Forced flu shot at work



  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I actually have a reaction from it that makes me throw up for like 3 I always say about how I get a reaction from it from it. If they want me out for 3 days because of throwing up, then have at it.
    You could have had that reaction to any vaccination. It was probably one of the preservatives in the vaccination that got you sick. I had to stop my MS injections because they changed the formula and added a preservative that made me vomit for a few days after each shot. Just as I felt better I had to take another shot only to get sick again. I had little to no quality of life and it wasn't worth it to me to constantly take that injectable and be sick all the time. We're talking once a year here people.
  • ReneeCK
    ReneeCK Posts: 63 Member
    I work in a hospital and have been mandated to receive the influenza vaccination for YEARS by the company. No problem getting it and make sure all my kids get it... *shrug* But, that's just me. Besides, they give you ways to opt out. Just cite religious reasons.

    I can see the issue with someone feeling "forced" to get it. A basic human rights issue, maybe?

    But please, please don't call someone who works in healthcare "selfish" for not wanting to get it. People who do have careers caring for the elderly and sick do these jobs because they care. And, they (we) are still people who should be able to make the decision about what goes into our bodies.
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    bottom line, check with a lawyer and see if this is legal
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Nope. I very much do not believe in them and would absolutely refuse, I would not use religious reasons, when they fired me, I'd sue their god damn *kitten* off their freaking faces. (obviously, I feel very strongly about ths).

    Agreed. I have not had the flu since 2004 and I work with super germ-filled college students (dental students to be precise). I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing--it's working well to keep me healthy and my immune system strong. When I travel a lot for work I get plenty of sleep and exercise. I try not to shake hands with every new person I meet (very tough at events). I eat ginger and green tea. I don't use antibiotic soap--just regular soap. :)

    What exactly are you going to sue for?
  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    So, if my employer can handle me being out of the office sick for a week, then, sure, I'll take one ...
  • vkruithof
    vkruithof Posts: 227 Member
    All of a sudden, it would be against my religion to get a flu shot.

    I think I'm with you. I don't like the idea of being told to do something. I'd like to say I can see they're reasoning, but working in a hospital, aren't you already more exposed/therefore more immune to certain things?

    The last time I got a flu shot I was miserably sick and missed the most work I've ever missed. I won't do it again, until I'm old and it makes complete sense, and then I'm still not positive I will....
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I work at an inpatient facility, and understand why they would press the issue. I know for a fact how viruses can spread in an inpatient setting. So I will definately get the shot. Now someone telling me I'm gonna get fired if I dont take the shot does rub me the wrong way.
    Yeah I can understand being pissed at the threat of being fired if you don't want to get it. I think they should maybe say well if your out sick this year you won't get paid for those sick days if you don't get the flu shot? Maybe? Don't know never had the threat of being fired held over my head before. I just willingly got the shot. I've even had to get the Hep B shot for work as well and school for that matter. In order to start Dental Hygiene classes I had to show proof that I had all of those vaccinations. If not then we were not allowed to step foot in class.
  • Sheila4046
    I work for a hospital and they offer free flu shots every year, but if the employees do not get the flu shot we have to sign a waiver. Now the rumor is that maybe soon if an employee does not get the flu shot their job will be on the line. I work in an office, but the office i work in is in a separate building, across the street from the hospital, and we have NO PATIENT CONTACT what so ever, so why should our jobs be on the line? I got a flu shot about 17 years ago first time ever and got so sick it was unreal, never got another flu shot and have not had the flu at all. There are doctors that are now stating they are against the flu shot. So what now. I will not be getting the flu shot this year either. They can't fire everybody who refuse, especially if they do not have direct patient contact.
    Be blessed and well everyone:smile:
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    All of a sudden, it would be against my religion to get a flu shot.

    I think I'm with you. I don't like the idea of being told to do something. I'd like to say I can see they're reasoning, but working in a hospital, aren't you already more exposed/therefore more immune to certain things?

    The last time I got a flu shot I was miserably sick and missed the most work I've ever missed. I won't do it again, until I'm old and it makes complete sense, and then I'm still not positive I will....

    You do not develop a natural immunity to the flu. Thats why they push to get all employees vaccinated rather than just testing to see if your immune.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Nope. I very much do not believe in them and would absolutely refuse, I would not use religious reasons, when they fired me, I'd sue their god damn *kitten* off their freaking faces. (obviously, I feel very strongly about ths).

    Agreed. I have not had the flu since 2004 and I work with super germ-filled college students (dental students to be precise). I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing--it's working well to keep me healthy and my immune system strong. When I travel a lot for work I get plenty of sleep and exercise. I try not to shake hands with every new person I meet (very tough at events). I eat ginger and green tea. I don't use antibiotic soap--just regular soap. :)

    What exactly are you going to sue for?

    I don't believe a law exists on the books that mandates flu shots to work in an office. I have heard of public schools requiring the shots for all students (this also to me seems wrong). I would not sue but I would bring all of the legal information to work and meet with HR (if they suddenly started to require them at my workplace). Someone in an earlier response mentioned the hospital losing funding from Medicare and Medicaid (so that's at a federal level). While it is not the law for all of the workers in that hospital to get the shot the government is putting them in a spot where they have to comply (or risk losing funding).

    In this case with a hospital, and involving medicare and medicaid there would be no point of a lawsuit because that decision is coming from the Federal Government. A hospital losing 2% of its funding for being non compliant regarding the flu shot is not worth the risk. No lawsuit would save your job in this case.
  • Katmiller73
    Katmiller73 Posts: 99 Member
    I work in Labor and Deliver and deal with the babies. I would rather get the flu shot than possibly give the flu to one of my babies. Also we have had a couple of pregnant women die of the flu, alot of our Dr's require the moms to get the flu shot in their office. Our hospital also pays for them. I say get it, but that's just me.
  • DaddyM1
    DaddyM1 Posts: 18 Member
    I work in a hospital as well, and while flu shots where STRONGLY encouraged, they where not mandatory. In fact, I doubt the legality of such a thing and am tempted to call shenanigans.

    Now, a bit of critical thinking. Flu shots work because they expose you to a number of virus, active or inactive depending. As a response, your body develops anti-bodies that give you a "head start" in fighting off the virus if you are infected later on.

    It DOES NOT mean that some magical anti-flu force field surrounds you and makes you immune and/or keeps any virus from entering your system. In other words, you can still get sick, and you can definitely still spread it even if you have not gotten very sick.

    So the argument that it's for the sake of the patients is B.S. It only protects the individual who received the shot. So you see, the real motivation for making all staff take shots is to make sure you don't miss any work due to flu related illness during the season.

    Your welcome.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    Options hospital is also requiring.
    seems reasonable since it is beneficial to patient care, and they pay me.


    I too am required, for the third year now. It is not just for us, more important it helps not spread illness to paitents with weakened immune systems. By the time you realize you are too sick to work, think of how many could be exposed....and as a healthcare worker I KNOW we all push ourselves way past the point of staying home when we should.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I understand it, but I also think it sucks. Here at work if we don't get one, we have to wear a mask all day. I think it sucks because that shot can cause serious damage. A patient of mine just left here......last year she was paralyzed with Guillan Barre syndrome. Luckily, she can walk again. I get the flu shot yearly, but I don't like that they can force us to put toxins into our bodies.
  • BroiledNotFried
    BroiledNotFried Posts: 446 Member
    I worked in public accounting and it was very highly recommended. Tax season, audit season - all hit when the flu is high.

    But, I don't think it should be mandatory in most workplaces. But, a hospital is different. If a healthcare worker has the flu and tranmits it to patients it could be deadly. Patients are in a precarious situation as it is.
  • jetabear10
    jetabear10 Posts: 375 Member
    All of a sudden, it would be against my religion to get a flu shot.

    I think I'm with you. I don't like the idea of being told to do something. I'd like to say I can see they're reasoning, but working in a hospital, aren't you already more exposed/therefore more immune to certain things?

    The last time I got a flu shot I was miserably sick and missed the most work I've ever missed. I won't do it again, until I'm old and it makes complete sense, and then I'm still not positive I will....

    You do not develop a natural immunity to the flu. Thats why they push to get all employees vaccinated rather than just testing to see if your immune.

    The human body is designed to fight off things such as the flu...yes, your body will make its own antibodies.

    A side note...vaccines formulated for one year may be ineffective in the following year, since the influenza virus evolves rapidly, and new strains quickly replace the older one. so you are only immune to the previous years strains.

    Persons with compromised immune systems should get the shots...not people with normal healthy immune systems.
  • DaddyM1
    DaddyM1 Posts: 18 Member
    Flu is not a toxin. It's a virus, and I don't think they can force a private citizen. Strongly encourage, coax, create separate rules for those that don't comply, yes. But force someone??? That seems highly doubtful.
  • snowyd20
    So, the forced flu shot thing is going to be Federally mandated by the CDC starting next year! Medicaid and Medicare are jumping on board and will actually withhold payment up to 2% if a certain percentage of hosptial employees have not had the flu shot by 12/31.
    2% is a lot of money for any hospital, especially from Medicare which is typically the highest payor for any institution.

    Just FYI.....
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Flu is not a toxin. It's a virus, and I don't think they can force a private citizen. Strongly encourage, coax, create separate rules for those that don't comply, yes. But force someone??? That seems highly doubtful.

    But it's not forced. You can choose to get it or not. They can choose to fire you.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    It DOES NOT mean that some magical anti-flu force field surrounds you and makes you immune and/or keeps any virus from entering your system. In other words, you can still get sick, and you can definitely still spread it even if you have not gotten very sick.

    So the argument that it's for the sake of the patients is B.S. It only protects the individual who received the shot. So you see, the real motivation for making all staff take shots is to make sure you don't miss any work due to flu related illness during the season.

    sorry, but that is not true. There is lots of research that shows vaccinating healthcare workers really does reduce case of flu in patients. Vaccination of the Health Care Workforce Lit Review UPDATED 06 15 11.pdf