May Day Challenge!



  • annerssju
    annerssju Posts: 111
    I'm doing the 5 workout challenges this week too.

    ktbell626: 1/5 workouts completed this week.

    I don't know if this counts towards something for myself, but I went to get Wii Fit Plus and the Biggest Loser game (because I heard it was on sell for 20 bucks). I couldn't find Biggest Loser but I did mange to get Wii Plus so when I was checking out, I asked the GameStop guy if they had one in the back. And he was like let me see, what was the game called? I said the Biggest loser and he was says "what did you call me?"in a playful manner lol. I was so out of it I didn't know how to come back with a good retort. This is the second time in two weeks some guy has tried to flirt with me and I am so shocked, I never know what to say back. I think I will try to flirt with next guy that hits on me.

    I am going shopping today, my friend just broke up with her bf of almost two years, so I'm taking her out.

    Have a nice day Everyone!

    Good for you! It's fun when someone random flirts with you! :)
  • annerssju
    annerssju Posts: 111
    Workout day 1: completed Jillian Michaels 30 day shred DVD. Feeling good!! Now I'm going to walk around the outlets with a friend and our babies, so we'll burn even more calories while walking!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hello all! It's amazing how one day you feel like you can take on the world and you get up w/o a problem and rock out the exercise routine and the very next day you don't want to get out of bed at all, never mind trying to workout. Well that's how I felt this morning. I did not feel like moving from my bed and I could have cared less about working out. It's a holiday and I felt like having a lazy day. HOWEVER, I did not allow that negative attitude to win out and I got my lazy tail out the bed and was at the gym by 8 a.m. and rocked it out for a little over an hour. I then spent 10 minutes in the sauna but it was not as enjoyable as usual b/c there was a woman in there talking on her cell phone.....REALLY, I mean the space is small enough and who really wants to hear your damn conversation. I played my Ipod a little louder than normal in order to drown out her damn voice and attempt to lose myself in the words of my favorite artist, Ms. Mary J. Blige. My day did however improve when I purchased my favorite banana/strawberry protein shake b/c it was DELICIOUS!! I spent another 1 1/5 walking around the grocery store so i'm sure I burnt a few more calories doing that (but I won't claim them)

    All in all it has been a productive morning and I'm so glad I made myself go to the gym. Since it's a nice day here in GA a friend and I will probably walk around the park a little later.

    Hope everyone is having a great day.
  • gotwater
    I'm new to the website and would love to join this May Day Challenge! I already exercise a lot (an exercise physiologist) but my diet has been horrible (newlywed and winter blues are my excuses). I need to get back down to my optimal weight! Here we go...

    Starting weight 151
    Jan. 22:
    Jan. 29:
    Feb. 5:
    Feb. 12:
    Feb. 19:
    Feb. 26:
    March 5:
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 133
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Welcome GotWater!

    Update on my challenges:

    Exercise: 1/5 The plan is to workout BEFORE I pick the kiddos up from daycare today. So I'll update this when that gets done.

    Water: 1/5, and I am only 1 cup shy of today's goal (I've been sitting in meetings all morning that have little to do with me, so I drank a lot to keep myself awake:laugh: )

    For myself: I went to the eye doc Saturday, then Sunday I ordered my new glasses. I even bought one extra pair ($8:noway: ) that are cute, just because I liked them.:bigsmile:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Exercise update: 2/5

    Water update: 2/5

    Lisa, glad you are getting glasses finally!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Monday's Totals:

    Exercise: 3/5 (I'm counting Sat, Sun & today)

    Water: 3/5 (I'm on my 10th glass of water thus far)

    Treat self: 3/5 (I'm about to watch The Wire series)
  • rebecca413
    I think my goal for the rest of the week is to log all my food. It's easy to stop - especially when I'm cooking new recipes. It's so annoying to enter all the ingredients!

    So, my exciting news for the day is that - for the first time ever - I HAD FUN AT THE GYM. My school is having a week of shortened trial classes. I normally go to spin a couple days a week, but hadn't tried anything else. Today, I tried a class they call "Groove." It was literally just dancing around the room liked idiots for half an hour. I wouldn't have guessed I would find that fun, but I did! The instructor played great music and there was no coordination needed (a must for me). My heart rate monitor said I burned 362 calories in the half hour class. Pretty good!

    I don't think I've ever left the gym feeling so great and happy! :happy:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I just made this Spinach Tuna Casserole recipe for about the 4th time, and it continues to be one of my favorites. I only make half a recipe, and my husband and I have it for dinner with enough leftover for a lunch. Enjoy!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    I think my goal for the rest of the week is to log all my food. It's easy to stop - especially when I'm cooking new recipes. It's so annoying to enter all the ingredients!

    Try going to You enter how much of what, then tell it how many servings. It figures out everything else for you. (The suggestion of adding a similar feature has been made and Mike said they're working on it:bigsmile: ) I then add the item into this database, usually under "Homemade- whatever Lisa's." Then when I make it again, I can just search for it. Only bad part is that lately we've been doing lots of new recipes:ohwell: Which means a little more time, but I try to do most of it on Sat or Sun since I've planned out my meals for the week by then.:wink:
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Water Challenge: 2/5

    Exercise Challenge: 2/5

    Yea!!! I didn't really do anything for myself per se today, but I did put off picking up the kids from daycare until AFTER I had the meatballs for dinner made.:laugh: I got to get them put together and ready to go without having to chase kids!
  • rebecca413
    I think my goal for the rest of the week is to log all my food. It's easy to stop - especially when I'm cooking new recipes. It's so annoying to enter all the ingredients!

    Try going to You enter how much of what, then tell it how many servings. It figures out everything else for you. (The suggestion of adding a similar feature has been made and Mike said they're working on it:bigsmile: ) I then add the item into this database, usually under "Homemade- whatever Lisa's." Then when I make it again, I can just search for it. Only bad part is that lately we've been doing lots of new recipes:ohwell: Which means a little more time, but I try to do most of it on Sat or Sun since I've planned out my meals for the week by then.:wink:

    Thanks, Lisa! That's actually exactly what I've been doing - using I've also been doing all my cooking over the weekend. For me, that has generally meant eating the same thing everyday since I'm just cooking for one, but so far it's working out okay. I'm making different things each week. Thanks again!
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Hi everyone I have been working on staying under my calories and doing my exercises and logging everything in read a few of the posts but not taking time to reply to any trying to get ready for my cruise a week from Thursday. Been on the carnival ecstasy 3 times this makes 4 see the same old places but it's the cruising that I love so same old place here I come maybe I won't have any trouble finding my way around this time.:embarassed: got lost on ship every other time take me around the corner I'm lost.
    Good luck to everyone on loosing your weight and all your goals
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Week 01/17 - 01/23

    Water: 2/7

    Exercise: 1/6

    Sweets: 0 Mande: 2
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    So I have been MIA!!! So sorry, but I am just so frustrated with working so hard and not getting any where... I took the weekend off from exercise and didn't count a thing. I am STILL the same. I am hoping with taking a few days off I will see a little jump in my loss :tongue:

    I have the water down. 2/7
    Exercise is 1 hour 10 min/ 2 1/2 hour...

    Really wish I know what the block was here. I had been working though a biblical book, "loss it for life" great book. it's like a 12 step to weight loss and brings our heavenly father into it!!!! I found it was helpful and I was really able to address some of the reasons I had been emotional eating. I have worked through a lot of it and allowed to forgive myself. Now I know I eat when, 1. I am bored, 2. when I am tired...... But what else is going on? Is my body just happy here? I have been getting 4-5 hours of exercise a week and eating right. I know that I need to keep up the progess and I'm not looking to stop, this is a lifestyle change and I can live with my new lifestyle, but I REALLY WORK LIKE TO LOSS ANOTHER 40LBS OR SO!!!!! How do I get it off??????
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229

    Exercising: I will do this after the KU game (Rock Chalk!)

    KU, Are you near Kutztown University????
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    KU, Are you near Kutztown University????

    No.:happy: I was watching the University of Kansas (KU) game. I don't remember which day I posted this. I think it might have been the day they lost:cry: and lost their #1 ranking. (Which I am actually in FAVOR of being #2 rather than #1, weird, I know. #1 just has so much pressure, #2 can really just play their game.)
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    So I have been MIA!!! So sorry, but I am just so frustrated with working so hard and not getting any where... I took the weekend off from exercise and didn't count a thing. I am STILL the same. I am hoping with taking a few days off I will see a little jump in my loss :tongue:

    I have the water down. 2/7
    Exercise is 1 hour 10 min/ 2 1/2 hour...

    Really wish I know what the block was here. I had been working though a biblical book, "loss it for life" great book. it's like a 12 step to weight loss and brings our heavenly father into it!!!! I found it was helpful and I was really able to address some of the reasons I had been emotional eating. I have worked through a lot of it and allowed to forgive myself. Now I know I eat when, 1. I am bored, 2. when I am tired...... But what else is going on? Is my body just happy here? I have been getting 4-5 hours of exercise a week and eating right. I know that I need to keep up the progess and I'm not looking to stop, this is a lifestyle change and I can live with my new lifestyle, but I REALLY WORK LIKE TO LOSS ANOTHER 40LBS OR SO!!!!! How do I get it off??????

    if ur diary was set to public, I would gladly take a look at it and give u some advice. feel free to look at mine for ideas. Altho I must say I have only just picked back up in the swing of things for a few weeks.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hello ladies, I'm posting late today b/c I was extremely busy at work and am finally at a point were I can take a quick break. I did 45 minutes of Jillian's "No More Trouble Zones" dvd and once I get off work I will walk around the park again since GA is experiencing another warm day. Yesterday my friend and I walked for an 75 minutes at about 3.0 mph so that was a pretty good workout. I'm hoping to do the same today.

    Hope everyone's day is going well and I'll try to check in later.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Tonight's supper: Tortilla Pie. I liked the recipe so thought that I would share. I used cottage cheese instead of ricotta.