Baby naming fun :)



  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    Please look at what the popular names are. And don't use any of them. My name was the most popular name for girls the year I was born. It's a little annoying to share a name with 8 other girls in your class.
    And nothing too cutesy. She's going to grow up and have to be taken seriously. "Capri" may sound cute now but it's not so cute on a 40 year old woman.
    And avoid silly/convoluted spelling. It's just going to lead to a world of trouble later.
  • kit8806
    kit8806 Posts: 222 Member
    OP: This should be a choice that you and your husband make. While our opinions on here can be fun to see, ultimately it's up to you. As my friend says, the child makes the name. So no matter what you choose, the child will eventually become associated with the name in your mind, and you'll end up loving it since you love your baby.

    I completely agree! I had 2 names picked out for my daughter (2 boys names as well..I didn't want to know what my baby was till I gave birth) I had Cassandra Mae or Kylie Marie... When I saw her, I knew she was a Kylie! It's good to get names in your head, but really, the best name will come when you are holding your little angel :)
  • lour441
    lour441 Posts: 543 Member
    i didn't realize my post was going to ignite your fury like that.

    I would like to think it was my post that set her off.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    i didn't realize my post was going to ignite your fury like that.

    I would like to think it was my post that set her off.
    I'm pretty sure it was. I mean, you clearly were completely serious, you mysogynist!
  • LinaBo
    LinaBo Posts: 342 Member
    Alyssa (possibly Joanne for a middle name bc it's a family name. My name is Dixie Joanne) I like this one best, out of the ones you have listed. Pretty, not highly in use, easy to pronounce, doesn't sound like it was invented in a trailer park, somewhere...
    Tessa (my husbands favorite) This one is nice, too. I know a Tessa. It wouldn't be a name choice for myself, but she seems to carry it well, and it flows with your surname
    Capri (We both like it) Capri Dosang? Capri Do-SUN! She'll either be compared to pants, or a fruit punch, throughout her life. No. Just... NO.
    Lexie (probably Joanne again as a middle) Hate it. This is a nickname of a proper, real name. It would not carry well into adulthood. If you must use it, use it as a nickname at home, and give her the proper form of Alexis or Alexandra.
    Gracelyn (we both like) I greatly dislike this one, as well. It's a more recently popularized mashup of two classic names. Put together, it sounds like something decidely UNclassic and UNclassy, and in the same vein as those people who name their kids things like Brooklyn, Jayden, Dakotah, etc. It's cutesy, and again will not carry well into adulthood.

    I'll tell you the name I hope to give to my first daughter, when I eventually have one, because I think I have come up with a middle name that is uncommon where I live, but that also flows well... without being some "filler" name like "Anne" or "Marie" ("Marie" is my middle name. It flows well with my first name, but it IS a ridiculously common go-to middle name). I love the name "Audrey Corinne". "Audrey" is a definite must, after my maternal grandmother, and "Corinne" (with the ko-RIHN pronunciation) is a beautiful, classic name deserving of a comeback, IMHO.

    Other names I like are "Hannah" (or "Hanna", which I like as a diminutive of "Johanna", a common name in my family and Dutch cultural background... though don't use this name with the middle name "Joanne", because they are derived from a common source). I also like "Evelyn". I knew an Evelyn when I was in elementary school, and always thought the name was really pretty. Yet another classy name deserving of a comeback.
  • lour441
    lour441 Posts: 543 Member
    i didn't realize my post was going to ignite your fury like that.

    I would like to think it was my post that set her off.
    I'm pretty sure it was. I mean, you clearly were completely serious, you mysogynist!

    I know right??! It was from years of being beat down by my wife, 4 daughters, female cat and female dog.
  • krim12
    krim12 Posts: 102
    Paisley is a cute name. I love love love cadence.

    My youngest, 12 weeks, is names Kaydence. We love it too. Our other daughters name is Reagan.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    i didn't realize my post was going to ignite your fury like that.

    I would like to think it was my post that set her off.
    I'm pretty sure it was. I mean, you clearly were completely serious, you mysogynist!

    I know right??! It was from years of being beat down by my wife, 4 daughters, female cat and female dog.

    i just feel sorry for the guy who just said "lmao" being lumped in with us.
  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
    Alyese (pronounced A-lease)

    These were the names we had picked out for our children.... we had boys...both!
  • ashleyconstantine
    I like Alyssa.

    My daughter's names are Madelyn Renae and Keigann Elizabeth.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
  • carolina_brandy
    I like Carlee (Carlie, Carley - everyone spells it differently) or Carlee Beth, maybe Carlee Grace - Sounds like a good, strong "country girl" name! Good luck!
  • I always wished my last name was Whacker, just so I could have a son and name him Tally. :-D
  • krim12
    krim12 Posts: 102
    My neices name is Kara Joanne...its a southern name and super cute. We call her either kara or jojo
  • Karebear_68
    Congrats! My kids are all grown, I named my youngest with NOBODY giving input because frankly I knew it was my last and I was naming her myself!! I still love her name - Drew Kirsten. Anyway, there is a young mom I know that named her daughters Braceyn, they call her Bracy for short, I thought it was cute. It is kinda different.....:happy:
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 578 Member
    If I had a girl her name would be Hailey.
  • bsierras
    I like Maddison...Maddy

    Gracelyn is cute too. I love Cheyenne. named my last baby Peyton Cheyenne.

    Good luck
  • asamuels85
    asamuels85 Posts: 170 Member
    Personally, I like Tessa because it sorta matches with your little boy's name, Trace.
    Tessa Gracelyn Dusang :heart:

    LOVE IT!!! :) i agree
  • tigerlinly
    tigerlinly Posts: 219 Member
    of names mentione i like Alyssa Gracelyn
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,013 Member
    I love the name Gracelyn I also like Tessa
    I love the name Michal Leanne also my youngest daughters name pronounced Mikel
    my 2 youngest granddaughters names are Chloe Elizabeth and Elianna Hope...I love these names also
    I also like the name Cassidy for a girl but my husband wouldnt go for it , it took me forever to talk him into michal, I wanted to spell it Mikelle but he would only agree to it if we spelled it michal........compromises.....