A NEAT way to increase your metabolism.



  • FitForLife81
    FitForLife81 Posts: 372 Member
    Yup Yup!!! I am always moving and always eating!!! ;)
  • RickBriggs
    one dilema tho! (ohhh and here comes the negative bird with too much time on her hands!!) I am disabled, I can't walk far, nor stand for long either... any ideas for the waist upwards???

    Become a twitcher! Get spastic with your fingers and a pencil or your toes and a pencil or wink a lot, etc. Truly, there was just a study out that showed that people that twitch are much leaner than people that don't.
  • 55jackie
    If you have a mobility problem,you couldtry chair exercises :)
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    even fidgeting is good. For me wearing a fitbit shocked me into seeing how inactive I could be. Just adding those steps by parking a distance away and not moving your car around town with you on errands if possible. In the office I get up often to deliver messages, and I volenteer for all the banking, mail and errands and it can make a huge difference. I recommend pedometers for daily activity.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    or whether or not you should load your breakfast with cinnamon and hotsauce
    You should load your breakfast with hotsauce though. Not for weight loss, just on principal.

    As long as that hot sauce is Sriracha!

    Oh beautiful, glowing SRIRACHA, how I love thee so...
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Been furiously spinning the scroll wheel for the last hour!
  • semhe
    semhe Posts: 81 Member
    You should load your breakfast with hotsauce though. Not for weight loss, just on principal.

    hahahaha.... niiiccceeee... I just covered my salad in hot sauce... not for weight loss... for principal... and it was gooooooooddddd
  • JPKemp
    In all seriousness, I move around when I’m home a lot. It’s hard during the day when you are glued to a desk with someone watching your every move to make sure you don’t leave your desk for more than a minute to use the restroom. Exercise balls? Not sure what kind of places you all work in but in a very conservative insurance office those are a big no no.

    At home, I run around and play with my pets. I move around cleaning, doing laundry etc. There was an article in a recent issue of my ferret owners magazine that actually gave ideas for workouts you could do with your pets. My ferrets did not enjoy being used as light free weights though, so that didn’t work out. Haha.

    Instead of an office chair, I have an erecise ball...it is amazing the difference it makes...
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Agree!!!! My walk to and from the train station for work equals 2 miles a day! I don't count it as my 'real workout'....but I know it's a nice little calorie burner!
  • AJuff
    AJuff Posts: 12 Member
    WOW! You've made me get up and clean a rom in my house:)
  • shanicombs
    I'm not what they would call technicaly "disabled", But I have fibromyalgia and often can't do heavy exercise. Here are some of the things I do. Everytime I go to the bathroom I do 5-10 squats (when you go as often as I do, it adds up:laugh: I stand or sit and twist from side to side and swing my arms for 10-20 reps. This is kind of fun and it also helps work the kinks out. Turn your head from side to side and then tilt your head (ear to shoulder) 10-20 times. Sit in a chair and do leg lifts, even if it's just 4 or 5 at a time. I "swim" on land. Do the back stroke and crawl about 10 strokes on each side. I don't do this all at once, but take little mini breaks through out the day.

    Hope this helps

  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I had to google *kitten*.

    So glad I'm not the only one!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    In all seriousness, I move around when I’m home a lot. It’s hard during the day when you are glued to a desk with someone watching your every move to make sure you don’t leave your desk for more than a minute to use the restroom. Exercise balls? Not sure what kind of places you all work in but in a very conservative insurance office those are a big no no.

    I used to work for an insurance company and several employees had them instead of chairs. It looked kinda funny but it worked for them! Now I wish I had one...may get one for my office!
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    I am absolutely convinced this is true...... I used to go to the gym work out for three hours a day then come home exhausted and feeling crappy because I was so fat and out of shape...... I QUIT going to the gym and started adding little exercises to my every day routine..... every time I had to go to the bathroom.... I held onto the counter and did 2-3 squats..... just enough to feel it.... not enough to be sore and achy... at the end of the day that's a LOT of squats..... and after the first week.... I was adding more.... then adding different things......THAT"S when the weight started falling off....... NEAT is the neatest thing that ever happened to me.... my metabolism is racing now........and I have more energy than I ever thought possible :) I figure if calories go on one at a time..... they get burned off just the same

    Sounds crazy I know.... but it works:flowerforyou:
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I don't know if it's true. I do all these everyday and I walk everywhere I go 4miles minimum, but I don't think my metabolism is faster than any others. I am still struggling with weight.
  • katrinamclamb
    one dilema tho! (ohhh and here comes the negative bird with too much time on her hands!!) I am disabled, I can't walk far, nor stand for long either... any ideas for the waist upwards???

    You don't have to walk to work out your lower body if mobility is an issue. When you are sitting at your desk (like reading this...) swing your legs back and forth. Hold one leg up in the air and slightly bounce it like you have something on the end of it. For like 1 minute and then switch legs. Hope it helps...
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Another great post, SS. All of those things add up and increase your metabolism. The phrase "A body in motion tends to stay in motion" is so true. When I was fat, I would take as many naps as I could during the day. I was "lightly active" when I was cleaning or cooking or taking my boys out in their stroller, but I was not in constant motion because I would sit down (or lie down!) every chance I could get. Now I am almost always standing, rocking back and forth, or walking somewhere...and my body has responded by giving me more energy and shedding 60 pounds. Nice bonus. :)

    Edited to add: I do an actual workout almost every day in addition to this, but I definitely credit NEAT with the increase in energy.
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    Inspired by this I'm going to walk to a toilet a long way from my desk and *kitten* right now. Double the NEAT burn.

    I agree that all those daily movements do add up. (and I had to quote that because I nearly peed I laughed so hard.......)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    *kitten* (for me :blushing: ) and *kitten* in one post - love it.


    And because it needed to be done:

  • mandipandi75
    mandipandi75 Posts: 6,035 Member
    Summary... move your *kitten* *kitten*...