would you discipline someone for disciplining your child?

taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
had to be asked...


  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I don't have any children but if I did, I would discipline someone that disciplined my children. I would also expect to be disciplined for disciplining someone for disciplining my child, and I would expect the person disciplining me for discipling the person that was disciplining my child to be disciplined.
  • LisaR517
    It depends on the person. Sometimes, raising kids really does take a village. Other times, how things are phrased by other people irks me, and I'm like, I'll discipline my own kid thankyouverymuch.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    :laugh: Well... I feel that if my child is acting out and I have been given ample opportunity to say something to him and I don't... by all means go ahead and say something. However, make sure that whatever he is doing is REALLY TRULY out of line because if you open your beak in his direction and he IS behaving ok and you are just being an Ahole, kid hating adult, I for SURE am going to have something to say to YOU.
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    I had such cynical view of my teachers when I was in school...I feel for my child's teachers when he gets there.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    I is totally dependant on the situation.
    If my 11 year old Son is acting like an idiot in class and the teacher diciplines him, then I have no problems with that whatsoever.
    If my same Son is playing outside on a Saturday afternoon and someone diciplines him for being too loud, well, NOW we have a problem.
  • ashleen7
    ashleen7 Posts: 258 Member
    If my child misbehaved enough to warrant discipline then it is up to the responsible adult present to take care of the situation. However, discipline is not synonymous with spanking or hitting my child. If somebody hit them, they would have to be prepared to put me out permanently, cos I'll be coming for you!
  • wlkumpf
    wlkumpf Posts: 241 Member
    I don't want my child to think that I will make excuses for them. I want them to face penalties for their actions. I learned very early (many parents don't ) that the kids WILL play you! They will give you every reason they shouldn't be in trouble and how it wasn't their fault or it was an accident. While you want to believe your child, and your child should trust you. I think you need to almost be an investigator or accept that at times someone else may have to help parent your child,.

    I tell my kids it is their choice to behave or misbehave, but to understand they will face consequences. I even told them sometimes it may be worth the consequences, but they need to always choose carefully.

    I look at the parents who always make excuses or never see that their child is capable of lying. These are the kids who get in the most trouble and will bully. The ones who make a teachers day He!!. Parents need to learn to guide their children, sometimes with help, not have kids and want to pretend their child is perfect.
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member
    it's NEVER cool for anyone other than me or my husband to discipline OUR children. you try that, or telling MY kid what they should or shouldn't do, i will fly off the handle and you won't be around my kids anymore.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    it's NEVER cool for anyone other than me or my husband to discipline OUR children. you try that, or telling MY kid what they should or shouldn't do, i will fly off the handle and you won't be around my kids anymore.

    ^^ This
  • wlkumpf
    wlkumpf Posts: 241 Member
    I should add, I have asked older children to please not climb on the top of slides or on the top of playground equipment. I mean some of those are 20 foot up, that is not how it was intended to be played with. I assume if your child is putting themself in danger y ou would want a stranger to recommend they stop. I wouldn't ever punish someone though. I have said it so it looks like I am asking that they set a good example for my kids, because I don't want my kids to do that.

    You can see the same playground from our pool and everytime someone seems to climb up on top, I remind my children they are never to do that and if I ever find out they do there will be punishments at home.

    I saw a small child being bullied at our grade school as well, little boy was almost crying while 4th or 5th grader had him pushed against a wall. I yelled at him for about 10 minutes and told him if I ever saw him do it again I would call the police. The school has a no involvement policy after hours, I told him I do not have that as my personal policy. I am sure his parents think he is an angel and can do no wrong. 2 other kids threw rocks at my daycare child and I told them the same thing. I wILL call the police on any bullying.

    remember, while you may not want your child punished by someone else, what if he is on the other end and is treated badly, do you want the instigator or bully punished? I don't mean physically, but I do mean with recess taken away or a no physical punishment.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    My (and my wife's) discipline for most anything is standing the kids in the corner. What bugs me is when we are in public and I need to put one of the kids in the corner, it never fails some stranger comes up walks right past the parent and tries to console my child. I just want to tell them to "back the **** off, they did something wrong dip ****, I'm not doing it for fun".
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    it's NEVER cool for anyone other than me or my husband to discipline OUR children. you try that, or telling MY kid what they should or shouldn't do, i will fly off the handle and you won't be around my kids anymore.

    I can see this. I would prefer they come to me first. and then I would decide the course of action.
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member
    I should add, I have asked older children to please not climb on the top of slides or on the top of playground equipment. I mean some of those are 20 foot up, that is not how it was intended to be played with. I assume if your child is putting themself in danger y ou would want a stranger to recommend they stop. I wouldn't ever punish someone though. I have said it so it looks like I am asking that they set a good example for my kids, because I don't want my kids to do that.

    This isn't cool either. As long as mine aren't being completely stupid like walking into oncoming heavy traffic where they will surely get ran over and killed, don't tell them how you think they should play or how high up you think they should be. I'm always there watching them, if I feel they are in danger *I* will do something about it. I don't need some stranger telling my kids what they need to be doing when I'm right there supervising. You telling them to stop makes me encourage them even more. :X
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    No kids here, but it always depends on the situation.
  • mhouston2011
    Ask a room of school teachers and see what answers you get :laugh:
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    Depends on what my little brat was up to, and was I out to lunch at the time not noticing? Etc. Too many factors involved.

    At school, I think they should discipline. They don't around here and the majority of the little hoodlums have no respect for anybody anymore. So many parents now days think their prescious little snowflakes do nothing wrong and they fight for their brats to be brats. Grrr.
  • clarechieri
    clarechieri Posts: 60 Member
    It really depends but if they where at a friends or at school I wouldn't get upset if the adult in charge told them off for being bad. They have to learn to have respect for their elders or the rules of where they are.
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    If it is family or close friends and I am not around, I am fine with it. Teacher at school, OK, within reason. If I am around, let me do the disciplining. If you are a stranger and choose to discipline one of my kids, I am going to choose to bury you were you stand.
  • alsunrise
    alsunrise Posts: 386 Member
    It depends on the setting... My mom keeps my kids when they aren't in school and I wish she WOULD discipline them. I'm ok with teachers doing it also. But we have a couple that we're friends with that we've gone a couple rounds with because they wanted to 'be mom and dad' to my kids and not to their own little brat (and when my kids are at home playing and you're a guest in our home, I don't need you telling my kids what to do or what not to do, if you don't like it the door is right there... use it)
  • wlkumpf
    wlkumpf Posts: 241 Member
    these kids are donig something like walking into traffic. THere is no barrier, it is the top roof part they are sitting on like 4 kids at at time. I have yet to see a single parent along. I am pretty sure mom and dad tell them to go play and don't care where they are as long as it isnt at home. The behviour of these kids tell me it is only a matter of time before one of them pushes another off.