Your engagement ring/wedding set



  • janeendanyll
    janeendanyll Posts: 1 Member
    My husband actually went on his own, then asked my sister for a few suggestions. It was a complete surprise and he did a great job picking something that I would like. LOL...he's so proud.
  • juicy_cat
    juicy_cat Posts: 145 Member
    he hasn't proposed and maybe never will but he knows what I want if he wear it for a long time...
  • kdelost630
    My fiance and I were together for five years before he proposed, so we knew it was coming. He took me to several stores to shop together, saying he would know which one I loved by my reaction. Then, when we found the ring I wanted, he asked me to wander the store while he put some surprising touches on it. He kept the diamond the same, but switched out the side diamonds for emeralds, which are my favorite gem. So sweet and a nice surprise when he finally did propose about a month after we picked out the ring. :)

    But I will say, it's nice to shop together. I was never one of those girls who looked at rings beforehand so I had NO idea what I wanted. Plus, it was really fun to try on all those rings!
  • SunshineGRL76
    SunshineGRL76 Posts: 108 Member
    I cut out the picture of the Cartier ring I wanted from a magazine, and my husband carried it around in his wallet with him every day. When it came time to pick my center stone, I gave him the spec's (4 C's), which I wanted, and was within budget...He picked it out, and I went to take a look at it, and feel in love. It's the ring I wear EVERYDAY!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    We had talked about getting married, so he took me to his families jeweler and let me design my own engagment ring. It had a 1/4 carat diamond in the middle and one both sides is a pink sapphire.



    Those are my two local friends :)
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Marriage #1- The ring itself was a complete surprise. I didn't know what I was getting until it was on my finger. It was small but good quality. We talked about upgrading at our 10 year anniversary when (hopefully) our finances would have been better.

    Marriage #2- I told him what features I wanted- princess cut, 3 stones, single ring not a set, blah blah. I'm sure we looked at pictures and talked about the rings a few of my friends and family had. I wasn't deadset on a particular ring, just a concept. It made him nervous to not have more specifics from me but he went to a jeweler and told him what I'd said and the guy custom designed my ring. I was very happy- he listened to what I said I wanted but he also had a say in the final design.

    I think if you have your heart set on a particular ring, you should either pick it out together or make sure he knows which one it is and where to get it. For something you plan on wearing every day for many years, you should be happy with the design. If that's less than romantic than just letting him do it all on his own, then so be it.
  • MaryRegs
    MaryRegs Posts: 272 Member
    my husband picked out the engagement ring-and we designed the wedding ring
  • tuiccim
    tuiccim Posts: 689 Member
    I had dropped some heavy hints about what I wanted (a pear shaped diamond, something with a matching band, etc.) My husband though researched diamonds and picked it out himself and I was totally surprised and pleased when he popped the question. I love mine!
  • michelejoann
    michelejoann Posts: 295 Member
    He asked me one day what kind of ring I liked.

    I said, vintage looking, princess cut, platinum or white gold.

    I received a custom-made, low-profile platinum ring with 7 diamonds on it. 6 little ones, and one larger one, all princess cut. I absolutely love it.

    Any band I get will either be a slim, plain platinum band, or one made to fit with the notches on my engagement ring.
  • ellehcimyelhsa
    My husband picked out a few and then asked his mom and sister for opinions. I love the set, and it is definitely something I would have picked myself. We had talked about it maybe once or twice before casually, months before he proposed.
  • ggcat
    ggcat Posts: 313 Member
    I want to be surprised! When the BF asks me about rings- I tell him I don't want to know- no hints. He has dropped a few hints on how he already has one picked and how much it costs- blah blah blah...I love surprises, and if he picks it out- I see it as much more meaningful. Plus, he has better taste than I I know he will get it right!

    Either way...I will love it no matter what- even if you can barely see the diamond! Being with him is already more than I have asked for.
  • MommaKit79
    We had talked about getting married and had already kinda picked a date. Then, while we were at the mall one day we decided to start looking around and decided on rings then. I didnt know when the sizing would be ready and he "officially" proposed at a surprise party he had arranged for me for my birthday a few months later.
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    We picked out our wedding rings together but my engagement ring he had to get from my's a family heirloom.
  • Tank_Girl
    Tank_Girl Posts: 372 Member
    we bought a cheap engagement ring new year as im not big into fussing over jewellery... The ring was just to please relatives... Think irs down the back of the sofa now

    Bought the wedding rings 2wks before the big day... Himself lost his ring not long after the wedding, I wear mine sometimes.

    For us we only did the white dress/church wedding for our parents, I hate weddings with a passion and our relationship isnt about
    1 expensive day wearing ridiculous clothes eating cake
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    My husband and I had discussed marriage. And we even went and looked at some rings. I tried some on and so he got an idea of what I liked. ( I was 17 and he was 19 at the time ) Either way he went and picked it out on his own, on his own time and then proposed out by the lake with a blanket and candles and food.

    Was very romantic. But see he fibbed on what we were doing.
    I was to go to my sisters and he said he found some baby ground hogs and wanted to show me. I was all excited. So we start walking out by the water and I see a blanket ( I thought he covered up the ground hogs and I didn't even notice the candles and food at first ha ) So then we sit down and eat and talk. Were both on our knees and he says I have something you've been wanting for a long time and I get excited and he hands me a Maroon 5 CD, true I had been wanting it. We laughed I said "ah you got me" then I get up and turn around to get my sandals on and I turn back around he's down on one knee and then asks me!
    My sister already had a congratulations card and everything when we got back to her house. It was the most amazing proposal for me.
  • aries7298
    aries7298 Posts: 225 Member
    When my husband proposed, it was unexpected to me (he had been married before and always said he wouldn't do it again) . He didn't have a ring picked out (he knew I didn't like "flashy"), we went the next day to look together. My son went with us, it was important to him that he helped pick what mommy would wear.... he was almost 7 at the time. We bought all the rings at the same time. :happy:
  • xXKatrinaXx
    He was going to buy a very inexpensive one because we didnt have the money for a super nice one. He showed his mom the ones he was looking at and then she said she had a very nice diamond ring she inherited and offered it to him! It is beautiful...and something we could have never afforded. He went and put it in a new band though :)
  • KaidaKantri
    I searched around with my Fiance and found exactly what I wanted. I told him what I wanted and showed him. I'm very picky with my jewelry, most of it I don' t like. He had picked out a ring for Christmas for me, and I love it, but it's seriously not what I would have picked at all. In the end it worked out great. I told him what I wanted and left it at that. He waited awhile, then proposed to me with that ring last December :)
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    We picked it out together....BUT without me knowing he had them give me a bigger diamond. Wedding bands we picked out together a week later.
  • zsaoosh
    zsaoosh Posts: 402 Member
    He asked me what I wanted so I sent pics. I told him I didnt want the exact ring I sent because I wanted him to find one he thought I would love from the pics I sent. HE DID GREAT! Blingy blingy! :love: