Seniors Golden Sneakers Club January 2010



  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    Hi. It is evening and I am about to log in my food for the day. I usually wait until the house is quiet and then settle in for some MFP support. Everyone, have a fantastic Tuesday and keep plugging along towards the goal of your weight loss.

    Here is to a healthy life, full of fun and exercise. 1112.gif
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Mornaing all

    I went to the thearpist yesterday. got another dose of cortisone. Can't say that I feel anyetter yet. Sammy Nad I tried to go for a walk yesterday but didn't hardly get past the house. Too painful. I am to take my bathing suit tomorrow when I gor for some thearpy in the water.I have exercise to do on the days I don't go. The heat pad they used on my back felt so good tho.

    I made it to the store yesterday. used the mobile cart and Jerry follow beside me Picking up things I needed.

    :heart: Jeffrey glad you got your knees taken care of. Hope it continue to get better. Thats good you took your buddie under your wings,he will have the best trainer there is.

    :heart: sandy I look for Daisy on facebook but did not find her. I still don;t know how to get around too good there yet. But the more II used it the better.

    :heart: Gayla, I really didn't think you all ate turnips up there. I thought that was a southern dish. I got a bag of them at the store and sat down an peeled then and cut ready to roast. or whatever. I am out of my flax bread so will have to see about making somemore today.

    :heart: Barbicat you and Jack have a wondrful time on your trip.. I am sure it is busniess related but still a nice change from everyday life.

    :heart: DeeDee Good to hear from you this morning.

    :heart: Barbs, I wish you live close to me so you could keep my computor in top shape.

    :heart: Elli Glad your visit with you dad is enjoyable. He has a lot of spunck left in him.

    :heart: Birdie you are doing so great. I am seeing some weight dropping now. Monday is My WI day. Had a 2 lb lost yesterday.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    To: Mary Ann, Sandi, get healthy, Irene, Janebo, rfsahae and Mark
    missing you guys

    Have a great day.
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Morning Everyone!

    The knee has no pain today! It is great to be free of that issue, at least for now. I sure hope it last. Not too much else going on here. Day's mom has been quiet so that is good. We needed the break. We will be going down again Saturday to visit the moms.
    I have been actively looking for a new job. The contract that I am under is due to expire anytime at thier discretion. Each day that goes by is another day of pay though!

    I have strengh training tonight. Looking forward to that! I may run later if the ice gets off the roads. Nothing else new here today.

    Good to hear from everyone!

    Barbie and Jack have a safe trip!

    Marie why don't you cheer for the Colts? We could use the fans! Their uniforms have the blue and white that you like!

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Happy Tuesday morning everyone!

    Jeffrey - glad your knee pain is gone - hope it STAYS gone. That can be so debilitating! It was one of the great things for me when i first lost all my weight - getting rid of knee and foot pain.

    Hi Marie - hope by now the cortisone shot has helped. Sounds like you're still getting around just fine! You're awesome!

    Barbie - hope you and Jake have a good trip to Phoenix. Hopefully the weather will be good. Do you still bring lots of your own food and the mixer and all every time you travel? Are the girls coming to watch the dogs? Sounds like you've been having some nice weather! We have too - in the 40's. Everything's been melting so the farm roads where i walk are really mucky but i've just been putting on boots and sloshing through it. Poor little Hercky (dashchund) goes right into the utility sink when we get home though!

    Hi Birdie - I too am sick at what's happening in Haiti. My heart goes out to the people. I was talking to my younger boy on the phone yesterday and he said he wishes we could both go there to older son (Soldier/son) is on a 1 hour callback right now waiting for deployment orders to go there. I can't say i'm so happy about it - but it's what he does......he got the call on Friday while my Dad and i were down there visiting him and his wife and that was the last we saw of him. His unit is all packed and ready to go - it's just so difficult getting into the country right now so he still doesn't know exactly WHAT is going on. Hurry up and wait.....

    I've been doing better with food and exercise - still not quite back to where i need to be but at least heading in the right direction now! WHEW! That's a relief! I have one more "out to dinner" tomorrow night before my Dad leaves Thursday night:frown: and then i will hopefully get totally back on track. I helpe some friends with their new house over the weekend, we loaded up my pick up and atv trailer with a garage full of trash (old carpet, pad, linoleum, etc - they're totally redoing this house they bought) and kind of hurt my back. i REALLY need to get back to hot yoga!

    OK - i better get back to WORK right now though! Have a great day everyone!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member

    I am going to try and remember everything I just read, but good luck with that.:laugh:

    Marie, at least you are still trying to walk and keep healthy, hopefully the cortisone shot will kick in and you will feel better today. :flowerforyou: If you put in Daisy Mae it will take you to her page, but the only reason she has a page is because of the games I play that need neighbors. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Elli, sorry your son is being deployed again, how long will he be gone? Glad you are having a good visit with your dad. :heart:

    Jeffrey, what did the doctor give you for your knee that you are pain free today? I am going to make an appointment to get the series of shots that lubricate my knees. I am like Barbie when it comes to watching football, only the playoffs and the Super Bowl. I will be cheering your Colts on Sunday and you can cheer for the Vikings. If they both make it to the Super Bowl it is every man/woman for themselves. :laugh: That is the best I can do.................................

    Deedee, glad you are sticking with us and doing such a great job on your weight loss. :bigsmile:

    Barbie and Jake, have a safe trip and try and have some fun. Enjoy the warm weather is Phoenix and let the sunshine brighten your lives. :glasses:

    Gayla, forgive me but I forgot when you are leaving on your cruise, I know it is soon. Is Neil doing any better?

    Barb, I know a lot about computers but you seem to know even more. My desktop computer is in permanent sleep mode, so I am waiting for my computer troubleshooter to call so he can come and fix the problem. I may end up getting a new computer but I love the one I have because I have two hard drives, I make a lot of DVD's for people or transfer VHS to DVD so it works better with two drives.:ohwell:

    Birdie, I am sure you are exhausted with tax season in full swing. We are thinking of you with love.:heart:

    For those who might just be reading our posts that is fine, once in a while drop in and say hello. :bigsmile:

    Have a great Tuesday!!

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from sunny Saskatchewan, 32F. I am down in the dumps today and immediately looking for carbs and chocolate. I am working hard at restraint. My DIL informed me last night that she may have to cancel out of our cruise Feb. 20. Apparently she has to meet with her thesis committee, I am not sure if she has to defend that week or just meet. I was in stunned mode. She just wanted to know about cancellation insurance. I hardly slept last night and woke with a headache. In the scheme of things it is not huge but for whatever reason it has overwhelmed me somewhat. I am not sure if my son will still be coming or if he will be staying home as well. I hope she will ask if they can move it up a week. Anyway, that is what I am thinking about today. In addition to that Neil has had a couple of bad seizure days, I would say 10 or more. He has been Mr. Crankypants, not that I can blame him but it is still annoying and very wearing.

    Marie -- Sorry you are still in so much pain. I had so hoped it was improving. Be good to yourself.

    Sandy -- I will have to add Daisy as I friend, I need some friends on Facebook for my Cafe. Very few of my human friends play those games and I only have played this one. I don't think I will do anymore.

    Elli -- so sorry that your son is heading off to Haiti but at the same time so proud of him. It is a terrible situation there.

    Barbie and Jake -- Have a safe trip.

    Jeffrey -- You are a machine!! Glad you checked it out with the Dr.

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla :cry: :heart:
  • viliberty
    I need some help! The exercise machines I use at home are a recumbent bike and a Weslo Cardio Glide. I can't find the cardio glide in exercise tracker. And I don't know what else to call it or compare it to. Can any of you help? I would like to be at least close to accurate. :cry:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    gayla I don;t blane you for feeling down. Thats enought to make a fellow crawl up the wall. Maybe everything will work out. Sorry about Neil increased in seizure. Bless his heart..

    Tonight I am getting around better, not great but so much better, I go to the water tomorrow. I dug out one of my swim suit which I haven't wore in 10 year or so and I manage to get it on but a little bit snug. It will have to do. I only go 4 days so I don't see any reasons to buy another one.

    Irene, I know nothing about that Sorry.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Viliberty, I would just put in a stationary bike for the bike and I would put in cardio for the other machine. Just add it to exercise and put in your own minutes, it should be able to track your calories. Sometimes we have to improvise but it should be close.
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Evening!

    the knee seems to be great! Ran outside tonight 8 minute miles! also got my strength training and crunches in. I am tired!

    Viliberty check to see if there is anything listed for Healthrider. They are similar. Let me know if you can't find it and I will do some homework for you on the calorie burn. Good question!

    Sandy the med I am now taking for my knee is called Arthomax 50. It has the side affect of upset stomach and digestional issues (if you get my drift! LOL). I have only had the upset stomach part but eating a little something seems to cure that fairly quick. Regardless it is worth not having the pain.

    Marie I am smiling that you are feeling better! hang in there kid and let me know if there is anything that I can do.

    Gayla I have you in my thoughts along with Neil. One day at a time my friend, the cruise will work out! Just a speed bump on the road of life!

    Rooting us all on!

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just checking in. My weight stayed the same this week and that's okay.:ohwell: Had a couple sloppy days (not BAD just sloppy) so I count it a blessing!:flowerforyou:
    Got to get back to work!
    Reading posts when I can but no time to reply.:ohwell:
    Sending hugs and encouragement to all!:love:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Good morning friends!

    Birdie - you've lost 38 pouns, and quickly! Staying the same in a week is FINE! I'm glad you're not upset about it!

    Marie - glad you're getting around better, even though it isn't great - just keep on keeping on! You're inspirational! That's very cool that your old bathing suit works! Hopefully the water will be good for you.

    Gayla - so sorry about the cruise! You'll still go anyway won't you????? Poor Neil. So sorry he's had so many seizures!

    Irene - i do the same thing Sandy does. I pick a cardio excercise (because i work out on an elliptical and they don't have that) that i think is comparable to what i'm doing and plug in the number. The machines i work out on tell me how many calories i burn and when you put in your weight i think those are pretty accurate. Good luck!

    Jeffrey - 8 minute miles - that's amazing!

    My son still hasn't left for Haiti - i guess it's so difficult getting into the country right now. He says his unit needs 11 planes for all the people and supplies and they're only landing 4 a day there - as of yesterday. We never know what's going on. This morning on npr they said they're sending 5,000 troops - not 10,000 so i'm actually starting to hope maybe he's not going. He's still on 1 hour callback though so we just wait and see.

    Barbie and Jake - hope your trip is going well!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Elli, I put all my Wii DVD exercises in the exercise program. I also added my elliptical, when you do a search for your equipment and it is not found it tells you to add your own and that's how I add all my Wii Stuff. :bigsmile:

    I did so well yesterday working on the new My Shape Wii that it said I burned 600 calories. I only put in 500 because it was too hard for me to believe I even burned that many. It was hard work though, used a stepper a lot and did lots of squats. I watched what I ate and stayed a little under the calories for the day. Today is not a good day since I had to take my hubby to the doctor, he is sling free, YEAH!!!! I also had to run and get my granddaughter jazz shoes for her competition this weekend (she asked me yesterday, nothing like a short notice) and soon I have to pick her up for practice. The good news is that my hubby said I can go to bingo tonight, which I haven't been since he broke his shoulder. I am so excited!!!

    I hope you are having a better day Gayla, sometimes we worry about things in the future and things turn out ok , so we worry for nothing. Anticipation can lead to frustration, so only take it one day at a time. :love:

    As from my above comments Jeffrey, yes competition starts this weekend and will end in July when we go to Nationals in Las Vegas. It is my favorite time of year, I love watching my granddaughter dance as well as her whole team. Our local competitions are in the area except for two, one in Kansas City the other in Detroit. I am taking my granddaughter to Kansas City since her mother can not make it. I love spending time alone with her so I am really looking forward to that competition.
    She is dancing Saturday night and they will broadcast the competition via web cam at
    Her company is Perseverance Dance Company so if you want a little peak, it starts around 7pm central time , :heart:

    Have a great Wednesday.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Hi Sandy - WOW! that wii really is AWESOME! I hope eventually i'll get my new basement set up with a wii....maybe i'll ask my kids to do that for me for my birthday! That would be GREAT! I had a great day yesterday too - stayed under calories and went to the bym for over an hour. It's just amazing how much better we feel when we do well isn't it? That's AWESOME that your hubby is out of the sling! AND you're going to bingo! Have SO much fun!!!!!!! I'm happy for you. And all the dancing coming up! Life is good!

    My awesome news is Dillon is NOT going to Haiti!!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Oh i'm SO happy. Not only was i worried about him being over there i'm just glad his wife doesn't have to go through part of the pregnancy alone. They're both so happy.

    Tonight is my Dad's last night so he and i are going to a movie and then out do dinner (yes, AGAIN, but to a really good fish place so i hope i can do all right) with the younger pair. After dad's gone hopefully i'll get back to yoga. I've been doing all right either long dog walks or the gym 4 to 5 days..........

    Happy Wednesday everyone!
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi all! Colour me frustrated!!!! I just posted a very long reply and got an error message and poof, no reply. So short story is -- as so many said the cruise thing will work out and it looks like it will. My dil talked to the prof and they are trying fo work around it. I am not sure why this put me over the edge. I suspect it was just that one tiny little piece of stress added to the stress already there. My stress quota was reached and poof you have a slobbering mess. I am much better today and hopeful. It is the hope that always gets us through trying times.

    I just can't take the time to redo my post but I am thinking about you all as always.

    Keep smiling. Gayla
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Afternoon!

    Too cold and windy here to run outside today. I will have to settle for my yoga and maybe an additional cardio. Pretty quiet and that is good!

    Sounds like everyone is doing better today. That is a good thing.

    Thats about it for now I will catch up better later this evening!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy do remind me Saturday morning about your granddaughter. I would love to see it.
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Morning All!

    Freezing rain all around us today. I got up and took Day to work early this morning. I hate to think of her having trouble by herself. So far it is just south of our house but it is a mess down that way. Got a great yoga in last night and I will be working on legs and back tonight along with my ab routine. No running outside today, just too nasty!

    Sandy I will try to catch the dance competition on the web, thanks for the link! Also, I gave to wrong name for my arthritist med. It is Arthrotec 50. sorry about that. It has really helped. The knee is not 100% but it is much improved. I probably push it too much.

    Marie whats been new with your family? Are your legs still improving?

    Gayla get packing! It won't be long now!

    Barbie are you there yet?

    Birdie nice to read your post the other day. Looks like things are pretty good on your end.

    DeeDee, Beth, Barb, Elli, and all the rest get in touch!

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :frown: Just dropping in to say that I hope you all are alright on the west coast!! Boy some real nasty weather! :noway: Thinking of you.:love:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Morning all -

    Gayla - don't apologize for your melt down! You had every reason to go there!!!!! I'm SO hoping the cruise will work out. Like Jeffrey said - get packing! This is going to be just what you need!

    Jeffrey - you're a good husband to take Day to work in the bad weather! Breaking down alone is the WORST! Glad you're managint to get your workouts in in spite of the weather. I'm not surprised though! After all, it is YOU!

    Birdie - I have a sil in So California. As of yesterday they were all right - need to check on them today. It's BAD out that way.

    My Dad is leaving today:cry: these trips go way too fast. I'm trying to talk him AND his wife into coming here the end of August after the BABY :bigsmile: arrives! He/she will be their first great grandchild! woo hooooooooooooooo

    I don't know if anyone else is following Katie Spotz - she's 22 years old and rowing from West Africa to South America by herself - 2500 miles. She's amazing and so inspiring! Check her out on:

    Have a great day! :heart: elli