would you discipline someone for disciplining your child?



  • tigerlinly
    tigerlinly Posts: 219 Member
    it would depend on what my child didalot of my childs friends their parents and i grew up togther so there is an understanding when they were little they could be disiplined if they were totally out of hand, alot of times they start getting to wild and out of ahnd allwe would have to say is u mess up here not only willi discipline u but theni would call your mom anf tell her why i diciplined u very rarely were they dicsiplined
  • kit8806
    kit8806 Posts: 222 Member
    It all depends on the discipline given and if my daughter was truely misbehaving. If she mouths off to a teacher or throws things around in school (4 years old, the school, myself and her therapist have been working with her!) I have no problems with the teachers parking her butt in the office in a time away... but if ANYONE raises a hand to my child for any reason, you better run like h*ll.
  • mhouston2011

    Good luck with that ;)

    I've had good luck with that for 12 years and counting. ;) And never once had a problem or had to tell anyone off, nor have ever had anyone try to say/do anything. I guess my horrible children are just too sneaky to get caught huh?

    When does your parenting show debut on TV...right after Dr. Oz??
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    It's my responsibility to make sure my son behaves. If I'm not doing my job and my son is bothering someone, that person has the right to say something about it. For example, we were eating at a friend's house, and I didn't notice my son rocking the stool back and forth. The friend's husband asked my son quietly to stop, and he did. This is appopriate. It's his house, and he doesn't want the floor messed up. As long as someone is respectful of my son and not asking something unreasonable, I see no problem with it.

    I agree that the parents who defend their "precious angels" from every negative word are a problem. Growing up, I knew that if I got in trouble at school, I'd get 10 times worse at home and they'd believe the teachers over me unless I had a really good case. I was a kid, and adults were to be respected. Of course, my four-year-old is ADHD and defiant, so he's a problem at daycare, but it's not for want of his parents trying to reign in his behavior. We're working together with the teachers to try to figure out what will work for him.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    My kid wouldn't be needing the discipline. If he did say something out of line I would have no problem with someone telling him to be nice or behave.

    My friend brings her 5 year old daughter to our bowling leagues all the time and she has been seriously acting out lately. I bought her a sprite one night and she say next to me and said repeatedly, "I want food, get me food!" I told her I used all my money on her soda (her mom usually doesn't have extra for spending). Last night she asked her mom for some change for the candy machine and she gave her a few quarters. She came back and said she wanted a light-up toy from the machine in the arcade, so I gave her the 50 cents, no big deal at all. She came back with the little plastic ball and the toy was broken. She threw a fit and said she wanted another one. The rest of the my teammates told her that sometimes those cheap toys stick and are a waste and that she could still play with it even though she didn't have the lights working on it. She then drilled us about the change on our table and said repeatedly " I want a new one!". My bff doesn't tolerate kids as well and said to her, "You should be thankful that Mandy even bought you one! Complaining about a gift won't make it better!"

    Needless to say, I won't be giving that girl any more money or drinks. Her mom makes her get drinks from the water fountain and I think it should stay that way!
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    Depends on the situation. If my children are at risk of hurting themselves or another child and I am not there or I do not see it, then go for it. If on the other hand you correct my child in front of me...well expect the backfire coming. If my children are in your care and I'm not there, I expect my children to be corrected in an appropriate manner (no yelling, no spanking/hitting). And heaven forbid you tell me how I should/shouldn't raise my children. None of your damn business!
  • Chapter3point6
    it's NEVER cool for anyone other than me or my husband to discipline OUR children. you try that, or telling MY kid what they should or shouldn't do, i will fly off the handle and you won't be around my kids anymore.

    If I see your child misbehaving without around, I am going to say something to him/her. The last thing I will be concerned about is you or your husband's potential negative reaction.
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member
    it's NEVER cool for anyone other than me or my husband to discipline OUR children. you try that, or telling MY kid what they should or shouldn't do, i will fly off the handle and you won't be around my kids anymore.

    I understand where you are coming from, but what about teachers? They have to be able to have some control over the kids or else they won't be able to get anything done, right?

    teachers controlling a classroom isn't the same as someone at the park telling my kids what to do. i'm fine with what both schools do. oldest will get detention, or sent to the office with a phone call home. youngest is in K so they do redirection and sitting out for so long at recess. i'm not a fan of public schools in the first place, so i'd have no problem pulling them out to homeschool if it went much further than that.
  • gloriapiz55
    gloriapiz55 Posts: 73 Member
    I don't want my child to think that I will make excuses for them. I want them to face penalties for their actions. I learned very early (many parents don't ) that the kids WILL play you! They will give you every reason they shouldn't be in trouble and how it wasn't their fault or it was an accident. While you want to believe your child, and your child should trust you. I think you need to almost be an investigator or accept that at times someone else may have to help parent your child,.

    I tell my kids it is their choice to behave or misbehave, but to understand they will face consequences. I even told them sometimes it may be worth the consequences, but they need to always choose carefully.

    I look at the parents who always make excuses or never see that their child is capable of lying. These are the kids who get in the most trouble and will bully. The ones who make a teachers day He!!. Parents need to learn to guide their children, sometimes with help, not have kids and want to pretend their child is perfect.

    I totally agree!
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    "mama bear" I am too.
    I think it depends on what the child is doing. . .

    for instance. . . if my parents are wathcing my daughter (shes 2) and she acts out i expect them to disciplin her as to teach her right from wrong. . .

    but , if shes acting out in a store in a mall, and someone yells at her for whatever the reason. . . i WILL make the person cry. . . no body but my baby sitters, and or family can disciplin my child. . .
  • Mamabug224
    Mamabug224 Posts: 1 Member
    Depends, but my child is pretty well behaved. My family members are more than welcome to discipline him if they feel he is acting out, ESPECIALLY if he is at their house. If he is at a friend's house, I fully expect those parents to call me to talk about the issues/rules being broken and send my kid home to be disciplined. Now, if a complete stranger were to yell at my kid for something when we were in public, that is not cool-you come to me and tell me what he is doing wrong and I will decide if punishment is warranted.
  • wlkumpf
    wlkumpf Posts: 241 Member
    I must stop looking at this thread or I am going to lose my EVER LOVING MIND! What is going to happen when your kid breaks the law. Are you going to say "bad Mr. Police Man! My angel can only be disciplined by ME, how dare you go above my authority! "

    I know, right? You have no idea what your child does when you are not around. You can not under any circumstances watch your child 100 %/ every second AND kids goals are not to get into trouble. Thier version (even if accurate in their mind) is only thier version.

    I was hoping more parents would say if their child were the one being bullied they would want someone to intervene. Because if you don't want someone to intervene when your child is the bully, how would you feel with role reversal?

    I will always help a child find an adult if they look lost. I will always stand up for anyone being bullied and therefore against a bully. I will always say something when a child looks like they are putting themselves or others in danger. I will NEVER hit or spank someone elses child. Unfortunately these days I assume if I stop a behavior that is a danger I expect the child to lie and the parent to believe them :( So one of these days I fully expect a ticked off parent to call. BUT I will take that consequence to avoid an injury on the playground or someone to feel threatened at a place that should be safe.
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member

    Good luck with that ;)

    I've had good luck with that for 12 years and counting. ;) And never once had a problem or had to tell anyone off, nor have ever had anyone try to say/do anything. I guess my horrible children are just too sneaky to get caught huh?

    When does your parenting show debut on TV...right after Dr. Oz??

    I'm not a perfect parent. LMAO. I just do what I do. Sorry if you can't believe that someone actually has good children.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
  • RavenhairedWoman
    RavenhairedWoman Posts: 661 Member
    This is one of those things that it really depends on the situation and the way you yourself were raised. My idea of acceptable punishment is going to be vastly different from the next person's. Then again, when I was a kid and I bit a girl on the back at daycare my mom got called to a meeting with the daycare board. They asked her what she was going to do to punish me. So in front of them all she spun me around and bit me on the back. They were all mortified, but my mom just said "there, now she knows that biting hurts and it is bad". That crap would get you arrested now-a-days but I didn't bite any other kids so it certainly worked. BTW this was only like 24 years ago. Wow.. now I feel old :p.

    Anyway, I think it all depends on the child to. Some kids need a firmer hand, others are meeker in manner and don't need much to keep them in line.
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    it's NEVER cool for anyone other than me or my husband to discipline OUR children. you try that, or telling MY kid what they should or shouldn't do, i will fly off the handle and you won't be around my kids anymore.

    If I see your child misbehaving without around, I am going to say something to him/her. The last thing I will be concerned about is you or your husband's potential negative reaction.


    When I'm in a public place and a child is running around, screaming, throwing things, bumping into people, and the parent is doing NOTHING.......I am going to address that child. Don't like it? Learn to control your kids.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I is totally dependant on the situation.
    If my 11 year old Son is acting like an idiot in class and the teacher diciplines him, then I have no problems with that whatsoever.
    If my same Son is playing outside on a Saturday afternoon and someone diciplines him for being too loud, well, NOW we have a problem.

    My thoughts.
  • _KatieKat
    yes I would!! People need to mind their own business, but no one ever need to disipline my child because her behavior in public was perfect!
  • jaysayres
    I concur....
  • kehuizenga
    If my kid's bothering someone else, or about to physically endanger themselves, of course they have the right to say "stop that".

    Thank you. I was a lifeguard for several years and sometimes had parents who would get mad at me if I made their child take a timeout. Little did they know, precious had nearly caused another child to drown. Now I am not a lifeguard and have no children, but still say things to kids sometimes, especially if they are endangering themselves or another person. I live by "if you see something, say something...or do something" (Needless to say I have also called 911 on a few occasions when I saw something that was amiss.)