No really... I AM big boned..?



  • flag91
    flag91 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm a physical anthropologist, and there IS such thing as big boned. No bones are the same size. Your ancestry plays a large part it it. It doesn't make a huge difference, but it's not irrelevant either. Now to say its an excuse for 50+ pounds is just crazy. But it can make things like wrists and ankles appear larger. It doesn't effect weight except by the smallest fraction. But a lot of things can change how you appear. Like a girl I went to school with was 5'7, 115 pounds and wore a size 6-8 depending on the brand because her hips were wide. She wasn't big boned, but her hip bones were spread apart farther.

    I'm so glad this lady spoke up! :-) Maybe a better way to measure your progress and where you want to go is body fat percentage. I find that with weight training and things, the scale may not move but I'm still shedding fat and it provides a great way to know how far I've come with my body fat %. In the end, that's all that matters. The goal is to gain muscle, shed fat, and increase bone density. Find a good tool to measure your body fat % and focus on that.
  • Martina_Who
    Martina_Who Posts: 172 Member
    I'm 5'7 and large framed!
    I also started my journey at 220lbs!
    After 3months I'm down to 189lbs and am aiming for around 159lbs. Maybe even 150lbs depending on how I feel at goal!
    I started off as a size UK 18 which is US 14 and am aiming for a UK size 12 which is a US size 8

    I know how you feel about never feeling like your going to be small.... but you can be... if you want it that badly.
    Just because you or I have a large frame does not mean that we cant be slim!

    I never want to be skinny tho FYI! I find it very unhealthy and ugly....

    Feel free to add me if you want, I'm on everyday and very supportive.

  • CarmenLynn75
    CarmenLynn75 Posts: 118 Member
    If there is no such thing as big bones- then why can some ladies wear a size 6 shoe while I dig to find a size 10? A person's foot size doesn't shrink with weight loss. And neither does my broad german shoulder set. Why at my lightest (sickly thin) could I still not fit a bracelet or typical watch on my wrist? YES THERE IS BIGGER BONES.
  • I do xray's everyday of people who have always used the excuse that they are "big-'boned", very often the largest people have the smallest frames. You're wrist measurement isn't really a great way to determine the size of your skeleton but the size of your bones doesn't determine alone how fat or skinny you are. Stop focusing on being 'big boned" or using it as an excuse, if that is the case, focus on getting to a healthy weight. My family told me I was big boned my whole life, (bc I was bigger than my siblings I guess). Reality is, I need to lose weight, so don't feel like you're in the boat alone. Eating low carb and using fitness pal to keep up with calories have both really helped me on my journey. Good luck!!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Skeletons are all about the same size. No such thing as "big boned". Lol.


    I'm 5'5", 140lbs and my wrist measurement is 6.5" - that makes me "BIG BONED"?????
    I wear a size 6 pants (34 inch waist)

    Yes, it makes you big-boned (aka large-framed) Sorry.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    There is such a thing as larger framed people. I wouldn't put much mind to what your doctor has to say on whether you're large framed or not. He simply doesn't want you to think it's okay to be heavier than you should. Which is true, being naturally "big boned" is not an excuse to keep weight on.

    I'm also a very large framed woman. Even when I was thin, I was bigger and wider than all the other women who were my size or larger. I'm just a very big, strong person naturally. I swear, I could have been a lumberjack lol. My wrist is also 7" but it tends to shrink down to about 5 1/2 - 6" when I lose weight. But even thin, I sometimes have problems finding bracelets and watches that fit my wrists.

    Bottom line is, you have to figure out what healthy size works best for you. Your body frame will always remain big but your weight will change regardless.

    You say there is no such things as large-framed, then say that *you* are large-framed.

    It's like the whole BMI thing. Yes, it exists, but it isn't an end-all-beat-all measurement or carry any huge significance.
  • Hi there, I am 5'9" tall and have 7" wrists. I have always considered myself to have a larger frame. God knows my family has always called me "big boned". Especially since the women in my family are barley 5" tall and itty bitty petite. Offset horribly by 6'6" tall men, and then me. When I am fit and trim at my ideal weight (140) I am a size 8-10 depending on the brand. At that weight my wrists only shrink by 1/2" or less, but the rest of me was tone muscle. However, to get to this size I worked out every day with out fail. I ran, walked, and did work out tapes. I was involved in sports, and I ate healthy. I grew to love my work outs because I saw the results. I had a six pack, and it wasn't one I bought from the store for a change!
    Now after a couple kids and more than a couple injuries I am back on track to find that fit girl again. Don't let someone sell you short and tell you that you simply can't be a size 10. That isn't an unreasonable goal. It can take time and a lot of effort like any goal. But if you don't think the goal you set for yourself ( no matter what it is) is possible you won't attain it.
  • weight_in_vain
    weight_in_vain Posts: 12 Member
    There is such thing as being big boned or large frame. My doctor told me that I was large framed. She made me wrap my middle finger and index fingers around my wrist. If they can't or barely touched, then you are large framed, according to her. I think it's important to recognize this, as I know I could never be the weight I'm supposed to be and be healthy. She told me not to worry about trying to achieve that exact weight and to consider other numbers, too.. I know I have to still lose a lot of weight, but we all have different body types. One size can't fit all!

    Good Luck!
  • reneecgc
    reneecgc Posts: 179 Member
    No i thought i could only get to a size 12 and if I was lucky a size 10, but now I am a size eight. I am 5'7" and I weigh 154.
    Everyone thinks I am smaller. They think I weigh 130 at the most. You can do it. I am smaller than I was in HS. OH by
    the way I am 45 years old. You never too late to get into shape. I started my journey at 215.8lbs and a size 16.
  • lornajeeves
    lornajeeves Posts: 1 Member
    hey.i know how you i got 3 stone to lose after having baby.but before he came along i weighed 12st 5 and was size 14-16.went jogging everyday,or gym,and got told by own doctor when i went in saying if he could help me lose half a stone,that i looked fine and if i lost anymore weight i would look ill.yes skeletons are the same but im broad and how i carry my weight and muscle he said ive got medium frame.i know ill be looking bad in face if i got into size 10-12.i had my collarbones sticking out when size 14.and on photos even my friends dont believe i look a size happy being that size and i looked good,so go to a size that makes u look and feel
  • We are about the same size.. well I am where you started minus about 5 lbs.. I am curious.. how did you stay motivated and what did you do to loose the 38lbs? How long has it taken?
    THnks so much for sharing!
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    I saw this topic and had to break out the tape just to know. 8.5". On the scale for men when I entered 8.5" it asked, "Is this a human wrist?"
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I saw this topic and had to break out the tape just to know. 8.5". On the scale for men when I entered 8.5" it asked, "Is this a human wrist?"

  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    I know there is a lot of controversy out there about wether or not you can be big boned! Well coming from someone that gets told all the time that I am an I believe it to be true! My doctor told me that I have a very large frame and very dense bones! My wrists are 7.5 inces with no fat on them, I find it very hard to find womens watches and bracelets that fit! I am also just over 6 foot tall!
    My ultimate goal is a size 14 because I do believe my bone stucture will not allow me to get down any size smaller! I am currently and 18!
  • If people have EXACTLY THE SAME skeletons then how is it possible to identify male from female when fossils are discovered from ancient cultures?

    Why are some women to 'narrow' for childbirth if the skeletons are EXACTLY the same? is the fat making their hips closer together?

    If all skeletons are the same please explain Osteoporosis and the other skeletal disorders. By this thinking then it would be impossible to have any differences in structure at all.

    Here's one from the American Journal of clinical nutrition : which discusses frame sizes.

    It is utterly ridiculous to say that everyone has the same size of skeleton.

    ^^^ This Exactly!!!!.. What was that guy thinking I wonder??? Hmmmm

    I believe the person meant that skeletons are all the same proportion. Of course he didn't mean the exact same sized skeletons. That would make us all the same height. Everybody's frame is different, and they carry a different amount of weight, but that usually means they carry about more or less muscle.

    It's all about body fat %, not about absolute weight. That is the measure of where you should be, regardless of lean muscle mass or "big bones". I have never seen a "big boned" person that didn't need to lose some body fat. IMHO it is just a way people rationalize being over weight.

    When I was a kid, the term for big people was "husky". I guess "big boned" is the euphemism now.
  • Larger frame but no such thing as big boned lol
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    If people have EXACTLY THE SAME skeletons then how is it possible to identify male from female when fossils are discovered from ancient cultures?

    Why are some women to 'narrow' for childbirth if the skeletons are EXACTLY the same? is the fat making their hips closer together?

    If all skeletons are the same please explain Osteoporosis and the other skeletal disorders. By this thinking then it would be impossible to have any differences in structure at all.

    Here's one from the American Journal of clinical nutrition : which discusses frame sizes.

    It is utterly ridiculous to say that everyone has the same size of skeleton.

    ^^^ This Exactly!!!!.. What was that guy thinking I wonder??? Hmmmm

    I believe the person meant that skeletons are all the same proportion. Of course he didn't mean the exact same sized skeletons. That would make us all the same height. Everybody's frame is different, and they carry a different amount of weight, but that usually means they carry about more or less muscle.

    It's all about body fat %, not about absolute weight. That is the measure of where you should be, regardless of lean muscle mass or "big bones". I have never seen a "big boned" person that didn't need to lose some body fat. IMHO it is just a way people rationalize being over weight.

    When I was a kid, the term for big people was "husky". I guess "big boned" is the euphemism now.

    Skeletons aren't all the same proportion either. For a given height you can have a long back or a short back, wide hips or narrow hips, wide shoulders or narrow shoulders, large feet or small feet, etc. etc. Any of that can influence an individual's ideal weight and/or clothing size. None of them are any excuse for being fat, though.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    If people have EXACTLY THE SAME skeletons then how is it possible to identify male from female when fossils are discovered from ancient cultures?

    Why are some women to 'narrow' for childbirth if the skeletons are EXACTLY the same? is the fat making their hips closer together?

    If all skeletons are the same please explain Osteoporosis and the other skeletal disorders. By this thinking then it would be impossible to have any differences in structure at all.

    Here's one from the American Journal of clinical nutrition : which discusses frame sizes.

    It is utterly ridiculous to say that everyone has the same size of skeleton.

    ^^^ This Exactly!!!!.. What was that guy thinking I wonder??? Hmmmm

    I believe the person meant that skeletons are all the same proportion. Of course he didn't mean the exact same sized skeletons. That would make us all the same height. Everybody's frame is different, and they carry a different amount of weight, but that usually means they carry about more or less muscle.

    It's all about body fat %, not about absolute weight. That is the measure of where you should be, regardless of lean muscle mass or "big bones". I have never seen a "big boned" person that didn't need to lose some body fat. IMHO it is just a way people rationalize being over weight.

    When I was a kid, the term for big people was "husky". I guess "big boned" is the euphemism now.

    Skeletons aren't all the same proportion either. For a given height you can have a long back or a short back, wide hips or narrow hips, wide shoulders or narrow large feet or small feet, etc. etc.

  • purplecharm
    purplecharm Posts: 446 Member
    I don't understand why people don't understand that large frames aka big bones exist and that having big bones is not the same as being fat. There are plenty of small framed people that are fat, obese and morbidly obese, just as there are large framed people that are fat, obese, and morbidly obese. i used to work with a morbidly obese lady and I could tell that she had a small frame underneath all her fat because she had small wrist, small feet, very narrow shoulders and a small head.

    My 11 year old daughter is already 5'10 and weighs between 125-130 lbs BUT she has a large frame. Her shoulders are broad and she wears a size 12 women's shoe.I measured her wrist and it measured 6.5 inches. I don't know if she has stopped growing yet, but it's obvious that she is not fat but yet she has a large frame which she took after me.

    I have a large from and although I am only 5'8 I wear a size 13 women's shoe. My wrist measures 7 inches(no fat on my wrist), I can't wear once size fits all hats because my head is larger than average and I have extremely broad shoulders. I took after my father, who also has a large frame with broad shoulder

    My mother on the other hand has a wrist so small that she has to have additional holes added to her watches because her frame is small.
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    People do have different frame sizes. I have a disproportionate rib cage and hand-size for instance. I found this out when I broke a rib when I was younger.

    Your hand length will not shrink when you lose weight. I just have very large hands for my height.
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