Deployment Overeater Support Team



  • holly122677
    I am so sorry to hear about your neck strain hilari. :flowerforyou: Do you have any type of simple things you can do at home. I find that when I am stressed or want to eat, that I would sit down at my computer and do a log to release some of my stress. I have had a diary I am going to show my boyfriend when he returns. Most of them are letters to him I have never sent. This helps me out alot. I also have found several books that I am excited to read. Anything thing that will take my mind off the food. If you must eat I keep cut up celery at my finger tips at all times. I know I am not eating because I am hungry, I am eating to be eating. :grumble: Hang in there hilari and I hope things get better for you!!!

    timmi- thanks for the update on the military wife from Bragg. I missed her completely. Will be on the look out for Team Green next week.
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    hilarij ---make some airpopped popcorn!! you can eat and eat and eat on that and not consume that many calories! The meds that you are taking are probably making you feel a bit worn down and your craving food for some energy!
    I have fibromyalgia, and used to be on all types of differant meds but I hated them and they made me so sick all the time but that is a whole differant story! They would make me feel so worn down and out of it though! Some other things like eating more complex snacks after dinner that take longer to digest, some whole wheat crackers with peanutbutter on them!!! satisfies sweet tooth too!!!

    I hope everyone is having a good day! I spent the day in town which was no fun for a sick little baby but I got just about everything I need for Christmas when my hubby comes home (he has missed so much that the holidays can wait) I cant wait to post pictures to show you all the crazyness that I am doing!! I bought 108 ft of rope light the other day and so much more!!!!!!!! I am going to make our stockings soon too! I dont know when he is coming home still (March to May) but there is so much to do!

    Talya is still sick and we are sleeping in the living room, day 5 with no work out :( I am trying to work in some cruches and push ups but I usually get attacked by her LOL which I dont mind who doesnt love baby kisses and hugs :) I will get on the ball again once she is feeling better!
  • leesapeesa
    hilari I am so sorry to hear about your neck. timmi and holly have great suggestions on what to snack because both are so low caloric wise. at night to keep from eating i just try to occupy myself as much as possible. I watch movies and keep a huge glass of water with me and whenever i think i want to be eating i drink drink drink.. it seems to help a lot. i also get in my pjs and in bed i read ever ynight. it not only keeps me from food it also helps me unwind from my day and makes me really sleepy so i go to bed earlier and get the much needed sleep i require. I hope you get to feeling better. Hang in there.

    timmi- awesome for you to save xmas for your hubby. that is such a thoughtful gesture! can not wait to see the pictures. I hope your daughter feels better soon!

    as for TBL, i still havent seen the first episode yet but i can't wait. that show is so motivational for me. I normally cry through the whole thing which might make me look crazy if someone was watching it with me.. lol. i guess it just hits close to home.

    Nothing too exciting over here! Jus working today and I have to stock up on some essentials for food.. bananas, apples, grapes, cottage cheese, milk.. etc.. I ope everyone has a fantastic day!!
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    I just made a really great and fulfilling meal for under 300 cal and I wanted to tell you all about it!! 2 perdu chicken tenderloins that i marinated in lite ital dressing ovr night cooked in non stick pan, then I cooked 5 sliced mushrooms and about 1/2 c purple onion in the same pan with some minced garlic and cooking spray added the chicken again but cut it up into bits. brought that back up to eat and then added some tomato sauce about 1/2 c top with a little bit of parm cheese. after I finished that I ate 1/2 c of no sugar added apple sauce!! MMMMMMMMM I dont know if it sounds good to you guys but it really was great especially for a cold day like today! To me it was like pasta minus pasta! I actually feel like I could take a nap right now lol TOTALS 297 cal. 5 fat. 31 prot. 12 iron 9 calcium (that is what I track lol) but it was great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    does anyone else have yummy recieps? (I have not had red meat in almost 2 months hahah) so fun ideas with white meat and sea food are always great!!
  • holly122677
    Timmijop-awesome recipe sounds so good. I am going to try it this weekend :flowerforyou:
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    hey, ladies! hope you are all doing well. I have a bad habit of not keeping up with message boards and then when I come back, I feel really disconnected. Today started out awful. I had a terrible dream about DH. In my dream, he had come to me in a dream to let me know he was no longer with us. :sad: :sad: :sad: Needless to say, I woke up and got in touch with him. His FOB doesn't have a phone bank so he does have a cell phone over there and I never call him, but HAD to hear his voice and was so relieved to hear his voice. I hate dreams like that. I have had several dreams like that, but more dreams about him telling me he doesn't love me anymore. I can't wait until the deployment is over!

    On the food, I just made a crab meat sautee. I pretty much just threw tomatoes, yellow bell pepper, onion, garlic, sauteed in olive oil and garlic, added some imitation crab meat, 6 TBS of heavy whipping cream, 1/2 cup mozzarella cheese, and whole wheat pasta. I measured everything out and then uses sparkpeople's recipe calculator to figure out the calories and it only ended up being 250 calories for a 1 cup serving. I also had a salad with it. I am trying to push veggies with the kids. Hopefully I can get them to like them
  • leesapeesa
    timmi-- that sounds soooo good! i just bought a package of chicken tenderloins today I think I am going to marinade them then cook them up with pepper onion stir fry and some mushrooms over some brown rice. I am not usually one for recipes i normally just throw some stuff together. tonight i had 4 oz ground chicken mixed in some mrs dash spicy and garlic and pepper seasoning and made a burger (no vread tho)then i put a 2% swiss cheese slice on top and some honey mustard. on the side i had 2 cups of baby spinach with 2 tablespoons ken's asian sesame and ginger dressing and some grated parm cheese. the whole thing was 337 cals and it was some tasty from the spices. YUM!

    overit-- don't worry about keeping up with the board. I know you all have kids to take care of and I don't(boo!!) and plus I am at a computer ALL day so I am on here a ton throughout the day. I have had a dream before about my boyfriend telling me he didn't want to be with me it freaked me out! I am sorry to hear about your bad dream but I am glad that you got in touch with him for piece of mind. My boyfriend has constant access to the internet which I am very very thankful for and my situation doesn't limit my contact with him as much as you ladies do. I only get to chat with him for a couple hours on the weekend but he is able to leave me messages via messenger and facebook. Hang in there! try to think good thoughts! no more bad dreams! I dream about Robert all the time and they're usually good ones. We tell each other that we will see each other in our dreams and waking up remembering them is very comforting.
  • holly122677
    Overit- So sorry to hear about the dream. I know how emotionally stressful they can be. Glad you got in touch with him. I am very fortunate also that Chris is on a JSS in Iraq and things are calm enough that we talk on messanger everynight, and if he knows he won't be online, he will call just so I dont have to wait up for him. He says he hates going a day without telling me he loves me. I am so excited, I received the girls dresses for the wedding and they are gorgeous. What makes me even happier is I only paid $10.99 for each of them HAHAHA.....I so love ebay.

    Well I am going to do a "Last Chance Workout" this evening. I got the *****cats workout video last week LOL Might see if I can shake what my momma gave me alittle for variety:laugh: My boyfriend requested me to get Carmen Electra's (ummm hoochy mama) workout video. We will see if I attempt that one hahaha.

    Ladies have a great evening and may wonderful thoughts bless everyones dreams :flowerforyou:
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Thanks, Ladies. I don't know how wives made it through deployments without technology!

    Holly, if you have cable and there is exercise on demand, there are some of Carmen Electra's workouts on there. I felt very awkward doing them, but maybe after I get some weight off it won't be so bad. Good luck with your weigh in!

    I started my weigh in last Saturday and then weighed on Tuesday to start with the BL challenge on the board, I wonder if I can or should weigh in twice a week?
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Hi ladies! I just wanted to say a big thank you! Ya'll are what hold our troops together and ya'll make such sacrifices that it's astounding. My BIL left for Korea last month and his wife is already marking off the days until he returns. He's been in the Army for almost 18 years now and this is his 8th tour overseas. God bless you all, keep your men safe so that they can return home to slim sexy women. Love ya!
  • leesapeesa
    TY TheMaid:) appreciate the support!
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    Overit: I am so sorry about your dream!! Those always suck so bad! I had a dream that Tim was at the front door and he was just like well babe I am home!! Dreams like that make it terrible to wake up! IT is great that you can contact your hubby so easily though. My hubby is a Comm Marine at his first base we were able to message back and forth via google and I could even turn the web cam on so he could see our daughter. Then he went to his original base again and we went back down to emails and about 1 call a month. Now he is on a new job and last time I went 9 days with no communication and I am on day 4 now :( adapt and overcome!!!!

    Thank you very much The Maid :) we do what we can! I hope all our special people come home to slimmer women too lol!!!

    Holly: the carmen electra dvds are pretty cool there is one that is just a work out that is really amazing (I call a good video one that I end up cursing at the ladies on it and calling them crazy b+++++s lol!!! )

    Lisa: that burger sounds great! I like to mix about 1/8 cup blue cheese with ground chicken and whorcester sauce (totally misspelled) onion and green pepper and grill that in a pan and then sautee mushrooms and peppers and onions (in cooking spray again ) I am definately going to try your recipe though that sounds great!!
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    timmijop, that stinks that communication is so irregular for you guys.

    Thank you, The Maid.
  • leesapeesa
    halfway through my day... I can not wait to get home..this has been a long week. I am excited to see Rob tomorrow on webcam. Got to walk the dog, do dishes and mop the floors tonight.. Oh ya and I have a date with Bob Harper tonight lol. it is gonna be a sweaty one! lol.. check in later
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    mmmmm bob harper lol!!! I love a man with tattoos. HAHAH if the hubby can drool over Jessica Alba I can drool over Bob Harper but he plays for the other team :( I watched Fast and Furious the other day and that was enough motovation to get off the couch and work out. I have spent the day trying to get my wreck of a house organized wow!! it is quite the undertaking!!! Going strong on the no smoking I didnt even want a cig today at all!!!! So much to do and its what my husband calls "shark week" here lol so I am a miserable human being lol!!! Well off to clean and play with a much happier and healthier little girl!!! Thanks for all your support!!
  • holly122677
    Good Evening Ladies, Well I had an emotionally draining day today. Price I pay for being a loan officer and not being able to help everyone as fast as they would like me to. Went to Walmart for groceries and was proud of myself for sticking to my list and not turning to Oreo's as a comfort food after a bad day. YaY for me 6.5 lbs gone.

    Thank you The Maid :flowerforyou:

    Timmi- so glad to hear your little girl is doing better. I plan on disinfecting my house after a long week of sickness. It will wait until tomorrow however. Congrats on the "not smoking" what an accomplishment. You go girl !!!!! And I have to agree Bob is HOTTTT.

    Lisa-so glad you get to "see" your guy tomorrow. It always makes my world a happier place. I dont get to see Chris much but when I do I still get butterflies.

    Well I am off to shake my booty with Carmen Electra and wish I had a body that looks like theirs. Then its relaxing time watching the Hangover. I hear its hilarious.

    Will check in on everyone later. I don't have my kids this weekend so I am sure I'll be here on and off all weekend :glasses:
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Well I completely blew it last night. I was doing so well and then just binged :sad::mad: I hate when I do this to myself. I had a great workout in the morning did pretty well eating all day and poof all gone of my lack of control.
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    Hi fellow deployment survivors! I've been lurkiyng on this thread but haven't had a chance to reply yet. My 2 yr old allows me limited access to the internet :ohwell:

    My name is Hope, and my dear husband is in Baghdad for 18 months as a contractor for the DOD. Not technically deployed with a branch, but he's over there for 18 months. Today actually marks 3 months since he left :cry: and I want to eat until my heart doesn't hurt anymore, but I'm not. I've planned my meals for the day, they sound yummy, and we even have a play date before church tonight so I'm trying to just keep busy!

    You ladies are all so strong and so encouraging. Thank you for starting this support group!
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    Well I completely blew it last night. I was doing so well and then just binged :sad::mad: I hate when I do this to myself. I had a great workout in the morning did pretty well eating all day and poof all gone of my lack of control.

    That's ok, overit. Just hop back on the wagon today. Every day is a chance to make a change. Good luck and be strong!
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Hopey, welcome to the group! I think you hit the nail on the head with etating til your heart doesn't hurt. I think that is what I've been doing a lot. Today marks 6 months since my husband deployed. :sad: