I confess...



  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    i'm a grammar nazi.

    I confess that I couldn't resist highlighting the ironic flaws in this statement.

    did i spell something wrong?
    i'm not above making spelling and punctuation errors. and i rarely use caps.

    Just the caps. Not sure you can complain about grammar if you don't correctly capitalise though!

    grammar, spelling, puncuation. all different things.
    capitalize is spelled with a z btw. Sorry. i couldn't help it. don't hate me.

    Capitalisation is grammar. You can't be a grammar Nazi without it.

    It's got an s in it where I come from, if you must fill our language with zs then fine but don't try force them back on us :)

    ok, somoniac.

    Touché :)
  • fortysixpounds
    fortysixpounds Posts: 419 Member
    I have the food envy.:devil: My eating habits have been disgraceful. I've been missing meals here and there because of allergies and not trusting ingredients eating out. We went out for a sunday carvery yd. They had nothing suitable for dairy allergy people so I had a very plain looking plate while he had an amazing roast. I got the food envy and when I got home I had an outrageous cookie binge... Then again today for breakfast...I would say my cookie binge between today and yd comes in at about 3,280 calories....that's a one pound gain!!!!!! ouch And last week we went out and I quizzed the staff about the ingredients and use of butter in cooking and was assured no dairy content and no butter used in cooking. ..half an hour later I was extremely sick.

    I'm missing out on just eating what I want, I'm sick of reading labels and checking blogs online and trusting staff in eateries to know whats in the food and then them getting it wrong and me paying the price later. I'm sick of eating something because it's safe rather than because it's healthy/ tasty/ kcal sensible. Eating out is such a chore. Cooking is such a chore. I used to love food soooo much. Now I have the serious food envy.