Please don't be offended...



  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    Giving up smoking did it for me.

    you may just as well ask, "Why would anyone smoke (or inhale, sniff, swallow, inject) anything toxic"?
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    I have been overweight my whole life i lost it all at 21 and lost it all again after my 1st child but having my second child along with my father becoming sick and passing added on way too much weight. I never lost the weight from my son and once my dad passed I could care less and ate to stop the hurting. While it worked for the time being I am more unhappy now. Now comes down to me getting my butt in gear (which I have not for the past 2 years ) and work hard at the addiction to food I have.Unlike other addictions I can t cut food out completely so its a daily struggle.
  • Faithy345
    Faithy345 Posts: 13 Member
    I've read and agree with several of the answers I saw others post, but more specifically on the depression side, because I know this one personally first-hand, and I'm not the only one I know to have been this way - at some point you can reach such a low that not only do you not care what you're eating or that you're not doing anything to get it off, but you purposely eat more and eat worse because you've become suicidal and HOPE that you're bringing about your own demise. You hate yourself so much that you just feel ready to give up, and you figure, what's one more 44 oz soda? What's another box of donuts? Who cares? What's stopping you?

    On top of that, when you're that depressed and food is your only comfort, you figure why not fully enjoy the one thing that makes you happy - junk food. This is a bit of what got me to where I am now.. This, and -some- genetics. I am paying for it royally now, but I'm glad that I've gotten over that low point...
  • HeatherSLosinIt
    HeatherSLosinIt Posts: 79 Member
    I am 5'1 220lbs. My heaviest was 227lbs, and I never binged or used food as comfort.

    When I was pregnant with my first child, I was 139, and it was actually very difficult to put any weight on. I only got up to 146 and my doctor was constantly yelling at me.
    I got pregnant with my 2nd child exactly 13 months after the first was born. I was a little heavier, 152, and put on only 4lbs during that pregnancy. Doctor was again yelling at me every visit.
    My third child was conceived barely 3 months after giving birth to my second. I still had a hard time putting on weight and I was very sick with this one, too, I actually lost weight, going down to 133.
    I had complications with the pregnancy, a rare condition that caused all amniotic fluid to be absorbed, and was never replenished. The baby had no protection inside the womb, and I was put on bed rest at 3 months into my pregnancy because of it.
    Other than going to the hospital twice a week to see if the baby was still alive or if it was "time" to extract the baby, I was in bed for 6 long months. My weight eventually started to rise from 133 and before I knew it, I was 180. The doctor was happy, and I was happy to not be getting yelled at anymore. I figured it would come off fairly easy once I had the baby as I am naturally very active...
    So, I had the baby, and after a week went by, I felt I could get up and move around (had a c section) with minimal pain, so I set into doing what I normally did before, starting with cleaning my house.
    As I was vacuuming the day I started, I started feeling pains like never before and knew they weren't from the c-section. I had had 2 previous c-sections, so I was pretty familiar with those pains.
    I ended up going to the hospital in the wee hours of the morning, and was rushed in for emergency surgery. Apparently I had had a hernia I didn't know about and it caused my bowel to strangulate. They had to remove and repair several areas of my bowel, and I was informed that to attempt to avoid a repeat occurrence, I should try to avoid all leafy greens and several other things as they are rough on the system and can build up etc etc. (My typical lunch at that point was always a garden fresh salad with tons of different greens...)
    After being released from the hospital, I was re-admitted 4 times in the next several weeks for infections, not only from this new incision, but also from my c-section site as my body was not able to fight off and heal both, it seemed.

    I was weak and in constant pain for months, but I did manage to get up and moving a little. I was very careful, though. I gave up trying to ride my bike anymore, drove everywhere instead of walking, and we moved to a home that had no stairs, partly for the kids, partly because it hurt me to constantly walk up and down them.

    I didn't care about losing the weight anymore, I just wanted to be left alone. I was taking care of my kids just fine, and I didn't go out anymore, so who cared what I looked like in my favorite outfit.

    Husband became abusive, to me and the kids, my marriage ended with me taking the kids and leaving, and then all my energy was put into hiding in the house as much as possible, because I never knew if it would be one of "those" days where he would decide everything in his life that went bad was my fault and come looking for me. I didn't want him to find me when I was out walking with the kids etc.

    About a year after the divorce, my appendix ruptured, and I was in the hospital again. The doctors had to carve my stomach from my pubic line all the way up to my breastbone, because there was so much scar tissue in my stomach from having 4 other surgeries there, they couldn't get to my appendix.

    It took over a year to heal from that, and I looked at the records and was shocked to see I was 227lbs! I finally decided that I don't care if it kills me, I am going to do something about it. (Besides, the way my record was going, something else would kill me anyway. I might as well look good and feel good when it does.)

    Along with all these things, I have rheumatoid arthritis effecting my ankles, low bloodpressure, extreme water retention, and a few things I can't spell.....

    So yeah... I "let" myself become morbidly obese. I really hate that most people who don't have weight issues seem to believe it's a choice to be made.
  • TabathaAnn8
    I think they just don't care and it's disgusting.
    Interesting... as I scan the profile picture.

    THAT being said, life gets in the way. There are a large number of factors. There could be stressful issues like a loss of a job, death in the family. A few months later, massive weight is gained.
    So please don't be offended when I give you a dirty look while your shoveling in carbs and sitting on the coach watching the Kardashians not gaining an ounce! Could this anger possibly come from being tormented my whole life for being fat? Yep. Did I get made fun of daily all throughout school 1st grade to twelfth? Yep. Do I get told at least hourly how horrible it is to be a fat person by society? Yep. I think you can understand why this may offend and upset me. But ya know what, life isn't fair so I'll just suck it up and move on.
    Would you like some wine with your cheese? For the most part the whole metabolism thing is bunch of BS. Sure there are variances but they are not huge like many make them out to be. The problem is the lack of exercise and proper food choices. Most importantly the lack of will.

    Granted I said, life gets in the way. However, one must accept personal responsibility. You sitting there looking "dirty" at someone eating carbs is childish and absurd.

    Yes, I use to 315lbs. So I was fat.

    It's would you like some cheese with that whine.... anyway I'm a generally nice person, so I don't really give people dirty looks, maybe in my head. I did take responsibility, I said what I eat, it's clearly too much or else I wouldn't be overweight. That said, there are people out there that can eat what they want and be moderately sedentary and they don't gain weight. My aunt is one of those people.... AND those people have no right to pass judgement on those of us that have to bust our *kitten* and be super conscious of what we eat to lose weight and stay just a normal weight.
  • highlandpony2002
    I was overweight as a child mum equated food with love and you didnt love her if you didnt finish every meal We did have healthy food just far too much of it had three cooked meals a day with meat and potatoes and veg as the basis of our diet. Followed by pudding or starting with soup, I am a good 40lbs to heavy now having lost 24 lbs already trouble is I dont eat enough now and cant take exercise to improve my appetite. I eat about 700 calories per day if I dont eat sweet things. I now have a little plate eat half portions of meat with a normal portion of veg and a carb either potato,pasta or rice I do eat loads of fruit as I am anemic so need iron pills the veg and fruit keeps me going naturally
    I would like to lose another 14 lbs to start with
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    It's gradual
    Food tastes good, and makes me feel good when I eat food.
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member

    Long winded answer that boils down to it is a combination of nature & nuture, and how the two intertwine. IMHO
    Cliff {:{)


    Also - I'm sorry for your loss, and congratulations on your own progress on MFP.
  • sgaranzuay
    sgaranzuay Posts: 34 Member
    Great post, SpicyGinger. I appreciate your openness and honesty about your experiences. We were the same way growing up - lots of times being hungry and having to eat whenever possible. I also think of food as evidence of my success - grew up and out of poverty, and I can prove it by eating WAY too much rich food - whenever I want.

    For the obesity part - and specifically how it lasts - it's extremely difficult to turn around. I have on my most recent diet for 3 weeks, and lost 15 lbs (my the 35 total I want to lose). It takes every ounce of energy to STOP EATING before I feel full. My mind and body want to just keep eating - until everything is gone. :-(

    Anyway, I hope this adds to the great responses that have been posted thus far. We're all in this fight individually with ourselves, but together in spirit. I'm so thankful for this site and the community boards. I feel less lonely, more inspired, and hopeful for change - the change I can make in my own life, and with the encouragement of others.


    - Severin

    Suburban Dad
    SIts at a desk most days
    41 yrs old
    Determined to MAKE THE CHANGE!!!
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Weight gain just happen over a period of time . Before you know it you are out of control . But what triggers it , is different response for everyone . But once a person reach the true inner being , then life is great for them . But with with everything in life all good things comes to the end, the question has to be answer one day by the person who is struggling with trying to lose the weight . Moderation is the key to success . On a personal note, I ate what I wanted in moderation not everyday off the grid , but I did enjoy my new lifestyle . I started off high 380
    Pounds size 30 now I'm a size 12, size 10 shoes now a size 8 . Exercising was the key factor for me .
  • pattyg1821
    I was about 200-210 prior to nursing school. Went to nursing school myself in 2002-2003.Now here in 2012 heavier then I was prior.

    Youll understand once you get settled in as be a nurse..........that you have no time to chew your food just swallow it whole. No time to take bathroom breaks because you are constantly dealing with patients.

    for several years there after getting my nursing license worked day shift from 6a-2pm. It was too early before 6 for me to eat breakfast and most of time out of convience would order out once got to work or snack or wait til after 2 to eat "lunch" then might not eat supper.

    NURSES and DOCTORS are the worst. Most all the nurses I work with are OBESE. No one is over 300 that I know of but still anything over 100 pounds is considered.

    But to think logically about your question. Everyone falls into their comfort zone. If you aren't a scale watcher and still can wear the same clothes for while but then the day you step on scale you realize you are 20 pounds heavier then you use.

    I kid you not.Before I got pregnant I was 172 I lost weight during pregnacy done to 142. Gained up to 160 then lost down to 143 -one month post partum then one year post partum I weighed in 202 and was still weearing same clothes. Pounds changed but the inches didn't. I gained 60 pounds in a year but all my same pre-pregnancy clothes fit. its like the 172 was in the middle -30 pounds either way.
  • AlotOfSweatAndPain
    As a nurse, I think it'd be GREAT for you to understand that for MANY people (not all!) ... it's an addiction. Like alcoholics, smokers, drug abusers, shopaholics ....

    For many people, like me, depression can lead to eating disorders like binge eating, bulimia, and anorexia. And just because there isn't a specific official name for every 'eating disorder,' doesn't mean some are not as serious or dangerous as others.

    As I said, this is NOT the reason for everyone, but I think it is for many.

    Lots of people loathe the way they look, feel, etc about being so overweight, but it's a vicious cycle when you are depressed and have an ED. You hate the way you feel and look which leads you to eat more, and thus gain more, and thus hate how you look and feel even more.

    Quitting is nearly impossible... just as with drugs / alcohol, the first step is to 'admit you have a problem'

    It's VERY hard.

    This WAS me..,,fortunately I'm winning my battle.
  • DeathKitty23
    DeathKitty23 Posts: 64 Member
    Depression anxiety and other mental illnesses as well as personal circumstances
  • sarasmiles124
    sarasmiles124 Posts: 138 Member
    I was an emotional eater for years. After my first break up? I ate. And ate, and ate. I also wasn't exercising.

    I have gone back and forth with weight loss and working out for years, but it was only recently that something stuck.

    At the time, I didn't have a lot of self worth. I wanted to avoid getting hurt. Heck, I wanted to stop people from being attracted to me at all, because I was scared. Scared of getting hurt, but also of putting myself out there. I still am to a degree. I am 30 years old and still feel slightly socially awkward when it comes to dating, but I am working on it, because my self worth is back closer to where it should be and I feel better, because something clicked.

    There are always a variety of reasons why people put on weight or have issues getting the weight off. It's all individual. No two people are the same.
  • angelcurry130
    angelcurry130 Posts: 265 Member
    My ex was one of those "chubby chasers" and would constantly be trying to get me to eat more. Since I already had issues finding comfort in food, this seemed to be an easy choice. He didn't mind that i went from a size 18 to 32 in the course of our marriage. I cooked to feed an army and didn't worry about portion control, even though the food I cooked was relatively healthy. As I got bigger and bigger, I kept telling myself that I could always buy more clothes, and that if my husband was ok with my size, then it wasn't a problem. I realized it was unhealthy, but I let food carry my through the rough patches leading up to our break-up. It wasn't until after I had left that I realized my health was more important than someone else's image desires. My health is about me.

    However, there is also the matter of expense. No matter how you look at it, fresh, healthy products are much more expensive than junk food or processed food. Cost can make the difference between beets and kale to corn and potatoes. Lean beef to the fat-laden alternative. Sometimes, the choice comes down to fish sticks or tilapia filets and the wallet choses. In a time where every penny counts, diet change can be difficult to manage with limited resources.

    Lack of movement plays a big part too. With everything being accessible through the touch of a button, or by drive-thru, why bother being active? Too many television programs to watch, too many video games to play, too few activities that seem worth the effort. It's easier to hop in the car to drive a mile or two to get groceries...or to park closest to the door. People like limited effort for greater gain. It is one of my constant struggles.

    This isn't to say there aren't people who are bigger for other reasons. In my experience, when someone has the desire to be healthy, and is unsuccessful, they lack education, the right kind of effort, or the comfort level to make a successful change.
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    I have just about the same answer as a lot of people to this question. I wouldn't partically say "let themselves" per say. But I would like to say that even though I never reached 300 pounds but I was pretty close. My heaviest was 260 pounds. For me it was the stress from moving to one state to another. No friends, no one to talk to. I didn't go to regular high school. I never liked who I was on the outside. I found comfort in just being in that dark hole with my hot cheetos and my donuts etc. I was depressed for 2 years straight going from 170 to 260 in a little over a year was horrible. I went from a size 14/16 to a 20/22. I didn't even know I wore a 22 until my mom called herself going shopping for me and brought home a 22. Now they didn't fit but they weren't that big either. It made me even more depressed. I use to put on a smile and not show it to her but inside I was tearing apart. I necessarily don't want to get into why I was but just seeing how I looked on the outside had an impact on what was going on with me and why I was overweight. I stayed to myself my eating habits were so horrible since I didn't go to school I would stay up all night and sleep all day. Having no self esteem or confidence. You don't feel worthy of living. You feel there is no point to this. Anyways that's just how I felt not to long ago.
  • AimeeBaumgartner
    AimeeBaumgartner Posts: 38 Member
    Emotional eater. Food really made me feel peaceful after a stressful situation. I just recently discovered that exercise gives you that same feel good hormone release.
  • xratedkisses
    I wouldn't say let yourself go either.. to be honest a lot is in the genes.. obesity as you will learn in school runs in the genes its not something you can help but can control with diet and working out which is what the people on this site are trying their hardest to do..myself personally.. i've been over weight my whole most have stated we have been poor my whole life and couldn't afford the healthy foods ate was told to never waste foods as i remembered leave a "happy plate" meaning a emtpy plate.
    i was always a emotional eater when i got depressed i'd eat. when i got happy i eat. when i did anything i'd eat . late night morning during the day i alway's ate which is also called binge eating. its just something becomes a part of you and sometimes you just don't think about it.. sometimes again personal trauma can relate to it too.. self esteem plays a role into it also from childhood on up to adulthood.. its called comfort food its what makes you happy..
    I didn't let myself its was just trauma from childhood and food is the only thing that i felt that didn't hurt me. didn't put me down,didn't hurt my feelings, or didn't ever leave me .. it was always there when i needed it and it was always there to stay... and always made me feel good ...
    alot of this you will learn when you are in school
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    As a kid,Food was one of the things that made me really happy.I did have a good social circle of friends and other stuff to do too but i guess the instant availability and convenience of it made food a more dominating part of my life.Then came my grandma and my eating habits worsened with the focus being on eating the worst kid of foods out there(because that's what she liked to cook). By the time i left for college i was fairly obese but yet to hit rock bottom.That came in the 2nd year of college when i was allotted a single room and spend my day playing Lan games and eat for the rest of the time.My appetite for food was escalating and i didn't mind binging because it couldn't affect my awesome shooting skills on games.I had resigned to the fact that i was fat and ugly and didn't care how i looked anymore though i wasn't at all depressed about it.I would happily wear the same clothes to college from Monday to Saturday (Lan gaming was my redemption and i felt content with my life). By the time college ended i was in 270s and had moved to a new city.So my new life screamed hell!!, with no friends or Lan gaming to fall back too,just food.My equation with food deepened because now i was eating for added reasons like depression and loneliness.So anyway,after three years of living in this sh$thole,I am making another attempt to change my life for the better and have a relationship with food where its just fuel for my body and nothing more.Hope this helped
  • doodles80
    There is another topic in the motivation board which is basically the same thing at the moment. This is what I wrote there:

    "I had an accident which left me with severe PTSD and I used to eat to make myself feel better.

    That was 9 years ago and I still have not got a lid on it yet. I am a yo yo dieter and find it hard to eat in moderation.

    I lost 3 stones for my wedding earlier on in the year, but when I found out I had a heart condition and my exercise had to be cut down I started to eat and not exercise again and put the three stones plus some back on in the last 8 months.

    I feel awful and at the moment, until I have my heart operation I cannot exercise the way I want to so I just use that as an excuse not to do anything, and now I hate myself again"