Deployment Overeater Support Team



  • holly122677
    Welcome AnewMe0212,

    Oh Hilarij.....I am so sorry to hear that. Just remember we aren't given more than we can handle, even though it feels like it. You have to stay tough and remember sometimes the stress of being over there makes us the punching bag. I dont know the extent of your fight with your son, however remember food is not an escape. I find that when Chris and I have a fight, I work it out. Then we talk through it. I hope it works out for you. I know it will. Saying a special prayer for you and your family.

    Ok ladies. I was just informed that I will be attending a military ball when Chris returns. So its not enough that I am now dealing with 2 weddings and a move but now a ball.:noway: UGGGGG. I just bought the dress online. A steal for $30. Its gorgeous. I just hope I will be able to get into it. More Motivation for me :wink: I just hope I dont embarass Chris. I have no idea on protocal (?) and all that stuff. I was hoping to get into the military life before I thrown into a formal situation. Any advice????

    I had a wonderful day with my parents and kids. But now I dont feel like exercising. I stayed below my calorie intake so I guess its ok to take the day off. Back to the grind tomorrow.

    Just remember "Keep your eyes on the prize. We didnt get this way overnight nor will we take it off overnight :smile: "

    I hope everyone had a great weekend. Just think another week down and one more closer to our loves.
  • hilarij
    hilarij Posts: 22
    Welcome AnewMe0212. Glad to have you aboard. Your further into deployment then I am. My son leaves any time now for AFG.
  • hilarij
    hilarij Posts: 22
    Thanks for the support Holly. Hey put a picture of your dress on our profile if it will let you, not sure. Can you tell me how to get the second ticker up. I can't seem to get it onto my site. Tx
  • holly122677
    :flowerforyou: Hilarij....I posted a picture of the dress under my photos in my profile. As for the ticker if you goto and make your ticker copy the URL and paste it under your signature. It is under community 4th one from the left :flowerforyou:
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    Holly your dress is georgous and yes it will be fine!!! You are going to look great! Put a pic of that dress on your fridge if that doesnt keep you our I dont know what will hahah!!

    Hilarij: I am so sorry that your dealing with the stress and drama :( It will all workout! Stay positive, turning to food will only make you feel worse! When you get worked up go for a run it blows off alot of steam!

    Hope you ladies had a great weekend and welcome AnewMe!!! This is a fantastic group and the ladies here are great!!! (but I am alittle biased)
  • leesapeesa
    that is a beautiful dress holly. i love the style! cant wait to see you in it!

    i feel really out of sorts this morning. I am so emotionally exhausted and physically too. I was so tired last night but i had a hard time falling asleep and I spent most of the weekend crying. Yesterday I didn't hardly eat which really bothers me because I really want to stick to my cal goals and lose this stupid weight and I know I need to eat and move to do that.. just had a really rough two days. Just gotta keep going. Today is a new day. Another chance to get it right.. So got 3 goals to contend with.. Eat my calories, drink my water and exercise. 3 simple things that aren't always that simple. Some times I feel like every day is the same.. Iwake up and start again. I miss Rob so much but I can't just waste away crying for hours on end yet it seems to be how it ends up. I'm such a downer! But I hope everyone has a good week and you are all doing so great. I am hoping things get a little better so I can focus on what is important.
  • holly122677
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Thank you Lisa, I cant wait to get it. I know how you are feeling. I have many days that all I want to do is stay at home and cry. And to tell you the truth there are days that I do that. Then the next day I wake up and feel so misreble because I did it. The light at the end of your tunnel is so close. You can do it. Its alright to have days like that or weekends. Just get up brush yourself off and get back on the bandwagon. Think about all the happy times you have had and the many more you will have when he comes home in a couple of months. One thing that keeps me going is thinking about the look on his face when he sees how hot I am when he gets off that plane. Just hang in there, he will be home before you know it.

    Its MONDAY ladies. Time to get off our rears and get to it. Its a brand new week and a brand new us :drinker:
  • leesapeesa
    Ok-- so since you girls are talking couch2k.. you all really inspired me to try it again. So I turned on the pod cast I have and went for it tonight. I started out with TBL wii game and I had to do the challenge so I did that then I wanted to do yoga but because i busted my knee open on sunday and there was a lot of stuff where I had to use my knees, i nixed that.. then I was doing wii fit boxing and that pissed me off because it wasn't picking up my punches so I quit that. I wasn't going to do anything else but I wanted to . I didnt want to let the day end with not feeling accomplished so I read Holly's status about doing c25k and I figured why not. I have always wanted to say I am a runner-- or at least be able to run long distances for a work out if I felt.. Always being the fat girl I never thought I could be a runner-type person It felt so good. It made me remember why I liked c25k program before.. Even though it isnt straight running i still get almost a runner's high from it. I am looking forward to completing it this time.. that will be a HUGE goal for me. My first session was really good. I wasn't out of breath and panting like I would have been before when i was 250(omg..) pounds. So I want to thank you girls for inspiring me to try again.

    So I am going on vacation in 11 weeks.. I really want to make the most of these weeks leading up to it. I really want to try to lose 22 lbs(2 lb a week). I know it is a long shot but I want to try. I really want to look different when Rob sees me. I don't want just a little difference. Of course I will be happy with any losses but it is important to me to feel better about how i look.

    I had a question for you all too.. I have been eating 3 meals a day, a snack between breakfast and lunch, one between lunch and dinner and sometimes even an evening snack. I am supposed to eat I believe 1550 cals a day. I am actually having trouble eating this much. I am not hungry, feel hungry.. i am eating every 2-3 hours and as healthfully as I am capable of. I have a couple hundred cals left sometimes..Thats not even including exercise cals.. I am curious if you think i should try to eat my cals, or just do how i am and when i am comfortable I am good.? I figure if I am not hungry why force it. And do you guys actually log your exercise?? I have trouble really finding how to log it in as, like the descriptions of exercises dont seem to really fit especially when i am using the wii and the cals burned on the wii games has GOT to be wrong.. so I dont really put it on my log. Just curious.

    Have a wonderful night :)
  • holly122677
    Thats great Lisa, I am so glad you started back with the C25K program. As for the food log. I log everything. I also log my exercise. I use my treadmill so, I log the minutes under Walk, brisk pace 3.5. As for the Wii Fit. I log them in by using their calories. I log it in but i never go over my original calories for the day. I never eat all my calories. I also eat 3 meals and 2 snacks just like you and have several hundered left. Right now its working for me. However if I do hit a plateau I know I must up my calories in order to jumpstart my weightloss. I am going to continue the way I am for now.

    Well time for The Bachelor :) My escape from reality!!!!!

    I'll check in later.
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    Hi Ladies!! I love c25k! It is awesome and I am now using the podcasts by chubby jones which are alittle more my (and nieghbors style which is great) Hope you all had a great day! Going to the doctor tomorrow (first time since 6wk check up after my daughter was born hahah) Just need to get a new script for vitamins and also get bc so I dont end up prego again when hubby gets home when ever that will be!! Stay motovated ladies I have been having such a hard time lately but tomorrow is a new day and I am going to kick some major butt out there on the blacktop running!! :)
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Good morning, ladies! Hope you are all having a great week so far. This week is going MUCH better for me. I only lost one pound last week. I know it is better than gaining, especially after the week I had. So hopefully this week stays on track. I am very excited that I was able to make it through the entire Slim In 6 Ramp It up (phase 2) without stopping, at the end when you get down on all 4s and do leg lifts that I have issues with. So yay, I am making progress!!

    Again, hope you all are having a great week!
  • holly122677
    Good Evening Ladies, well this week has been rough on me. My mood has been blah. I finished day 2 of the C25K program this evening plus walked a little over 2 miles during my lunch break. It felt really good. Tomorrow is Thursday Yay!!!! This week has flown for me :) I love that feeling. I have another weekend of basket bingo, which means temptation of hot dogs, chips and baked goods....Im not looking forward to my weigh in on Friday. I know I could have done better this week, oh well any weight loss will be wonderful.

    Hope everyone has been working hard (I know you have). Keep up the good work and I'll check in soon :flowerforyou:
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    awesome holly and overit!!! Overit let me know what you think of the slim in 6 I was thinking about trying it! I started week 2 of c25k (for the 2nd time) and I breezed right through it. My neighbor is doing great too! I wish she had as much faith in her self as i do in her though! In exercise we find something inside us that is burried deep but it is so powerful!!! Keep up the good work ladies!!! How are the Hubbies/boy toys/ sons doing?
  • leesapeesa
    hey y'all.. i am soo tired! had to work overtime a couple days this week but i am hanging tough! doing great staying on plan.. i did day 2 c25k yesterday and the pain in my feet is going away so it was much better. I am very comfortable with this first week of the program so tomorrow is my last one and i will not repeat it like i thought i might and move on to week two. so glad it is Thursday. scale is staying down and hoping for a decent loss when i weigh in Monday.

    trying to keep my mind off of rob being away now and i am doing ok. the weekends are harder because i dont keep as busy but i am working on that. I keep thinking about seeing him in April and wanting him to be surprised as how good i look so i want to work hard as i can. it seems so far away sometimes but if i just keep motivated and try to stay busy it will fly by. I am also pretty sure he is going to ask me to marry him too.. so that has me wondering.

    I am so proud of you all. hang in there and stay strong!
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    timmi, so far i like Slim in 6. I wish there were more people on the board that were doing it just to hear their feedback but it seems like it has been a few months since there were any of them. I think it is a good beginner point. I only did the first phase a few times and am in the second phase. I have done it 6 times in a row and can notice a difference, especially in my stamina. I can do bicycles without stopping :happy: I am kind of getting anxious to move up to the 3rd level, but i think I will wait until I finish this week. I do see that I could easily get bored with it though but that is an issue I have with exercising all together.

    As far as how are the husbands doing ... I got a call this morning and mine is starting the process of coming home for R&R, so I am very excited! Who knows when he will actually get here, but all i know is it is soon!
  • holly122677
    Hi Ladies,

    Was a rough day yet again. I will be glad when this week is over. I did good with my calories and all and I weigh in tomorrow. Day 3 of C25K is tomorrow too :)

    Got a wonderful surprise today. My sweetie sent me flowers since I have had such a rough week. Its an incredible motivational boost. He called me about an hour ago and said they were going to be extremly busy the next few months. Its all part of coming home YAY!!!!! Poor thing sounds so exhausted though. Wish there was more I could do for him.

    Hope everyone had a good day. Overit so glad your hubby is working on coming home. How exciting.

    Keep up the hard work ladies.
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    holly, that is so exciting about the flowers and hearing about them beginning to prepare to come home! Flowers ALWAYS brighten my day.
  • leesapeesa
    Aww! so sweet your honey sent you flowers. Thats always such a thoughtful gesture.

    Day 3 of c25k for me today. i am exhausted right now. i need a coffee iv.. i woke up in the middle of the night not feeling so well and it took me forever to get back to sleep. just glad it is friday. Scale is looking good this morning. I have the worst habit of weighing myself more than once a week. I really do not want the scale to determine my success but I am guilty.. I have always been a weigher.

    I feel like I look smaller and it is a motivation for sure.

    get to talk to rob tomorrow. he is really unhappy in Kosovo and I feel bad there is nothing i can do for him at this point. just counting the days..

    must get to work but i hope you all had a successful week. Hang in there.
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Lisa, I am also really bad at weighing. I weigh every day but it is a habit I can't break, seems to help with the motivation, at least for me it does.

    It is hard when our guys are down and unhappy and we can't do anything for them. DH was going through a really rough patch and I just felt awful that I couldn't help him in any way other than listen and encourage him.
  • leesapeesa
    yay! completed week 1 of c25k and this session was the best on yet. i felt really good and i felt like i was in a zone. I LOVE the fact that i am not out of breath doing this and i feel like i could keep going.

    i had an awesome dinner tonight, too.. egg and egg white omelette with baby spinach diced tomatoes and cheese with a english muffin withsome olivio.

    I am exhausted tonight. I wanted to wish everyone a great weekend. stay strong ladies!