Weight and attraction



  • rmf626
    I'm short and I was always attracted to guys who weren't excessively tall...easier for dancing (or something like that). Most were also wrestlers or with that body type and they usually had thick or curly hair. Then I married a guy who is 6'3" and 165 pounds and who is now a little thin on top. Go figure! I love him to death, so I guess it's more about personality than looks for me.
  • summergrl17
    summergrl17 Posts: 75 Member
    I like average size men which is what I always dated but I married an overweight guy and it was kind of a turn off after awhile. we had a lot of things go wrong so it probably wasn't just the weight that turned me off. I was skinny then. That's why I won't date while I'm this fat. I'm not attracted to heavy people so I can't imagine than anyone would be attracted to me this heavy. I do not feel sexy either.
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    It's weird, I prefer skinny guys even though I'm curvy myself. My boyfriend, who is quite skinny (130 lbs maybe? He's 5'8") prefers curvy girls (like me! lol). Curvy though, not fat. Hah.
    I don't find myself attracted to obese guys or even the really muscular guys. I like the slender guys.
    For females, I like girls who are curvy like myself. Curvy, weigh a bit above average, but not fat.
  • steven_goldilocks
    For me, there's really nothing sexier than a woman who's comfortable in her own body and mind, regardless of whether she's heavier or slimmer. I don't really have a preferred body type because it's always been about noticing that confidence and being attracted to it.

    However, when it comes to the crunch, if the person I find attractive isn't as smart as or smarter than I am then it's all over. I need someone who can challenge me, who brings intelligence and opinions and humour to the table, or I lose interest pretty quickly.

    Luckily for me my wife meets all these requirements and a whole lot more.
  • RyanWilson1993
    RyanWilson1993 Posts: 409 Member
    I go for athletic, average, chubby but anything that looks like it could be on the discovery health channel is a no no lol
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    Doesn't matter to me, as long as they arent obese and lazy.. Yes, lazy. As in not wanting to exercise, not caring if they are overeating on junk food all the time. I want someone fit to go on hikes with me and enjoy life!

    I don't really care if he has abs or not. I want someone to cuddle. If he is muscular I don't want it to look extreme like he is on steroids.

    The guy can't be too skinny, if hes smaller than me, well I don't prefer that.... lol.

    I like a guy who is taller than me (can't be that hard, I'm 5'3 haha.)

    If I am attracted to his personality, I go for him. I don't have any huge preferences.
  • Aereon
    Aereon Posts: 27 Member
    I prefer thin girls. Short is sexy too
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    As long as the diced pineapples are ripe that is all that matters.
  • keithmustloseweight
    How many guys here prefer bigger girls? I know there are some out there who do, some who prefer thin, and some who don't care either way. I'm interested to know lol

    Prefer athletic, then thinner and medium. Obese (not talking about genuine frame curves) is really not attractive at all, being skinny-fat is also not that appealing but is alright.
  • NeonRainbow83
    NeonRainbow83 Posts: 118 Member
    I basically just like strong men. If he's strong and big, that's cool, if he's strong and has a beautiful 6 pack, that's cool too. As long as he's strong, and can "protect me" so to speak, I'm attracted ;)

    ^^ Exactly this.
  • cuarrech
    cuarrech Posts: 118 Member
    Sapiosexual here, but as far as attraction -before- speaking to them, it doesn't happen often (I tend to "turn off" that part of myself when I'm in public) but it happens far more with men and women that show a little counterculture/an indication they might think outside the culture-box on themselves publicly - long hair on men (melts me), tattoos, unnatural hair colors and styles, etc. Not a sure thing, a strong devotee to a specific subculture might be narrow-minded too; but people who show one or more of those types of indicators are less likely to be. Physically I am not attracted to super-obese or skeletal, but I've had a long-term boyfriend who was 6'2" 140-150 and another at 6'2" and 280-ish, and a few in-between. But since health and fitness have become a greater focus of my life, I'm finding I have less interest in being around people who don't care at all about health. So I could be attracted to someone heavier mentally, but probably only if they were also interested in health and so they wouldn't be heavy for long, anyway. I haven't dated much in a long time, though.
  • alexp74
    alexp74 Posts: 125
    How many guys here prefer bigger girls? I know there are some out there who do, some who prefer thin, and some who don't care either way. I'm interested to know lol
    Same question for girls. I personally prefer guys who are a bit bigger. I like the "big teddy bear" type.

    Never dated any girl under 145 pounds, any less does nothing for me. I can relate better to someone who looks like she actually eats something!
  • peles_fire
    Weight/size/build is not usually what attracts me. It is the person, the way they carry themselves, the way they smile or make eye contact. What I like to call the "intangibles". Sure, a full set of lips and a nice curvy boy butt will get my attention. But it is not a requirement for me to be attracted to someone. Sometimes all it takes is the slightest hint of mischief in a smile and I am interested. I'm a bit of a dork that way.

    Oh and anyone who can quote Monty Python or Mel Brooks moves to the front of the line. :)
  • 4x4play
    4x4play Posts: 200 Member
    It's about the total package. I want my guy to be able to lift me, throw me over his shoulder, and toss me around. I want him to be bigger than me. I am an athletic girl(ok so I only play volleyball) so I like to have an athletic guy also, that way we can support each other.
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    all i car about is. is he taller than 5'10? and is he funny? if yes to both these answers I will consider dating. of course, I am picky about what/who I consider funny.
  • ashesfromfire
    ashesfromfire Posts: 867 Member
    So, I'm not gender specific in my romantic exploits. I'll admit I'm a little shallow when it comes to women, but more than SIZE its her PROPORTIONS that make you fall somewhere on my not VS hot scale. I love the curves of a woman's body and whether you're big or small thats what I want to do.

    My men I proffer slimmer as well. I like some muscle evident in the arms, byt I really like to see softer feminine lines in the body :) It's just very sexy to me.

    My SO is a chubby chaser. (Good thing for me)
  • ashesfromfire
    ashesfromfire Posts: 867 Member
    How many guys here prefer bigger girls? I know there are some out there who do, some who prefer thin, and some who don't care either way. I'm interested to know lol

    Prefer athletic, then thinner and medium. Obese (not talking about genuine frame curves) is really not attractive at all, being skinny-fat is also not that appealing but is alright.

    what's skinny-fat?
  • sexikc
    sexikc Posts: 153 Member
    I love all kinds of men really...I have been with several types from super skinny and short..to super tall (like 6'8) and a little bigger. But the ones I have been most attracted to have been guys with an athletic build. I guess they would be medium sized and cut. I love it and thank goodness they didnt mind a plus sized woman..
  • LouiseRose92
    I prefer big, muscular men.
    My SO isn't but he is perfect so that's fine :smile:
  • MaritaD
    MaritaD Posts: 178 Member
    I like a guy in the 5'10-11 range, just a little taller than me, and I seem to go for blondes (though Boyfriend is greying and Husband is silvering). Past that, a decent proportion (ahem) elsewhere, and otherwise it's intelligence, wit, a smart mouth, and compatible religious and political views and power orientation.

    Boyfriend and Husband? haha How do you handle two men?