Does it bother you that NOBODY NOTICES!



  • TXtstorm
    TXtstorm Posts: 163 Member
    Nope! I don't really care to discuss this with my co-workers and friends. I asked one of them to be my "accountability coach" and she never responded. There is only one person outside of my immediate household with whom I talk about my specific efforts, goals, and progress, and her only briefly. I chose her because she'll be mildly encouraging, but not make too much of the topic. She'll listen to me, but not talk to others about it at all. She won't go too far in her comments or questions, but since I know she knows, I feel a bit accountable to her. Maybe that's because she's also my boss at work? At any rate, I have no desire to fuel any gossip mills, and bless them, at least most of my co-workers would go there. So if I fly under the radar, that's fine with me. I've lost 25 of 85 targeted pounds, my tops fit quite loosely now (so much so that I may have to buy more at an interim size), and I think my face appears thinner, but as the one who sees herself in the mirror each day I can't really say for sure.

    We'll see if my attitude changes as I progress.
  • happythermia
    25lbs is a great loss! Hell - you DESERVE TO FISH! lol :-)

    I have the opposite problem. I don't really like ANYONE to mention it.

    I mean, it's fine to say 'you look great' but when I get the 'HOLY CRAP WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU? WHAT PILLS DID YOU TAKE?! TELL ME YOUR SECRETS" that's when I get weirded out lol.
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    I don't compliment my coworkers. Mess around and get sued and fired or fired and sued. In any case, it's a good way to lose some money.
  • charlena48
    charlena48 Posts: 192 Member
    I have lost 25 lbs. and people are just now saying something about it. I think it takes some people awhile! Don't get discouraged - just keep up the great work!
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Don't forget that coworkers see you every day and the change to them is gradual. Had they not seen you for an entire summer and then you return to work looking like a whole new person as what happened with me then I'm sure they would have been praising you and doing the OMG Look at you!! routine as my friends did when they saw me for the first time in 3 months.

    Don't go looking for praise at work especially. They probably feel uncomfortable saying anything because then it may be as if they thought you were fat before and they don't want you to think that they thought that of you. As for your friends it could be the same thing. They may feel if they comment that you've lost weight that means they're saying you used to be fat. Friends don't like to tell their friends that they're fat.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Losing weight is about getting into better shape and overall health not looking for praise. Maybe THAT'S why they don't say anything, they know you relish the attention

    And your rude too....

    People come on quit being so freaking rude to others.

    You're, not getting the point. Yes, comments on how well someone looks after weight loss is good/important but even if the person doesn't get comments, they should still be happy with themselves.

    Your not getting the point......being rude to her doesn't make her feel any better. This is about SUPPORT the least you could do is support her not tell her she's pouting about not getting comments. You may not care that no one notices but she just wanted her FRIENDS to notice and they didn't and it bummed her out. Sometimes your entitled to a pitty party. But some of you people are making her feel like she's wrong in feeling bad no one noticed. I'm sure she's thankful her husband and family notices but you want your friends to see your process too. She's not asking a lot.
  • luvs2teachincali
    luvs2teachincali Posts: 207 Member
    It could be worse...

    I lost over summer break, too, but only around 12.5 pounds. I commented to a coworker that she looked like she had lost weight and she smiled ear-to-ear and said she had lost 12 pounds. She didn't say a word to me.

    Now I am down 10 pounds more (total 22.5 since before summer break) and I am down two pants sizes. I am getting sick and tired of the compliments.

    That same teacher has not lost any additional weight, that is visible anyways, and I catch her once in awhile looking me up and down but she has not commented on my weight loss.

    Here's the worse part...

    The school secretary the other day, in front of another secretary, another teacher, and a parent helper, said, "Is it true you've lost weight because people keep talking about it, but I just don't see it." I said yes and told her how much I had lost and that I had gone down from size 18 to size 14. She said, "Hmm, I don't know why I can't tell." She then told me that a parent is the one that mentioned it to her.

    What was her motivation for that?
    I think it back fired on her because the other secretary said, "See, I told you!" And the mom that was helping in the office said, "I tell her all the time I can't believe how small she's getting!" So it kind of made her look foolish. I didn't even know how to respond?!?! I mean what did she want me to say? Really? I just said, "I don't know." And she goes, "Well, maybe it's because I see you all the time." The other teacher said, "Oh I see her all the time and I can really tell, especially when she wears proper sizes." This left me thinking she was just being purposely mean. All the others who were within ear shot, listening to this, were confirming they had noticed.

    I don't get some people.

    But, I don't let it get to me! Jokes on them. I don't do this for ANYONE ELSE. I do this for MYSELF. I am my own motivator, my own cheerleader, my own worst critic... I attribute ALL of my success to the fact that I couldn't care less about what anyone else says or thinks. I care about what I think, see, feel....

    Hang in there. Do what makes YOU happy and do it for YOU! :D
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    My SIL has told me that she lost 25lbs and I can't tell. I only know this because she told me. My mom has also lost 20lbs. Again, I only know this because she has told me. People carry their weight differently. Sometimes it's not noticeable to others until they have lost a bit more. Keep doing what you are doing, don't give up just because your co-irkers don't notice. They will in time. You just need to give them time to take note.

    This is VERY true! When I told my MIL that I lost 43 pounds the first time she saw me she was freaking out. You can obviously see that I lost so much weight. Going from a size 14/16 jeans to a size 10 is very noticeable. She then turned to me and said I lost 20 lbs so what do you think? I had to fake a look of happiness,surprise etc because quite frankly I couldn't tell at all that she lost weight. She only went down one size and was still in an XL. Going from a 1x to an XL is not that big of a difference.
  • gibsy
    gibsy Posts: 112
    Personally, I am careful about commenting on weight loss because you never know if it was really a *good thing* for that person. I have heard stories from quite a few people who lost a bunch of weight because they were sick or because they were emotionally distraught and stopped eating entirely, or because they picked up a bad cocaine habit or whatever, and had people commenting telling them they looked great, or that they looked HEALTHY when they were actually farther from healthy than ever. That's just f*cked up.

    If I know someone has been working on weight loss consciously, exercising, eating well, and that they are happy about it and proud of themselves, I will comment then. I will NOT comment if they've never mentioned it and if I have no idea whether or not they lost the weight on purpose.
  • kimberliiw
    kimberliiw Posts: 242 Member
    A woman at work has lost some weight and I was hesitant to say anything because she also has some health issues. But I went for it and she happily thanked me and told me she was dieting.

    About 10 years ago I lost 34 lbs on WW and a woman at work asked a friend if I was sick or dieting. Then after finding out I was okay congratulated me. But yeah, it took about 30 lbs and being to goal before anyone said anything.
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    My husband has lost almost 60lb and people keep asking him if he got a haircut!!!! I have lost exactly 25lb and am going through the same thing. I have done this before...between babies and for some reason no one says anything until I am about 30-40lb down. Don't ask me?!?!?!? Maybe the people that see you everyday are not noticing for that reason. My loss has been gradual as well. Having said all that. I notice!!!!!
  • texjenn
    texjenn Posts: 146 Member
    My co- workers didn't really notice my weightloss until I lost almost 50 lbs!!! People see u different ways. When they did notice, it was omg, you have lost so much weight!
  • shayemimi
    shayemimi Posts: 203 Member
    As of today , I have lost 27 lbs, and people are just now noticing. I did have a couple people notice around the 15 lb mark but that's it. Now that I can fit back into some smaller clothes, I think that's why people are noticing. I get it that it's not so much that they notice, but that it validates that YOU notice and feel it and want to know some how that your not imagining it, lol. I am losing slowly with healthy diet and increased exercise so it's not an overnight thing, and I think people just don't see it right away. Keep up the good work and they won't be able to help but notice, even if they are too shy to comment on it!! :D
  • athensguy
    In my case, people just tell me not to get too skinny, so I'd rather they not notice that I've lost a few pounds. I'm about 15-20 lbs lighter than my previous regular range.
  • Meikmeika
    Meikmeika Posts: 108 Member
    I've lost 23 lbs (14 of which using MFP) and didn't start getting compliments until wearing fitted clothing... . I wear cardigans and layer alot so when I started wearing more fitted clothes, they just thought I stopped layering.

    I just can't imagine your band mates not noticing but hey....
  • soyasee
    soyasee Posts: 19 Member
    Congradulations on your weight lose!!!! Nobody really says anything to me either unless I speak up. Even my husband doesn't say anything unless I bring it up. :sad: I do remember after I had my children and I lost a lot of weight, he told me when I looked great. So, I'm assuming he'll do the same when he thinks the time is right? Oh well. I'm still gonna lose anyway. Let us know of any updates, k?
  • Susanthecatwhisperer
    CONGRATS!! I just hit my 20 pound mark as well. YES! It bothers me that no one notices. (Hubby noticed 5 pounds ago, and was pleased). I wish OTHER people would notice too! Especially those I haven't seen all summer. At least I know. Maybe we should ask someone who has not noticed to help us find new clothes. :)
  • Grmacereal
    CONGRATULATIONS! I'm not sure if your friends and coworkers are just thoughtless or don't want you to "take it the wrong way" (whatever that means). Not many noticed until I lost more than 25, except my sister, who is doing this with me. In a nutshell, those who know how hard that 25 pounds was and what a success that is will be the ones to notice. My husband has to be hit in the head with a 2x4 to notice but my weight isn't an issue with him. Go figure.
  • Grmacereal
    I've had people ask me, "Did you do it on purpose?" WhTheH?! People just react and open their mouth before engaging common sense.
  • zobqueen
    zobqueen Posts: 42 Member
    Congrats on the weightloss!

    I know what you are saying. This day and time people just don't compliment others like they used to do. I don't know if it's cuz of the sexual harrassment policies or what. I've noticed this for quite a few years now. I miss the how people used to compliment one another!