

  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    Mmmm hot moms...

  • superkel317
    Mmmm hot moms...
    Lol I must say, I love the cowboy look in your photo
  • carriann2012
    carriann2012 Posts: 180 Member
    I am 41 and I feel like I look better then I did when I was 20!! Some of my 21 year old son's friends have little crushes on me so I guess that makes me a Hot Mom!! LOL!! I really started eating better and excersing a year ago and have never stuck with anything unitl now. I want to be happy, healthy and still turn heads!! I started running a year ago and just completed my first half marathon! If you told me a year ago I would be a runner I would have laughed :bigsmile: But I love it and now I am starting to lift weights it won't be long until I can rock that Bikini!! LOL!! Much success to you all!!:drinker:
  • LLaceFace
    LLaceFace Posts: 101 Member
    Mmmm hot moms...
    Lol I must say, I love the cowboy look in your photo

    I AGREE! :)
  • PhotogNerd
    PhotogNerd Posts: 420 Member
    Mom of 4 little people. Some folks here tell me I'm hot.

    .....I find the time whenever.... =)
  • chunkysmurfette
    Mom of 3 kids ages 16,19 and 23 and have a grandson!!!! I need all the energy i can get for the wee one:)
  • suzieqcookie
    suzieqcookie Posts: 314 Member
    soon to be hot mom of 3 here. MFP is my only support system unless you count the crossing guard at the school who told me that if i lost more weight she would unfriend me on facebook :)

    i find the time here and there and let the little stuff add up.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i thank MFP for making me like the hot mom's more then i like the 18 year old sticks.
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    Can you be "hot" at almost 41? I made time for exercise by deciding my husband, son, and I would all learn Kung Fu together. Best decision I've made in a long time - we get crazy fit, spend time together, and learn something cool all at once.

    Well, if I can be called "hot" at almost 50, certainly you can be at 41 :D
    Mother of 6, grandmother to 3 1/2 grandsons (4th is due around New Year) and my belly is flatter now than it was before I ever had children!
  • Thundermountain
    Its strange,, But the term DILF just doesnt have the same je ne sais quoi sparkle as MILF.
  • MrDangerSass
    Not-so-hot dad of five checking in here... yes you can be a hot mom at any age or a hot dad for that matter. I'm working on the hot-dad part for the sake of my hot wife (yes the mom of the same five ages 18 down to 9).

    Definitely a challenge making time and I have a schedule that can be unforgiving but realized, albeit slowly, that there were just some things in life more important than others. My wife, my children and my health. I made sure to make friends here on MFP that seemed to keep life balanced, laughed loud, ate well and more often than not, teach me something daily and who aren't afraid to give me kick if I'm not doing what I need to be doing.

    Most recently, I bought a heavy punching bag for my wife (at her request) and three of my five kids including the 9 year old have decided to start hitting the bag. Pretty fun to watch. My middle daughter took up tennis and in the process drug me along to chase balls and now I'm learning tennis and have a new cardio exercise and time with my daughter. My youngest son plays baseball (fall and spring)... four times around a ball field perimeter is about a mile... I can get three to five miles of walking in easy during practice and games and still see the action on the field and beats sitting on the hard bleachers baking in the sun.

    Anyway, will look forward to reading the posts.
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    I get my workout in during my baby boy's morning nap. I'm a SAHM, so it's not too hard to find time to do it. Staying at home also helps me to better plan out and make healthy meals for myself and my husband. Plus, I don't let my husband do the grocery shopping without me, so I can choose healthier ingredients, and limit the Oreos he brings home. :)

    Any moms out there who want to share their success/recipes, feel free to FR me. I love to give out my recipes, too!
  • superkel317
    Its strange,, But the term DILF just doesnt have the same je ne sais quoi sparkle as MILF.
    So true! I believe I've heard the term for dads is DID. I'm sure you can figure out what that means.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I have been told I'm up there on the temperature scale.

    I am a separated mother of two beautiful girls - age 5 and 7 - and I work full time, plus commute.

    My exercise... I walk to and from my work (about 25 mins) at a fast pace. I take the stairs wherever possible. I am active with my kids. I try to run at least a couple times a week on my lunch hour (and eat at my desk when I get back). And I box once a week for an hour.

    I rarely sit down when I am at home, and I have a two storey house, so I do a lot of stairs.

    I watch my calories.

    And I keep my tummy crunched pretty much all day.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Oh hai. You rang?
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    Not-so-hot dad of five checking in here... yes you can be a hot mom at any age or a hot dad for that matter. I'm working on the hot-dad part for the sake of my hot wife (yes the mom of the same five ages 18 down to 9).

    Definitely a challenge making time and I have a schedule that can be unforgiving but realized, albeit slowly, that there were just some things in life more important than others. My wife, my children and my health. I made sure to make friends here on MFP that seemed to keep life balanced, laughed loud, ate well and more often than not, teach me something daily and who aren't afraid to give me kick if I'm not doing what I need to be doing.

    Most recently, I bought a heavy punching bag for my wife (at her request) and three of my five kids including the 9 year old have decided to start hitting the bag. Pretty fun to watch. My middle daughter took up tennis and in the process drug me along to chase balls and now I'm learning tennis and have a new cardio exercise and time with my daughter. My youngest son plays baseball (fall and spring)... four times around a ball field perimeter is about a mile... I can get three to five miles of walking in easy during practice and games and still see the action on the field and beats sitting on the hard bleachers baking in the sun.

    Anyway, will look forward to reading the posts.

    Sounds like our household! Except the kids are a little older... 30, 29, 26, 24, 20 and 17. They have problems letting me exercise and work on my fitness, having seen the result of not doing so and the toll it takes on a family. Both of my parents have passed away, as well as my husband's dad, from health conditions that could have been prevented.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Oh hai. You rang?

    ^^ She's got my vote! :heart:
  • LLaceFace
    LLaceFace Posts: 101 Member
    I got called a MILF for the first time ever, just a few days ago.

    You are a MILF! LOL Great Job MAMA
  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    Workin' on it!
  • jwolfe0709
    jwolfe0709 Posts: 50 Member
    Love this idea for a thread!

    I'm a momma of a 3 year old girl and mother-figure to my boyfriend's sons, 11 and 7. TBH, it's hard as hell to fit exercise into my schedule! I work full time, attend college full time, taxi the kids to practices, games, recitals, etc. , and keep the household running. Phew. I workout late- usually between 10 &11- because, well... when else will it get done? lol

    I know I'm not alone out there, although it sure feels like it sometimes! Any of you who also have crazy busy schedules and can share some support and tips, please add me! :)