Man to Man: A Support System for Men



  • daved71
    daved71 Posts: 65 Member
    I just weighed this morning and after tracking my food input and some exercise, I am very happy with the results 4 ponds this week. I know not to expect that every week, but that number looks good.

    Keep up the good work everyone.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Morning dudes. Anybody else struggling on the weekends or even worse no spousal support.

    Hope your all kicking butt.
  • shutterbug4674
    shutterbug4674 Posts: 3,690 Member
    weekends are tough. If I'm not active and just watching TV, I like to munch. The good thing is there isn't alot of sweet things in my place to munch on. So, usually a tablespoon of peanut butter will satisy my craving.
  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    Hey Guys

    I'm going to be detoxing and intensifying my workout for a few days...... I ate really "delicious" foods this weekend:noway:
  • shutterbug4674
    shutterbug4674 Posts: 3,690 Member
    Hey Guys

    I'm going to be detoxing and intensifying my workout for a few days...... I ate really "delicious" foods this weekend:noway:

    What do you do to detox?
  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    @ Shutterbug

    I use Phase 1 of the Fat Smash Diet when a need a quick boost, drop a few extra pounds, or detox from indulging in delicious foods. This works for me and like everything else in life, it may not be for everyone. But for those that may be interested, here are the guildelines:

    What To Eat On Fat Smash Diet Phase One - Detox Phase
    Food should be eaten raw, grilled or steamed. Whether you are hungry or not you should eat 4 to 5 meals a day. Skipping meals are not allowed.

    Fruits - as much as you like

    Veggies - as much as you like except white potatoes and avocados





    Cooked brown rice - two cups per day

    Skim milk - two cups per day

    Water - drink as much as you like to flush the body

    Oatmeal - one cup per day

    Herbs and spices

    Low fat yogurt - 6 oz., two times per day

    Egg whites - 4 cups per day

    Herbal tea - 2cups per da

    Low fat virgin olive oil - one to two teaspoons

    Fat - limited to 3 tablespoons per day

    Food NOT Allowed During Phase 1

    Fast food

    Fried food




    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    @ Shutterbug

    I use Phase 1 of the Fat Smash Diet when a need a quick boost, drop a few extra pounds, or detox from indulging in delicious foods. This works for me and like everything else in life, it may not be for everyone. But for those that may be interested, here are the guildelines:

    What To Eat On Fat Smash Diet Phase One - Detox Phase
    Food should be eaten raw, grilled or steamed. Whether you are hungry or not you should eat 4 to 5 meals a day. Skipping meals are not allowed.

    Fruits - as much as you like

    Veggies - as much as you like except white potatoes and avocados





    Cooked brown rice - two cups per day

    Skim milk - two cups per day

    Water - drink as much as you like to flush the body

    Oatmeal - one cup per day

    Herbs and spices

    Low fat yogurt - 6 oz., two times per day

    Egg whites - 4 cups per day

    Herbal tea - 2cups per da

    Low fat virgin olive oil - one to two teaspoons

    Fat - limited to 3 tablespoons per day

    Food NOT Allowed During Phase 1

    Fast food

    Fried food





    I have this strange feeling that Operator will look at this list and get to the alcohol and say "I'm In."


    PS I realy steer clear of the diets that deprieve you of certain foods. When I come off that diet they usually add back what U lost plus a few more. Besides I already deprieve my body of sex cant do food too.
  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member

    I am not on the no sex diet, so I can deprive myself of a little food every now and then.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile:
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754

    I am not on the no sex diet, so I can deprive myself of a little food every now and then.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile:



    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member

    I am not on the no sex diet, so I can deprive myself of a little food every now and then.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile:



    Hey, it's not bragging if you can do it!

    :laugh: :laugh: :wink:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • shutterbug4674
    shutterbug4674 Posts: 3,690 Member
    :drinker: @ gr8dad1975 Thanksa bunch for posting the fat smash for thought (so to speak)
  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    :drinker: @ gr8dad1975 Thanksa bunch for posting the fat smash for thought (so to speak)

    @ Shutterbug

    You are welcome! :drinker:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Hey Dudes,

    Been ages since I posted. Between work and heading up the Black Team this year I have been pretty busy. But I wanted to let you guys know that I am still lurking on the thread and following along.

    Cheers Fellas

  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    Hey Guys,

    I have major back problems. I am in a lot of pain, so exercising has been put on hold for a while. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers. :frown:
  • bortass
    bortass Posts: 91 Member
    Hey Guys,

    I have major back problems. I am in a lot of pain, so exercising has been put on hold for a while. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers. :frown:

    Hope it's nothing too serious.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Hey Guys,

    I have major back problems. I am in a lot of pain, so exercising has been put on hold for a while. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers. :frown:

  • r1chy
    r1chy Posts: 48
    I am looking for support from other blokes. I need all the help I can get. Need to lose about 130lb in total but will be happy to lose 90 as a first goal to get me out the 200's. Any1 got some quick and easy exercises to get in shape....I am vastly unfit
  • FitbitConnor
    FitbitConnor Posts: 143 Member
    Im in! was wondering where all the men were lurking.. was beginning to think i was the only guy on here lol Im 30 from england weigh 240 and need to be 190
  • OddSquid
    OddSquid Posts: 107 Member
    I am looking for support from other blokes. I need all the help I can get. Need to lose about 130lb in total but will be happy to lose 90 as a first goal to get me out the 200's. Any1 got some quick and easy exercises to get in shape....I am vastly unfit

    No such thing as "quick & easy," my man. Fad diets and fad exercises are everywhere, but the one thing they have in common is "drop weight fast and with poor technique, and watch it all come back with a vengeance when you stop."

    Losing weight and getting fit is a life-changing permanent lifestyle, not a temporary fix. I know -- that sucks to hear but it's ultimately the truth. I went from 175 last March to 148 this November, but watched about 7 lbs. come storming back once I got lazy in December, started eating poorly and drinking more beer. That proved to me that it's not a "lose the weight you want and go back to your unfit lifestyle." It has to be maintained forever.

    130 lbs. can be safely lost in approximately 32-65 weeks, assuming a rate of 2-4 lbs./week. I emphasize "safely" because that's what all the BS diets and exercises DON'T take into account. That can all be accomplished, but takes dedication, hard work, and a mindset toward not only clean, healthy foods but also the right kinds and right amounts.

    Every body is different, so you may need different things than someone else but ultimately, it's "less calories in than you're using." For exercises, there are PLENTY of options that don't all require spending a bunch of money on equipment or memberships that can be done in fairly reasonable time. But it does take commitment to keep up with it.
  • r1chy
    r1chy Posts: 48
    I am looking for support from other blokes. I need all the help I can get. Need to lose about 130lb in total but will be happy to lose 90 as a first goal to get me out the 200's. Any1 got some quick and easy exercises to get in shape....I am vastly unfit

    No such thing as "quick & easy," my man. Fad diets and fad exercises are everywhere, but the one thing they have in common is "drop weight fast and with poor technique, and watch it all come back with a vengeance when you stop."

    Losing weight and getting fit is a life-changing permanent lifestyle, not a temporary fix. I know -- that sucks to hear but it's ultimately the truth. I went from 175 last March to 148 this November, but watched about 7 lbs. come storming back once I got lazy in December, started eating poorly and drinking more beer. That proved to me that it's not a "lose the weight you want and go back to your unfit lifestyle." It has to be maintained forever.

    130 lbs. can be safely lost in approximately 32-65 weeks, assuming a rate of 2-4 lbs./week. I emphasize "safely" because that's what all the BS diets and exercises DON'T take into account. That can all be accomplished, but takes dedication, hard work, and a mindset toward not only clean, healthy foods but also the right kinds and right amounts.

    Every body is different, so you may need different things than someone else but ultimately, it's "less calories in than you're using." For exercises, there are PLENTY of options that don't all require spending a bunch of money on equipment or memberships that can be done in fairly reasonable time. But it does take commitment to keep up with it.


    I think I came accross wrong in what I was trying to say. I can comfortably walk for several miles and not get out of breath or feel tired. But the minutr I try to push myself in to doing anything more then I end up out of breath and struggling. I was looking at the C 2 5k but wasnt sure if this would work. I have never been a runner.