Forced flu shot at work



  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    I'm all for it. If you chose to work in a hospital than you should do everything you can to not get sick and spread illness. If you don't want to follow those rules, go into home healthcare were you can be your own boss.

    Yes I see what you mean but I work in an office away from patients.

    And you never come anywhere near anyone who crosses paths with anyone who goes near patients? Unfortunately, if you work in the hospital your presence affects patience. If you're not the one in their rooms, you will cross paths with someone who is. If you agree that someone who works with patients should get the shot, then you should be okay getting it too.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I think you are incredibly selfish to refuse a flu shot when you work with people who have compromised immune systems. Those people have no choice but to be around you and you're putting them in danger. You should be ashamed of yourself
    I work in a hospital, too, so I see absolutely no problem with it. Besides, it's free. What's the big deal, anyway? You can't actually get the flu from the shot. :huh:

    No one is arguing over costs - we all know its free when its employer provided.

    The flu shot vaccine is an attenuated serum. It contains ***only one strain***... a strain that changes constantly whether by season, by year, etc.

    For some of us, taking that shot gets us extremely sick - as many posts have stated. People who get sick from anything, are no good at work as it is. They need to be sent home to get better; flu shot effects included.

    Its not selfish at all - many of us know how sick we get when the flu shot gets administered to us - to think its selfish is rediculous.

    People who have compromised immune systems, whether through medical treatments or due to pre-existing conditions are the people who truly need that shot.

    Would any of you want to be treated by a clinician (whether LNA, CMA, RN, MD, any credential) who is sick as a dog from the effects of the flu vaccine? You would expect them to leave work and go straight home to get better.

    If your fellow coworkers come to work sick, management works hard to get them the hell out of here and sent home, regardless of whether or not they had the flu shot.

    If you know you will get sick from a certain treatment, you should not be forced to have said-treatment. Thank goodness for exceptions...
  • Kelly50054
    No thanks. But honestly I saw this coming a long time ago, just as with the government forcing school age children to be immunized or they can not attend.
    I do in home child care and there is a form that a parent can fill out and get it signed by a witness concerning their regilious beliefs. I've had some do that.
    There are many side effects to the flu shot.
  • Kelly50054
    I think you are incredibly selfish to refuse a flu shot when you work with people who have compromised immune systems. Those people have no choice but to be around you and you're putting them in danger. You should be ashamed of yourself.

    There is absolutely no proof to support that flu shots help what so ever, in fact they can make people very sick and consider the long term side effects to you and your children.
  • Kelly50054
    My suggestion to you, is to do your own research on this and also being exempt from getting it in the state you live in.
  • TiltingAtWindmills
    Personally, the "forced" part would irk me endlessly. My body, my choice.
    But as for the flu shot itself, I'm all for it. Like you, my job does exposes me to lots of illnesses. There's nothing like spending half of flu season sick (and trying hard to to spread it to others). Since I've started getting the flu shot annually, my quality of life is SO much better. I'm definitely getting mine this year... and each year as long as I'm a teacher.
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    Our hospital tries to make everyone take the flu shot, but stops short of firing if you don't. I don't take it simply because as an ICU nurse I took care of several patients that developed Gillian Barre' syndrome from the flu shot and their life was totally altered.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I suppose it comes down to how much you value your job if they're saying they will fire those who don't take it.

    I mean...if you have a religious reason not to get it or other reasons not to...that's different but...Like someone said earlier-hard economic times...I'd think twice before losing a good paying job :(
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    The year I got the flu shot I had the flu 3 times. It wasn't manditory where I worked, but it was offered free of charge. Haven't taken it since. It probably effects people differently. I haven't had the flu in years. Not to say that I won't ever get the flu, but the only time I've ever had it more than once a year was when I had the shot.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I would file a complaint if the only ways out were a doctor's note or religious exemption. I am religious, but I am not aware of any specific objection my church would have to a flu shot, so I could not, in good conscience, claim to be objecting on religious grounds.

    But I think there should be a sort of "conscientious objector" status for those who believe they should have the right to refuse such a personal invasion. And if the company wanted to make a rule that says you will not be paid for sick days if you get the flu, since they offered a shot, and you refused it, that would be fine by me.

    My current company offers to pay for the shot when we have clinics that set up in our building, and they also will reimburse you if you prefer to have the shot administered at your doctor's office. My last company never forced us to get the shot, but they very strongly urged us to do it, and if you didn't sign up, they would hound you about it and essentially make you miserable until after flu season. I have never had a flu shot. I've never had the flu. I rarely get sick at all. Above all, I simply object to anyone telling me what to do with my body.
  • jdhosier
    jdhosier Posts: 315 Member
    If they paid for it, nuetral
    ^^This^^ Not a big deal to me. I have gotten them some years and not spent the money in others. I can never tell if they actually work and which of the 5 bazilion varieties are they going to include in the shot this year.

  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I work for the military and they are required to get it, no outs. If you refuse, thats grounds for punishment under the UCMJ. No is not and option......
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    The year I got the flu shot, I was much more sick than any other year before or since. Never got it again.

    Perhaps tell your doctor you are worried about "The Canadian Problem" and get excused:
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    When they can prove with 100% certainty that it has zero long term side effects, that it is 100% effective against ALL flu strains, that it's not causing the flu virus to get stronger and the human immune system weaker, then I'll be the first in line. Until then, I'll take my chances with hand sanitize r and my unmessed with immune system thank you very much.
  • jendraka
    jendraka Posts: 117 Member
    I have never had a flu shot and I can't recall the last time I've had the flu honestly. I would not want to take a flu shot. Why mess with the track record I have? I must be doing something alright in taking care of myself. I'd claim religious exemption.
  • erinxo13
    erinxo13 Posts: 892 Member
    At a hospital or place like that, yeah for sure. We needed one to go visit my Grandmother when she was in a nursing friend is a nurse and even during her schooling she had to get SEVERAL shots, not just the flu shot...seems normal to me.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I'd be grateful knowing that none of my coworkers would be spreading the flu virus around. Now, if only restaurants mandated flu shots for food service workers...
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I'm all for it. Especially since it's free. I also work at a hospital. They don't "force" us... but, they highly recommend it. I get it every time. It makes my arm sore, of course... but, it's better than getting sick. I've always had a weak immune system. I seem to catch everything... so, anything to prevent that.
  • ccludden
    ccludden Posts: 10 Member
    I work at an inpatient facility, and understand why they would press the issue. I know for a fact how viruses can spread in an inpatient setting. So I will definately get the shot. Now someone telling me I'm gonna get fired if I dont take the shot does rub me the wrong way.