Does it bother you that NOBODY NOTICES!



  • nzseries1
    nzseries1 Posts: 4 Member
    Sometimes I have long hair, and then I get it cut really short, and not a single person at work says a word - not one. Maybe that's just how people are.

    On the other hand, sometimes I'm afraid of complementing a woman in case I get it wrong, e.g. I tell her that I can tell she's lost weight and she actually hasn't, or, I say how great her new haircut it is and she responds by saying that it was cut weeks ago. Oops!

    So maybe people are just scared?
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    I feel your pain. I frequent the grocery store by my house like every day. I know everyone by name, my son works there. Just yesterday a lady I always talk to said "you look different" and then she went OMG you have lost a lot of weight. I've lost 59 lbs in 5 months. I think it was like 35-40 lbs before the people I work with said anything. I don't know why. Congrats on your loss!
  • Sarahkov12
    Sarahkov12 Posts: 48 Member
    One of my friends and I participated in our works biggest loser contest in January. She and I both followed the same diet and exercised together. She lost 43 pounds and I lost 35 during the contest. So many people gushed about how great she looked... Very few people complimented me. It was horrible and very depressing! I totally feel your pain! Keep at it, the effort is so worth it and sooner or later people will notice and your cheeks will hurt from smiling so much :)
  • alexp74
    alexp74 Posts: 125
    Co-workers that work different shifts or locations have noticed my loss.

    My immediate supervisor and his boss announced back in May they joined a gym, pretty sure they went less than 5 times combined, I'm sure they noticed me but they don't want to bring up their failure so they don't say anything.

    Honestly, I don't care if they notice or not, if I can see progress for myself, great.

    My MFP friends have noticed my improvement, that's what I care about
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    I've also lost 25lb, and no one has commented. Well, a good friend whom I hadn't seen in a while commented on it, but no one else has. It doesn't bother me though - I'm feeling so much better and healthier and more energised, and that was my goal. I imagine for most people the change has been too gradual for them to notice, and I've only been at my workplace for 9 months, so colleagues may have forgotten what I looked like to begin with - and my workplace is not one where people chat about each other's appearances anyway. I'd probably feel a bit awkward if people commented on it.
  • MissKaitD
    I started school losing 40 pounds and it was so discouraging to not hear anybody say anything to me about it. You just gotta keep going, they will notice :)
  • LasVegasLinda
    It would be nice if at least one person at your work would notice and say what a good job you are doing. At least those most important are noticing.
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    this happend to me as well after loosing 35 pounds. a few folks noticed but not everyone said anything. at first it bothered me but in the end, i don't care, because my buddies who refuse to tell me i look good are still fat and i look great. i just smile and let the sun shine down on me while the world takes noticed. don't let it get u down.
  • RunnerInVT
    RunnerInVT Posts: 226 Member
    To boooocat :
    Some fruit has a lot of sugar and others like grapes have a lot of calories. Melons are great. I eat a small Gala apple or banana a day. Some vegss are high glycemic which turn to sugar more like corn. I dont eat a lot of breads as they have highcarbs need some carbs. Spinach torn with lettuce and cukes, tomatoes and topped with protein like tuna or chicken and some low Cal. Dressing like maplegrove lite honey dijion mixed with mandarin ginger is yummy!!
    my coworker let me know she lost weight before I asked. I appreciated that. :)
  • direwolfprincess
    direwolfprincess Posts: 261 Member
    Yes. Just keep in mind people who see you each day often don't notice because they adjust as you change. Those who haven't seen you consistently are more apt to notice the change.
    But yes, it stinks! External Positive reinforcement is always pleasant and looked forward to.
    Stick with it and before long someone is apt to mention it.

    Keep up the wonderful work!
  • PatBland
    PatBland Posts: 29 Member
    You are doing great. It will happen. Someone told me boy I like your new hair style. That has not changed - were it the same all the time. Think they just couldn't see what the difference was - so opted for the hair. Just keep up the good work. You are doing this for yourself, not them - remember that.
  • HollyAus
    HollyAus Posts: 251 Member
    My sis -in-law has lost probablly the same amount. I say probablly because I NEVER talk to her about losing weight or "dieting" or working out. She is sooo sensative about her weight gain. She had medical issues and was on medicine that put "helped" her gain a LOT of weight fast. So instead I just tell her things like "WOW ou look great sis!" and ask if her clothes are new. Stuff that will help build her confidence and let her know I notice but with out saying "Wow how much weight have you lost?!" Cause what she will hear is "WOW you were fat and now your not as much fat" One day she will get there and maybe then we can talk about those other things.

    Others might not want to offend you by talking about how much weight you've lost. (Not trying to say you are too sensitive or something) So just you do you and let them do them and just work your *kitten* off! Literally!! And some day they will notice and will say something.

    Oh and Congrates on the success so far!! You go! :)
  • monof5jbh
    monof5jbh Posts: 2 Member
    It has been my experience that female coworkers are a jealous bunch. They notice but secretly hope you fail and gain it all back. THEN they would feel better about themselves.

  • Vinyarddog
    Keep at it -

    I am at 27 pounds and counting and EVERYBODY notices.
  • Valleydachs
    In a word YES! It bothers me because other people at work are also losing and everyone raves about those co-worker's progress. I guess because I'm pretty quiet (though I do complement the ones losing) that I must be invisible too. Before coming here I dropped 30 pounds through WW. Now I'm doing it here and LOVING it btw!
  • erinxo13
    erinxo13 Posts: 892 Member
    I know what you mean. I was kind of hoping someone (other than my mom) would notice. My Aunt did and I was like WHOA randooom!...but no one else, friends or anyone have said it can be discouraging.
    My mom is doing the opposite, she knows I've lost so she keeps asking me how much, which I don't like revealing cause I'm not where I want to be yet. :blushing:

    but yeah, sometimes it does... I'm kind of okay with it cause I want to lose a lot more so hopefully they notice eventually lol.
  • Sabrina__26
    I totally understand where you're coming from but just be happy that you've lost weight. I have lost some weight (16 lbs) and not one person has realised. But, I do not let it bother me at all. I know I'm losing weight, I can see it and also I can fit into clothes that had become too tight. To me that is all that matters for now. Once I lose more weight then I'm sure they will see it too.

    The only time I did feel a bit down about it was when my family were all telling my brother that he had lost so much weight (he had lost 4 lbs by eating less for about a week) and nobody even looked at me. To me it's even more of an incentive to get slim as I know I'm nowhere near where I need to be.
  • jpe71
    jpe71 Posts: 50 Member
    I've had people ask me, "Did you do it on purpose?" WhTheH?! People just react and open their mouth before engaging common sense.

    See the above comments regarding people who have lost weight for health issues or bad habits. I think it's a justifiable caution, making sure you did it by choice.

    That said, the other reason I don't comment is that I'm often not sure whether they truly lost weight or whether there was some other change there. Asking if someone has lost weight is tantamount to saying that they needed to lose weight, which can be unfortunately insulting. I put down asking about someone's weight to being much like asking if they're pregnant, or offering a consoling "you're better off without him" to someone who just broke up. In any of these cases, you are running the risk that your remark will be taken in the way you did not intend. Therefore, even if I'm pretty sure someone has lost weight, I do not comment unless I am sure they intended to.