unhealthy and fit



  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Why can't you work more??? You must not be working very much if you only make $400 a month... Work more hours or get a better job. Buy your own food.
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    You are making some good progress in this thread! I am proud of you!

    My suggestion would be to buy some "gladwear" style containers, and make yourself rice and beans (complex protein), and divide it up into single serving containers. Another option is to buy the snack size zipper bags and pre-cook chicken, rice, beans, etc and portion them out into the individual bags. Then when you are ready for a quick healthy meal, grab a portion of a the ingredients you want, and zap them in the microwave, or warm on the stove.

    Right now focus on calories in/calories out. Then as you have the funds, buy healthier options. Fiber will help you feel more full. If you can find the pasta barilla plus (yellow box), buy it if you have the funds. Around here I can regularly find it on sale for $2 a box for 6 servings. Each serving has lots of fiber and a good amount of protein too!

    Good Luck! If you want to talk food budget more (I've fed my family of 4 on $150/month within the last few years) add me as a friend, and we can talk.
  • Charmed285
    Charmed285 Posts: 189 Member
    Why can't you work more??? You must not be working very much if you only make $400 a month... Work more hours or get a better job. Buy your own food.

    don't want to get behind in my classes. I'm the type that struggle in school.
    my boss won't increase my hours because of high labor she says
    small town and not many job optons but I am always looking everyday
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Even in non-small towns, a lot of the jobs available to college students are terribly paid. Minimum wage =/= living wage. It's awesome that you are so aware of what you eat and your health, OP, but just remember that you are in a tough spot, no matter how you look at it. People (including myself) are giving you a lot of advice, but only you know what is truly workable. Don't change your life because a bunch of people on the internet were shocked about your electronics and you feel shamed or judged; make changes only if it suits you, not us.
  • nadsazombie
    i can't afford healthy foods or anyting. I eat whatever my dad buy and prepares. with my 95.00 phone bill, $77.00 internet, and 100.00 for transportation and only earing $400.00 check or less a month I have no money. sourthern food is homemade for the most part but he also buys packaged and can foods. he refuses to buy and eat healthier foods and we don't have much anyways. I will eat canned veggies if he makes it and no fruit or salads. he doesn't buy them.

    thats still $127 ish bucks you can spend on some vegies and fruit.......
  • nadsazombie
    sorry if i sound like a *kitten* btw
    but reading about living at home reminds me of when i was in your shoes.
    if theres a will, theres a way.
    since you cant chose whats bought, portion control will be your friend. Oh and lots of water or green tea.
    and cut back on the sugar if you can. but then again i also think oatmeal is nasty without a bunch of sugar so i just dnt eat it

    just keep at it. Eventually you’ll find what works for you
  • jelben
    jelben Posts: 13 Member
    "Why can't you work more??? You must not be working very much if you only make $400 a month... Work more hours or get a better job. Buy your own food."

    Really?! Is that the best you can do? Are you trying to be supportive?

    The OP is working and studying - you don't even know her hourly rate, and you're telling her to work more?

    For shame.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Dear OP,

    Sounds like you are on the road to success, Stay the Course! I think the best thing you can do is to continue on the path you are on to better yourself and continue being supportive of your family. I agree with the posters who tell you to monitor portion control, and continue getting in as much fitness as you can. The water will also help.

    As far as the internet and phone service are concerned, I think they are wise monthly investments that keep you connected to school and and whatever limited time you have for any type of social life. I live in a large city and my husband price compares for our family plan at least once a year. But my mom lives in a small town in New Mexico and up until last year they could only get Verizon.

    It is my hope that as you explore and implement the healthiest lifestyle you can with what you have, you will continue to inspire others and your family. If you can introduce one healthy alternative a month (like cooking dried beans in a slow cooker) it might be the baby steps your family is more comfortable taking on.