Facebook and Relationship Problems!



  • 123nikki123
    Why is the judgement being passed on me because of my age? I am new to the "dating" world! I was married for over 11 years. This has nothing to do with immaturity. Avoidence of his immaturity people. Plain and simple. What grown man worries about facebook?

    I think the comments on your age came because you chose to deal with the problem by defriending him, which will only fan the flames and escalate the argument.

    Agreed - Kind of like, "Fine, ill just delete you" ha!

    Where I think I would not even be able to stay in a relationship - or get even that far in one - with someone who was insecure and jealous. I definately need a strong, secure man on my arm. ( which I have, but it wasnt easy for him at first to accept me and ALL that came with it, but he has learned to know me and trust me, as I him )

    Maybe try and talk to him - gently, but get the message out there that you will not put up with it, and he needs to learn to deal. Give him a chance, and if it continues, he knows where the door is!

    I will try talking to him ;) Thanks!
  • 123nikki123
    I asked for opinions, not for criticism or ridicule. Those of you who are responding to me with such comments are the immature ones!
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    I asked for opinions, not for criticism or ridicule. Those of you who are responding to me with such comments are the immature ones!

    You got exactly what you asked for. Opinions. Just because you don't like them doesn't make them wrong. A lot of the "criticism" you received is right on the head. Just like now, you're being a child. "You didn't tell me what I wanted to hear! I don't like you!"
  • 123nikki123
    This is not a Facebook and Relationship issue ... you have a relationship issue. You are clearly not happy with him and have serious red flags, however I don't think you needed this forum to figure that out.

    Talk to "him", not "us", if you want to salvage the relationship as it's far beyond a "tip" anyone can give you. If you do not want to take effort to salvage the relationship then discuss breaking it off and move on.

    I agree! There have been severl issues and this just like everything else is another one.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    best meme ever!!
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Dump the whiny *kitten*.
  • 123nikki123
    I asked for opinions, not for criticism or ridicule. Those of you who are responding to me with such comments are the immature ones!

    You got exactly what you asked for. Opinions. Just because you don't like them doesn't make them wrong. A lot of the "criticism" you received is right on the head. Just like now, you're being a child. "You didn't tell me what I wanted to hear! I don't like you!"

    I never said that any single person`s opinion was wrong. There`s a difference between being tactful and being rude.
  • 123nikki123
    Dump the whiny *kitten*.

    Seems to be the advice.
  • riadee512
    riadee512 Posts: 32 Member
    How on earth did un-friending him seem like the best option? Of course that's only going to fuel his insecurities!

    I think you are mistaken. He is constantly checking in on me because of his jealousy and insecurity issues.

    i'm with you on this! removing him as a friend was a good idea. if he can't control his own personal paranoia, and imposes it on his partner, then it's not a healthy relationship. i did the same thing to my ex. first, i put him on limited profile, so he couldn't see much of anything. when he continued to nag me about every minute detail, i unfriended him. unfortunately, his obsession with a tool to "keep tabs" on me whenever he WAS NOT around was the final nail in the end of the relationship.

    insecurity is a problem that isn't solved in a matter of weeks. if you wanna put up with that, i honestly don't think the situation will look up. it's time to cut losses and move forward. do you, and let him do him. there's nothing you can do to help him.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I asked for opinions, not for criticism or ridicule. Those of you who are responding to me with such comments are the immature ones!

    You got exactly what you asked for. Opinions. Just because you don't like them doesn't make them wrong. A lot of the "criticism" you received is right on the head. Just like now, you're being a child. "You didn't tell me what I wanted to hear! I don't like you!"

    I never said that any single person`s opinion was wrong. There`s a difference between being tactful and being rude.

    Deleting your boyfriend was not tactful. It was rude.
  • 123nikki123
    How on earth did un-friending him seem like the best option? Of course that's only going to fuel his insecurities!

    I think you are mistaken. He is constantly checking in on me because of his jealousy and insecurity issues.

    i'm with you on this! removing him as a friend was a good idea. if he can't control his own personal paranoia, and imposes it on his partner, then it's not a healthy relationship. i did the same thing to my ex. first, i put him on limited profile, so he couldn't see much of anything. when he continued to nag me about every minute detail, i unfriended him. unfortunately, his obsession with a tool to "keep tabs" on me whenever he WAS NOT around was the final nail in the end of the relationship.

    insecurity is a problem that isn't solved in a matter of weeks. if you wanna put up with that, i honestly don't think the situation will look up. it's time to cut losses and move forward. do you, and let him do him. there's nothing you can do to help him.

    OMG...it sounds like he was doing exa«ctly what mine was until I deleted him! It`s reassuring to know that I`m not the only one :) He checks on my profile so much that it`s like stalking. He know about things prior to me and it`s my facebook. It drives me insane.
  • 123nikki123
    I asked for opinions, not for criticism or ridicule. Those of you who are responding to me with such comments are the immature ones!

    You got exactly what you asked for. Opinions. Just because you don't like them doesn't make them wrong. A lot of the "criticism" you received is right on the head. Just like now, you're being a child. "You didn't tell me what I wanted to hear! I don't like you!"

    I never said that any single person`s opinion was wrong. There`s a difference between being tactful and being rude.

    Deleting your boyfriend was not tactful. It was rude.

    Agreed. Every action has a consequence.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    I asked for opinions, not for criticism or ridicule. Those of you who are responding to me with such comments are the immature ones!

    You got exactly what you asked for. Opinions. Just because you don't like them doesn't make them wrong. A lot of the "criticism" you received is right on the head. Just like now, you're being a child. "You didn't tell me what I wanted to hear! I don't like you!"

    sorry to say, but Corn is right... just because its not what you wanted to hear doesn't make it an invalid opinion. It is still an opinion, as you requested. They were being honest, not immature.
  • LetsGoBlues
    Seems to me that you crave the attention. Otherwise you wouldn't be on here seeking more of it. Your man is probably right to be insecure with his 35 year old girlfriend acting like a college freshman. Good luck!

    That is uncalled for!

    I calls em as I sees em! Sorry, but seriously take a look at what you posted. You are saying he is the one being immature for having an issue with facebook, and you are taking his insecurities and demolishing them. Who is being the immature one? Plus, some of your pics are a little suggestive, and if that is what is going on with your facebook, I dont blame him for having concern.

    ETA: Smart move in deleting the pics that you are being called out for :-P
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    This is sooo off topic from diet, but has anyone else had relationship issues because of facebook? I have an insecure boyfriend who is always making comments about men liking my pics and he is continually questioning me about who messages me and has mentioned looking at the messages. We end up in an argument every time. So, last night I unfriended him and now he's pissed, lol. I handled this situation in the way that I thought would be best. Opinions? :)

    Against what a lot of people seem to be saying, I'm totally with you on the unfriending thing. If only for a short term thing.

    I can't say to break up with him because it would be a bit of an extreme response based purely off of the fact of him getting angsty about facebook likes. However, I think it's something you need to address with him. Deleting him off facebook removes his temptation to stalk you but doesn't fix the issue.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Seems to me that you crave the attention. Otherwise you wouldn't be on here seeking more of it. Your man is probably right to be insecure with his 35 year old girlfriend acting like a college freshman. Good luck!

    That is uncalled for!

    I calls em as I sees em! Sorry, but seriously take a look at what you posted. You are saying he is the one being immature for having an issue with facebook, and you are taking his insecurities and demolishing them. Who is being the immature one? Plus, some of your pics are a little suggestive, and if that is what is going on with your facebook, I dont blame him for having concern.

    ETA: Smart move in deleting the pics that you are being called out for :-P

    WELL SAID!! :flowerforyou:
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    How on earth did un-friending him seem like the best option? Of course that's only going to fuel his insecurities!

    I think you are mistaken. He is constantly checking in on me because of his jealousy and insecurity issues.

    i'm with you on this! removing him as a friend was a good idea. if he can't control his own personal paranoia, and imposes it on his partner, then it's not a healthy relationship. i did the same thing to my ex. first, i put him on limited profile, so he couldn't see much of anything. when he continued to nag me about every minute detail, i unfriended him. unfortunately, his obsession with a tool to "keep tabs" on me whenever he WAS NOT around was the final nail in the end of the relationship.

    insecurity is a problem that isn't solved in a matter of weeks. if you wanna put up with that, i honestly don't think the situation will look up. it's time to cut losses and move forward. do you, and let him do him. there's nothing you can do to help him.

    OMG...it sounds like he was doing exa«ctly what mine was until I deleted him! It`s reassuring to know that I`m not the only one :) He checks on my profile so much that it`s like stalking. He know about things prior to me and it`s my facebook. It drives me insane.

    I would cut this off now. This is obsessive behaviour. You may (not saying you do, but a lot of girls do, subconsciously) get a kick out of the fact he takes so much interest in you and is willing to exhaust all this energy, but it is not 'cute' or 'out of love'. It can easily get wildly out of hand, especially after you choose to break up with him. I have a saying, 'you never know who a person really is until you break up with them' - basically saying, people do some crazy sht after a breakup. If he's already acting crazy and obsessive, expect it to get much worse for a period of time. The healthiest thing for both of you would be to distance yourself now.

    I think everyone already danced all over the fact that it was not the way to handle it to just remove him from your FB, so I won't even mention that part. In any sense, I think it's a sign you're done with this behaviour. Now finish the job and remove him from your life so you don't have to deal with it anymore. Who has time for that sht anyway?

    *Edit: Whatever. This post is more for anyone else going through a stalkerish-BF/GF situation. OP is ridiculous. She deactivated, by the way. Have a great day and don't put up with BS from other people, you're not doing yourself or them any favours. :flowerforyou:
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    really not trying to be rude, but how exactly will this pass? If he is that insecure when he COULD see things going on, won't that make his mind fester making those miniscule nothing comments into grandiose affairs in his head?
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    haha She'll be back.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    haha She'll be back.

    They always come back