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  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Tracy- Glad to hear you're ok- here's to a speedy recovery! :drinker:

    Just a reminder for those of you taking progress pics (before-during-after pictures), we all took our "before" pictures right on or around Jan. 1st, so don't forget to get your 30 day pictures taken this weekend- or this week. Can't believe it's February already! :noway:

    I'm having a real good week this week :bigsmile: Got some AWESOME news at work, and even after 2 glasses of wine tonight (which I rarely, rarely have... but this was worth celebrating!), I'm still under my calories (by 188), carbs, fat and sodium... and over on protein! And, I got a workout in tonight. Feeling good! :smile:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I have been struggling with sugar this past week!! ERRRRRR
    Been under cals but I had changed my protein amount to 35. So I am 35-35-30! We will see how I do with this!
    My fitness today was 50 minutes of elliptical and 10 min. of fitball abs! My back was bothering me today! It may need a day off!
    Kelynn, enjoy the wine and RELAX you deserve it!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    STORMCHASER SO good to hear from you and SO glad you finally got the surgery over and done with! You sound great! well, maybe not sound but your words are so much more upbeat.

    And KEYLIN..you sound SO much better these days! So glad to hear some joy coming from you. I know it was some tough days you went through, but Im so glad most of that waiting period is over for you too and now seems like some really great things coming your way in different directions. Cool!

    I'm heading to the gym now, I know its late but I got a commitment to keep! And looking forward to going too, got me some new workout clothes from Walmart, Danskin brand..and a great sports bra for cheap! And I feel great in my little ensemble. . Ohh..and tomorrow I go to the running store for some new running shoes.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126

    And KEYLIN..you sound SO much better these days! So glad to hear some joy coming from you. I know it was some tough days you went through, but Im so glad most of that waiting period is over for you too and now seems like some really great things coming your way in different directions. Cool!

    You're absolutely right, Jessica. I had worked my behind off- hours and hours and hours I put into writing a grant to essentially save the program I direct and keep it afloat (not to mention saving my job!) and that was back in October- things weren't looking good, and then I found out yesterday that not only did we receive the grant (and the full amount I applied for), but we are receiving 2 other, smaller grants as well that were totally unexpected (I didn't even know about them!) So, it was a very good day- definitely called for a glass of wine! :drinker: Thank you for your kind words- I appreciate it very much! :bigsmile:
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Wow Keylin! that IS wonderful!

    Okay, I'm not reporting my weight today. I need one more day to see if I can get down a tad more, I have gained like 3 pounds it was near 5pd gain the other morning. I had Mexican food 2nights this week and boy did I pig out on everything. Then the night I went to Taco Cabana I had the fajita bowl but I ate the entire thing which was like 1200 calories!

    Anyway..I'll give my weekly report tomorrow.

    We live and learn! Hopefully.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Wow Keylin! that IS wonderful!

    Okay, I'm not reporting my weight today. I need one more day to see if I can get down a tad more, I have gained like 3 pounds it was near 5pd gain the other morning. I had Mexican food 2nights this week and boy did I pig out on everything. Then the night I went to Taco Cabana I had the fajita bowl but I ate the entire thing which was like 1200 calories!

    Anyway..I'll give my weekly report tomorrow.

    We live and learn! Hopefully.

    I'm the opposite- I really, really liked the number I saw on the scale this morning, so I want to report today instead of tomorrow. But we're going out to dinner tonight for a friend's birthday, and I'm using the "I still have to weight in tomorrow morning" idea to keep me focused and on track tonight. If I were to weigh-in today I would be down 4.4 pounds since last week!! :noway: :bigsmile: I think it's because I ate so much crap last week that I was probably bloated, so it's probably not a true 4 pound loss, but either way... I'll take it. Even if I do well tonight, the scale may be a little bit higher tomorrow- but that's ok... this week was certainly a success for me. Feels good to be back on track! :drinker:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Stormchaser- I am so glad that the surgery got rid of your pain! Cheers:drinker: to a great recovery.

    OK gang here's my check-in.

    Weight- 166.6 ( don't remember where I was last week, but I started the challenge at 170)
    Run miles- 22 miles
    Days at or under cals- 6
    hip measurement- 43
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Hey friends- Here's my happy check-in for this week:

    Starting weight Jan. 1st: 160.6
    Last week's weight: 157.4
    Current weight: 154.2 (down 3.2 lbs.) :bigsmile:

    Days at/under calories: 5
    Running miles: 0 (bad combination of winter weather and my endoscopy this past week) :sad:
    Days of other workouts: 4

    Fitness hours: 1.3 (Still gotta work on getting this number higher)

    All in all, a great week. My initial goal was to be at 156 by February 1st, so I've certainly met that goal!! :drinker:

    And, I took another round of pictures today- 1 day early, but that's ok :wink: I have more time on the weekends!:laugh:
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    January 31

    188 Start Weight Jan1st
    175 Goal Weight by end of March

    Challenge goals
    18 miles this week (goal is 18 mi per week)
    4 Days at or below calorie target
    14 Pant size (12's fit but not all of them, so still not officially in a 12 )

    Not counting workout time yet, maybe the next quarter, although I did workout to Jackie Warner videos and Jillian Michael s on the opposite days of my running days and using weights.

    I am up 3pounds from last weeks weigh in. I had great work outs and runs but I didn't eat right. So I will use this week as a reminder tool. I hate that I gained but Its my own fault and "it is what it is". Must move on and and learn from it. And maybe next week I'll experience a great drop like Keylin did. :wink:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    I forgot to include in my post (and now it won't let me go back and edit it) that I'm down 3.2 lbs. this week, but 6.4 since Jan. 1st- so 6.4 lbs. in a month!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: I'm loving it! And it's not like this was a typical month either with my "oh my goodness I might never be able to eat gluten again so I have to eat it all week long" pig-out :embarassed: :laugh:
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    I forgot to include in my post (and now it won't let me go back and edit it) that I'm down 3.2 lbs. this week, but 6.4 since Jan. 1st- so 6.4 lbs. in a month!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: I'm loving it! And it's not like this was a typical month either with my "oh my goodness I might never be able to eat gluten again so I have to eat it all week long" pig-out :embarassed: :laugh:

    Thanks Keylin for sharing all your experience, seems many of us will at one time or another go through the same things. Maybe in a different way but somewhat similar. So its nice to hear everyone's up's and Downs, because we may be there too one day, and at least we wont feel like an outsider and afraid to share our downs.

    I WAS down 6pds for this month but then my gorging on Mexican food pushed me back up to only being down 3pounds this month. But, your experience does give me hope! And I believe it will be much better, I've learned and am striving for a better week in both categories, working out AND eating.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    I forgot to include in my post (and now it won't let me go back and edit it) that I'm down 3.2 lbs. this week, but 6.4 since Jan. 1st- so 6.4 lbs. in a month!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: I'm loving it! And it's not like this was a typical month either with my "oh my goodness I might never be able to eat gluten again so I have to eat it all week long" pig-out :embarassed: :laugh:

    I WAS down 6pds for this month but then my gorging on Mexican food pushed me back up to only being down 3pounds this month. But, your experience does give me hope! And I believe it will be much better, I've learned and am striving for a better week in both categories, working out AND eating.

    That was me last week, Jessica, only I absolutely pigged out- I won't even tell you what I ate because it's embarrassing! But, if I can do it, so can you! Next week you'll be posting a happy check-in about how well you did for the week :smile:
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Okay, I'm going to lace up and get outside for a run today...check with you all later.

    Have a great day!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    I ran outside the actual 5k course that I'll be doing on Saturday, so it was on pavement. I am satisfied with that accomplishment even though it was slower than I was expecting.

    I will continue with some training this week and hope to increase my time, but at least i know I can do it on pavement, and that I can do it. Now its time to pick up speed. And I know that automatically racing with others will do that, so I look forward to that push I'll get.

    For more on my experience today, I wrote it in the Exercise & Fitness Forum "For all the wanna be a runners outthere", here's a link:

  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Great Job Jessica on your run~ Kelynn, glad things are going better for you!!:flowerforyou:

    My weekly results are
    Current weight 213 # (down .6 #) :noway:
    fitness hours 9 hrs 53 minutes

    Cardio Minutes 313 minutes
    Below calories 7 days
    No snacks 6 days

    I measured and have found that I have lost 7 inches in total
    My body fat percentage went down by 1.6%

    SO I only lost .6 of a pound, but the other things will hopefully keep me motivated.

    I am wondering if I am working out at to high of an intensity for proper fat burning...I am doing some number crunching and I might try to bring my heart rate down a little while working out and see if that helps...but hey I am getting smaller so something is going on in there...just not with the scale:huh:

    I'll try to take picture again today as well.

    Have a great Sunday evening everyone!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Debra, if you haven't done this be sure to recheck your calorie intake it might need adjusting. I was on a higher one from when I began on MFP (at 200pds) and not realizing as I lost I needed to adjust my calorie intake to continue losing the weight. Once I did that it was coming off nicely. And I have discovered that although we may be under our calories we need to make sure we are eating the proper healthy foods.

    My body tends to hostage the "bad" foods, but when I'm eating "good" clean foods it easily lets them go. And that was a big reason for my slower weight loss or no weight loss, even while under my calorie limits. Must watch "what" you are eating.

    Stay away from the "bad" boys they'll sabotage your progress! I'm still attracted to them and need to learn my lesson, after this last week I think I did. hopefully I did! lol
  • betoGod
    Here are my weekly results. Can't say that I had a great week but I know I worked out hard every day, plus shoveling snow today for 90 minutes.

    Weight 229.2, up .6#
    Body Fat 51.2%, no change
    Work out hours = 5.5
    Total calories burned during cardio = 1095
    Total Inches lost = 1.375

    I have to agree that the Mexican food is a destroyer of the diet. I think its really the salt, because I try to eat just meat and vegies while there with a little rice and I still seem to hold the weight. Plus I can definitely feel the water in my lower legs.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    7/7 on the fitness
    4/7 on or under calories
    4/7 protein consumption
    I AM SUCKING on eating proper food! I do NOT know what is up with me!:huh:
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Hey everyone! Keep on keepin on guys, everyone is doing great! I did 3x1600's with 800 jogs in between, for a total of 7 miles today. I did Power Yoga this morning. I found that today that I won't be able to do my 10 miler on April 10th after all!:sad: :sad: :sad: That's becasue my hubby won a trip to jamaica, and we will be there that weekend!:drinker: :drinker: So I found a 15k race that is 2 weeks earlier, it's a trail run and you run through the redwoods! NICE!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: Or I could do a 1/2 the day before easter...don't know if I will be 100% at my best for that....what do you guys think? 15k or 1/2 marathon?

    15k no brainer! Redwoods trail running! Doesn't get any better. Cool about the trip too!
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member

    OK, here is the scoop. I am in France on a business trip and my laptop was down for a few days last week prior to the trip. I am finally getting things up to speed and working on some updates. Sorry it's late but this train is moving forward. I did get in a great run tonight on a trail in the Alps. Not to bad! Better get a few more emails out but wanted to say BONJOUR to all my peeps here on MFP.
