Eat Healthy; Get Fit; Lose 100+ New Group 1st Weigh in Jan.



  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    certainly jen- just stay in touch here. we weigh-in on Fridays. (i try to get a weekly chart posted by Sunday evening)
    we also are trying to do small weekly challenges that will help give us focus and motivation. last week was 64 oz of water/day, this week is 30 min exercise/day. we report our personal results when we weigh-in.

    meanwhile everyone- this is just a heads up for those who are newer to mfp, but each thread is limited to 20 pages or 500 posts. once that maximum is reached the thread is locked and cannot be added to anymore.

    so..... when we hit that point, and we certainly will; please, whoever is the first to try to get on afterward, start a new thread for us. use the title: "Eat Healthy; get fit; lose 100+" i think we can drop the "new group 1st weigh in Jan." we have certainly past that mark. but if the rest of the title is the same we can all find it under recent posts or search for it.

  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    ha- i didn't mean to scare folks from posting.

    how's everyone doing? yesterday was a strength/weight day for me. couldn't go earlier in the day, so i got to the gym at the end of the work day. it was sooooo crowded, i got 30 min in on the bike, but did not get around all the weight machines. Oh well, at least i got a bit over the 30 min. minimum. today i was back in the pool for 60 min water aerobics. So, i am doing well. 45 min. saturday, 30 min. sunday, 60 min. monday.

    and great water numbers, too. hope everyone is winning this week. -katie
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Trying really hard to get 120 oz of water or more daily. I have had at least 30 mins of exercise every day this week. Going for my C25K run as soon as DD goes down for nap.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    meanwhile everyone- this is just a heads up for those who are newer to mfp, but each thread is limited to 20 pages or 500 posts. once that maximum is reached the thread is locked and cannot be added to anymore.

    so..... when we hit that point, and we certainly will; please, whoever is the first to try to get on afterward, start a new thread for us. use the title: "Eat Healthy; get fit; lose 100+" i think we can drop the "new group 1st weigh in Jan." we have certainly past that mark. but if the rest of the title is the same we can all find it under recent posts or search for it.

    I could be wrong -- but I believe the thread locks and automatically sets up a new thread with a link that says "continued from this topic." I see it happen quite a bit and I really don't think someone is out there setting up those new threads exactly the same way every time within mere seconds of the old thread being locked (which is why I think it's a thing this forum automatically does). Again -- I could very well be wrong.

    But you can certainly go ahead and start another thread with the name & new thread topic before you reach 500 posts. Then just post here & give us the link. :wink:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Yeah, just start a "Eat Healthy, Get Fit, Lose 100+ Group" for March! :)
  • Brandywithrow
    Hey guys wow this week flew by Weigh in tomorrow :)
    Is there a new challenge for next week? I love the challenges makes me start thinking more about what I'm doing!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Any ideas of what our challenge will be for this coming week? No eating after 8pm? I'm loving the exercise. I have been walking almost everyday. :)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I could do no eating after 8:30. Taking meds right before bed doesn't count though, right?
  • Brandywithrow
    I like this challenge its a good one and will train me not to have the night time snack!!
  • KaeChelle
    I haven't been successful at the first 2 challenges unfortunately, and I think it's going to show on the scale today because my eating has been a disaster too! I will keep trying though!
  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    My weight today was 238.7, lost some, not as much as i wanted and i did the exercise challange except for yesterday as i was not feeling really well and the energy level was pretty low.

  • Changes4Life
    I tried to join this blog a week or so ago and had my weigh in days messed up. I would love to join though and be a part of the "challenges". Thanks! Everyone have a good day and a good weekend!!!

    Here is my weight loss thus far.
    01/31/10 253
    02/01/10 248
    02/07/10 244
    02/13/10 241.6
    and today 02/19/10 240.5
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I think the stuipd plateau is broken. I'm down 1.8# from last Friday to 215.0.

    I won't participate in the no eating after 8pm challenge. I work 2 jobs some days and often don't get home until 10pm to eat dinner. My 2nd job involves a lot of driving, so the foods I could eat for dinner before 8pm while driving are generally not my idea of healthy. As you can see on my ticker, eating late apparently hasn't affected my weight loss progress at all so I'll keep doing what I've been doing & eat a snack while driving at work & eat dinner late (I normally have a relatively light dinner those days, though). :wink:
  • Brandywithrow
    Happy Friday everyone got in at least 100 oz of water each day and exercised everyday for at least a hour except Wednesday had to stay home with the baby! So last week I was 239 and this week............................239 either I'm at a plateau, or realy pissed about the effort I'm putting in to see these results, but it's not a gain so I'm happy :) Better luck next week!!!!
  • pinkhockymom
    pinkhockymom Posts: 86 Member
    Happy Friday to all! I missed last weeks weigh in as I was in Vegas at a hockey tournament with my oldest son!! We had a blast by the way. My weight this week is 229.6 for a loss of 1 lb!!! Not bad for 5 days of vacation.
    I am in for the not eating after 8:30pm challenge. That will be good for me as I like my icecream at night!! No more snacking after dinner.
    Have a great week all and good luck!!
  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    Down 0.2! LOL Sounds like we are all in the same boat this week... but at least it is not a gain! I actually gained 3 lbs last weekend after our last weigh in.... so to get rid of that in a week and still have a -0.2 makes me happy! I did terrible this week and did not log anything in my food or exercise diary:( So back on track this next week and back to the gym! Have a great weekend!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Katie... 215.6

    *roars* YEEEEESSSS!!! Finally

    I may weigh in again tomorrow to see if I've got that other .2 oz off for a 3 lb loss for the week. Saturday seems to be my good day.

    Keep up the good fight, ladies!

    P.S. I worked out every day this week, at least 30 mins. Go me!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    The magic number on the scale today was 231.8 that is a 3 lbs lose for me this week. I'm very happy with that number since last week was .4 and I have lost 30 lbs in 55 days! I'm so happy for myself. :bigsmile:

    The exercise challenge was great for me! I really enjoyed it. I got in 30 minutes or more every day.

    Not eating after 8:30 works for me then I can still enjoy one last snack after the kids go to bed. But if it doesn't work for everyone we could pick something else.

    Keep up the great work everyone! :drinker:
  • KaeChelle
    So... I went the wrong direction on the scale. 4 pounds up to 277. I really don't think the 273 last week was right because my scale has been fluctuating so much. I don't even know if the 277 is correct but that is what I'm going to go with. I am going to try to get a new one soon. Either way, I expected to gain some because of my eating the past 2 weeks.

    On a positive note, I took my measurements and have lost an inch in my waist and 2 inches in my hips since starting. Today so far I've had 40 oz of water, and I did water aerobics for an hour at the gym this morning. Time to get back on track!
  • firefrog4782
    I look forward to getting motivation and support! I want to lose 134lbs!

    My first goal is 17lbs. by Easter.