Seniors Golden Sneakers Club January 2010



  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Income Tax Season consumes me!!!!:noway: But had to drop in to say that I lost another 3 lbs!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Sending hugs to all!!!:heart:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Marie - is that dizzy looking up stuff "benign paroxymal positional vertigo"? I had that - twice now. It's the weirdest thing but not dangerous. Sometimes it just goes away - the first time it took about 3 weeks and i had to have some "manuver" and do exercises. This last time it just took a few days of doing the exercise.

    Sorry - i can't concentrate - my friend/employee is talking and won't shut up!:laugh:

    I'll try and check back in with everyone later!

  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Hi All!!!
    I have been reading the posts this morning as I wait for my contractor to get to work so we can figure out how he didn’t know the paint he was taking off the floor was hazardous waste... love when my morning start with a visit from the EPA engineers!
    I am still running, not so fast I am not really having fun in the cold here that is for dang sure! Sad part is I know all of you for the most part are in colder parts of the country so I guess I am being a pansy.
    February I start back to PT 3 times a week (mandatory) Spin class 3 days a week Yoga on night a week and long runs on my weekend...I am trying to get ready for a Race on the 13th of February...8.6 miles... might be a bit much considering I am only logging 5 at a time but we shall see

    Jeffery - Hope everything is going OK for your SIL and her family and the trip to the hospital gave her some help.

    Mark - Welcome...I am the adopted kid on this thread these are some awesome people, you won't find any better.

    Marie – Hope your arthritis is doing OK… mine has been acting up…evidently joint surgery is not a good thing and just helps it all develop early.

    Gayla – Have they decided when they will do the surgery for Neil? And I always wanted to try curling it looks like fun and kind of like some of the things we do while bored and deployed.

    Elli – I am sure everything will get back to normal when your dad leaves but I am sure your having a good time with him there.

    Phoebe – I am glad to see your see a Dr reminder…I think people forget that fact a lot

    Sandi – How is the exercise and pedometer going?

    Barbie – Sounds like you enjoy the visits to the dog park as well 

    Dee Dee - Keep plugging away at your goals

    Barb – Hope you feel better

    Birdie - Hope you continue to loose even with the craziness of tax season :)

    If I forgot anyone I am sorry...I tried to take notes but was working at the same time
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Late Afternoon!

    Pretty quiet here, at least for our house, today! Got 2 hours of yoga to get in. I am fixing baked pork loin, baked sweet potato, and peas for supper. Strawberries that were frozen last June for dessert! Gonna be a good evening!

    I am sore again from yesterdays workout but I like it! I am progressing. I hope to be able to run outside tomorrow. I feel great with the exception of the left knee.

    Beth good luck on the race! Never give up!

    Marie good luck on the Dr. visit!

    Barbie you are just too busy!

    Birdie and Elli good to hear from you both.

    Take it easy and everyone have a great evening!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Birdie, congratulations on the 3 pound weight loss, you are doing terrific!!! I would hate this time of year if I were an accountant. :happy:

    Beth, great hearing from you and I bet you will do great in that race. You and Jeffrey should live near each other so you could train together. :bigsmile:

    Elli, enjoy your time with your dad, sounds like special times. :flowerforyou:

    Marie, hope your legs start to feel better soon or that they can give you some relief. Using a wheel chair wouldn't be all that bad, Jerry would have to wait on you. Better tell the kids to chip up and get you a laptop so it can travel with you from room to room.

    Jeffrey, your dinner sounds great, what time should I be there? :laugh:

    Finally got to go to my meeting this afternoon, so life seems to be getting back to normal.

    Will talk later,

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to everyone from this prairie dog! We are still enjoying moderate weather, no longer melting but comfortable for sure. Things are going well on Day 4 NoS! One more day and it is the weekend. I told Dave I wanted to lose 40 pounds before our cruise (Feb. 20) and his eyes nearly popped out of his head. I told him that the biggest losers lost over 20 in a week. Of course I wasn't serious but trying to be amusing. In fact, I didn't weigh in before I started so for now am just going by how the clothing feels. I find it too discouraging to step on the scale and then I get 'addicted' to weighing. It isn't always about the scale and for me it should be how I feel.
    I have been trying to stretch out my neck a bit, chin to chest and ears to shoulders, to try to get a grip on the dizzyness. It is very tight. I look forward to the chiropractor appt. and am wondering about massage. The only position that seems to cause the dizzyness is looking up and I avoid that. I am going to get my hair cut tomorrow, the hair wash should be interesting.
    Neil has been doing quite well. The seizures are fewer but still there. The new meds leave him quite tired and he goes to be by about 9 pm even though he has a good hour sleep in the afternoon. He will adjust to the meds, hopefully before we go away.

    Sandy -- So glad your life is getting back to normal and that Babe is starting to feel better.

    Beth -- Good for you, still running! I have heard it is quite addictive. I don't think that will ever be an issue for me. I can hardly endure walking for 10 minutes without stopping for a break!! I know it will improve, but running - - I think not. :laugh: We don't have a time for Neil's surgery yet. We will see the Dr. when we get home from the Caribbean and then make plans. Neil just called me to help him with his 'Snuggie' that he got for Christmas. It is kind of instant sleep when he puts it on. I know the feeling because that is what happens to me as well.

    Jeffrey -- Dinner sounds good. I am making ham steak with apples, roasted potatoes with onions and carrots and fruit salad for dessert. Wish I had some sweet potatoes to throw in the mix. You are going to be very ready for that race and we will be cheering at the sidelines. Well, at the computer for sure!

    Mark -- Hope things are going well for you today.

    Birdie -- Way to go on the weight loss!! Glad you still find time to post during this busy time.

    Elli -- always happy to see that you have popped in. Do you have your Dad cooking?

    Marie -- So glad that you have a little less pain. I hope the Dr. is able to help you today and that tomorrow you are feeling much better. I agree about the lap top. I have thought about it for myself but so far haven't bought one. My son's laptop has a very large monitor which makes reading it so much easier than the old ones used to be. One of these days I will bite the bullet and get one.

    Wow, I hear Neil gently snoring already. Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla
  • viliberty
    It is really encouraging to read your posts with all your victories to share. I have gotten some very helpful tips to keep me going. I know I will have to up my exercise to make progress. God bless you all for your help. Irene
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I really don't know the name but I have had Many , many years now ,. I have learn to live with it. Just like my back. But my hips and legs with this bursites is effecting my walking. But it is much improve today.Not haing to used my walker in the house. I go back to the bone doctor tomorrow to see what the doppler test show up. He was looking to see abbout blood cloths.

    Have a good day
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Sandy I am not in a wheel chair yet. I did used one at the doctor yesterday. I hope I don't have to get one.

    I did get bad news on my brother today, The one that has prostate cancer. It has gone to his brain. Said he would get more treatment.
    My problems seem ney compare to what he is going thru. He is 2 years younger than me. Do you get My Brother Mike on facebook?
    I see some of your relatives and friends there. Mike is my younger brother the same age as my son. He is a mess.

    Take care Marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Today is our 21st wedding anniversary and the one year anniversary of the start of our weight loss journey.......we celebrated by not going out to eat in keeping with our decision to minimize purely recreational eating......since last weekend we went out to eat three times, there was no need to go out today.......Jake fixed lean turkey sausage, potatoes, scrambled eggs made from eggs laid by a friend's chickens and a big salad for our big meal....we've just enjoyed spending time together :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    :flowerforyou: It was a nasty, cold, windy day so when I took the dogs to the dog park I finally got to use the hood in my new extra warm ski jacket.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs to all:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Happy Anniversary Barbie and Jake. Its has been a pleasure knowing you too this past year. Sounds like you had a lovely lunch at home. .
    May you have many many more.

    It also been a pleasure knowing you too this past year. You two has made this year a huge sucess for yourself and for us. Love ya.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    Income Tax Season consumes me!!!!:noway: But had to drop in to say that I lost another 3 lbs!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Sending hugs to all!!!:heart:

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, congratulations on your weight loss........take it one day at a time during tax can get through tax season and stay on your eating and exercise plan.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Marie, I am glad to hear you are getting around a little better.

    Barbie, Yes, I did change my avatar. That was Mai Li after I told her about that spicy basil chicken we had last Saturday!!:laugh: :laugh:
    Actually, that picture was taken about 5 years ago, along with several others, by a friend of mine who does freelance photography. He was amazed at how well behaved Dreyfus and Mai Li were. He quickly discovered Mai Li was a big ham. The pic of her with "Mr Banana" that was my avatar photo came about because she went and found that toy and came back to where he was solo shooting pics of Dreyfus, and hopped up on the seat in front of the camera. I quickly removed Dreyfus from the shot, and we got the memorable shot of her with "Mr. Banana."

    Beth, Fortunately my scratchy throat didn't materialize into anything, so I have almost made it through another week and stayed healthy.:drinker:

    Phoebe, A while back you mentioned you were having some computer trouble, but I don't recall hearing how it resolved. Are you stuck using your laptop, or were you able to get your other system back on the right track?

    I have more to say, but it will have to wait til later as I am fading fast. :yawn: :yawn:

    so long for now,

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Good morning. this is going to be a great day. I can feel it in my bones. Everything is a lot better this morning. I am getting around so good. Still a little pain but not near like it has been. Wil be going to the bone docter a little later this morning. And I don't think I will have to used his wheel chair today. The weather is going to warm up a lot next week too and hopping Sammy & i get a lot of walking in. My body really missed the walks. So will dig out the pedometor and put it to use. Get back to a normal life. I have my eating pretty well under control. Since this doctor put me on very lean meat and veggies I have been losing a lb a day. thats good but I have a long way to go.
    Talk to you later after I get back from the doctor.
  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Just had the most yummy breakfast...I work with a vegan (sp?) he has been on me for months about buying yogurt with fruit in it because it is high calorie high I took his advice... bought some greek yogurt (my favorite) he told me to get plain but ICK!!!! I got he vanilla and added frozen blue berries... it was yummy!!! I also had a bannana and a clementine but the yogurt was 100% better than buying it with flavoring added and the sugar content was way below normal. Just something to try :)
    More later...
    Marie - Glad your out and about and feeling good :)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey there Beth. I love greek yogurt, my faverite. Its more expensive than the other but so good. Glad you found it.
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Morning!

    I am feeling real good today! I always do after the yoga. I am planning on running during my lunch time today. It is 34 degrees here! A veritable heat wave! LOL We have our card group tonight and I am looking forward to that and tomorrow we are going to supper with friends and then to watch the Colts win at there house. Sunday we are catching up on our shopping and house cleaning.

    Beth I have never been able to master the yogurt thing, unless it is frozen and in a cone! Good luck with that! I will just stick with my fruit. LOL

    Birdie good job on the weight off!

    Barbie congrats on the anniversary. Day and I will celebrate our 36th on August 10. I have held up very well! LOL

    Marie I am smiling because you are feeling better! Get out and enjoy yourself but don't overdo it!

    Barb I always enjoy reading you post! Keep 'em coming!

    Everyone else where you at?

    Have a great morning !

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Good Morning,

    It is a dreary drizzling morning which makes your bones cold. :glasses:

    Marie, I am so happy you are feeling good today, it shows in your post. :bigsmile:

    Jeffrey, you are always so upbeat even when things aren't that good in your life. You are an amazing man whom we all idolize. :love:

    Beth, never tried Greek yogurt, but I do like the low calorie Dannon yogurt. When my step daughter was here I bought the all natural Dannon since she is also a Vegan, it was also very good.:drinker:

    Barbie and Jake...., :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    21 years together and you act like newlyweds. :heart: And only one year on MFP? You guys are amazing, losing so much weight in only one year and I am stuck with 4 pounds to go. :sad:

    Barb, glad your sore throat cleared itself up and you are feeling good. Your puppies are so darn cute, they make a mommy proud. :laugh:

    Taking Daisy to groomer today even though the weather is yucky, so will check in with you later.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from sunny Saskatchewan, temp. 2C. Gotta love this nice weather even though I haven't left the house. It was my ABM (all by myself) day so I did things I like to do. Day 5 on program and going well.
    It is very quiet in this room today. People must be busy getting that exercise in.

    Marie -- So glad that you are feeling better. You will be out walking again soon.

    Barbie and Jake -- Happy Anniversary!! Glad you had a happy day. There is nothing that says you have to go out for dinner although many of us do. For me going out is great because Dave never, NEVER cooks so it is a nice break for me.

    Sandy -- Tomorrow will be a nicer day. I bet Daisy is looking gorgeous.

    Jeffrey -- Sounds like you have a busy weekend ahead of you. Enjoy! What kind of cards do you play? We used to play bridge years ago but our friends that played have moved across the country. I like most games, Dave not so much.

    Beth -- You have reminded me that I have yogurt in the fridge and that would be a nice change for breakfast tomorrow. I haven't tried the Greek yogurt. I don't think our grocery store carries it but I will look.

    Barb -- Glad you are feeling better.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their day. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart: :smile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Thank you all for the warm anniversary we are deep into our 22nd year of marriage :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I'm so glad to hear the cheerful tone that I'm so used sounds like the latest treatment and the good meat and veggies are working for are like the heart of the thread and we love it when you're upbeat and feeling good.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I'll bet Daisy shows off a lot after her grooming because she feels so beautiful....we've had some of that dreary drizzly weather here, too, but it probably isn't as cold here and there's usually a clear time in the afternoon to go to the dog park

    :flowerforyou: Beth, I love yogurt (almost too much) I like it best with Kashi cereal.....we buy plain unsweetened organic yogurt....I've seen the Greek yogurt in the store but haven't tried it yet

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I like having time alone just like you...glad your eating plan is going well

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, I'm glad you're able to run even in cold are so focused that you don't even let the weather get in the way.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Barb, glad the scratchy throat didn't turn into anything bad :bigsmile: sounds like you need to get some looks like you're staying up late...give the pooches a big hug from me.:heart:

    We picked Haifa up this afternoon from the vet and got a lesson from the tech about how and when to give Haifa injections. He has to have the injections 12 hours apart and an hour after he eats a specified amount of a high protein, low carb food. So we're feeding him something new and not letting him have the dry food he likes. I have to feed him in a separate room so Bernie and the dogs don't try to eat his food (I had him closed in the den with the food, water, and a separate litter box). Since he's used to nibbling throughout the evening and night, he's not used to eating his bowl of food in one sitting so I came in and sat with him and put the food on my fingers and let him lick it off. Then I set the timer set so I could give him his insulin shot exactly an hour after he ate his dinner. Jake had volunteered to do the shots but he had something planned for tonight and I didn't want him to miss it (and I was looking forward to having the house to myself for a few hours) so I said I'd do the shot. I practiced with saline solution at the vet's office and it seemed easy enough. The hard part is that the dose is so small that it's tricky to measure it into the syringe because they don't make syringes meant for such small doses. The good news is that the dose is so small because he responded so well to the insulin the gave him already. It was a lot easier to give the shot than I expected. Afterward I let him lick some more food off my fingers as a treat for being so brave. He'll go back in two weeks for more testing to see how he's doing.

    :flowerforyou: Now that I'm done with medical tasks, I'm getting back on the exercise bike and watching TV
    :heart: :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All=

    Marie, you sound SOO much better, and your ticker certainly has changed in the last 6 weeks. Good luck at doctor's office.

    Jeffrey, Thank you for your kind words. I hope your SIL is doing better, and I don't know who the Colts are playing, but hopefully things will turn out as you wish.

    Gayla, I always enjoy your weather report. My mom was born in your province (easier to say that than SPELL it--too lazy to look at your post to get it right:laugh: :laugh:)

    Sandy, My babies are always up to something. I should probably take more pics. I need to get the ones out of my cell phone posted to my pc so I can add them to my profile. I have one of Pepper with a chewbone hanging out of his mouth and it looks like he is smoking a cigar!!!:bigsmile:

    Speaking of Pepper:heart:, guess who has jumped in my lap and made it about impossible to post this on my laptop?????:laugh: :laugh:

    Oh well, it is time for bed anyway:yawn:
