Your engagement ring/wedding set



  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I don't have a ring, we agreed we didn't care to spend the money on it. And we didn't really get engaged anyway, we just went off to vegas one weekend to make it all official like (so we could be on the same account for car insurance).

    How's that for romance?
  • BrazenHarpy
    BrazenHarpy Posts: 81 Member
    My husband and I pretty much knew we were going to get married as soon as we started dating (he was my best friend for seven years before we got around to dating). I let him pick out the ring because I wanted it to be from him, but I told him what my requirements were (ruby center stone, not ridiculously huge). He ended up picking a ring from Diamond Nexus, but showed it to me for approval before he bought it.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I was married and divorced in my early twenties, and I haven't seriously dated anyone since. I'm now going on 36 years old. I'd be happy just to HAVE an engagement/wedding ring as long as it's from the right man.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    Picked it out together - that way we were both happy with style and price. However we are both pretty practical. :happy:
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    My hubby wanted my e-ring to be a complete surprise, and it was. I had dropped a few hints here and there about what I liked, but never was like "buy me this when we get engaged", mostly because he had told me that his belief is that the ring should be a surprise for me, and it would ruin the surprise if I picked it out. Luckily, he has good taste. :) He bought a princess cut solitaire, so that it would be easy to match with different wedding rings or enhancers. We picked out our wedding rings together.
  • jesscaponigro
    jesscaponigro Posts: 114 Member
    My husband knew I wanted a princess cut single stone. He actually went to a jewler hand picked the diamond and the setting. I was clueless, he proposed on a Thursday in our home when we were eating dinner. As far as our wedding bands, we went and picked those out together a few months before we got married.
  • nursenessa1
    nursenessa1 Posts: 182 Member
    I found a costume jewelry ring I loved when I as shopping for brides maid jewelry. (My bff was getting married) When I met my husband a few years later he asked what I would like. I gave that ring to him and he had it made to exact scale in platinum and diamonds. It is breathtaking, and insured.
  • sl1ngsh0t
    sl1ngsh0t Posts: 326 Member
    We co-designed my first one, then a year later discovered I was allergic to white gold :( A lot of it is mixed with nickel which is what causes the reaction, so if you buy white gold, ASK if it's mixed with palladium (YES) or nickel (NO).

    -I picked out my replacement engagement & wedding ring set and my husband ok'd it. They're Tiffany & Co. 18kt. yellow gold, and the diamond is a modest .22ct in their Etoile setting. Both rings were bought post-consumer for a very affordable price. I love them! I gave my husband my late father's white and rose gold wedding band. It was better quality than most rings I have seen on the market plus the sentimental value is priceless.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,525 Member
    We went shopping together and tried on rings, but I did not pick one out specifically. I just let him know the ones that I liked. He took it from there and picked out the actual set.

    So glad to say that I can wear them again. When I got fat, I outgrew my rings and could not wear them. I was just about to have them re-sized when I found MFP and lost weight. I can wear my set again.
  • Birdie
    Birdie Posts: 256 Member
    He picked my ring and I hate it. The diamond was too big for me. I am not a jewelery person. I had always told him I wanted a plain gold band like one of my teachers had in school. Plain and simple. But he bought this diamond. I asked him if we could downsize it, but he said then it wouldn't be the ring he picked. Turns out I ended up working industrial jobs after we got married and couldn't wear a ring at work anyway. Then when I stopped working I started getting arthritis and still don't wear it. We've been married 18 years and the ring sits in a box, not on my finger.
  • saracatherine89
    saracatherine89 Posts: 291 Member
    Oh gosh. I'm not engaged yet, but we've talked about getting engaged and it's more of a question of "when" than "if" at this point.

    My boyfriend comes from a very conservative, old-fashioned family, whereas my family is a lot more modern and nontraditional. One night he overheard my cousin and I talking about rings/jewelry, and I was saying how I MUCH prefer white gold/silver/platinum to the classic gold color. Later that night he asked me about that conversation and he said he was kind of offended at how I was so against gold. He was all like, "Well what if I had already bought you a gold ****ty would I feel hearing how much you hate gold?" He said his mom, his grandma, etc all had gold rings and he always pictured getting me a gold ring. I told him that I'd love anything he got me, but I would be MUCH happier if he went the 'silver/white gold' route (he hadn't bought me a ring at that point loL). I guess he had just grown up seeing all of his maternal figures with gold jewelry and he had the conception that gold=engagement ring. Just recently when we were talking about rings again, he was like "You know're right. Seeing all of our engaged friends...they ALL have silver...and I agree it does look better!" So...I am happy he changed his mind a bit :)
  • tinamina78
    tinamina78 Posts: 241 Member
    When my husband & I talked about marriage, he would ask me small questions about shape or color of the gold. We never really talked about it much though, it was always a given we were gonna get married and I just trusted him to pick it for some reason. We actually saw a commercial on TV for a diamond I really liked and I just was like, "ohhh, I like that!" I never mentioned it again. He surprised me with a proposal after picking the ring all by himself and it was perfect! I'm glad I didn't shop with him or go on about it too much because it meant he had to put thought and time into it all on his own. And he did a good job :smile:
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    My husband picked it out on his own and then we picked out my wedding ring together. We had discussed what TYPE of ring I liked, more in a general sense. For example, I have very small hands and fingers and can't pull off a large ring and am more of a minimalist when jewelry is concerned. He picked perfectly!

    Edited to add....we got engaged at Christmas....after he had the ring box sitting under the tree for 2 weeks! *kitten*.....:laugh:
  • icyeyes317
    icyeyes317 Posts: 226 Member
    Ours is a bit funny. I picked out my engagement ring. It actually was a ring I've had for a long time, and it is a beautiful sapphire. (I'm not a diamond girl).

    When he proposed, he was in Virginia, driving in his car back from a party while I was in Ohio studying because I was in school. (OH---we had been the best of friends and secretly in love with each other for about 5 years).

    After the most adorable proposal ever, I went to look at rings. I found "THEPERFECT" ring. But it was rather expensive, so instead I settled for a simple white gold band...or so I thought...

    Fast forward 3 weeks to our wedding...he slipped the ring on my finger, I didn't look, because it was the simple band...or so I thought! Right after the "you may kiss the bride"... he said "You didn't even look yet...look at your hand"....

    Yep! It was "THEPERFECT" ring. He wanted our day to be even more memorable, so he surprised me.

    Boy do I love that man. =0)
  • tracpo
    tracpo Posts: 73 Member
    We had been talking about marriage and he'd asked what kind of rings I liked so when we'd shop I'd show him stuff in the windows. One day he said something like you know I want to marry you right so I want you to have something you like so we went to a nice jewelry store and did serious window shopping one day. He asked me to pick out 3 that were my favorites. We didn't buy that day he went back later and picked out a setting out the three I liked and picked out the center stone, size, quality, etc. all on his own. I had one I loved more than the others and he must've been able to tell because that's the one he picked. The proposal was a surprise and the ring I got a surprise but yet he knew I'd like it. Funny thing is I ended up being allergic to the gold so we changed it up a few years later and I did that all on my own he was fine with whatever I picked at that point.
  • bullisnn82
    I wish I had a romantic story to tell, but I don't - He proposed to me without a ring, later we went to a store that was having a jewelry sale (I had seen a ring I thought was beautiful and it was a good deal off). I had to put the ring on MY credit card (because he had no credit.... or money, really). The amount of the ring made my monthly payments WAY more than I had anticipated causing my credit to be destroyed when I couldn't make them on time. The credit card company finally had a large monthly amount automatically taken from my paycheck (WAY more than I would've ever agreed to pay as it made it hard to buy food and such) until it was paid off. NOT ROMANTIC - I try not to think about it.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    We're not engaged yet but we plan to get married.

    I would love to be able to wear just anything but my one issue is the ethical natural of the jewelry so my involvement in the choosing was kinda important.

    We went to Brilliant Earth in San Francisco to view some rings we had already chosen from their online catalog. Once we saw it in person, we picked between two, they sized me and now have a file ready for him to choose the diamond and make the purchase.

    So while I kinda know what the ring looks like, when and how it will happen is still a mystery to me. But I appreciate that he respected my beliefs about having a non-conflict ring and let me work with him.

    Now to wait :love:
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    We went and looked at rings from time to time (we have been together 10 years, just got engaged!) and he asked me what I wanted as far as the cut of the stone and the band.

    He went with our mutual best friend and picked out the setting and stone himself. The proposal was a complete surprise and the ring is beautiful and exactly what I wanted. ;)

    Were in the process of planning our wedding, so our wedding bands we are picking out together.

    3/4 of a carat with 2 baguettes on the side.

  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    I actually got two rings. The first we had gone to look at some rings and I has told him that I wanted a sapphire instead of a diamond. He didn't believe me b/c he thought I was just saying that b/c it was cheaper than a diamond. (I really did want the sapphire lol). The ring he got was beautiful but I am really hard on rings and I ended up knocking out one of the small side diamonds and cracking the band.

    Fast forward two years and we had set a date for the wedding. He surprised me on my birthday with a GORGEOUS sapphire ring on my birthday! I LOVE it!! He did a great job picking this one out and it will be my wedding ring also...there isn't really a way for a band to go with it. I am so excited about this new ring though I love the old one too if for no other reason than it was my original engagement ring :happy:
  • marynificent
    marynificent Posts: 110 Member
    I bought mine on ebay. GIA certified is the way to go. We paid less for the ring than the diamond is worth wholesale. do your research! is an incredible website for those just starting out in their search. I had the setting changed after purchasing the ring and I love it.

    here is mine: GIA certified, E, SI1, oval cut, 2.05ct with another ct in the ring and another .5 in the two bands

