HAL 2 0 1 0 Team (new small group)



  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member

    OK, here is the scoop. I am in France on a business trip and my laptop was down for a few days last week prior to the trip. I am finally getting things up to speed and working on some updates. Sorry it's late but this train is moving forward. I did get in a great run tonight on a trail in the Alps. Not to bad! Better get a few more emails out but wanted to say BONJOUR to all my peeps here on MFP.

    Life truly sucks when you HAVE to go to France!!! I feel sooooo sorry for ya!:bigsmile:
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    I'm certainly in no rush to see the charts. Try and enjoy your time there!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    My last two days have been excellent 100%! Hope all is going well for everybody! No one has posted for awhile and it seems a little wierd!!!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    My last 2 days have been 100% excellent until dinner time... then I've fallen off the wagon due to stress at work which is a terrible, horrible excuse- I don't get paid enough to be so stressed that I make myself fat!! :laugh:

    So, go ahead- yell at me, kick my @ss, whatever you want- I deserve it, and I NEED it. I did SO SO good last week, and I will NOT let this turn into a whole week of not doing well- starting tomorrow I'm 100% back on track- I promise! :wink:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hello everyone....just lost a post, I must hit something on the lap top and send it to cyber space somewhere...Agr, that gets me mad...I do it all the time:mad:

    Anyhoo, I hope your all doing well, I have spent the last couple of days getting supplies back in the house and cleaning, and mopping and organizing and..and...and...
    I spent some time going over my food diaries for the past few months...I did up my calories back in November, but I noticed a steady increase in my exercise the last of December and into January and I never really upped the calories....looks like on average I have had around 800-900 calories after exercise is added back in...not sure if that could be a reason for the slow loss, but I am really focusing on what I am eating, measuring EVERYTHING...I've backed off the exercise to just an hour a day for the last few days...just until I wrap my head around eating those exercise calories.......I'm not sure why I have such a hard time doing that...just seems wrong to me:frown: , DO you all eat your exercise calories faithfully?

    Kelynn.... Evening is my killer time also...I have been trying to eat dinner at a later time this week.....I think it is the TV, that is usually when we have it on, I don't watch during the day...:noway: I'm hoping for 2 pounds this weigh in...but who knows, I'll just keep tweaking until I find something that works!!

    Rainman....A run in the Alps, now that sounds nice....:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    My last 2 days have been 100% excellent until dinner time... then I've fallen off the wagon due to stress at work which is a terrible, horrible excuse- I don't get paid enough to be so stressed that I make myself fat!! :laugh:

    So, go ahead- yell at me, kick my @ss, whatever you want- I deserve it, and I NEED it. I did SO SO good last week, and I will NOT let this turn into a whole week of not doing well- starting tomorrow I'm 100% back on track- I promise! :wink:
    Here's your KICK Kelynn!! Now get back in the game, YOU can do this!!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Where is everybody? It is lonely here!
    70 minutes P90X Back & BI's with Ab Ripper, 45 minutes on the elliptical at a hi level and a slow 2 mile jog on the tread!
    Way under calories due to the great cal burn but i ate to where i am full and i am done!
    Hope everyone is still with us! How are you doing Raymond??????????
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Hey there, sorry I have been super busy at work...its good for me because i get paid for all the extra but it sure is hard on my MFP social life! But with my husband laid off Im not going to complain, just going to be grateful at the chance to earn this extra money.

    Its a shame to say but I have not made it this week to run or do videos. And I really cant do anything about it right now. Just hope and pray its just meant to be for some reason that I cant understand. And then tonight when i got home I went out side to mess with our dog and I fell on the bricks! ouch! Its like...someone certainly is making sure I don't go run my legs off this week, maybe its meant for me to take these few days of as a break before my run. I don't know, but if I can get a run in tomorrow I will! :smile:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    I'm here Verda! I am not having a great week though. I am not running at all this week to try to get my knee better. :sad: :sad: :sad: It is still bothering me from several weeks ago. I am still doing my 30 shred and power yoga though.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I'm here Verda! I am not having a great week though. I am not running at all this week to try to get my knee better. :sad: :sad: :sad: It is still bothering me from several weeks ago. I am still doing my 30 shred and power yoga though.
    I am sorry to hear your knee is still bothering you!:frown: But good job at still doing something!!!:smile:
    When you say power Yoga, is that part of the 30 day shred workout or is it and individual workout? I am soooooo trying to like Yoga cuz I know all the stretching is awesome for me BUT my P90X Yoga is a friggin 90 minutes of repetetive moves! I dread this workout everytime and today is the day!:cry: I am going to do some cardio because I just ate a couple of fresh chocolate chip cookies then I will do at LEAST 30 minutes of yoga x! I promise!!!!
    I may check out Ebay for some yoga dvd's, have any suggestions ANYBODY!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    I'm here Verda! I am not having a great week though. I am not running at all this week to try to get my knee better. :sad: :sad: :sad: It is still bothering me from several weeks ago. I am still doing my 30 shred and power yoga though.
    I am sorry to hear your knee is still bothering you!:frown: But good job at still doing something!!!:smile:
    When you say power Yoga, is that part of the 30 day shred workout or is it and individual workout? I am soooooo trying to like Yoga cuz I know all the stretching is awesome for me BUT my P90X Yoga is a friggin 90 minutes of repetetive moves! I dread this workout everytime and today is the day!:cry: I am going to do some cardio because I just ate a couple of fresh chocolate chip cookies then I will do at LEAST 30 minutes of yoga x! I promise!!!!
    I may check out Ebay for some yoga dvd's, have any suggestions ANYBODY!
    Verda- the Yoga video I use is Bryan Kest's Power Yoga #1-Energize. It keeps you moving. You do some of the same moves, but it flows through them. I like it much better than other yoga's I have tried. I like a challenge, not all soft and cosmic crayon type stuff, and that is what this is like.

    Edit: You can check it out here: http://www.poweryogastore.com/miva/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=D-BKS&Category_Code=D&Product_Count=0
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Hey all- I'm here too... also been super busy at work. This week is going ok- started off bad but I've turned it around! :drinker: Not going to be my best check-in, but it won't be terrible, either! I'm in the market for some new ab/core exercises... anyone care to share? I know there are tons and tons out there and everyone has their favorites, but I'm just curious what you guys like or what you've found works.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    I'm here Verda! I am not having a great week though. I am not running at all this week to try to get my knee better. :sad: :sad: :sad: It is still bothering me from several weeks ago. I am still doing my 30 shred and power yoga though.
    I am sorry to hear your knee is still bothering you!:frown: But good job at still doing something!!!:smile:
    When you say power Yoga, is that part of the 30 day shred workout or is it and individual workout? I am soooooo trying to like Yoga cuz I know all the stretching is awesome for me BUT my P90X Yoga is a friggin 90 minutes of repetetive moves! I dread this workout everytime and today is the day!:cry: I am going to do some cardio because I just ate a couple of fresh chocolate chip cookies then I will do at LEAST 30 minutes of yoga x! I promise!!!!
    I may check out Ebay for some yoga dvd's, have any suggestions ANYBODY!

    Verda, check out You Tube and On Demand if you have it on your TV- that way you can get a taste for different videos before you go out and buy them. That's what I did with the 30 Day Shred- I tried a day or so on You Tube, liked it, so I bought it :smile: Hope that helps :flowerforyou:
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Hey all! Its now 11:17pm and I'm here! Was logging in my food for the day.

    Looks like things may be easing up for me at work soon, so I'm looking forward to "relaxing" and truly immersing myself into some good training for my running. AND I found this running club in my neighborhood! Check this out! And they have been training for the 5k I'm about to do on Saturday, and they are also training for the 1/2 marathon that I'm registered for, its in April. And its a free club. Seems like a good chance for me to get EVEN MORE plugged in to running.

    Here's a snip it from the website:

    We're Running and Walking Club based in League City, Galveston County, Texas. Our goal is to provide a friendly, enjoyable environment where anyone from a beginner to a "pro", a runner to a run-walker to a walker, a 5k fun-runner to a ultra-marathoner can get together with fellow Texans and have a good run and/or walk.

    Led by mentors who have a variety of experiences under their belts, GCRC offers scheduled sessions (Saturday mornings), unscheduled sessions (other days of the week), and target plans to help you get to your next finish line, whether it's a 5k in a couple of weeks or the Boston Marathon (or even if you don't have a target - we do have a finish line you'll cross each week!). If you've never done even a 5k, we'll help get you started on a journey that our members have grown to enjoy - no, grown to love - with a a supportive team of mentors and members that make our events enjoyable.

    We welcome you to GCRC - where our goal is "Getting You to Your Next Finish Line!"

  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hey all! Its now 11:17pm and I'm here! Was logging in my food for the day.

    Looks like things may be easing up for me at work soon, so I'm looking forward to "relaxing" and truly immersing myself into some good training for my running. AND I found this running club in my neighborhood! Check this out! And they have been training for the 5k I'm about to do on Saturday, and they are also training for the 1/2 marathon that I'm registered for, its in April. And its a free club. Seems like a good chance for me to get EVEN MORE plugged in to running.

    Here's a snip it from the website:

    We're Running and Walking Club based in League City, Galveston County, Texas. Our goal is to provide a friendly, enjoyable environment where anyone from a beginner to a "pro", a runner to a run-walker to a walker, a 5k fun-runner to a ultra-marathoner can get together with fellow Texans and have a good run and/or walk.

    Led by mentors who have a variety of experiences under their belts, GCRC offers scheduled sessions (Saturday mornings), unscheduled sessions (other days of the week), and target plans to help you get to your next finish line, whether it's a 5k in a couple of weeks or the Boston Marathon (or even if you don't have a target - we do have a finish line you'll cross each week!). If you've never done even a 5k, we'll help get you started on a journey that our members have grown to enjoy - no, grown to love - with a a supportive team of mentors and members that make our events enjoyable.

    We welcome you to GCRC - where our goal is "Getting You to Your Next Finish Line!"


    That's great Jessica! I really think it's a great idea to run with a club. I used to before we moved to Oregon, but I haven't found one here yet. I wouldn't run with them all of the time, but enough to make it thoroughly enjoyable!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Thanks Nicolee, because I was wondering if its a good idea or not. I felt like it would be, so i can really challenge myself more. So thanks
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    :yawn: nite nite
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    :drinker: Good morning! Im eating my oatmeal getting myself prep'd for my race, mentally and physically. I'll report back when I return which will be a few hours from now. Since this race also is having all kinds of festivities there celebrating mardi gras. Its also a kid friendly event so there's lots of other fun things going on like a parade and stuff for the kids.

    Happy Saturday everyone!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    look like my finish time in my first 5k today was 38:40!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    look like my finish time in my first 5k today was 38:40!

    Great job, Jessica! You must feel wonderful! :bigsmile: :drinker: