Seniors Golden Sneakers Club January 2010



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Good Morning,

    Just waiting for my computer troubleshooter to arrive and fix my desktop computer. I have people waiting for DVD's and I can't print since my desktop is off line. I am hoping to get another exercise day in before my meeting. The one I did on Tuesday left me very sore yesterday so I know that it was a good workout. :tongue:

    We have some of that ice Jeffrey, but not too bad. I am calling today to schedule an appointment with my knee doctor and will ask about the medicine you are taking to see if it would help me. Thanks for the update. :happy:

    Gayla, sorry about you losing the post, it is frustrating after writing a long post have it disappear. Next time try clicking your back button on the top and see if it returns. I think we have all lost posts and it seems it is when they are the longest.
    Any news on the cruise with your son and dil? Is Neil any better or do the bad seizures continue? How will he do on the ship?

    Still waiting but I better eat breakfast before he gets here. Will check in later.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Good morning gang, Seems like a lot or you are up and perking. Me too. I got my exercise in. Laying on the bed with one of them big baalls inder my knees and roling from side to side and then rolling back to work my legs and tumming. sloso some ecercise in the chair.
    Got a red bell perper sut up to snack on today. Will be making Cabbage and sour cream veggie dish and a por chop for lunch. with a flax muffin.
    I have found a way to get more water in. I make up a pkg of crystal light . Add ice and 3/4 cup water and 1/4 c. of the crystal light. I am on the lemon aid now. but will be trying some other flvors later on.

    I think eating more veggies and drinking plenty of water is the key to losing along with exercise.

    I am getting around better now. As Jeffrey said not 100% yet but better. Alot better than last Tues when i could harly put my foot down to walk. Thearpy was great yesterday. the water was fine. Except gettin out I felt every bit of my weight. and some more. I have 2 more visit unless the doctor say I need more.

    Everybody have a good eating and exercise day.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Good afternoon to you all from snowy Saskatchewan, 14F. The snow looks so white and clean but I have heard there are a lot of accidents. The streets are getting slippery. I was getting ready to go get Neil from the city at noon and asked Dave if he wanted to go for a car ride. He said no and then asked if I was going to cry. I told him very likely and so he said he better come with me. It was kind of funny but I was so happy he drove. I kept him company with my constant chatter. I have become a very nervous driver over the past few years. Our routine is Dave drives Neil in to work in the morning as I sleep in! I pick him up. Yesterday we had our appt. with the Immunization travel Clinic and got the low-down on all the 'bugs' out there. I am concerned about not being able to take a carry on as I need to carry so many medications. I do not want to trust them to checked baggage. I have had luggage lost twice so I know it happens. If Neil doesn't have his drugs we are in big trouble. She said to get a letter from the Dr. and bubble packaging for the daily doses. I will talk to the pharmacist on Monday and see how to go about getting that done. I will also see the Dr. on Monday for our 2nd Hepatitis shots. I feel like I told you this already but I am hoping it was just in my lost post.

    Marie -- glad you enjoyed the exercise in the pool. I love to go to aquafit, my favorite way to exercise. Several years ago I joined a class with a bunch of seniors as the time was perfect for me to go before work. They were a fun group and I think I will do it again. I am going to have to see if I can find a way to make cabbage and sour cream, sounds wonderful. You had mentioned that you didn't think we would eat turnips here. We eat them quite often, I love adding them to stews but I also like them as a side dish, mashed with a little butter, salt and pepper. If they are too strong I do sometimes add a few mashed potatoes to them. However, my grandfather called them pig feed :laugh:

    Jeffrey -- so nice that you drive to work with Day. I am sure she really appreciates it. The slippery roads can be very scary. You must feel on top of the world with your knee feeling better. I hope it continues to improve. Be kind to it.

    Elli -- thanks for the encouragement. Wow! so glad your son doesn't have to leave his wife just now. Is the pregnancy going well? I loved being pregnant and I always hope other women have the same experience. Glad you had such a good visit with your Dad, sorry it is ending so quickly!

    Sandy -- I am not too worried about Neil's seizures while on the cruise. Of course, I wouldn't be me if I wasn't worrying a bit. He will have seizures but he has them here. There is a Dr. on board if it gets out of control which I don't think it will. If he is having a lot we will have a quiet rest period. I am not going to plan excursions for us everyday although likely the other 5 will be. Some of the things they do Neil will not be able to do so we may go off for a shorter excursion and something that we can use the wheelchair doing. Neil and I are easily ammused and if all else fails we both like to eat so it will be all good. Oops, I shouldn't confess that I plan to eat!!! Tell Daisy thank you for being my facebook friend, she is my first non-human FB friend.

    Birdie -- take care of yourself during this busy time.

    Hi to everyone else. take care and keep smiling. Gayla :smile: :heart:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Gayla - when do you leave and how long will you be gone? I'm SO excited for you! Has Neil ever been on a cruise before? It sounds so fun! Don't worry too much about eating - you will get back on plan when you get home! Thank you for asking about my dil - she's been pretty nauseaus so far - I'm hoping after the 1st trimester is over she'll start feeling great! I'm like you - i loved being pregnant! I got her some cute shirts for her birthday (which is also the last day of the first tri!). One says "Dillon and Andi's love child" :laugh:

    1 more night with my Dad - Amtrak called this morning and said his train was running late out of CA due to weather. He immediately had me call a travel agent and make him a reservation to fly home:ohwell: I have the feeling this train would have been all right - but i sure don't want him to go through trauma again!!!!!!!

    Hopefully i'll check in sometime tomorrow! Just came back from walking the dogs - i'm doing lots better getting at least something in every day........and once Dad is gone there will be less eating out. He loves to go out.....

    Have a good night everyone! :heart: elli
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Gayla I made the cabbage and sour crem today. I only used 1/2 c. of sour cream and that was too much. I got the recipe out of zarr.
    But I did like everything else. it had caraway seed, as I remember you like caraways seeds but tthe reat of the family didn't. But 4 cups of cabbage did not make too much. for me about 2 servings. so I will have some for tomorrow. This lady said they eat it cold. I am trying to get a big bowl of veggies soups in everyday. I sent a message to Kay to get her to send me her chicken stock recipe . We been buying a cooked chicken from Walmart the first of the week And I remember Kay said she always got some broth out of the bones.She gave me some pretting good tips. My motto now is Lots of veggies, lots of water. some exercise. Guess wondering how I am all so fire up. ....well my doctor put down I am morbid obease and I always thought I was Just obease which is bad enough. Don't want to see that again.very intersting post you posted.
    You all will have a blast. Even Neil Will love it. I am so excited for you and your family.

    Elli. glad you had a nice visit with your dad. Glad he still like to get out and have fun.

    Barbiecat, Have fun. Did you take your lap top?? Hope we don't have to wait till you get back to hear from you.

    Phoebe, where are you now.

    Barbs, How are the piggies?

    Jeffrey. You aill alway be one of my faverite poster here. You are just an all around nice guy, to your family and to all of us here.

    Birdie, Keep at them Lady bug.

    Irene, so nice to hear from you.

    Beth, How's that running going?

    Sandy, I keep reminded myself about Sat. Don/'t want to miss that. Did you get you PC fixed?

    Jack take care of Barbiecat, Which I know you will..

    Dee Dee how is Hawaii. Nice iIurpose,. I have a friend and her family over there now on a cruise. They are having a ball. Her daughter posted some pictures on facebook.

    missing these guys....... would love you to come back for a visit...........

    ....... Mary Ann.....:heart: Nancy...:heart: Ellen....:heart: Get Healthy...:heart: rfsahae...:heart: Mark...

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Lots of interesting posts today, mine will be boring but so glad everyone shares. :bigsmile:

    Marie, I can't agree with your doctor when he says morbid obese, you were only 44 pounds over weight according to your ticker and have already lost 15 pounds which means you only have 29 pounds to lose. Morbid Obese in my opinion would be someone who had to lose over a 100 pounds. So even though you are diabetic, don't let him make you feel obese. You just have to lose some weight to feel healthy. :flowerforyou: We love you no matter what size you are, but we do want you healthy. :heart:

    Elli, glad to hear your dil is having morning sickness, then we know everything is going to plan. :love: I too, loved being pregnant!! Most people think I am crazy when I say that but I loved the feeling of a new life growing inside of me. I guess that is why I was pregnant four times and had four C sections. I sometimes wish I could have had a baby with my current husband, it would have completed our marriage. We have six between us but it is not the same. :blushing:

    Gayla, it sounds like you have to go through more than we do in the States to go on a cruise. I just had to get a passport, no kind of vaccinations. I too, would be worried about Neil's medications but it sounds like you are on track with that. I am sure everything will be perfect for your cruise and being with family and just getting away will relieve a lot of stress. :wink:

    My computer troubleshooter took my computer with him. He is almost sure he can fix the problem but I told him as long as he saves my two hard drives, I can always buy a new computer. He assures me that he can, he thinks it is either my mother board or a problem with the power, even possibly the fans. As long as I get a desk top soon I will be fine. Thank goodness I bought myself a laptop for Christmas. :laugh:

    Have a good evening or what is left of it.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:
    WAKE UP YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Been to the kidney doctor and everything look fine. My numbers went up, so that is real good. don't have to go back for 5 months.

    I am going to try to keep Feb. free of appts. Seems like everyday I have been going to the doctors.

    We got to make a run to the store to pick up a few things. After Jerry has beakfast. He is not an early breakfast eater,

    Talk to you later, Got to get my exercise in.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    You sound SOO much better. Glad to hear of the new report from the doctor.

    I am home from work today, and don't have the energy to reread the last few days of posts and make an intelligent response. My three canine nursemaids have mercifully stopped clamoring for a walk. Maybe we will get out later this afternoon.

    Barbiecat hasn't posted for a couple of days, which means she is either REALLY busy in Phoenix, or experiencing lack of internet service.:grumble: Phoenix really got hammered with the weather that started out in California. They even had a tornado touch down in Phoenix yesterday,:noway: and at one point, the airport was closed because of the weather, according to a poster on another thread on Wednesday night, who worked there. Even though Barbie and Jake were going to be involved in indoor activities, I am sure they will be happy to come home to plain old rain and no tornadoes!!!:drinker: :drinker:

    Hope everyone is having a good day, and if you are experiencing personal or health adversities, I hope for better days ahead.

    Guess I have to end, as Mai Li has decided to go out into my backyard and let my neighbors know that her mean old momma is ignoring her.:grumble: Barkity bark!!!:laugh: :laugh:

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from mild but cloudy Saskatchewan. It felt really cold inside this morning and when I checked it was only 65F. I was a bit worried our furnace had bit the dust but I played around a bit (as my good husband had shown me a few weeks ago) and miraculously I had heat. Ok, let the bells ring out and banners fly -- I spent some time on the stationary bike today!! Yes, I moved the pedals and did a few kilometres. I read my book while I rode and although my legs ached a bit it felt ok. I will increase a few minutes each day. I wish that we still had the bike in our family room so that I could watch tv and ride. We had to move it out to accomodate Neil's hospital bed for after his surgeries. One more to go and we can say goodbye to the bed!! And. . . . . I had a call from his Dr.'s receptionist today that his surgery is booked for March 9th. So, by May we should be either putting the bed in the basement or giving it away. It is so heavy to move that I am not sure if they can get it into the basement. He will have the neuro surgery after that but he should be able to climb the stairs to his bedroom. My sisters and I were planning a rail trip in April but I will have to delay that until May. We spent so much time traveling by train as kids that we thought it would be fun to be on the rails again. My Dad was a railway Conductor so we had free passes and made very good use of them. That was when kids could travel alone without fear of being molested or abducted. The conductors had a good system and they all looked out for each others children. We are going to Winnipeg, Manitoba which is about a 10 hour trip but just daytime and there likely will be no pause in conversation.

    Elli -- This is Neil's first cruise. Actually, it is a first for all of us so we are getting very excited.

    Sandy -- The immunization is not mandatory but recommended so we decided better safe than sorry. We won't have to worry about it for at least 10 years and we do hope to do more travelling.

    Marie -- You must be feeling better if you are wanting to go to the mall. Hope it was a good trip. I am going to try the cabbage dish tonight. I will have to look for it on zaar.

    Barb -- Sorry you are under the weather. Hope tomorrow is a better day.

    Take care and keep smiling. gayla vivian :heart: :smile: :heart:
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Evening All!

    Quiet day! Had to take Day to work again today, more freezing rain. Joe the cat got locked in the foyer closet today. He had good 6 hour nap! He did not seem to anxious to go to the front door again! We are going to see the Mom's tomorrow so that will be a full day. Outside of that not much on the plate until Sunday, then its COLTS FOOTBALL! Our best friends are coming over for supper and the game. I can't wait!

    We got our workouts in tonight and then went to Wal-Mart. Pretty slow here in Colubia City! Tonight was treat night! We had pizza and man was it good! LOL I will pay for it tomorrow.

    Gayla I am glad to hear that all is smoothing out! Good for you on the bike! If you can't move it in front of the TV you might invest in a little IPOD shuffle. I have one and I love it. You can download pod cast and listen to them whenever. And most of the are free! I get mine at "I Tunes". I have quite a bit of music but also alot of pod cast on fitness, triathlon, zen, and different things I really makes the time fly. My little shuffle was only $60. A great thing! You can find pod cast on about any subject you can think of.

    Marie I am so happy that your dr gave you a thumbs up! Yea! don't worry about the weight comment. He was speaking clinically. You are working at it and doing well! Just stay after it my friend, it takes time and you are doing the most important part, trying! You are my friend no matter what!

    Elli nice to ready your post. I feel like a neighbor.

    Barb you are certainly busy with the critters! That makes me smile!

    Sandy have a nice weekend and give my best wishes to your grand daughter for her competition!

    Everyone have a great weekend!

  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    I had a productive day with "work & chores", but on my diet I regained a pound. Tomorrow I have a volunteer function, and who knows what I'll end up eating. Sigh. Here comes that problem of trying to lose that last 10 pounds. I gotta stock up on some low calorie snack foods, maybe some airpopped popcorn. My mind is kinda empty tonight when trying to think about dieting. Anyway, everyone, have a good weekend!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Good Morning, it is a misty morning and a good day to stay in bed. :laugh: No such luck here, I have things to do, places to go, people to see. :blushing:

    Deedee, the best way to account for extra calories is to exercise and gain more calories. I try to do that whenever I have an event that I am attending. I also skip dessert and stay focused on the healthiest part of what is being served. Not that I don't cheat you understand, none of us is perfect!!! Just get back on track tomorrow and work your program. :love:

    Tonight my granddaughter dances in her first competition of the year. Again if you are interested, her first dance should be around 6:30 or so Central Time. She is with Perseverance Dance Company and the first dance she is in is called Black Bird.
    The link to the web cam is:

    Have a great day and I will talk with you tomorrow.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    Thanks a bunch Sandy will save me from going back and trying to locate the other post.for the link.

    I am getting all of my veggies chopped up and grated for the nex few days. I have just fell in love with roasted turnips.

    Walking much better today. But back is still a pain in the neck, but I have learn to live with it. They have me laying on the bed with a big ball rolling my hips from side to side and rolling my legs up to my butt.And then some exercise in the chair. I have 2 more classes of thearpy next week. Going to check in about jpin a gym with a pool. The gym that my insurance Ssecure horizone Don't have a pool close by me. The one we had closed down about 2 years ago. We have another one close by and will check it out.

    Just got thru baking a gingerbread cake in my bunth pan. With the flaxs seeds, Hope it is good.
    Be lunch time pretty soon and will have a slice of it. It will be a freebie on my plan. in moderations, not the whole thing. Its really smells good. I really like this diet and it seems to be working.
    :heart: :drinker: Marie:heart::drinker:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    A quick hello as I am at work.....and's Saturday. :ohwell: I pulled a muscle in my back (a strain) :noway: so I haven't exercised for 2 days.:angry: This means fewer calories (for me to eat):angry: and today, we're having a BD party when I get home, for my baby (29 Yikes!!!) :noway:
    I'm concerned because, as I always say, slips start in your head....and my head is getting filled with food thoughts!!!:tongue::tongue:
    I need to commit that I will NOT have the BD cake:flowerforyou: , because it will set me off more! (Besides, I really don't have the extra calories from exercising).
    OK back to work! Sending hugs to all!:wink:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from very snowy Saskatchewan. It is just below freezing so the highway is very icy under packed snow. I hope they get it cleaned tonight.although it is still snowing. I have watched far too much tv tonight and there will be more curling and tennis tomorrow. I am hoping they don't overlap.

    Jeffrey -- I will have to keep the shuffle in mind. I do have a little radio and a cd player which I can listen to books from. I do enjoy that. After I had my cataract surgery I listened to many, many books. It took awhile to learn how to listen and not have my mind wander but once I got the skill down I learned to love it.

    Birdie -- Hope the back starts feeling better soon.

    Sandy -- How did the dance competition go?

    Deedee -- Don't worry about the pound, just focus on what you are doing. I haven't had a great week but am gearing up for better things next week.

    Marie -- Did you get Kay's recipe for chicken broth? I am not sure what she does and I have never made chicken broth from the store bought rotisseried chickens but I will tell you how I make my broth. It is extremely easy and usually turns out fine. I generally use chicken or turkey that I have stuffing in and tear it apart after I have taken the meat off the bones. The stuffing that sticks to the carcass adds to the broth flavour. I cover the bird with water and add in onions, carrots and celery. I also add some poultry seasoning, just a bit and some salt and pepper. It would be to your taste and med. needs. I never measure. I have seen it on tv where they don't peel the onions or carrots but I do. I also throw in a couple of good size bay leaves. I bring it to a boil and let it simmer for several hours. Then I strain it and keep only the broth. The rest goes down the garburator, the flavour is out of it by then. I put it into about 2 or 4 cup containers and freeze it until I need it. I use it for soups after that. I think it is better than the stuff you buy but I do also use that if I am out of the other.
    Hope this helps.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:

    Hello all,
    Sandy I put the dance on the PC but I couldn't see nothing but a bunch of kids junping around, No way I could have pick Bryanna out. . I watch it for a few minutes and it was making my head spin around so had to cut it off. Hope that she win. I sure you will let us know..

    Gayla, that is the way Kay told me too. she said to take the bones off of their plate also. and not to peeled the onions She don't ever let hers come to a baoil said that would make it cloudy by keeping the Water just simmering below the boiling point it will come out clear. I will PM her version of it. I made me a big pot of soup yesterday to eat on this week/ Lots of veggies.

    Birdie I can feel your back pain. I have had back pain for years.

    Have a good day all.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Sunday!!

    For those who tried to watch Bryanna I understand it was very confusing. They did not tell you the studio only the number of the dance and then they started to jump around rather then stay in order. Thank you for trying Marie and I completely understand why you shut it off. :laugh: Bryanna did amazing and her team did wonderful. They took first place in all their dances and will perform in the show today. :bigsmile: It was a great way to start the season and I look forward to each competition. :heart:

    It was a rainy morning but the sun is trying to come out (something different). I am hoping to finally get all my outside decorations down today before going to my step sons to watch the Viking playoff game. To make both me and Jeffrey happy let's hope it the Colts and the Vikings going to the Super Bowl. :love: :love:

    Have a great day.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Here is an update on Barbie and Jake. I got curious about how things were going for them in Phoenix, so I sent Barbie a text. Soon after, I got a phone call from Jake.

    They have been busier than one-armed paperhangers at the business conference they are both attending, and he confirmed my concerns about the weather. Their's was the LAST plane to take off from Seattle heading south, and the LAST plane to land in Phoenix before the airport was closed. He said the ride was "rockin and a rollin" and he was very impressed with Alaska Airline's handling of everything.

    They are due home on Monday, so I imagine we will be hearing from Barbie before tomorrow is done.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: Yeah sure miss that gal. Thanks Barb on the update

  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    So I did my event yesterday, and there was only junk food (chips, etc), so I just drank water. Unfortunately, when I got home I was overly hungry, and that always leads to me overeating. It is like once my brain recognizes that there is food available, it goes into "eat eat eat" mode, and I overeat. First a low-cal sandwich, then some baked chips, then a sugar free fudgecicle. You get the picture. Not that any ONE item as so bad, but that I had one item after another, after another.

    I'm starting off today better, I'm eating a low calorie sandwich before going to a class today, so that I don't come home whacked out with hunger. :)

    NOTE TO MYSELF: In the future when I go somewhere where the food is questionable, I will make sure to eat beforehand or to bring along healthy choices.

    Have a great Sunday everyone!