Seniors Golden Sneakers Club January 2010



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Barbiecat, I would buy some if you and Jake would drive down and have lunch with me. Hope you enjoy your visit with barbs. I stll have not got my food chart all clear out. But working on it.

    Barbs, take them to a nice resturant with plenty of healty food.

    Now for our weather...... Tts Cold down here in Texas. We are surpose to be below freezing for 2 1/2 day. Today it will be in the upper 40's and then start dropping tomroow And stay below freezing till Sunday. They are blaning it on the Artic. express from Canada. I think they have it as 13 for Saturday morning. I would hate to hear how cold it is for Gayla.. Think I will go and visit DEE DEE. Can I come?

    Good hearing from all of you this morning.Beth, Elli, DeeDee, Sandy, Barbiecat, Jeffrey, Birdie.Mary Ann, Irene, Phoebe, Gayla, Cheri,Barbs and Jake What a great group

    I haven't heard from my Doctor about my X- Rays yet. This cold westher isn't helping it any. Did get out and got groceries this morning. Tomorrow I do the 24 hours collections for my Kidney test and them have to get out in the cold to take it to the lab and get blood work done again,

    Gayla I do hope Niel is doing fine and not giving them nurses a fit. I am sure he is during just fine. Tell him we are all thinking about him and wish him the best.

    Well time to go make some soup for lunch. Good weather for it.:drinker: :drinker: Marie:drinker: :drinker:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Welcome Janebo, Glad to see you drop in and hope you will join us. We love new people.I get so excited when I see a new name here.Wonderful to have you and feel at home here. We all are just a bunch of old friends. We welcome you........... Marie
  • getnhealthy101
    Gosh there are lots of postings! It turned off cold here in Colorado today. supposed to get Snow tonight and the high tomorrow is only supposed to be 15. My mom lives in MN though.....been much worse in that part of the country. Guess we all love to see Spring arrive! Hope everyone is having a great day.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Haifa and I thank you all for you kind and loving it turns out, there is actually a course of treatment that we see as doable and affordable so Haifa will be with us for awhile longer
    the treatment includes a total change of diet for Haifa which will require feeding the cats in separate rooms for awhile. Haifa will spend three days at the animal hospital next week getting monitored for the right dose of glargine which will then have to be injected twice a day at home and monitored regularly by the vet. Jake seems comfortable with the idea of the injections so things are looking good for us :bigsmile: the vet told us that she thinks Haifa will do well. Jake thinks that I will be able to learn to do the injections for when he has to be out of town on business.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I continue to amazed by Neil's resilience and great attitude in the face of all the challenges in his life. I understand exactly what you mean about wishing he'd have some else will they be able to see what's going on with him and seek a solution,

    :flowerforyou: deedee, I just read something about exercise being effective in 10 minute segments......if you're moving, you're losing.......just doing a bit is better than doing nothing.......having a dog with you when you walk makes it so much more pleasant. I'm glad you've chosen us as your "MFP family" :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Hazard, just keep on keeping on........each day you'll get your routine more polished and it will be easier to accomplish your goals.....setting things out the night before is one really good way to get going in the morning.

    :flowerforyou: Beth what a shame that your BF won't be home as soon as you hoped. :sad: :sad:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I was remembering Freeway and the whole Golden Sneakers family came together to support you at that sad time.....I guess the only way to avoid such tough times is to never love a pet and that would be worse.

    :flowerforyou: Elli, I'm glad to hear you're back on day at a time.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey with all your working out and toning, I'm not surprised that your clothes are fitting looser......the scale doesn't tell the whole story.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, congratulations on losing another are so focused and committed.

    :flowerforyou: marie, I'd love to come down and have lunch with you even if your weather is just as cold as ours.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Cherie, we had an afternoon today that reminded me of spring and i had to remind myself that it's January and spring is many months away. by evening the weather reminded me of snow :laugh:

    We've had a busy rush rush rush day today and the pile of things to do keeps getting bigger but I think I'll ride the exercise bike instead of tackling the work.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone, late again but wanted to let you know we are doing ok. It was cold today but no wind and glorious sunshine. Neil is getting tired of the hospital and got cranky around supper time. As is so often the case the crankiness was followed by a seizure, followed by a terrible headache. He cried, I think because he was a bit anxious with strangers around him. He had also had a seizure early this morning apparently. So, at last, they are getting some information. Neil didn't want me to go home this evening so I stayed a little later. He was getting tired and was fine that I was leaving. Thanks for all your kind thoughts, I will pass them on.
    It is so nice to meet so many new people over the past few days. You will all love it here.

    Marie -- I hope the tests come back ok and be careful in the cold!

    I am determined to get to bed earlier, just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts.
    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :smile: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I wanted to say hello and "Welcome" to our newest members.


    I am glad to here that there is a viable treatment for Haifa. :drinker: I hope it works out well for Haifa and for you.

    Sandy, :flowerforyou:

    I agree with Marie's theory about the gates. Invest in some locks. You should be able to get padlocks that are all keyed the same at places like Lowe's or Home Depot, or perhaps a locksmith can help you with locks that are all keyed the same.

    I am too tired to respond to everyone that has posted since I last did. This was my second day back at work and it is very mentally draining.

    The good news is Bradley has managed to stay out of trouble for TWO days!!:noway: :laugh: :drinker: There was nothing askew when I came home at lunch or tonight. Yesterday is my short lunch day, so the "babies" were alone for about 8 hours. The only thing that was disturbed were 3 empty dog food bags that I forgot to put in the trash on Monday. One of them must have smelled REALLY good, 'cuz it got a bit "shredded." Compared to some of the things he has done, I don't mind a little shredded paper.:bigsmile:

    I hope everyone has a good Thursday. I might have a chance to post before I leave for work tomorrow.

  • rfsahae
    rfsahae Posts: 68 Member
    Where do I fill out my membership application?
    (just kidding)
    It would be good to chat with others fighting the good fight.
    Alas, no dog.
    But two kids still at home (!) does that count?
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    Good Evening Everyone! I"ve tried to keep track of everyone but it is going to take a bit of time. So for now, I'm going to be easy on my brain and not try to do individual responses to all of your good cheer that you've sent my way.

    I've just completed my food log for today, and did well. Friday is my weekly weigh in day, so it will be interesting to see how I've done. I've been very diciplined. :) So what do I miss most? Chocolate candy, and a glass of wine while making dinner.

    Say, I have a question about logging, or rather, posting. Is there a way to go into a thread that I've posted to before and go TO THE SPOT where I last posted? As I'm doing it now, I can manage to get the the thread but it always takes me to the beginning. So I spend a fair amount of time trying to scroll down to where I last posted, so I can read from that point on.

    Also, I was unable to log on today from my PC. It would go as far as giving the "log in" button, but then the screen for inserting name/password would not appear. I'm using my laptop right now, it worked on this. Anyone have a hint about what the problem might be?

    So, Golden Sneaker Seniors, everyone have a FANTASTIC DAY tomorrow, and keep focused on your goals. WE CAN ALL HAVE SUCCESS if we keep trying and working towards it. HAPPY THURSDAY EVERYONE!! DeeDee

    The Golden Sneaker Seniors:057.gif
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Seniors and friends,
    All I got to say it is cold here. But our house is nice and warm and thats where I am going to stay. Willl have to get out in the morning for Kidney Doctor. Well I wont see her, I will have to take my 24 hours collection in and get Blood work done. Then go to see her in 2 weeks. Be back later.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    rfsahae, welcome......join us, chat with us, lose with us!!

    deedee, not exactly sure what you are asking but under community there is a list that takes you to what you are looking for. Either your recent posts or my topics etc. Under my topics it gives the last post just click on view. Does that help? Do you have java installed on your desktop? You might have to clear your history and re enter to reconnect. Let me know if any of this works.

    The snow has begun and it will continue they say until tomorrow morning. I am hoping it stops today so the roads can be plowed so the party can go on tomorrow night. Say a little prayer.

    Been very busy with company so I am keeping this short. Have a great day everyone!!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: the animals have all gone to be boarded and it's very quiet here........we have our suitcases almost packed......we leave at 7:30 tomorrow morning.

    :flowerforyou: Haifa and Bernie love the new cat food we bought for them......the kind the vet recommended for Haifa (high protein, low carb) I took it along to The Cat's Pajamas when I dropped them off this afternoon. Bernie climbed the tall climbing pole and Haifa went immediately to the litter box----their favorite places
    they'll have a good weekend.

    :flowerforyou: We packed some of our own food for the weekend so we can have a nice balance with the restaurant food that will be part of the event. We're planning to go to an Asian restaurant with Barb on Saturday night.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: rfsahae We have lots of pet stories and we'll welcome stories about your children
    start by telling us about them.........we welcome your participation......together we can reach our goals.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs, Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart:

    Barbiecat, look lide Haifa is on the same kind of diet I am on . protein and low carbs. I don't eat a lot of protein for my kisney doctor said to keep it down to about 5 oz a day. have to keep the carbs down for my diabetes.
    You and Jake have a good time eating out with Barbs. But be careful out on the roads. How is the weather there?

    I am watching the
    Texas Longhorn and Alabama playing for the chapionship now.
    Then the Dallas Cowboys Sat. night.

    We have been below freezing now for 24 hours and will be till Sat. afternnon. We are not used to this. But we are staying nice and warm in the house.So far no frozen pipes. But Jerry got everything wrap up. and keep the water running a little bit.

    Take it easy.

  • viliberty
    I'm checking in for the day. I've read the posts and enjoyed them. I'm getting used to my new meal plan, and don't feel too deprived. Lucky for me I love vegetables. I have had to greatly reduce my protein intake. I wasn't aware of the damage too much could to to the kidneys. I thought protein was better than carbs, so fill up! Wrong! One of the reasons I love this site is that I can track protein and iron in food tracking. I hope I can get healthy enough to be rid of this oxygen tank.

    It will be "fun" to go to my doctor the end of the month with a weight loss. That hasn't happened for awhile.
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    This thread is so active it makes me dizzy....what a wonderful group!

    I spent 10 days in Kansas for Christmas.....had a blizzard on Christmas Eve and some snow throughout the week!
    Okay, that was enough winter for me....I need about 2 weeks a year so that I can go home to Arizona and San Diego and appreciate the weather here! I actually feel a little guilty to tell you that it was 70 here today! I am so spoiled but I will say I really do like 4 seasons.

    About the dogs! Peanut is my sisters little shihtzu, she has 3 and Peanut is mine or so I think!
    As time goes on I will share some stories about that sweet little Peanut!

    I am working at getting back into the swing of things! I am almost there with the water. Need a lot of work on the exercise and the food is getting better.

    Somehow I am the captain of a BIGGEST LOSER challenge on my face book site. There 10 members of my family doing it so it will be interesting to see how it goes. I wish I could go there for about 3 weeks just to get it all to come together! It is hard to be the motivator and be struggling but I guess that is what these boards are all about. Right!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Hello Sandi. Glad to see you back. keep us informed on your biggest loser with your family. Sounds like fun.
    I been on Facebbook. Just now learning to get around some on it.Oh you were in the biggest part of the storm.
    I bet it felt good getting back home.Be looking for you around more now.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. Man alive, was it ever cold this morning!! I nearly turned around and went back to bed!! We had a chat with Neil's neurologist this morning and the plan is to discharge him tomorrow afternoon. Yeah!! They have actually seen many seizures on the EEG over the past few days, many that we don't even see as seizures. The plan is to increase his medication and do a surgery called 'Vagus Nerve Stimulator" but I am not sure when. If that doesn't work then we will have to work at brain surgery. I am so hopeful that the VNS will work. They are having some good success with it here. Neil really has done well, a few brief periods of irritability but mostly very good natured throughout the stay. BUT, I am so tired. I have lost what little diet focus I had so will have to get back in the swing of things soon. It would be nice to lose a few pounds before we go on the cruise in Feb. as I hear cruising is not a great thing for dietiers.
    I had to change my pic. to reflect winter!! This picture is from a couple of years ago, we don't have nearly that much snow this year, not yet, anyway.

    Thinking of you all. Take care and keep smiling. gayla :heart: :smile: :heart:
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    deedee, not exactly sure what you are asking but under community there is a list that takes you to what you are looking for. Either your recent posts or my topics etc. Under my topics it gives the last post just click on view. Does that help? Do you have java installed on your desktop? You might have to clear your history and re enter to reconnect. Let me know if any of this works.
    Sandy, thanks for trying ot help me. RE: "getting to the last place I posted". Yes, I know about the view button, but that takes me to the last post on the thread no matter who did the posting. What I'm wondering is if there is a way to go to the last post that I did on the thread? RE: "signing in". I do not know if I have Java on my desktop, I will check tomorrow. Today I tried to log in again on my desktop but no luck. I tried to inactivate different filters, etc, but nothing worked. :(

    So, today TWICE I saw information about how if you do not eat enough your body goes into a "starvation mode" and so you lose weight slower, and how important it is to eat breakfast so that your metabolism gets kickstarted in the morning. So, I ate some breakfast (yuck) and then took my dog for a brisk walk. I've lost weight this week, which often happens for me the first week of dieting (a handy tool for losing a couple of pounds). But I don't want to hit a major slowdown in the loss rate, so I'm going to try the breakfast habit this coming week.

    Hey, today I noticed some errors in the "members" contributions to the food listings. The calorie count and other info is inaccurate for one of the items (specifically the Burger King Tendergrill chicken sandwich w/out mayo). Is there a way to let other's know that the info is wrong, so people choose a correct listing instead of an incorrect one?

    I guess I should close my doors now, it is almost midnight, the breeze is getting too cool for me since I'm sitting here barefoot and with wet hair from a shower. Once it drops down to the low 70's, well, it is just too cold for me. hehehehe. [sorry to pick on you snowmen, I couldn't resist] :)

    I am enjoying reading everyone's postings. You all keep up the good work towards SUCCESS! Aloha, DeeDee 042.gif
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432

    Good morning all! Sorry about the Texas loss Marie! I have to admit I was pulling for "Bama"! It is still snowing here. We probably got around 8" with wind so things are a mess and it is cold here. Sandy did you get a good dumping of snow? Out side of the weather it is quiet here. Day is sick today and stayed home from work. Probably the first time in 4 or 5 years. Nothing serious, just bad indigestion. I am keeping an eye on her. We had a dinner at church last night. Soup and salad. It was very good. There were only about 7 of us there with the weather issues, but that made more for me!

    We are still planning on going to see our mothers tomorrow. That could be an interesting trip with the weather. The kids and cats are good. Life is fine!

    Back at you soon!

    Gayla hang in there kid! Give your son my best wishes.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    deedee, not exactly sure what you are asking but under community there is a list that takes you to what you are looking for. Either your recent posts or my topics etc. Under my topics it gives the last post just click on view. Does that help? Do you have java installed on your desktop? You might have to clear your history and re enter to reconnect. Let me know if any of this works.
    Sandy, thanks for trying ot help me. RE: "getting to the last place I posted". Yes, I know about the view button, but that takes me to the last post on the thread no matter who did the posting. What I'm wondering is if there is a way to go to the last post that I did on the thread? RE: "signing in". I do not know if I have Java on my desktop, I will check tomorrow. Today I tried to log in again on my desktop but no luck. I tried to inactivate different filters, etc, but nothing worked. :(

    So, today TWICE I saw information about how if you do not eat enough your body goes into a "starvation mode" and so you lose weight slower, and how important it is to eat breakfast so that your metabolism gets kickstarted in the morning. So, I ate some breakfast (yuck) and then took my dog for a brisk walk. I've lost weight this week, which often happens for me the first week of dieting (a handy tool for losing a couple of pounds). But I don't want to hit a major slowdown in the loss rate, so I'm going to try the breakfast habit this coming week.

    Hey, today I noticed some errors in the "members" contributions to the food listings. The calorie count and other info is inaccurate for one of the items (specifically the Burger King Tendergrill chicken sandwich w/out mayo). Is there a way to let other's know that the info is wrong, so people choose a correct listing instead of an incorrect one?

    I guess I should close my doors now, it is almost midnight, the breeze is getting too cool for me since I'm sitting here barefoot and with wet hair from a shower. Once it drops down to the low 70's, well, it is just too cold for me. hehehehe. [sorry to pick on you snowmen, I couldn't resist] :)

    I am enjoying reading everyone's postings. You all keep up the good work towards SUCCESS! Aloha, DeeDee 042.gif

    DeeDee I don't know for sure if this is what you want

    But go to your avatar and click on the numbers [Thats is have many post you have done] and all of your posting will show up The numbers are located right below your avatar. Even if this is not what you are looking for it is an interesting feature.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: We're out of town for the weekend.....we had lunch in a restaurant that had nothing on the menu that would be anything close to what I wanted to eat and stay within calories so I ordered exactly what I wanted (salmon---grilled with no sauce, steamed veggies, salad with no cheese or croutons and dressing on the side) and my lunch was perfect and under 400 calories. Then I went to the hotel fitness center and walked on the treadmill for 35 minutes before I had to meet someone :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Barb and I got to talk on the phone this afternoon to continue making plans for meeting for dinner tomorrow. I even got to hear her doggies barking in the background. It's raining here now and probably all weekend so it doesn't look like we'll be taking any walks together. I'll be busy at meetings tonight and all day tomorrow so there probably won't be much exercise for me:sad: :sad:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, sorry about the Texas loss:sad:

    :bigsmile: We're fixing our own dinner in the room and off to meet people
    :heart: hugs:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie