Deployment Overeater Support Team



  • holly122677
    WTG Lisa....I also completed week 1 of C25K ....I am feeling great. I was not going to do it because I was exhausted, but I put on my clothes and made myself do it. Glad I did.

    I reached my 10lb goal today so I went and got my haircut. What a great little treat for me. My next 10 lbs I am going to get a Mani and a Pedi. I want that so bad so I will be working hard to get to that goal :happy:

    Well gotta get up early in the morning. I normally dont work on Saturdays but I am closing a loan for some customers. :flowerforyou: Its great to go the extra mile for people :happy:

    Keep up the great work Ladies.
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    I restarted the c25k so I am on day 2 of week two we are all pretty close!!! I went grocery shopping today and am so exhausted!!!!!!! Talya was too poor girl! Talked to hubby yesterday and for about 1 minute today! Word on the street is that he will be home by be beginning of april!! OH I cant wait but I have learned not to get my hopes up and to only get excited when I hear for sure that he is on a plane home!!! Hope every one is having a good day!
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    Hi ladies!
    I just got back from a visit to my sister's house in Oregon (we live in GA), and we had so much fun! I've not really lost much the past 2 weeks (I think 2#?) but I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things now.

    Holly your dress is beautiful! I think you'll knock him dead! And for those doing c25k, I'm doing it too. I feel so good running, it makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something great. Does anyone know of a good podcast for running? I'm kind of doing a variation of c25k (I'm on week 4 and can't quite do 5 minute run intervals, but the walks are way too long so I'm running 4 min walking 90 sec), and need some music that will beat as my feet hit the pavement.

    A small victory:
    My sister gave me an eggplant purple silk dress from Ann Taylor a year ago. It's gorgeous, and a size 14 (when I got it, I was an 18). I tried it on today and it fits!!
  • leesapeesa
    hopey i use a c2k5 podcast. where this guy tells you when to run and when to walk etc.. and it is over some music. I like it because he directs me so I don't have to pay attention to the time on my treadmill display but the music isn't exactly my taste tho i am getting use to it and the beat just zones me out. it is kinda like techo music but not as annoying. its called podcasts for running by robert ullery and i got it free on itunes. i saw other podcasts for working out on there but have not tried any yet.

    WTG on the dress fitting! the small victories all add up to huge accomplishments:)

    timmi- hope hubby does come home the beginning of April. that will be wonderful! thats around the time rob comes home and I go to tennessee. can not wait. we will both have something to look forward to around the same time.

    holly - i felt the same way about c25k yesterday. wasnt really going to do it but i was sitting here saying why am i sitting here?? i can just get it done and stick to my plan which was mon wed and fri.. so i made myself do it and i was very glad i did because i felt great after. congrats on the 10 lb! you are doing wonderful!

    well i have to go walk the dog and get some breakfast. i get to see rob in about an hour and a half and i cant wait i havent seen him on cam in 2 weeks.
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Way to go, Hopey! Being able to fit in a lower size is always so encouraging.

    Timmi, i keep hearing time frames of when our guy are coming back (even though I am still waiting on my love to get here for R&R). But I am not getting my hopes up, until he is in my arms :)

    I have had a great weeks so far and have been very busy trying to get the house cleaned. I Hope you all have a great weekend.
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    I really like the Chubby Jones podcast on itunes for the c25k. Its in my oppinion a little more youthful than Roberts podcast. I started feeling like death last night and was running a fever, chills, sore throat,, headache, body aches but I am feeling a little bit better right now took a long nap (3hrs) with my daughter lol!!! guess we both could use more sleep!!! She is a more pleasant right now too! TG!!!!!! she was driving me insane screaming at me this AM!!!

    W2G hopey!!!!! I like to keep my skinny skirt haning on the refridgerator for motovation :)

    I am so excited so many of you are doing c25k is anyone doing jillian michaels 30day shred? I was full steam ahead then my daughter got sick and I am all sorts of off track!!!
  • leesapeesa
    timmi- hope you feel better soon. I will check out chubby jones c25k. I have yet to tackle anything from Jillian. She intimidates me!!

    Food shopping is done and just had lunch. yesterday my water consumption sucked so I am trying to get down a ton today. weekends go by so fast!!! :(
  • holly122677
    Congrats Hopey....That always makes you feel good to get into a smaller size.

    Cant believe the weekend is gone already. Did good yesterday and today. Feels good to push yourself even though you really dont want to.

    Going to stay at home tonight and watch UP with the kids. I havent seen that yet so I'm kinda excited. Guess its the kid in me.

    Well ladies, get ready another week down. So exciting to hear some of the hubbys are soon to be coming home for R & R. Enjoy those sweet moments :flowerforyou:

    Have a great evening.....Another week down.... WOOHOO!!!!!
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    i was doing the 30 day shred and two of her other workouts during the summer last year. I really like them, just got bored and needed a break. I did jump up to the 3rd level of Slim in 6 and it is a killer, but I pushed through!
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    awesome overit (hahah I know your real name but I dont know if you care if I use it or not) I really like the 30 day shred but I was just at the end of level 2 when I got a sick baby and a big set back .

    Lisa I really hope we start feeling better so far Talya has been sick 2 times this year, but she manages to be so happy anyhow which is refreshing! (She def didnt get that from her daddy but we know how most men can be when they are sick LOL) My doctor isnt open today but I got her in today for a ped apt at 1430 .

    It is times like now where I miss Tim the most :(

    All and all things are good I heard from the hubby friday but after less than 2 minutes we got cut off :( I hope I hear from him today that would be great!!!!!!!! Didnt weigh in this week because it didnt go according to planned with everything but hopefully next week will provide a pleasant suprise. ( I would rather not dissapoint myself and risk emotional eating!)

    Hope you all had a great weekend!!!!! Semper Gumbi!!!
  • leesapeesa
    Day 1 of week 2 c25k yesterday. I felt so good! I was able to focus and didn't pay attention to the time as much. Weather was TERRIBLE yesterday. downpours and very high winds. Where is the spring!!

    I did meditatiion through a podcast i found on intunes for the first time in a long time last night. it felt good to just relax. I also did a 2nd meditation to help me go to sleep and it was wonderful. I feel much more refreshed today and not as tired. I am going to try it again tonight.

    Yesterday my boyfriend posted a status on his FB that said ' you cant go wrong with shopping at Coach for your girlfriend" and i was like wha?? and he said it is just something special for me.. a early valentines present. So I am not sure what he got me yet but I cant wait to see. He is so sweet he also ordered cookies for my dog. He is so thoughtful.
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    oooh lisa!!! That is awesome!

    I got a call yesterday which made me so so so so so happy!! There is nothing like a deployment to rekindle your relationship hahah I got butterflys and grinned from ear to ear!! YAY!

    Took Talya to the doctor yesterday and they said nothing to worry about as long as she doesnt spike a fever! We slept until almost 10 today it was well needed. T woke up around 5 in her crib crying so I took her to my room to cuddle! I love my baby. HAHAH the simple joys of life
  • holly122677
    Thats wonderful Lisa....Can't go wrong with Coach :laugh:

    I completed D1W2 of C25K and looks like Ill be doing 2 5k runs before my sweetie gets home :smile:

    Had a rough day yesterday, but I got up and brushed myself off and made today a great day....

    I havent heard from Chris in 3 days. This is the first time since he was first deployed. He warned me but it still doesnt make it easier. I better get used to it though......I understand this deployment isnt the typical for him. Anyhoo. Tomorrow is Wed. We have had horrible weather and they are calling for snow Friday and Saturday.....Looks like my exercising for the weekend will be shoveling...:grumble:

    Take care ladies...Keep up all the hard work....One day at a time:flowerforyou:
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Timmi, I don't mind my name being used. Its Jamie :)

    Hubby is home on R&R so I am really hoping to not have any setbacks for weight loss this week. I didn't work out yesterday but that was my scheduled day off. I am going to hit the treadmill after dropping my son off at school. And we are both trying to eat healthy. So I hope we all do well and this can become a way of life and not just a diet.
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    Jamie you will get your work out in other ways hahahah :) rock on girl!!! enjoy that r and r
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    That is SO very true, but I need to get my actual workout in too!
  • leesapeesa
    Jamie-- so happy your hubby is home on r&r. enjoy your time together :)

    and Holly I am sorry you haven't heard from Chris:( Stay strong girl.. I hope you get to talk soon. When I go to bed at night I tell myself its another day done and I did okay even though Rob isn't here.. and When I wake up I say another day to get through and we will get through them.

    Timmi how is your little girl doing?? I hope she is much better. So glad you got to speak with hubby. Isn't it great when you hear him and it instantly makes your heart feel warm!

    i am supposed to be working .. lol.. but a quick post! I did session 2 of week 2 c25k. it was good. it seems when i start out on the first run i feel like it is very hard and uncomfortable but by the 2nd or 3rd i am in a good zone and i feel more energy. just pushing through the first couple runs is the challenge but after that i am good to go. i have one more session to do of this week and i am moving on to week 3. I believe week 3 you do a 3 min run if i am not mistaken?? kinda not looking forward to that.. it scares me. But i guess i need to believe i can do it otherwise i am setting myself up for failure.

    almost friday-- almost another week down. I am missing my bf so much!

    oh ya i got presents yesterday from Rob from coach. he bought me a heart coach keychain locket that opens and you can put a picture in. it is so cute! he also got me a coach bracelet that is black and white with accents of crystals. he did a very good job of picking them out. I wish i could give him a huge thank you hug.
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    we are all still sick here :( this really stinks but what can you do? Hope everyone is doing great and Jamie enjoying her r and r!!!!
    I think should go to sleep now!! Good night ladies and hope you have a great day tomorrow!!!!!!
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    Timmi I hope you and Tayla feel better soon. There's nothing more frustrating than having a sick baby.

    Jamie- enjoy that R&R! I hope you are not worrying so much about logging your food and exercise during the "vacation"

    Holly- you are always rockin' girl! 2 5ks?! Rock on!!!

    My honey will be home on leave FOUR WEEKS from today. Yay! Only 6 more lbs to lose before I'm at my goal for his arrival. We're staying in a nice hotel in downtown Atlanta the night he comes home (he gets in late and our home is about 2 1/2 hrs from the airport). We're going out for a drink together, I'm so excited!

    How is everyone's weekend going? I'm at my in-laws this weekend and my food has been pretty cruddy. I didn't log yesterday and am pretty sure that between the chicken biscuit for breakfast and the bbq pork for dinner, I blew through my calories. Oh well, I haven't had a cheat meal/day this year so I guess it wasn't too bad...
  • holly122677
    Congrats on your honey coming home in 4 weeks Hopey....and how exciting only 6lbs left before your at your g. Ioal...

    Timmi hope you and your little girl are doing better. It stinks when both mommy and the babies are sick. I have been there a few times like that....Its grueling.

    Well ladies we are up to over 8 inches of snow right now and now its sleeting. UGGGG. I WANT SPRING!!!!!!!!!!

    My sweetie called this afternoon and I got the best news. They will be home by June 1st WOOOO HOOO!!!!! I am getting so excited only 4 months left. Now its crunch time getting 2 weddings together. One is really easy but my dress is backordered for that one. UGGG hope it comes in on time. I couldnt have gotten any better new today. (well unless he was on his way home today hehehehehe)

    Jamie- I am positive you are enjoying R & R......Savor every moment.

    I am loving the C25K program today is my last day of week 2....Week 3 looks challenging....I am so on top of that....

    Well off to my niece and nephews birthday party. She is turning 2 and he is turning 1... I told my brother he has to slow down on the kids LOL.....Going to try and resist birthday cake but no promises......Love me some chocolate cake :devil:

    Everyone enjoy the weekend... ANOTHER week down...... wow how the weeks are flying. Only 20days until I go see Tim McGraw and Lady A in concert.....Cant wait!!!!!!!