need relationship advice :/



  • bowins
    Accept him for who he is, or move on. He likes porn. Let him have porn. Crack is bad, meth is bad. Porn is just a movie. Let him whack it til it falls off, whats it to you? He is right *****ing and complaining will make sexual encounters too stressful to make them worthwhile. Don't ***** about things your not willing to put the effort in to change. You can't change him, only he can change him. He will only change if he wants to. Have expectations only of yourself. Boyfriend , husband, whatever you have no right to have expectations of him. Get a hold of yourself. You have control issues. Get counseling. Don't like porn? Don't watch it...
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    To be honest he probably doesn't find you sexually attractive, especially if you two are arguing about even daily chores. I don't know any guy that can be aggravated with his girl and still manage to get it up to have sex with her, much less want to to begin with. If you, in his eyes, are nagging him left and right then it's not really rocket science to see why he'd turn to porn. Porn doesn't talk back, it's just crap on a screen.

    Personally if you're having that bad of a problem, ask him if he would be alright with couple's counseling because you both have problems and an obvious bad communication setup. If you two can't get through to each other without someone getting mad or starting something from spite, you will not last.

    thank you yes he said my "nagging" makes me unattractive but that is after the fact of him getting caught that he lied. he doesn't communicate until he just blows up and that's a problem. i don't know what to dooo. couples counseling sounds like a good idea.

    It doesn't matter when he said it, chances are at it came out that point because you confronted him. Counseling at this point would probably be the only way to save the relationship because you both can express your problems to a neutral party and have them worked out so that there won't be a need for secrets, fights, or snooping around. If you honestly love the guy, you have to be willing to try anything to resolve any problems that come your way even if it means saying "I'm sorry" or "I was wrong" when you aren't.
  • jwolfe0709
    jwolfe0709 Posts: 50 Member
    Why is it that you are so against it? Does it make you feel insecure because (generally) most of the women in porn videos are pretty fit... unless he's into the big girls (BBW? I think?). Do you consider it cheating? If so, why?

    My bf of three years watches a ton of porn. Not usually when I'm around, unless *ahem* the mood strikes. ;-) He's been totally honest and upfront about it since we started dating. Sure, there's been times when I've thought "How can he be with me if he watches girls that are SO fit", but I snap out of it pretty damn fast. Plus, it's a little more motivation to get fit, eh? If he wants to watch porn to get some "relief" I'm all for it. I'd prefer that rather than him harping on me four times a day. :laugh:
  • lilacsun
    lilacsun Posts: 204 Member
    my issue is that we like never have sex anymore and that week that i found it he lied to me when i asked him about it.

    ^^ this is what I find odd. So he stopped having sex with you and watches porn instead? Have you asked him why?

    yes he says that i complain too much and he doesn't want to be around me but the thing is when i "complain" its usually just the basics of living together like do the dishes tonight, clean up after yourself in the bathroom, etc and he just shuts down and doesn't communicate with me at all. he just gets angry and tells me to shut up and that makes me do the opposite of shut up.

    They always make it seem like its your fault when lying.
  • Irish_eyes75
    And for all the guys out there, porn is not to men what vibrators are to women. There are women out there who have never masturbated, or used for instance!!!

    Wow...I'm not sure whether to say congrats or I'm sorry (jokes)

    OP: I'm sorry but I don't see this working out. He's most likely not going to give up porn. You're never going to trust him. Not a recipe for success.
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member

    Lying and betrayal.
    No care for your feelings.
    Selt esteem was ruined by it.

    I dealt with something similar.
    We're not longer together, don't stay with liars.
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    This is going to sound horrible, but I'm going to type it anyway:

    It takes two people to have sex, and I don't think you should assume that it's the porn's fault if you're in a dry spell. There are possible other factors.

    You shouldn't be snooping, and he shouldn't be lying.

    Honestly, I don't get why some women are so anti-porn. Unless he's locking himself away for days and comes out with calloused hands to tell you he's been fired for not showing up to work, I don't see the problem with occasional porn use.

    He wouldn't be lying about it if he didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Okay, so porn is (fill in the blank, I won't give my opinion as it doesn't matter a bit), but lying is definitely a no no.

    note: I'm not defending his lying about his habit/addiction/whatever

    however, he would lie about it if he knew that you were so adamantly opposed to it.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Sounds a lot like my ex. We broke up because of his Internet pornography addiction. When they prefer that to you, then lie and hide it, you will never be able to trust him and it will not end well. Sorry.

    Get out while you can.

    ^^^ This sounds about right. I mean, if he's doing it a lot, is secretive about it, and would rather watch it alone after you've offered to join him, it sounds like a problem. This relationship doesn't sound right for you. :flowerforyou:
  • lilacsun
    lilacsun Posts: 204 Member
    Why is it that you are so against it? Does it make you feel insecure because (generally) most of the women in porn videos are pretty fit... unless he's into the big girls (BBW? I think?). Do you consider it cheating? If so, why?

    My bf of three years watches a ton of porn. Not usually when I'm around, unless *ahem* the mood strikes. ;-) He's been totally honest and upfront about it since we started dating. Sure, there's been times when I've thought "How can he be with me if he watches girls that are SO fit", but I snap out of it pretty damn fast. Plus, it's a little more motivation to get fit, eh? If he wants to watch porn to get some "relief" I'm all for it. I'd prefer that rather than him harping on me four times a day. :laugh:

    The op is not getting any:-/
  • LittleNicci
    LittleNicci Posts: 284 Member
    I'll never understand what the big deal about porn is. He'll never get a chance with those "stars", he'll probably never even meet them in his lifetime. I get what you're saying as far as it bugs you for whatever your reasons may be (and you may want to look at that, not accusing, just saying, why is it such a big deal?) and I do get the trusting issue as far as him lying to you about it. He should be open with you but have you thought about why he's lying? He doesnt want to upset you and you're trying to keep him on a short leash when its really nothing you should be so upset about (thinking from his perspective) Ive been on both sides of this arguement (well not THIS EXACT arguement) as far as my BF snoops in my phone often, my FB, my MFP, my messages and call log. He's found things and blew them WAY out of proportion (ex: my best friends BF sent me a message on FB saying they were in the area and I replied with at work, call my cell. It looked like I was giving my number to my best friends BF but in actuality, I knew it was HER using his FB because her phone was broken. My BF saw it and even tried to call me out in front of my best friend and she looked at him like he was nuts, she almost yelled at him about it saying "FIRST of all, you really think Nicci would do that not only to YOU but to ME? Come on Sean, get with it, she loves you!" It went on from there explaining and telling him he should just trust me...anyways, my point is this (couple of points): 1-find out why it bugs you so much, look into the issue not that you have with your BF but that you have with porn and it not being a private thing for him to enjoy. 2-why go looking for something you dont wanna find anyways? are you going to continue looking even if after a month, 6 months, a year goes by and you dont find anything? 3-once you know the answers to 1 and 2, talk to your man again, get HIS side of how this makes him feel, not just the "you nag, you complain" crap, dig deeper cus there's something there that he feels the need to not only continue but to lie to you in the process 4-at that point, go from there. Kinda ranted....sorry...hope its helpful!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    First, I don't mind porn. I've watched a few. My hubby has watched a few. It doesn't do it for me because I spend so much time laughing at the stupidity of the situations.

    Having said that, you're not married (so no legal ties to unbind), I'm guessing you have no kids together (that would push this momma bear over the edge, having porn in the house with kids around!), and he's not into having sex with you anymore. Ummm, personal opinion and take it for what it's worth, I'd be outta there. He lied. Doesn't matter how you found out (although would you have checked if there weren't already doubts?). Lying is a biggie. He's not physically attentive anymore. The flame sometimes burns down to mere embers after you've been together for awhile, but a 23 yo guy NOT wanting to get laid by an ACTUAL woman? Buzzers and red lights are flashing in my brain. Leave, lock him out, whichever is on the lease/mortgage (yours vs. his). If he comes crawling back, don't do it until he's been regularly attending S.A. for a few months. THEN you can decide if you want to or not. If you do, make electronic transparency a must as well as a 100% no lying rule (this goes for BOTH of you). Some internet providers can put "parental controls" on the line so that NO ONE in the house can accidently go to instead of Consider asking about it.

    In short, think long and hard if worrying about this is how you want to spend the next 60 years of your life. If yes, let it go. If no, make a decision.
  • fairy33

    The op is not getting any:-/

    THIS :( i have to do it myself jeeze
  • fairy33
    First, I don't mind porn. I've watched a few. My hubby has watched a few. It doesn't do it for me because I spend so much time laughing at the stupidity of the situations.

    Having said that, you're not married (so no legal ties to unbind), I'm guessing you have no kids together (that would push this momma bear over the edge, having porn in the house with kids around!), and he's not into having sex with you anymore. Ummm, personal opinion and take it for what it's worth, I'd be outta there. He lied. Doesn't matter how you found out (although would you have checked if there weren't already doubts?). Lying is a biggie. He's not physically attentive anymore. The flame sometimes burns down to mere embers after you've been together for awhile, but a 23 yo guy NOT wanting to get laid by an ACTUAL woman? Buzzers and red lights are flashing in my brain. Leave, lock him out, whichever is on the lease/mortgage (yours vs. his). If he comes crawling back, don't do it until he's been regularly attending S.A. for a few months. THEN you can decide if you want to or not. If you do, make electronic transparency a must as well as a 100% no lying rule (this goes for BOTH of you). Some internet providers can put "parental controls" on the line so that NO ONE in the house can accidently go to instead of Consider asking about it.

    In short, think long and hard if worrying about this is how you want to spend the next 60 years of your life. If yes, let it go. If no, make a decision.

    thank you!! the real problem is that he can't talk to me about his issues with me. and i'm not going to lie the fact that it was all sorts of different genres makes me feel icky.
  • BuckwheatsMomma
    BuckwheatsMomma Posts: 32 Member
    You are both very young, however unless the porn is an issue where he can't do anything else except watch porn, then I would say he has a severe problem.

    Men like porn, and believe it or not so do many women. Most men know the difference in porn and the real thing like being with their woman), and you should not try to compete with the porn stars. Usually it is simply stimulation, and most know the difference.

    One question, and a word of advice: why do you snoop in his computer? When you go looking for something you will usually find it. Mind your own business. If the man treats you well, loves and respects you, and does not replace porn with having sex with you, then stop craping over the small stuff.
  • fairy33
    You are both very young, however unless the porn is an issue where he can't do anything else except watch porn, then I would say he has a severe problem.

    Men like porn, and believe it or not so do many women. Most men know the difference in porn and the real thing like being with their woman), and you should not try to compete with the porn stars. Usually it is simply stimulation, and most know the difference.

    One question, and a word of advice: why do you snoop in his computer? When you go looking for something you will usually find it. Mind your own business. If the man treats you well, loves and respects you, and does not replace porn with having sex with you, then stop craping over the small stuff.

    he withdraws and it makes me think he's up to that.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    And for all the guys out there, porn is not to men what vibrators are to women. There are women out there who have never masturbated, or used for instance!!!

    And not all men watch porn
    95% of men watch porn. The other 5% are liars. :drinker:
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I've been sober my entire life and never watched a dirty movie. This makes me the 1%.
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    So you two just moved in together huh? Sounds to me like he is feeling trapped and is looking for a reality escape. His whole world has been turned upside down and he's under a lot of pressure which will affect his bedroom performance.

    Was it his idea for you to move in together or was it yours?
  • Rope_Jumper
    Go read "50 Shades" and meet in the middle.:wink:
  • tolovana
    Getting off of porn is *not* an easy task for an addict, and if he's been using it for years, regularly, and he can't stop, he's an addict. The younger he started, the longer it will take. It will be difficult, and he'll likely relapse while he's recovering. The most important thing you can do is support him with love and patience. Withholding your love and verbally punishing him up about it won't help. He'll just feel worse, and use porn to sooth himself. You do not have to compromise your values to continue to love the *real him* that will return when he no longer an addict. This addiction is stronger than us women imagine.

    This is one of the best resources I know regarding porn addiction:

    Within that site, is a list of resources for both of you: