Foods you had to cut out of diet to lose weight?



  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    Everything in moderation. I cut down on alcohol but I dont want to give it up entirely. Fast food and junk food I had pretty much cut down before I started MFP though. I make substitutions for foods but if it doesnt work out, I go back to the original.
  • Shrinking_Moody
    Shrinking_Moody Posts: 270 Member
    Nothing. If I want to splurge - I work out longer/harder. I did back off of diet sodas but that is a decision I made to take a step in a generally healthier direction. I still have one a day if I want it. I refuse to tell myself I can't have anything - but again - if I really want something I have to work my *kitten* off for it.
  • ALMONDS, PEANUTS, SOY BEANS, Cows Milk, Whey, Yogurt, Scallops, Egg in all forms, Filbert, Gluten, Pecan, Spelt, and Whole Wheat.

    Don't know which ones, if any, caused me to hold onto weight. It cut them all out to recently to tell. I am intolerant to all of the above foods. I cannot eat them, unless I want to feel like *kitten*. I do recall the first time I cut most of them out (did a hypo-allergenic diet) I lost 10 lbs in a week and another 7 in the following month.

    Woah, that is odd. I'm doing almonds whey yoghurt eggs pecans and whole wheat and it's benefiting me :o

    But I'm just getting into it, so even little changes are impacting me.

    One thing I cut out so far: chocolate milk. I used to just drink an entire half gallon like everyday.... now that I look at it, I feel insane for doing that. I'm strictly water and milk now.

    I got alot of food to cut out and discover, pretty hard considering I'm not the one doing the shopping. Gonna get my GED, get to driving, find a job, and start becoming independent so I can fully find out all I can.

    But, I basically cut out all junk foods. A year ago I would eat ice cream nearly every single night, and I haven't eaten it in months even without being on a diet.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    I've decided that I needed to CUT SODAS... White flour... and Refined Sugar...
    I seriously limit the preprocessed and commercialized foods...
    I don't want to eat what the "pushers" are pushing at me...
    I've found that each of these things had a natural replacement that:
    1. Tasted as good...
    2. Had a great deal more nutritional value...
    3. Filled me up better and kept me from feeling hungry longer...
    If there is something that you can't pronounce on the label and don't know what it is, why eat it?
    Moderation in somethings is fine but if its not good for you even a little bit is too much...
    Who thinks arsenic is ok in moderation?
    No one, but the food industries keep pushing addictive substances as preservatives and flavor enhancers...
  • anonymousKel
    anonymousKel Posts: 92 Member
    i've really cleaned my diet wasnt too bad before.. But if I want it i'll have it. I've made a conscious effort to ditch caffeine completely. I drink vitamin drinks and coconut water plus herbal tea. I have a diff tea for first thing, bed time and during the day. Its day 80 for me and a 21lb loss. Loving a clean diet.

    Love vino and vod at weekend tho.
  • jlnk
    jlnk Posts: 188 Member
    Sugar, sugar, and sugar.

    Did I mention sugar?

    LOL...sugar is my drug of choice. Seriously, once I eat any type of refined sugar or artificial sweetener, I go berserk and must eat everything and anything that contains sugar in mass quantities.
  • Melampus
    Melampus Posts: 95 Member
    Non-diet carbonated soft drinks. If you believe those who claim that sugar and high fructose corn syrup are particularly fattening this would make these an obvious thing to avoid and even just looking at calories on the basis that all calories are equal I just never have enough spare calories to have one of these even as a treat.

    When I started my diet I was already under doctors orders to avoid alcohol and already avoided adding sugar or salt to anything I ate on the basis that I was certain to get more than enough of each of those because of them being added to processed foods.

    I have drastically reduced the amount of chocolate I eat so that it is an occasional treat, probably a small bar less than once every two weeks.

    I have added the sugar column to my nutritional analysis and most days I am over what myfitnesspal is recommending. Processed foods are one source and in particular the ready made sauces you can just add to meat so I will be working to reduce my reliance on them. As the person who does most of the cooking in our household and with a full time job and children this could be a challenge but I reckon to tackle this with one dish at a time. At the moment this does not seem to be holding me back in the sense I am still losing weight but it is something I want to do.
  • weemawhit
    weemawhit Posts: 26 Member
    I just switched things around a bit. When I go to Chipotle, instead of getting a burrito (with rice), I get a salad (lettuce instead of rice, and without the tortilla). It brings my meal to 395 calories, versus 840! It probably tastes about 15% less amazing, but the calorie difference is completely worth it. Logging my calories helped with these kinds of switches soo much. :)
  • cathymarie75
    cathymarie75 Posts: 222 Member
    Ok not sure what this was for.....I eat my 1200 cals a day was just wondering what foods halter weight loss...soda was an issue for me so was wondering what was for everyone else!
    You have to cut everything out. Seriously. Just stop eating. You will lose weight way faster
  • anonymousKel
    anonymousKel Posts: 92 Member
    almonds, walnuts and brazil nuts are very good for you but in very small servings. I followed a womens fitness 2 week diet after my holiday and they (one of them) featured almost daily. Plus natural yog, lots of berries with agave nectar yummy
  • Kjngrrl
    Kjngrrl Posts: 53 Member
    I cut out sugar and artificial sweeteners as well as wheat based products, potatoes and corn (and replaced them with more and healtheir veggies). The foods left are satisfying in smaller portions for me and things with natural sugar now taste much sweeter. I do occassionally splurge and have these items, but they are very much in the occassional to rare category as opposed to the daily consumption category they used to be in.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    peanut butter. I couldn't stop at 2 tbls. I am sure if i could...I would be a-ok. I had to cut it out completely. I replaced it with pb2. Not as good but I am now 20 lbs lighter.
  • cathymarie75
    cathymarie75 Posts: 222 Member
    Thanks !![

    Last year I lost 37 pounds and I attribute a lot of it to exercising (I did the Insanity program) but a huge part of it was my diet. I didn't really cut anything out but I did limit certain things. I have Metabloc Syndrom (aka Insulin Resistance) so my diet varies signifacantyl from others. I did however learn that if I am eating carbs I need to eat double the amount of protein to balance it out. For example if you eat 14g of carbs I make sure to eat 28g of protein. It is sometimes super hard to do but it helped me a lot with my weight loss. Even after I finished Insanity I was not gaining weight back, it wasn't until I started eating Carbs like crazy that I put 15 pounds back on (why I am on here, I need to track my carb vs protein instake and get back in the habit).

    Typically foods to avoid
    Sugar items (try to avoid items that have sugar listed within the top three ingredient items)
    White breads, pasta, and rice (if you are going to eat these eat brown and whole grain)
    Soda's, juices, alcohol (dont drink your calories)
    Eat only Lean Red Meat occasionally (stick to fish and chicken. If you dont like fish use Tilapia, its a fish but very very mild and takes on other flavors extremely well so you dont have the fishy flavor. I LOVE TILAPIA)

    Sorry for the novel! Best of luck to you!!!!!
  • ladyonaquest
    ladyonaquest Posts: 605 Member
    I cut out fried foods and sodas. Everything else, I just cut back on and stay within my ranges.
  • Chinese food!
  • I heard that anything with a name you can NOT pronounce is not good for your body. The Beyond diet website talks about foods that you should avoid. I started cooking everything from scratch so I could pronounce what I use. They also talked about granola, orange juice, cows milk are all bad for you. My nephew buys the grass-fed meats at the specialty market because it doesn't have the undigested grains in the meat. I also love nuts but recently found that they contain a LOT of calories. But I think someone else was right when they said "in moderation".
  • 2yorkiemama
    2yorkiemama Posts: 5 Member
    Simple sugars. I have learned that fat doesn't make you fat...sugar makes you fat. Our bodies do not easily process excess 'bad' sugar. It converts it to fat. Avoid the non-fat' foods. Usually processed garbage and sugar are added to those 'non-fat' foods. Stay with the good fats such as almonds, other nuts and even avocados, whole milks and cottage cheese. Almond milk is fabulous if you can't do cows' milk. Of course, I do enjoy my ice cream (in moderation). So perfection is not demanded. But exercise is a must!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    most carbs for sure.

    i just eat carbs from vegetables, some fruit, a little dairy and nuts.
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    I eat very little dairy and hardly any grains

    This ;). I also learned that broccoli, carrots and cauliflower (uncooked) gives me too much tummy trouble:blushing:
  • nrd2212
    nrd2212 Posts: 128
    White breads/carbs. Soda, fast-food (not that hard for me). Alcohol 1-2 times per month max. super-fatty proteins, added sugars.