Seniors Golden Sneakers Club January 2010



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Don't overdo it it Jeffery.

    I have been over on the Jack Russell Fan Club thread That i started. last week. It is so delightful to read about them.

    I go to the bone doctor this afternoon. Yes these old bones are getting worst. Especially getting out of bed but get a little better as the day goes on.

    Rhe weather is improving quite a bit. Getting nice and warm. Come on Spring.

    Gayla, I am not feeling so good. This is a new doctor I am going to today. Hope he can tell me what is going on.

    Alice is coming out to watch the game with us Sunday. Between Dallas and the Vikings. It will be a 12 o'clock game.

    Be back later.

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Been worried about you Marie! Keep me informed. And keep smiling!

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! On track with the diet and did the mall walking today. We noticed many people walking without jackets and wondered what everyone does with them. That would certainly make it more comfortable. I did work up a bit of a sweat although the exercise was minimal at best. I picked up a few groceries for my menu this week. I am making a veggie soup tonight. I had planned to make some bread to go with it but we didn't get home in time. I think it is likely just as well. Bread is a weakness for Dave and he is trying to shed a few pounds as well. I was so hungry last night I could have eaten my shoe. I didn't, went to bed hungry and it didn't kill me.

    Marie -- You have been on my mind. I hope the Dr. helps you out today. It is not nice when the bones hurt. I think I will go to the chiropractor this week. The only thing is that I don't let him adjust my neck and I think that is the source of my pain. I thought it was just stress but it doesn't want to go away. When I look up I feel dizzy, don't like that!

    Jeffrey -- You are going to fade away before your race!!

    Take care all and keep smiling. Gayla :heart: :smile: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Just got back from the doctor and I think I will live. He said it was bursitis [sp] So he gave me a cotizone short in my hip. Will have to go for a another test on my ciculations tomorrow. Will start physical thearpy next week. As far as my back I have learned to live with it.. But this morning my hip was really painful I. couldn't stand to put my weight on my right leg. He said this shot should take effect in a couple days. I sure hope so. They had to put me in a Wheel chair at the doctors office. My back problems he said look like an old injury. Jerry is waiting on me. About time. I couldn't hardly make it out to the car and a neigbor came and help me get in the car. So I should feel better in a few days. I'll be ready to hoot and hollow for the Cowboys This Sunday.

    thanks Jeffrey and Lafla foe thinking about me.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,987 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I've just come back from an hour at the dog park. One of Sasha's litter mates was there and a brown poodle puppy and a young black poodle and five other dogs so it was fun. the temperature was in the 50's which made it even better.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I hope the cortisone shot helps along with the rest and having Jerry wait on you...I'm sending healthy thoughts your way.......keep putting good nutrition and water in your body to help it heal

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, you already know about the right nutrition.....I know you're getting plenty of healthy food to nourish you as you train for your big know how to find the balance between working out, working, and looking after your family....this weekend I saw a friend I hadn't seen in awhile and found out that she was training for her first triathlon and following the Paleo diet (the Cave man diet)......she had huge energy and enthusiasm and was in great physical shape

    :flowerforyou: Haifa went to the vet today for the three day adventure in finding the right dosage of meds to control his blood glucose.....the other animals know he's gone and they're concerned.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I'm glad to hear that you're back on your NoS food plan......I remember that you liked it a lot and it worked for you......I wish you great success....walking at the Mall sounds great....we don't have a mall so the indoor walking I do is at WalMart or Costco and there are too many temptations and distraction:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: viliberty.....i wish you luck finding foods you like......I have a good tolerance for repetition but Jake likes variety so I'm always on the lookout for something different that will fit in with our requirements.....sometimes just adding a tablespoon of a tasty sauce will jazz up a piece of fish or chicken and make it seem like a completely different food.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, your time with family sounded great as did the cleaning up after they it's time to tackle those last few pounds

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, when my mind starts running around in confusing circles i tell it to "shut up".......and then I remind myself of my goals......I think my mind has been my greatest enemy in the weight loss challenge.

    :flowerforyou: Sandi, I hope you feel better soon

    :flowerforyou: Barb, I hope you're not coming down with something.......get some rest and snuggle with those darling little will all feel better

    Now I have a huge pile of papers that need attention.....the pile seems to keep on growing and it's driving me crazy.
    :heart: :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    hi all! Traveling to phoenix. Marie so sorry your bones are being contrary. Dont they know how sweet you are? Stay warm- do you use a heating pad? Tell Jerry he gets a hug from me for being good to you. Please dont get in a hurry- take your time coz everyone else can wait. So says the Queen!! Thats You
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Morning Folks!

    Cold here this morning 10 degrees. But it is sunny so that helps. It is supposed to warm up into the 30's by tomorrow. If it does I will go outside and run. I have a new workout friend now. My best frinds, daughters fiance, Kieth. He is going to work with me to push me for my triathlon training. It is helping already. He is a great kid (26) and the workouts will really benefit him. He cna't keep up with me but he will in time. Anyway it is pushing me. Last night I only did my plyometrics. It is a greuling workout. 60 minutes of non stop, literally, jumping. Great calorie burn. If you really lay it out during this one you can get a 900 calorie and up burn in an hour!

    My SIL, Diane is not doing so well right now. She was in the hospital last night to get blood. She is home now and doing ok. I just want to cry it is so unfair. PLease keep her in your prayers.

    I have put up a bird feeder infront of the large windows in our kitchen. We call it Cat TV. Joe and Stinker (the calico) sit and watch them for hours. They love the show!

    Amanda turned 25 yesterday. I think it made me feel older than her! LOL Sam is doing great and back in classes. Day had her last church council meeting last night and is glad that it is over for her.

    Work is going ok, but I think my contract will be let to expire very soon. I am currently looking again. But such is life nowdays. I am happy and very blessed in too many ways to mention.

    Barbie I have never heard of that diet before. I will check it out. My energy has been ok, but I would like more. Thank you for the tip! I really appreciate it.

    Marie I am glad that the doctor has you on a recovery plan. I have some arthritis and know the pain. The cortozone will help. Keep your normal positive attitude young lady! You have friends! I will see if I can find a copy of an aniti inflamatory diet for you. My wife has one somewhere. She is a Registered Dietician. It might help a little.

    Pj trael safe! It is good hear from you again.

    Gayla I don't think that shrinking that much is in my future! LOL But thanks for the thought! How is Neil doing today?
  • Markturnbo
    Mind if I say Hello? I'm fairly new to MFP. Although I started quite a while ago I've not been faithful. You all seem to really support each other and that is one reason that it is so hard to not stay connected to this site. I am a pastor in Southern Missouri and I am 53 years old. I'm terribly over weight (290) and feel bad all the time. I am very supportive of the seniors in my church and I would feel right at home touching base with all of you if you wouldn't mind. Until the next time, Have a great day.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Hi markturnbo- great to meet you! We are all different ages and lifestyles so you fit in fine! I want to mention someone who never posted here but maybe his death will not have been in vain if someone is more careful because of this. Jeffrey, descriptions of Bruce remind me of you. He loved life and thanked God for it. He was an avid jogger- picture of health-very optimistic and all around good guy. After finishing a run- he died. He had no warning. For those of you who haven't yet done so- please get clearance from your doctor just to be certain. Maybe it will prevent a tragedy- or not, but your family will be glad you are careful. Ok that's all folks!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Welcome Mark, always happy to have new people share their experiences with us as we will with you. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I think my life is back to normal (if there is such a thing). I did lose two pounds but again until I am sure I won't post it. :tongue:

    Marie, you sound so sad, I wish there was something we could do to help your health problems. :heart: :heart: During the cold months it seems like most of us experience some depression, things will get better when the warmer weather comes and the sun brightens our lives.:love::love: :love: The cortisone shots should help, at least I pray they do, they did help my knees for a while. You are our leader, you hang in there little lady and know we are all with you through another journey. :heart: :heart:

    Jeffrey, it is a bitter sweet thing when the kids are home and then they leave. We are used to living alone with Daisy and it gets hectic when others are staying here, but it is all worth it. I think staying active is the best thing in the world for all of us. :wink:

    Phoebe when you get to Phoenix, say hello to my son, although he is in Scottsdale. :laugh:

    Barbie, hearing you talk about the dog park really makes me want to take Daisy. She was 8 months yesterday and I am not sure when she will be going into heat, so I am afraid to take her anywhere. I never had a female before and our vet wants her to go through one before spaying her. They say it can happen between 8 to 10 months and other than the obvious I am not sure what signs to look for to be sure I keep her away from those "horny" boys. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: (is this tmi for this site)

    My hubby is feeling better but still has his sling. Today he would like to hang with me while we go to a couple of different stores to refuel our cabinets. :laugh: There is a slight chance that I might be able to go to bingo tonight since my DIL has offered to sit for Daisy.

    I also hope I can get some sort of exercise in, although I have been wearing my pedometer and getting lots of steps in daily.

    Hope all the newcomers are still with us and don't lose hope. It takes time to get in shape and a lot of patience. If you exercise and get extra calories you can have a little of your favorite foods as long as you don't over indulge. Keep track of your calories and post your exercise calories, you would be surprised how much it helps in losing weight. Eat all of your calories , try eating six times a day, small meals or small snacks, it works, it really works.

    Have a great day, the odd thing we don't see much is out, it is bright and in the sky, I think they call it the sun.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Hi all - just checking in real quick - i only read the last page of posts so not sure what's going on with Marie - i need to check.
    I'm just running like crazy right now - my Dad's train was 24 hours late due to the weather so i worried about him, but he's just fine - he's pretty amazing actually!
    I'm back to the gym and walking the dogs but i feel SO fat. I think i will hit it HARD when my Dad leaves. Right now we're doing lots of eating out and having people over to see him.......i'm STILL cooking and baking.........
    I miss you guys, and will be back when life slows down a little! This is also our real busy season at work - 1st qtr of the new year. Plus i need to get all the year end stuff done, the w2s and taxes and all..........

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Hi markturnbo- great to meet you! We are all different ages and lifestyles so you fit in fine! I want to mention someone who never posted here but maybe his death will not have been in vain if someone is more careful because of this. Jeffrey, descriptions of Bruce remind me of you. He loved life and thanked God for it. He was an avid jogger- picture of health-very optimistic and all around good guy. After finishing a run- he died. He had no warning. For those of you who haven't yet done so- please get clearance from your doctor just to be certain. Maybe it will prevent a tragedy- or not, but your family will be glad you are careful. Ok that's all folks!

    Pheobe is that the Bruce that was so bluntly honest with everyone that he was asked to leave? I never talked to him or for that matter read any of his posts but I understand most people liked him. Is this the same man?
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from 32 F Saskatchewan. We are cloud covered but welcome the warm weather. It was melting earlier today. A nice break before back in the deep freeze! Day 3 of success on my program. I am not so hungry today perhaps because I did have a larger lunch, still only 1 plate but more on it. I haven't done the exercise today as my back and neck are very sore. I just took some Tylenol and it seems to be getting a bit better. Chiropractor here I come! We bought tiles to install in much of our main floor (except the living and dining rooms) when we get back from our Feb. cruise. It was a sale we couldn't pass up and a project we were planning on doing (make that Dave will be doing). It, of course, means that we have to get the painting done first which is a very big job. Our living room has two story walls so it means scaffolding. The last time we painted I did a lot of it but unless my neck gets better I don't see that happening. Every time I look up I get dizzy, not a good thing for painting. Dave helped both our boys paint there houses when they moved in to them this past year so I think it may be payback time.

    Jeffrey -- I will have your SIL in my thoughts. She has had a tough time. How nice for you to have someone to train with! Neil is doing OK. He has been back to work for two days (mornings) and now is back to his afternoon sleep. He had a few seizures when we went out to lunch yesterday and I think it is the increased activity BUT that doesn't mean he should lie in his bed forever. I am encouraging the afternoon sleep. He went out to see a hockey game last night and enjoyed himself. So far no seizures today. Thanks for thinking about him.

    Sandy -- Nice family picture! Great work on dropping the pounds. Those last few are always so hard.

    Marie -- I hope you are feeling a little better today and then tomorrow even better than that.

    Mark -- It is great to have you pop in here. This is a very supportive group and it may be just what you are looking for. We are always happy to have new people.

    Phoebe -- You have been a busy girl. Hope you get a little break soon.

    Elli -- Enjoy your visit with your Dad.

    Beth -- How are you feeling? Have you recovered from the run?

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla :heart: :smile:
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    no this Bruce was a family friend. He was never on MFP.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks everyone, I try to check in on you guys all my bathroom breaks. I am still hobbleing along. Legs are still painful. Just had a nice nap in my chair. Just about ready to get a wheel chair. But hoping ythe cortizone kick in soon. He said 2 or 3 days.

    :flowerforyou:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Welcome Mark so glad you join us. I think you will come to love us. This is a powerful bunch of supporters.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Well got to see if I can make it back to the family room. Jerry pick up a chicken already cook at Walmart and i will grab a bag of frozen veggies as I go by And that will be supper. Maybe a greek yogurt later.

    If I make it back this way I will drop in again.

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432

    Welcome! I was about 272 when I started the Journey! It can be done. I am now training for triathalons! I am 56 and in better shape than I have ever been in. Let me know if there is anything that I can do for you. If you wish I will send you everything that I have done to lose the pounds. Best of luck on your journey and welcome to our site!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,987 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Jake went to the movies tonight to see "Avatar". I used the time to ride the exercise bike, walk with Leslie, and take care of a huge pile of paperwork that has been growing for weeks. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I ended up with lots of extra calories and a huge sense of accomplishment.

    :flowerforyou: Mark, welcome to the group......there is evidence here that you can lose weight, have fun, and laugh a lot all at the same time

    :flowerforyou: Marie, chicken and veggies for dinner and a nap in the chair sounds like a fabulous way to spend the evening.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I am so grateful to chiropractors....they do some miraculous things

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, I'm sorry to hear that things are tough now for your SIL......I'm glad to hear that you have someone to train your level of training there aren't many people who can keep up.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, that's a great picture of your family......poor Daisy she must want to get out and run (and get dirty :laugh: ) We had our dogs spayed before they went into heat so we didn't have the problem you have with Daisy. I think our dog park won't allow female dogs in heat....glad hubby is starting to feel better

    :flowerforyou: Elli, how nice that your dad has come to visit.....with all that cooking and entertaining it's no wonder that losing weight has been a struggle for you right's always good to hear from you.

    :flowerforyou: phoebe, thanks for the reminder of getting a doctor's OK about exercising.....that's good advice for all of us.

    this is the night I talk to my cousin on the phone so I don't have time to write more.
    hugs:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi markturnbo- great to meet you! We are all different ages and lifestyles so you fit in fine! I want to mention someone who never posted here but maybe his death will not have been in vain if someone is more careful because of this. Jeffrey, descriptions of Bruce remind me of you. He loved life and thanked God for it. He was an avid jogger- picture of health-very optimistic and all around good guy. After finishing a run- he died. He had no warning. For those of you who haven't yet done so- please get clearance from your doctor just to be certain. Maybe it will prevent a tragedy- or not, but your family will be glad you are careful. Ok that's all folks!

    Pheobe is that the Bruce that was so bluntly honest with everyone that he was asked to leave? I never talked to him or for that matter read any of his posts but I understand most people liked him. Is this the same man?

    I think you are thinking of "Dave." Last I heard, he was looking to join the diplomatic corps:noway: .....NOT :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,987 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Barb, I just noticed that you changed your picture and that you've added some of the pix from last weekend to your profile :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Good morning my friends. ,

    Good to see you all rally around and give Mark a good weelcome. As you all do on any of our newcomers.You guys are the greatest all of you.

    how I feel this morning: my hips are better but he leg isn't yet. Still painful to to walk.Gonna called the doc and make another appt. this morning He wanted to see me after that test yesterday. Maybe that sill give some answer to my oroblems. Jerry and Sammy is taking good care of me.

    Just wanted to dropped in and say Hello and how proud of am of this group.

    Elli. :heart: Glad to see you back on the thread.

    Gayla,:heart: I have that problems of looking up and getting dizzy and have for years. Doc gave me a long name for it and told me when I get dizzy to just sit down and rest till it went away. I'm so used to it now that i know what I can do and not do. I know to sit on the bed awhile befor getting up.and getting up from the tables in the doctor room.And not look up didrectly.

    Phoebe, :heart: Blessed you heart for popping in so regular now.

    Sandy:heart: , that Daisy is so cute she needs to be in the movies or better yet a commercial so wwe can all enjoy her. A real sweetheart and so are you.

    Beth:heart: Don't get too hot while running.

    Barbiecat and Jake:heart: you too are the greatest.

    Barbs:heart: Glad you enjoy meeting Barbiecat and Jack in person.

    Birdie:heart: I know you are having to really keep busy income tax and all.

    Jeffrey:heart:You are part of making this a huge success

    Mark. :heart: You will find lots of supportr from Jeffrey. and from therest of us.Stick with us and we will help you thru the rough times.

    Irene:heart: How are you doing this morning?

    Dee Dee:heart: Hawaii must be a nice place to live. Were you born there.?

    Mary Ann,:heart: we have been missing you.

    Janebo:heart: Where did you get off too.

    rfsahae :heart: Missing you too

    Get healthy:heart: Another one that we have veen missing

    Sandi:heart: Hope you are feeling fine now.

    Well I am up now to get some exercise, Walking back to my easy chair. See you guys later.

    :heart: :heart: Marie:heart::heart: