Deployment Overeater Support Team



  • leesapeesa
    just a quick check in here... wanted to say hello! I am feeling pretty lonely lately. missing Rob a lot but there is nothing he can do so I have burdening him with it. I rarely tell him I am sad .. but i just tell him i miss and love him so much. I know it is less than 3 months til I see him again it is just not coming soon enough.. also the fact that i only see him 2 weeks then I have to say good bye yet again really stinks.

    I am ok eating wise. I didn't exercise as much as I would have liked yesterday. Plan on doing BL tonight. Just in a crummy mood all around. Hang in there every one. Hopefully my mood will change soon.
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Sorry everyone is feeling lonely, i'm in the club with you. I went to the gym this morning and ran 3.5 miles on the treadmill and it felt great. I have just been doing the wii fit and running with that and needed to burn off some pent up anger/frustration/sadness, etc. I have on my Facebook status: "Loving a solider is mostly loving with nothing to hold" and feel that speaks so true right now. I miss my love so much right now.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    overit if your up to it i would love to be your facebook friend :) or any of u lovely ladies on here
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    sure. i sent you a friend request. my e-mail is if anyone else is on there
  • holly122677
    Good evening ladies, Its been another wonderful day. I went and had a check up at my doctors office today and she was so happy about my progress so far. If that wasnt a motivational booster. :happy:

    I was running short on time and I dont like to eat after 7 so I stopped by McDonalds and got a plain grilled chicken sandwich and trashed the bun and just ate the chicken. I was so proud and didn't get any fries (my weakness).

    Felt good to goto American Eagle and get a pair of jeans a size smaller and they actually fit. YAY!!!!!

    The weekend is approaching fast. Another week down for us :flowerforyou:

    Timmi i sent you a friends request on facebook. Hope you didnt mind.

    Overit I wasnt able to find you. Not sure if I am doing it right.

    Going to watch Ghost of girlfriends past while doing free step on the Wii. Not feeling like doing much exercising this evening.

    Checkin on you ladies soon.

    Stay motivated. We are all here for eachother. :flowerforyou:

  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    I am happy to have 2 new friends on facebook!!!! So glad things went great at the doctors today Holly! and great job at McDonalds too!! I went out to lunch and got a salad no dressing egg on the side and gave my daughter the yolk which she loved!

    Idol is giving me goosebumps!!!!
  • holly122677
    Thats great Timmi about lunch. It feels so good to have strength and willpower to resist. I started watching a movie so I am missing Idol. However my friends on facebook are keeping me up on it LOL. I am so excited to have 2 new friends also.

    I just got off the phone with my boyfriend YAY. He is missing home so bad. It is so hard for me to keep a positive attitude when he is physically exhausted. ( double shifts with 4 hours in between) I try to keep things up beat and tell him all the good things that are happening here but I can hear the hurt in his voice that he is not here to enjoy things with me. I just hope I can keep it up. I broke down really bad last night after I got off the phone with him. I cried myself to sleep. It was really emotionally draining. :cry: However I woke up, brushed myself off and went to work like all was well. I am sure you all can relate when I say what a great face we all put on for our friends and family.

    On to exciting news. I got sized for my wedding rings and I went from a size 7 to a 5.5. WOW I couldnt believe it. One of Chris's bands came in today. HOW EXCITING!!!!:happy:

    I am going to try and keep a positive attitude in life. The days seem long, but the weeks seem short. Sounds so much better that we have 20ish weeks left, then 120ish days left :happy:
  • hilarij
    hilarij Posts: 22
    Can you spring for a Flat Daddy? That really helps me.
  • hilarij
    hilarij Posts: 22
    Oh thats so fantastic with the rings. Keep on going, your doing great!
  • leesapeesa
    i have FB too-- I will add you guys tonight when I get home.

    congrats on going down on ring size.. that is awesome Holly!! I haven't broken down lately which is really odd because I used to cry every single day.. it was so draining but i felt like it was the only way to cope with my feelings. This morning I just said to myself i am so tired of this.. just got to be strong.. Robert left me a text and he said that he has been sleeping so good and he guesses it is because the only place he gets to see me is in his dreams. That put a smile on my face. I had a bad dream about him last night tho.. He came home and he didn't even hug me or kiss me the first thing he did was go to baskin robbins to get ice cream! LOL.. and he didn't even ask me if I wanted anything(good for my diet i guess!)

    almost another week down.. hang in there girls keep srong. You are all doing so wonderful.
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    Okay so I have a serious love for sugar free jello and cool whip lite!! 1/2 c +2 tbsp =30 cal (whip that all together) and a sweet that I dont feel guilty about and also love to share with my daughter! Oh yeah and eat it with a little ones spoon and it seems to go on for days :)

    Going on day 9 with out hearing from my hubby so I am finding joy in the little things! Did c25k this morning and then (2.5 miles) and then walked 2.5 this afternoon. It has been a beautiful day!!!
  • holly122677
    It's been such a beautiful day here. I was able to walk 2 miles during lunch. Plan on doing it again tomorrow. Timmi Jo I have gotten hooked on the sugar free jello mousse tempations. Only 60 calories and satisfies my chocolate cravings. I am going to make sugar free jello this weekend with the lite cool whip and take it to my parents house for dessert. I was thinking about making a trifle and layering sugar free fudge pudding and white chocolate pudding and topping with cool whip. I think that would be awesome. :flowerforyou:

    Well week 2 weigh in tomorrow. I am excited because I have done so well this week. I am looking into doing the c25k also. Still havent gotten my biggest loser game in for the wii yet. :frown: I was hoping to have it this weekend. Oh well.

    I am taking the kids to see the chipmunk movie this weekend. I am going to make sure I eat before I leave because I am glutten for movie theater popcorn.

    Grey's Anatomy is about to come on so I guess I will check in later ladies.

    Keep up the great work. Hopefully everyone is having the same beautiful weather the east coast is having. Lets all get out and walk or jog or run :happy:
  • leesapeesa
    did TBL last night lower body. it was 3 sets.. My butt is sore today but it was a great workout. Sooo glad it is Friday.. Just need some time off from work for sure. I dont weigh in until monday mornings but i peeked at the scale this morning i was up like a half a pound but that is ok.. I shouldnt be looking anyways.. I plan on doing the tredmill tonight it is just too cold here to walk outside although this morning it seemed much warmer than usual so I will play it by ear. Switch it up with jogging/walking.. Now that you guys are talking about c25k I might try it again.. I did pretty well with it before but I gave up.

    Everyone have a good day. Another week down... and so thankful for all I have.
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    I really like c25k and I do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred too!! So great!! I was cursing at her the whole first week lol!! and the work out is only 20 minutes so I can do it at nap time with no worries!!! Hope everyone is having a great day and that your loved ones are safe!!
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    HELLO Ladies!!!!!!!!! Got a little motovation for you!! Get online and look up some of the cadances that your respective branch service member would have and may still do during their training!! It will make you feel really good and ready to run!!! This is how I learned to pace my breath while running!!

    As a Devil Dog wife= "Gimme some of that devil dog, that rough that tough that devil dog!!!"

    Great site to get them (no downloading just streaming)
    *note to marine family stay away from mamma mamma cant you see
    can be a bit unsetteling while they are away!
  • hilarij
    hilarij Posts: 22
    Ha Ha Ha... I own every cadence CD on I tunes. They are on my I phone. When I walk at lunch I play them. Makes me feel closer to my soldier. I even wrote one to go with one of the cadence calls. I am trying to make cell phone rings out of them on garage band.
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    I have a few USMC ring tones but my husband wont let me use them! LOL. He says that is too moto! HAHAH Probably in the same lines of it being tacky for military wives to wear camo (kinda tacky all together now unless your and rapper dont get me started) Plus it is a bad thing to have the Marine Corps Hymn as your ring tone and your phone ring in a common gathering place for Devil Dogs, they have to stand at attention. Its funny but also embarassing!!!! Hope you ladies are having a great weekend!!

    I finally heard from Tim again!! :) yay!! He is switching bases again which is rediculous.. this is his 4th base change since he has been there...I just want him to come home already!!! As of today he has been gone for 245 days :( Oh well we suck it up and we drive on!!!

    Had a miserable day today though! Facebook friends you probably already read my status but OMG!! I had an avon meeting this morning and Talya came with me because we really dont have anyone to watch her. About an hour into the meeting she got alittle restless and I got her out of her stroller and bounced her on my knee and she was talking to me (almost 11months old) A woman looks over at Talya and says "That enough" I got up and walked out of the room! I was so furious I wanted to hit the old bag and that turned into I wanted to cry. After I left there I went to Ross' because I convinced myself that I needed a new outfit or at least deserved one! Talya finally fell asleep in her stroller and was out for the count! I went into the dressing room to try on a few outfits and we didnt fit in the regular stalls with the stroller so I patiently waited for the only large room to open up! I figured that there was another mother or a handicap individual in there. 25 minutes later a lady appears all by her lonesome and able bodied!!!URGH!!!! Finally I tried on the clothes picked what I liked and got a few shirts for my husband too and headed toward check out. The line was pretty long and I took my place at the end of one. A few minutes into my wait a woman and her son cut in front of me. I thought maybe she was just condensing to get out of the way of the other customers but as the line drew shorter she was edging me out. I finally politely said " Mam I was in line after her" refering to the lady in front of me. The lady flipped and cut in front of everyone else who was waiting, when the casheir told her she cound not ring her up and she would just have to wait the woman freaked even more and claimed to have a family emergency and had to go to the emergency room and then called me a Stupid Hussy...OMG!! (I was dressed very professionally as well) I really think if I had a family emergency any deal on a pair of jeans at Ross Dress for Less could wait!

    I could rant on more and more about the situation and how trashy the woman who called me a SH was but I am going to leave it at that! However it is people like that who make you stand a little taller because no matter how low you get your not them!!! LOL! I am ready for bed! If alcohol werent so many calories I would be tempted to drink a glass of whine or something (drinking alone is kind of depressing though too....that is like 2 steps away from having a problem)

    On a good note I prepaired ahead of time and stashed some fiber one and special k bars in my diaper bag so when I was tempted to hit up the drive thought to eat away my frustartions I pulled out my snack and was satisfied! I got home and ate a bit of lunch and was able to get all my frustartions out on my c25k. And a very nice woman stopped me on the side of the road during my walk/run and asked me if I needed a high chair (have been using a booster seat) 5 minutes later she showed up with one in the back of her truck and dropped it off at my house! (my faith in humanity has been restored) The chair needs a bit of work new restraints and it doesnt have a cushion but I am one crafty lady and will make this highchair kick some majorly awesome butt!!!
  • hilarij
    hilarij Posts: 22
    Met with my sister and 1LT Platoon Leader, South Dakota Army National Guard,an Army Guard Wife, and South Dakota Community Support Coordinator for Army OneSource on SECOND LIFE. Looking at getting a support group going in world. Anyone on Second Life or been to the new Military One SOurce Site?
  • hilarij
    hilarij Posts: 22
    Hey you guys, I'm logged on for the support now. I am in so much mental pain cause my soldier disowned me (financial phone fight Fri night), his long standing girlfriend who I am very close with has stuck by her man and has not responded to anything I have texted her, even the fedex # of a package for her. FRI, SAT night I doubled my calorie count within minutes. I'm crying now and would take zanax except it seems to make me accept overeating and just do it. Hope I spelled stuff right cause I can't read thru my tears.
  • AnewMe0212

    Im onboard. My Hubby just left for 6 months and I would love to be nice and slim when he returns.