... (hmmm now that is interesting an ENTIRE INDUSTRY BASED on a service to fulfill what local law enforcement cannot fulfill)

    I just cannot wrap my head around that statement... To think that it is safer and an advantage to not be armed and to rely on a police agency that is any where from 1 minute to 1 hour away from you at any given moment and you think that they are going to protect you and your family. Law Enforcement is not there to be your personal body guard and when people have that expectation it is quite disturbing. It is a very victim based mentality that believes that they will be there to protect you.

    I am sure when I was stabbed as a child a cop was there to stop the guy that did it to me, yep he was right there I was not walking back holding my wound as blood was seeping out crying looking for my house... nope a cop swooped in and stopped the bad guy and arrested him ! Nope, you have to call 911 first and usually it takes a while...

    If you are intelligent of the use of a concealed firearm then it is a highly effective tool. I have used it several times to avoid bodily injury to myself or others, the mere presence of it de-escalated it....

    But you know personal accounts are meaningless... They are just facts.

    Considering this was in response to someone who said the government always fails and they are self-sufficient and don't need to rely on them for anything, I am surprised at how many posters have so little faith in the people who risk their lives to protect you. Just as there are stories of people who have scared away an attacker or intruder with their weapon, there are more stories of law enforcement and firefighters saving lives. I have never spoke against someone wanting a gun in their home to protect their family. That is their right, but to think you having a gun suddenly negates the needs for law enforcement is absurd. If that is the case, let's just save all the tax dollars we spend on training and employing cops, firefighters, first responders and courts and give every American gun and let them fend for themselves.
  • jppd47
    jppd47 Posts: 737 Member

    That completely looks over the fact there is firearm sporting events and competitions by saying the only use for them is hunting and defending your self.

    Aslo is says gun are only offensive, not defenses hence they cant be used to defend your self (false logic). Then goes on to say "Defense is protection, something that STOPS an attack". So if shooting someone stops the attack, how is that not defensive? Again its false logic.
  • dfwo
    dfwo Posts: 6
    To answer the original question, I would try a belly band or fanny pack.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    The real reason we don't have socialized healthcare here in America, is because it's too expensive to patch up all those bullet holes from the legal guns.
  • jppd47
    jppd47 Posts: 737 Member
    The real reason we don't have socialized healthcare here in America, is because it's too expensive to patch up all those bullet holes from the legal guns.

    except we are already paying for them.....
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    So your local police department has failed you? Your local District Attorney's office has failed you? Your local fire department has failed you? Your state police department has failed you? Your state legislators and locally elected officials have failed you? Your states National Guard and our Armed Forces have failed you? What a patriot. What you are saying makes absolutely no sense. Your tax dollars pay police, fire and government salaries, they damn well better protect you. That is their job. Someone better be on the other end if I need to call 911 and an officer should respond. We live in a civilized society, where vigilante justice is not the law of the land and if you understood the constitution then you would respect law and order. We are the UNITED States of America, one nation.

    The top quote seriously made me laugh out loud...

    The belief in law enforcement and all of the other stuff is quite amusing.

    I fully respect and appreciate law enforcement but working in the security industry... (hmmm now that is interesting an ENTIRE INDUSTRY BASED on a service to fulfill what local law enforcement cannot fulfill)

    I just cannot wrap my head around that statement... To think that it is safer and an advantage to not be armed and to rely on a police agency that is any where from 1 minute to 1 hour away from you at any given moment and you think that they are going to protect you and your family. Law Enforcement is not there to be your personal body guard and when people have that expectation it is quite disturbing. It is a very victim based mentality that believes that they will be there to protect you.

    I am sure when I was stabbed as a child a cop was there to stop the guy that did it to me, yep he was right there I was not walking back holding my wound as blood was seeping out crying looking for my house... nope a cop swooped in and stopped the bad guy and arrested him ! Nope, you have to call 911 first and usually it takes a while...

    If you are intelligent of the use of a concealed firearm then it is a highly effective tool. I have used it several times to avoid bodily injury to myself or others, the mere presence of it de-escalated it....

    But you know personal accounts are meaningless... They are just facts.

    Considering this was in response to someone who said the government always fails and they are self-sufficient and don't need to rely on them for anything, I am surprised at how many posters have so little faith in the people who risk their lives to protect you. Just as there are stories of people who have scared away an attacker or intruder with their weapon, there are more stories of law enforcement and firefighters saving lives. I have never spoke against someone wanting a gun in their home to protect their family. That is their right, but to think you having a gun suddenly negates the needs for law enforcement is absurd. If that is the case, let's just save all the tax dollars we spend on training and employing cops, firefighters, first responders and courts and give every American gun and let them fend for themselves.

    You obviously missed the part about how I respect law enforcement and its necessity.

    The fact is Law Enforcement is LAW ENFORCEMENT they are not an entity designed to protect you from a criminal in the act of committing a crime. Their job is to attempt to enforce laws, to be a lawful presence in a community, to apprehend those that commit crimes and to deter illegal activity in general. The idea that a Cop is a cop to personally protect you, your family, your street corner is completely and absolutely absurd. The majority of policing is after the fact, its a "crime has been committed now they begin their job". It does you no good if you are already the victim of the crime... maimed or worse a family member killed...
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    excuse me while I go clean and reload my fire arms.