Man to Man: A Support System for Men



  • operator
    Hey guys,

    I hae been out of the loop over the past week and a half, but i am still hanging and banging. Yeh and there is no easy fix to weigth loss. You just gotta do it. I have a hell of a time on the weekends. I work my butt off all week and on the it is alll downhill.

    I am goign to post about this in a new thread, but guys I just wanted to say WASAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!
  • FitbitConnor
    FitbitConnor Posts: 143 Member


    I think I came accross wrong in what I was trying to say. I can comfortably walk for several miles and not get out of breath or feel tired. But the minutr I try to push myself in to doing anything more then I end up out of breath and struggling. I was looking at the C 2 5k but wasnt sure if this would work. I have never been a runner.

    Hey ryerbury,
    I just started C25K and recommend it! I started at around 250lbs and like you enjoyed long walks and i liked cycling but jogging and running just about wrecked me after a minute! Since i started to make changes three weeks ago i started out walking 40mins twice a day on my breaks at work, then i dropped one and started my own kind of 'interval' jogging. Doing the C25k gives you both an achievable goal and a structure to stick to and its only three sessions per week. If you like swimming then thats always a great option because its good CV exercise for your whole body and its not high impact like jogging/running. I am not really a keen swimmer otherwise i would be doing it and saving my knees!
    Any kind of CV training is going to be good at burning off calories but dont forget to do some resistance exercise as well because the bigger the muscle, the more calories they use! (freeweights, sit ups, press ups, etc)

    Good luck!

  • FitbitConnor
    FitbitConnor Posts: 143 Member
    Hey guys,

    I hae been out of the loop over the past week and a half, but i am still hanging and banging. Yeh and there is no easy fix to weigth loss. You just gotta do it. I have a hell of a time on the weekends. I work my butt off all week and on the it is alll downhill.

    I am goign to post about this in a new thread, but guys I just wanted to say WASAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!

    Man the weekends SUCK!!! ive been doing this for three weeks now and every weekend has been a fail, going to put in an extra effort to kick *kitten* this weekend and stick to my diet as its scfrewing up all the work im doing thru the week...
  • r1chy
    r1chy Posts: 48
    thanks gixercon,

    As well as the c25k I was looking at the one hundred pushups and also the two hundred situps. I understand these are simple but effective strength training that i can do without paying for a gym membership. Anyone else tried these?
  • shutterbug4674
    shutterbug4674 Posts: 3,690 Member
    thanks gixercon,

    As well as the c25k I was looking at the one hundred pushups and also the two hundred situps. I understand these are simple but effective strength training that i can do without paying for a gym membership. Anyone else tried these?

    May the force be with you! :drinker:
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    I say we post our weights on Monday and challenge each other in Feb.
  • r1chy
    r1chy Posts: 48
    I am game for a bit of a challenge
  • anibabaa
    Hi guys,

    I'm new to this community, any advice on how to get ripped? I need all the help I can get. please help a brother out. I'm 6'5" tall and currently weigh 220lbs which is overweight. I've been going to the gym doing hard bench presses and other muscle building exercises but with little results. I can press up to 140 pounds for up to 3 sets of ten reps. I do so many others but no significant results. please advise what might I be doing wrong?

    Many thanks
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Hi guys,

    I'm new to this community, any advice on how to get ripped? I need all the help I can get. please help a brother out. I'm 6'5" tall and currently weigh 220lbs which is overweight. I've been going to the gym doing hard bench presses and other muscle building exercises but with little results. I can press up to 140 pounds for up to 3 sets of ten reps. I do so many others but no significant results. please advise what might I be doing wrong?

    Many thanks

    First of all, welcome. I wish I could be more help but I only suggest more cardio. I was always diehard about weightlifting but I am learning cardio is a great weight loss tool. None of us are geniuses in here but together we can figure things out.

    Good luck.
  • daved71
    daved71 Posts: 65 Member
    Welcome to the site. As for posting weightson Monday's, I'm in. Is there a certain time of day that everyone likes to weigh themselves on or is there a best time. I generally try to hit the scales in the morning before I eat anything
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Hi guys,

    I'm new to this community, any advice on how to get ripped? I need all the help I can get. please help a brother out. I'm 6'5" tall and currently weigh 220lbs which is overweight. I've been going to the gym doing hard bench presses and other muscle building exercises but with little results. I can press up to 140 pounds for up to 3 sets of ten reps. I do so many others but no significant results. please advise what might I be doing wrong?

    Many thanks
    Ripped? You mean hard exposed muscle? 6 pack abs, bicep veins and all that? It really has very little to do with muscle mass and every thing to do with bodyfat percentage. You're a grown man, you probably have a decent musculature as it is. If you're not "ripped" it's 'cause them muskles are hidden under a blanket of bodyfat. Do you have any idea what your bodyfat percentage is?

    Generally, any male with bodyfat <12% will be seriously ripped up. (Note: you do not have to be big to be ripped. Remember the gonky kid in that movie "Road Trip"? Skinny as a stick, but cut). Guys in the 13% to 17% bracket should be able to see abs and be pretty decent. Guys at 18% or more will generally look kind'a squishy.

    To build mass you need to feed well enough to grow - which can also make you squishy, and to "get ripped" you need to feed low enough to lose bodyfat and burn a lot of calories off with cardio. So the 2 are really 2 different issues with 2 different approaches. This is why bodybuilders go through "mass building" cycles for a couple months, and then go through "cutting" cycles where they change their training and nutrition.

    Google "bodybuilding cutting" and read and learn. I'm off for a month right now, and then I'll get back to mass building for Feb through April or so, and then cut to get ready for beach season. You can do it, just learn how, decide to do it, and do it!

    ((biggest tip for getting ripped - cardio cardio cardio, and don't eat anything white. No flour/bread/potatoes/rice,,, fill the diet with low carbs-lots of protein and dark green leafy stuff))

    And welcome aboard.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Welcome to the site. As for posting weightson Monday's, I'm in. Is there a certain time of day that everyone likes to weigh themselves on or is there a best time. I generally try to hit the scales in the morning before I eat anything

    First thing in the morning naked. Praying no one sees me.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Oh, trust me, us girls are all popping in here and peeking at you! lol
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Oh, trust me, us girls are all popping in here and peeking at you! lol
    I weigh first thing in the morning,,, naked. And I don't care who sees me! Hehehe... I'm thinking of scheduling a physical so someone 'sides the wife and I can see. :laugh:

    Step right up honey, the more the merrier. I can stand it if you can.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Thanks for the invite... I'm a nakey first thing in the morning weigher myself. Now, I'll just quietly lurk again, and let you all bask in the joy of male bonding....
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    CasperO, You are a naughty boy!!!:noway: :laugh: :laugh: But that's ok, we are all adults here, though I have been told I may be in my second childhood.:laugh: They are WRONG, of course. I am still in my first.:bigsmile:

    Seriously guys--I wish you all every success. I drop in to lurk here from time to time because I have referred some of our newer male MFP'rs to this thread when they sounded a little lost in the "MFP female wilderness". Since many of you are "men of few words" this thread often doesn't appear in the recent post area where a newbie is more likely to see it, so I try to give a little extra publicity to it to increase the number of participants. There are at least 4 or 5 that I have seen post here since I let them know about it.

    Keep up the good work guys!!!
  • r1chy
    r1chy Posts: 48
    Arrgh the females ar e spying on us!!

    I feel somewhat violated now :wink:
  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    Arrgh the females ar e spying on us!!

    I feel somewhat violated now :wink:

    Of course females are spying on us, we look good standing on scales naked :wink: :laugh:
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Oh, trust me, us girls are all popping in here and peeking at you! lol
    I weigh first thing in the morning,,, naked. And I don't care who sees me! Hehehe... I'm thinking of scheduling a physical so someone 'sides the wife and I can see. :laugh:

    Step right up honey, the more the merrier. I can stand it if you can.

    Thats because you worked your butt off (literally) and reached your goals. You should feel like that.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Arrgh the females ar e spying on us!!

    I feel somewhat violated now :wink:

    Of course females are spying on us, we look good standing on scales naked :wink: :laugh:

    Just not in the same room together...that would be wierd.

    Heck hopefully by the end of April I would be willing to post my weighin. (but just willing)