would you discipline someone for disciplining your child?



  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member
    it's NEVER cool for anyone other than me or my husband to discipline OUR children. you try that, or telling MY kid what they should or shouldn't do, i will fly off the handle and you won't be around my kids anymore.
    As a teacher I know this is the wrong attitude to have. These are the parents that usually have the kids with the worst behavior.

    No, these are the parents with precious angels who can do no wrong

    I have good kids. They don't get in trouble in school, or if they do I've never been notified. It's very rare they are away from me unless they are at the grandparents. Of course they do wrong sometimes. They're kids. But I take my time with them, raise them properly to make good decisions. If they don't, that's where *I* step in. My 12 year old for example, points out kids that are like the ones YOU are talking about. They sure aren't perfect, but over my dead body will someone else go over my authority and disciple my kids or tell them what to do. If protecting my children from strangers (and yes, I see this as a major threat to my child) is the wrong attitude to have, I'll gladly accept that.
  • GaryRussell123456
    Lack of discipline is what's wrong with this world! Sorry!
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,723 Member
    :laugh: Well... I feel that if my child is acting out and I have been given ample opportunity to say something to him and I don't... by all means go ahead and say something. However, make sure that whatever he is doing is REALLY TRULY out of line because if you open your beak in his direction and he IS behaving ok and you are just being an Ahole, kid hating adult, I for SURE am going to have something to say to YOU.

  • GypsysBloodRose26
    GypsysBloodRose26 Posts: 341 Member
    Did your child do something wrong? Were you there to correct that behavior? If you weren't, and someone else was and they implemented an appropriate punishment, no. If it wasn't appropriate, then there would be hell to pay.

    People have very different definitions of "appropriate", though. I spanked my child...she's 17 now and I still WOULD spank her if she deserved it. There are people who would call CPS if they saw me spank her, then or now. Thankfully, my child listened when I spoke and I've not had to spank her or even ground/restrict her much since she was around 4.

    I'm blessed. :laugh:

    Point here. I have no issues spanking, but I would never spank someone else's child and I would expect the same. I would tell the child if they don't stop, I will tell their parents. If I know the parents spank, the kid will think about it.
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    it's NEVER cool for anyone other than me or my husband to discipline OUR children. you try that, or telling MY kid what they should or shouldn't do, i will fly off the handle and you won't be around my kids anymore.
    As a teacher I know this is the wrong attitude to have. These are the parents that usually have the kids with the worst behavior.

    No, these are the parents with precious angels who can do no wrong

    Exactly. I can pretty much guarantee I wouldn't want to be around these kids in the first place, so no loss there! I have too many friends who are teachers who are subject to this attitude. "Don't correct my child... I'll do it when they get home." Well, if you were correcting them at home they would know better than acting out at school. (Not talking about little things... everyone acts up. I mean behavioral issues.)

    I am constantly observing rotten behavior in public with parents standing idly by. This would include vile language, rambunctious and rude behavior in public places, and not sitting in a NON FAMILY restaurant (running to other tables, having conversations with other diners.) Kids are kids... and they should have fun. But if they are in an adult location they should behave or their parents should remove them from the situation and take them somewhere appropriate. However, I know not to say ANYTHING to strangers about their children's behavior unless a law/public safety concern is in play.

    When it comes to children of family and friends, I have every right (especially if they are in MY home) to tell them what is and what isn't acceptable behavior if they cross a line that their parents have set. However, most of my friends and family have beautifully behaved children and it rarely is an issue. My friends and family trust me to enforce their rules when I am in charge of their children, and any rules I have that we've discussed prior to a visit or babysitting adventure!

    Assumption: we're talking about non-physical punishment here! Time outs, verbal reprimands, etc.
  • stephanieb72
    stephanieb72 Posts: 390 Member
    it's NEVER cool for anyone other than me or my husband to discipline OUR children. you try that, or telling MY kid what they should or shouldn't do, i will fly off the handle and you won't be around my kids anymore.
    As a teacher I know this is the wrong attitude to have. These are the parents that usually have the kids with the worst behavior.

    No, these are the parents with precious angels who can do no wrong

    I have good kids. They don't get in trouble in school, or if they do I've never been notified. It's very rare they are away from me unless they are at the grandparents. Of course they do wrong sometimes. They're kids. But I take my time with them, raise them properly to make good decisions. If they don't, that's where *I* step in. My 12 year old for example, points out kids that are like the ones YOU are talking about. They sure aren't perfect, but over my dead body will someone else go over my authority and disciple my kids or tell them what to do. If protecting my children from strangers (and yes, I see this as a major threat to my child) is the wrong attitude to have, I'll gladly accept that.

    Good luck with that ;)
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member

    As an situationed example... I was at the park with my kids a few weeks ago playing in the water-feature. There were several picknicking families (us included) with babies and toddlers, as well as some young kids and slightly older kids. There were a couple of boys who kept throwing fist sized rocks toward another boy in our area. One of the random mothers told him to "Please stop throwing rocks." The boys didn't listen. They kept throwing rocks into the same vicinity as the babies, toddlers and younger kids. I completely lost my *kitten*. I stood up and YELLED for them to DROP THE ROCKS and stop throwing them. I explained that there were babies and they were going to hit someone with a rock. The kids dropped the rocks and stopped throwing them. Mission accomplished. Their parents were ALLLLL the way across the park under a cabana, enjoying some type of gathering-- letting their kids run amock and do whatever they wanted with zero supervision. They had NO idea that I had just "disciplined" their boys. I would have "disciplined" them if they would have said anything to me about it. LOL! Kidding.

    This is why you don't be a stupid parent. My oldest is 12, and even at that age I would NEVER be on the other side of a park and just let her run free. Stay with your kids and WATCH them. No matter how old they are.
  • downinaggieland98
    downinaggieland98 Posts: 224 Member
    it's NEVER cool for anyone other than me or my husband to discipline OUR children. you try that, or telling MY kid what they should or shouldn't do, i will fly off the handle and you won't be around my kids anymore.


    With the exception of teachers, then I'd expect to know about it and what the issue is.

    Ok I have to add, I think discipline, I think some kind of physical discipline... not just verbal correction.
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    My wife and I both have advanced degrees...we're both absolutely going to be THOSE parents who know everything better than our son's teachers...

    Considering my jaded view as the smart kid in the small town...I really feel for my son's teachers. Hopefully he is like me and the worst thing he ever does is do his work too well and annoy teachers because he's bored.

    As for you... teachers have advanced degrees. They have to in order to teach, at least in most states. You won't know more than a seasoned teacher about child behavior,psychology or education. (Unless your advanced degree is in education.) Best adjust that attitude before you send your precious peanut to school.

    Also, must have been lonely growing up as "THE" smart kid in town. This kind of arrogance is what drives teachers batty.
  • stephanieb72
    stephanieb72 Posts: 390 Member
    I must stop looking at this thread or I am going to lose my EVER LOVING MIND! What is going to happen when your kid breaks the law. Are you going to say "bad Mr. Police Man! My angel can only be disciplined by ME, how dare you go above my authority! "
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    Did your child do something wrong? Were you there to correct that behavior? If you weren't, and someone else was and they implemented an appropriate punishment, no. If it wasn't appropriate, then there would be hell to pay.

    People have very different definitions of "appropriate", though. I spanked my child...she's 17 now and I still WOULD spank her if she deserved it. There are people who would call CPS if they saw me spank her, then or now. Thankfully, my child listened when I spoke and I've not had to spank her or even ground/restrict her much since she was around 4.

    I'm blessed. :laugh:

    Point here. I have no issues spanking, but I would never spank someone else's child and I would expect the same. I would tell the child if they don't stop, I will tell their parents. If I know the parents spank, the kid will think about it.

    Right.....I'd not allow anyone else to spank her (with the exception of family/friends). I did fail to mention that bit....... :blushing:

    But I agree with another poster....parents obey their kids now and that really is NOT ok. Most children today have a dreadful lack of respect for authority, little to no empathy for anyone less fortunate than them, they're all spoiled and this "You're all winners!" bullsh*t is going to leave us with a bunch of talentless, no drive, low ambition adults running our country when we get old.

    Ok...rant over. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Chapter3point6
    Every single answer to this post should have started off with IT DEPENDS.

    IT DEPENDS on the situation.

    IT DEPENDS what you mean by discipline.
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member

    Good luck with that ;)

    I've had good luck with that for 12 years and counting. ;) And never once had a problem or had to tell anyone off, nor have ever had anyone try to say/do anything. I guess my horrible children are just too sneaky to get caught huh?
  • TattedXMomXStace
    I think it depends on what the child is doing. . .

    for instance. . . if my parents are wathcing my daughter (shes 2) and she acts out i expect them to disciplin her as to teach her right from wrong. . .

    but , if shes acting out in a store in a mall, and someone yells at her for whatever the reason. . . i WILL make the person cry. . . no body but my baby sitters, and or family can disciplin my child. . .
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 682 Member
    Depends on what the child was doing and how they were disciplined
  • BGSchultz
    BGSchultz Posts: 12 Member
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I didn't take any crap from my kids so no one ever had to go over my head to discipline them. But, in theory, if my kid was misbehaving and someone said something to them, I would probably approve. It can take a village to raise a child and I would be grateful if someone was pointing out bad behavior by my kid.

    Of course I am probably in the minority. :happy:
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    I must stop looking at this thread or I am going to lose my EVER LOVING MIND! What is going to happen when your kid breaks the law. Are you going to say "bad Mr. Police Man! My angel can only be disciplined by ME, how dare you go above my authority! "

    BWAHAHAHA!!! This^^^^^^^
  • healthymom76
    healthymom76 Posts: 99 Member
    it's NEVER cool for anyone other than me or my husband to discipline OUR children. you try that, or telling MY kid what they should or shouldn't do, i will fly off the handle and you won't be around my kids anymore.

    I understand where you are coming from, but what about teachers? They have to be able to have some control over the kids or else they won't be able to get anything done, right?
  • TattedXMomXStace
    My wife and I both have advanced degrees...we're both absolutely going to be THOSE parents who know everything better than our son's teachers...

    Considering my jaded view as the smart kid in the small town...I really feel for my son's teachers. Hopefully he is like me and the worst thing he ever does is do his work too well and annoy teachers because he's bored.

    BTW my sister has an advanced degree for emotional and behavorial students . . . she works with inner city kids. . and teaches them. . . and shes NOT one of those parents. . . . those preconceived notions should be put behind u. . .

    Ive been in the classroom while she taught and these children with behavioral problems would BEAT, literally HIT and BEAT my sister if they didnt like what she was doing. . . her AND her teaching aids had to disciplin those children to teach them right from wrong. . . so i would DEFINATELY agree that teachers can and should disciplin children.