


  • rainghirl
    rainghirl Posts: 203 Member
    Let's see - I used to finish off my friends' meals when we went out after eating all my own, though I never put on weight then, I couldn't do it now.

    I smoked on and off for a few years.

    At one point my idea of a Saturday night in when my OH was away was a bottle of red wine, a large packet of Kettle Chips and a tub of hummous, that was after eating my tea, as someone else said only one of us came out alive, although didn't feel quite so alive Sunday morning.

    I used to go to beer festivals and drink 8 pints in a night.

    I will still, if put in front of a buffet at a party, pig out on cheese and biscuits and bits and pieces of quiche and pies, because if it's just lots of different things it doesn't countr, right? Wrong. I have to try and avoid buffets.
  • chinatbag
    chinatbag Posts: 249 Member
    There was a time in my life when I was able to eat an entire DiGiorno's pizza by myself. I think there was also a time when I was able to eat an entire Costco Pizza by myself. I am not proud of those moments.

    One time I went to eat with my friends at a Pizza place, we all shared a large. I had maybe 3 or 4 slices. Then promptly walked across the street to Burger King for a triple whopper. Also not proud of this moment.

    Then there was the time I went to a sushi place that was all you can eat. They refused to serve me anymore tako (octopus) after eating about 30 or so (including rice, nori, and the octopus on top).

    That was only a few years ago, I'm making a change for the better.
  • paruls86
    paruls86 Posts: 188 Member
    I would eat when i was depressed i do it sometimes even now but i eat far far less and better foods so i am less worried.
    I never felt the need to wait for hunger to eat i ate when i felt like and now i am hungry a lot more coz i do not eat till i am hungry.
    I hated going out with my boyfriend who is now my husband coz i did not look perfect or like i used to look just a few years back.
  • magairlin
    magairlin Posts: 93 Member
    Please don't call yourself a pig. You are a person with overeating problems as are many of the people on this site. You are dealing with those problems as best you can by joining the site. Calling yourself insulting names won't help you deal with overeating. Best of luck.
  • purplepiggy1
    At eater time I would eat tonnes and tonnes of chocolate on a daily basis without a care in the world.
    Even things like having two large bowls of pasta followed by a large bowl of ice cream and topping like once a week.
    MFP def opened my eyes up to how much I was really devouring!!
  • Tarek307
    for a few months i was eating the entire package of DOVE CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM BARS- THATS 3 bars every day...& if i happened to buy 2 Packages that day i'd eat all 6 sometimes! baaaaaam

    oh & i could & would & used to easily polish off a JAR OF NUTELLA WITHIN 24 hrs!!! looool,,,and i'm damn proud of it!
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Gluttony is one of the seven cardinal sins for a reason. We use food to fill up our cravings, to the point that our health is compromised. And then we die young, of all kinds diseases cause by our uncontrolled appetites. There is a spiritual side to over-eating that we can't afford to overlook.
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    Wow I brave enough to admit this...?

    I have been known to get a large Wicked Zinger Tower meal from KFC drive through then go to McDonalds drive through and get a cheeseburger and a McFlurry when I was hungover...more than once :blushing: I convinced myself it was ok because it would fix my hangover...

    Getting 2 meals from either McDonalds or KFC isnt unheard of either...I would get one diet coke with the small meal and a regular with the large meal and say "I think thats all he wanted" as if I was buying it for my other half...I dont have an other half...!

    Eating a share size bag of doritos with salsa or cream cheese on an evening was fairly standard...with a couple of beers of course. I would have that instead of tea as my justification to myself.

    I still miss eating huge amounts of's my own personal demon!!
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    Oh wow, just evertyhing anyone says about eating things by the packet! I try now to buy things not in big packets but it is hard as the seldom come in individuual packaging. It is just that I always was terrible at umm... LEAVING food. If there is a packet, I wanted to empty it; he food always run out before my appetite!
    I know right mrshoneydew... please don't tell me I'm the only one here who did the old 2 cans 'trick'... I order 2 cans of pop with my takeaway as it was clearly enought for at least 2 and I was trying to trick them that I wasn't going to eatit all myself!!!

    Batsheba I am the same. I like being really full and I like eating loads. I am trying to get over that but in hinesty that is still my feelings.

    Grassette, I am a Catholic and somtimes I worry about the sinning side of things but I try not to think about it because I ccan't deal with that thought that I might be being immoral. I can't copewith that,I'm a good man and a good Catholic, am just trying to get on with the health side of things.
  • Alpina483
    Alpina483 Posts: 246 Member
    Guess we all have to say something in this thread, but... how exactly is that helping to our cause?
    Not being sarcastic, just curious.
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Writing this post nearly made me cry. Blimmin' 'eck.

    - I once went to Greggs (to those outside the UK, a guilty pleasure bakers who sell pasties, sandwiches, baguettes, pizzas, sausage rolls, cakes and doughnuts - NIRVANA) and they had a Buy One Get One Free offer on all pasties. I bought two cheese and onion pasties, two sausage and bean melts, two French bread pizza slices, one giant bag of salt and vinegar crisps and a (don't laugh) Diet Coke. Scoffed the lot in the car, covered in pastry crumbs and self-loathing.

    - I would routinely pop to the local supermarket (I live literally minutes from a 24 hour supermarket, lethal for my fatgirl days) and check out which big chocolate bars would be on offer - typically, it would be big bars of Dairy Milk or Galaxy for £1. I'd buy three and eat them in one go in my bedroom.

    - when I lived with my ex, he would often work away at weekends. I would phone both a Mexican and Chinese takeaway, ordering disgusting amounts of both, and pretend to call upstairs to a non-existent friend that our takeaway had arrived and did they have any change?

    - I would have to carry a little bottle of nappy cream in my handbag to apply periodically to my chub-rub.

    - TMI, but sod it. Before I lost weight, I can count on one hand how many occasions my ex saw me fully naked. I bought some faintly ridiculous underwear get-ups to cover myself as much as possible without encasing myself in lead. No mean feat.
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    It's good to see that so many people have got similar stories.

    Did anyone ever get anxious about running out of food? I would regularly pack myself a ;lunch to take to work and then think 'but what if that isn't enough? WHat if I run out?' - as if being hungry for an hour or so was going to literally kill me. So I would take/buy some 'just in case' food and invariably eat it all.

    A few weeks before I ended up on here I found myself in the kitchen in front of the toaster working my way through a full loaf of brioche with chocolate chips and a slab of butter with the rest of my unpacked shopping bags around me - I stood there until I had eaten the whole loaf in about half an hour.

    Stress would send me straight to food - UK people, I quite regularly would mindlessly eat my way through a Walkers 6 pack as a little snack.

    I was raised that you clear your plate, if food is on there then you eat it so even if I was feeling nauseously full I would never leave any food on my plate. Ever. If you've paid for it then you eat it, end of story.

    ANd don't even get me started on Greggs. I used to come up with an excuse every day why I had to leave the office in the morning - which would take me past Greggs - and if I am passing them it seems a shame not to get a cheese and bacon twist, a cheese and onion slice and a creme doughnut - for a snack. I would then eat my lunch about 2 hours later.

    The thing is all that eating behaviour is there inside me still but at least now I am aware and have half a chance of changing it.
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    Gladly making up a bowl of cake mix and going at it while I watched Family Guy late at night was a regular occurance

    Full packets of biscuits

    Full multibags of crisps

    Sugar sandwiches
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    Ugh, the things I could eat! I used to get two boxes of swiss rolls and put one in the cabinet and hide the other. Then when I would eat half the box of the ones in the cabinet I would replenish it from the hidden box so nobody would know. I could EASILY eat a whole bag of chips. My intention was never to eat the whole bag, but when I would come up for air and only see a little bit left I felt obligated to finish it. I remember going to subway once and ordering a footlong sandwich and watching my brother and my son exchange glances like 'who is going to tell her she doesn't need a footlong!' But, they wisely didn't say anything. But, the random snarfing of whatever food I could find leading to binges that lasted hours or days that I couldn't stop was my private shame. :ohwell:
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Wow, i identify with so many of the posts here. I also don't feel 'full' unless my stomach is groaning and stretched. Trying to retrain my mind and body on this one.

    I have eaten two pots (500ml each) of Ben n Jerry's ice cream in one go.
    A 200g bag of Walkers sensations crisps is just a snack (i like what the previous poster said about only one of us coming out alive).
    I have eaten whole cheesecakes, which are barely defrosted. (Last Sunday :( )
    A jar of chocolate spread and a spoon is an 'appetizer'
    Ordered two breakfasts on the drive through at McDonalds and done the 'i think thats all he wanted trick'. (haven't done that in about a year).
    Ordered the deals at Pizza Hut, Small pizza, chicken wings and potato wedges, with the intention of making it last two nights. It never has.
    Offer to make tea in the office so i can go to the kitchen and scarf down pieces of cake while its brewing. then bring pieces up for everyone, and a piece for me 'as a treat'.
    I can't leave packets unfinished. Even if I've reached the point of fullness, i'll finish the packet, because there's only a little bit left, pointless saving it.
    I daren't have treat foods in the house. I'll eat them all. In one go.
    While waiting for dinner (home made, nutritionally balanced) to heat up in the microwave, i'll raid the cupboard for instant gratification.
    Make a lunchtime trip to the supermarket to get out of the office, to secretly eat several pasties or pies. I already ate lunch before i left.

    I try not to eat around other people, because I'm afraid of what they think about this huge woman eating :(

    Jeez looking at all that in black and white is quite shaming. I've cut a lot of it out, but there are still things that happen.
  • MogwaisGrandma
    MogwaisGrandma Posts: 196 Member
    Greggs has a lot to answer for in the UK.

    I too was a 2 cheese and onion pasties as a time girl. Add to that their huge french salad sandwiches ( which THANK GOD) they do not do in the NW of England, a vanilla slice and a doughnut and you had lunch/afternoon snack for me on a regular basis.

    I used to buy a 3/4 piece box of KFC AND 9/12 hot wings and eat all them, with gravy.

    Chinese was starters of salt and pepper ribs, a main meal of chicken or beef with cashew nuts, special fried rice, seaweed and chips Sometimes I would throw some mini spring rolls or their huge chop suey roll in for good measure. I would kid myself I would take the rest to work the next day.

    I would work my way round the local take aways so I only hit them once a fortnight so they would not think of me a right pig.

    Sweet stuff - 3 kingsize twixes in one go, large bars of dairy milk/galaxy in one go. Packets of Ginger biscuits/rich tea consumed with one cup of tea. Whole cheese cakes would get about half the top and all of the base devoured.

    I could go on...
  • myoshia212
    Wow I brave enough to admit this...?

    I have been known to get a large Wicked Zinger Tower meal from KFC drive through then go to McDonalds drive through and get a cheeseburger and a McFlurry when I was hungover...more than once :blushing: I convinced myself it was ok because it would fix my hangover...

    Getting 2 meals from either McDonalds or KFC isnt unheard of either...I would get one diet coke with the small meal and a regular with the large meal and say "I think thats all he wanted" as if I was buying it for my other half...I dont have an other half...!

    Eating a share size bag of doritos with salsa or cream cheese on an evening was fairly standard...with a couple of beers of course. I would have that instead of tea as my justification to myself.

    I still miss eating huge amounts of's my own personal demon!!

    I ashamed to admit I used the " I think thats all he wanted " line as well.
  • apocalypsepwnie
    I am a packet person.

    I would eat a whole large 8 slice pizza on my own with 4 slices or half a garlic bread AND THEN have dessert or a full family size packet of smiths roast chicken chips.
    But recently half a pizza with 6 chicken wings and half a garlic bread is normal... so not that far from it. Blerp.
    A jar of olives, 250gm of ricotta, a whole packet of bagel crisps, a jar of sun dried tomatoes and 100gm of salami was a good night in for me.
    The family size bags of chips was always in my house and always eaten in one go. Along with a container of pringles.
    Commonly I would eat more that I should or even could when I was with my ex so he wouldn't eat it on me the next day when I'd planned to take it for lunch. He was a midnight eater or sometimes would eat it for breakfast, so because I just had nothing else that was mine I'd eat it at that meal. It was a possession thing. I'd eat EVERYTHING so he couldn't have it, even if I didn't like it. Just to spite him. He took everything from me and it was the only way I knew how to have anything for myself.
    I used to order the 'box' meals at KFC and never eat the whole thing infront of people but always be sad I didn't finish it, alone I'd stuff it down.
    What feeds me, my partner and 3 step children was what used to feed my ex and I. 5 PEOPLE WORTH OF FOOD! FIIIIIVE!
    Whole packets of biscuits....
    a 2L tub of ice cream would be gone in 1 ONE!!!!! OOOONE dessert for my ex and I, now 1L last 4-6 servings. Like it should!
    I'd always have a sandwich or something after dinner, if not chips.
    2 meals would usually extend to breakfast on workdays and lunches on weekends where I'd have naps. Lunch, nap, lunch.
    I ate a whole cake in 4 days a few months ago. 2 packets of cake mix, 250gm of butter and 500gm of icing mix....So really 2 cakes.
    Total secret eater. My mum found a jar of crushed nuts in my drawer when I was younger. CRUSHED NUTS? WTF DID I WANT WITH THOSE? I'd hide packets of chips.
    Also unconscious eater, I'd always have to put SOMETHING in my mouth everytime I went to the fridge or cupboards. This has been going on for as long as I can remember.
    I'd go home at lunch time in high school and cook full meals. Steak, pasta... you name it. I ate it.
    Steak and chips was a full 500gm rump and 250-400gm of deep fried chips SMOTHERED in gravy. Even though I KNEW I'd made too much I know that I'd get in trouble for wasting so I'd eat it all, even if it meant I stopped being able to chew. Sick.
    Oh and when I was younger we moved in next door to an all you can eat place. We'd go once a week. Even though I wasn't yet a teen my mum wouldn't stop me when she thought I'd had enough. Often I'd eat so much I'd have to vomit when I got home. Charming. I also have only *just* gotten out of the habit of full is about to vomit. Now full is just not hungry any more.

  • GnarlyBro
    GnarlyBro Posts: 17 Member
    There used to be times where I phyically never felt full from eating so much. Id eat up to 10 'meals a day, and one meal was a whole pizza. :( ew
  • nevertoolate2
    nevertoolate2 Posts: 309 Member
    There are some really moving posts on here, truly humbling. And at the same time, inspiring, because each person I come across who has the courage and determination to deal with their food demons gives me a little more strength to do it for myself. Thank you all for sharing.

    I would order a pancake roll and a portion of chips from the chinese by my bus stop - before walking home half a mile for dinner. I would of course hide the wrapping.

    I would massively over order on takeaways because I would stress there would not be enough for everyone including my massive appetite.

    At buffets I would eat a full plate and ask my wife to go get me a plate of seconds so that others would not see just how much I was eating.

    Everything has to be finished! Nothing can be left on my plate, on the serving plate, in the bucket, in the box or in the carton. Sometimes I would offer to clear plates from the family table so that I could pinch selected left overs! This one has firm roots in my parents who would always, always say that we HAD to clear our plates and that we mustn't leave anything, that it was BAD to waste anything. I still fight this daily.