I am the only one here not following a low carb diet?!



  • leesehm
    leesehm Posts: 117
    I eat what I want, but in moderation. Can check out my diary if you like. This is hard for me though, I love food. I think normally I'd eat 3x this!!
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    I saw that the majority of people here is following a low carb diet. I was curious to exchange some ideas with people following a balanced diet as mine. (55% carbs, 30% fat, 15% protein).
    In what way is that "balanced" ? Looks like a high carb diet to me.

    You do realize "carbs" in the ratio of carbs/protein/fat also includes fruits and veggies, right? Especially fruits, since they are high in natural sugars. It's not just the breads and grains that are considered carbs here. The ratio the OP posted is the standard for a healthy diet.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Bumping for later.
  • AmandaTWaH
    AmandaTWaH Posts: 181 Member
    I am for higher quality carbs. Wheat bread, brown rice, all of that. I do try to go higher on protein than the MFP standards.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    I saw that the majority of people here is following a low carb diet. I was curious to exchange some ideas with people following a balanced diet as mine. (55% carbs, 30% fat, 15% protein).
    In what way is that "balanced" ? Looks like a high carb diet to me.

    That's the recommended dietary ratios.

    Recommended by who?
    The ratios Ive seen have protein higher than 15%

    And if you're lifting heavy weights - and a lot of people on here are - then your protein needs are much much higher, which would mean your protein ration would need to be very high, in the region of 30% to 40%
  • Martina_Who
    Martina_Who Posts: 172 Member
    I'm not ! Personally I think it's a fad, what's wrong with eating a balanced diet and eating everything in moderation?
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I don't low carb at all.
  • DietandVlogsense
    DietandVlogsense Posts: 48 Member
    My diet doesn't focus on particular food groups. I just eat less and workout more.

    As long as I hit my calories and exercise, I am happy.

    I will still have the occasional meal from Pizza Hut, or a sneaky Big Mac, once in a blue moon, but I really don't look at carbs, fats and proteins too much, though looking back at my food diary, I am broadly hitting the recommended levels on each.

    From this I have shed 39lbs in about 13 weeks, so I'm more than happy with my results and the uncomplicated approach I have taken.
  • LupaNera
    I am insulin resistant and I have to eat carbs at each meal.
    Really ? We must be working to a different definition of insulin resistance - try http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0004546/

    In general low carb is put forward as beneficial to insulin resistance - see http://www.heartlandnaturopathic.com/irdiet.htm for example.

    http://www.jacn.org/content/23/2/177.short found that "Fasting glucose, insulin, and insulin resistance HOMA were significantly lower after the very low-carbohydrate diet"

    I fear you have been misinformed.

    You are free to have your own opinion I am just following my doc advice that for now it is working and this shows just in the perfect blood work I have. And also there are modern approaches to type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance that show that low carb it is not beneficial or worse can trigger kidney issues that are pretty common with this kind of metabolic problems.
    I am just focusing of keeping my insulin/glicemic levels steady and getting to a healthier weight when my metabolism should return to normal and I can quit meds as well. That's my plan.
  • navydentalchic
    navydentalchic Posts: 234 Member
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    You do realize "carbs" in the ratio of carbs/protein/fat also includes fruits and veggies, right?
    Indeed I do. Well to be precise I realise that carbs includes the carb content of those things. Eating a couple of pounds of vegetables a day wouldn't be a big contribution though - 20 % ?

    "Balanced" to me would be like 30/30/40 or something, not a mere 15% protein. Looked carb rich, that's all. Each to their own.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    And also there are modern approaches to type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance that show that low carb it is not beneficial
    any references I can read up ?
  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    I just do cals in versus cals out, and i try and hit 100ish grams of protein a day. I would hate my life if i gave up carbs.
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    You do realize "carbs" in the ratio of carbs/protein/fat also includes fruits and veggies, right?
    Indeed I do. Well to be precise I realise that carbs includes the carb content of those things. Eating a couple of pounds of vegetables a day wouldn't be a big contribution though - 20 % ?

    "Balanced" to me would be like 30/30/40 or something, not a mere 15% protein. Looked carb rich, that's all. Each to their own.

    After you posted, I went researching and found a different answer on every single website I looked at. But they all agree that if you're lifting frequently and building muscle mass, the protein you take in should be much higher. I can't tell you anymore what MFP originally put my ratios at, though.

    But again, like someone said, this is the anti-low carb thread. And maybe it works well for those of us that likes the carbs. That doesn't mean it won't change later, and for me, it will.
  • Ellas_Time_4_Change
    I am insulin resistant and I have to eat carbs at each meal.
    Really ? We must be working to a different definition of insulin resistance - try http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0004546/

    In general low carb is put forward as beneficial to insulin resistance - see http://www.heartlandnaturopathic.com/irdiet.htm for example.

    http://www.jacn.org/content/23/2/177.short found that "Fasting glucose, insulin, and insulin resistance HOMA were significantly lower after the very low-carbohydrate diet"

    I fear you have been misinformed.

    Exactly! I'm sorry OP but patients I've worked with that have either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes benefit tremendously from reducing their carb intake. There is an increasing body of evidence that shows low carb diets (think Atkins, Paleo, Primal etc) to result in better long term blood glucose control. I suggest you gradually reduce your carb intake and note how you feel at different levels, all the best :)
  • deborahposey
    I'm not on a low-carb diet, i just monitor my calories intake verse my calories burned for that day, drink plenty of water, and i eat every 3 hours, no food or calories beverage after 9pm.
  • Sambo004
    Sambo004 Posts: 549 Member
    I'm a vegetarian who doesn't eat eggs and I eat a lot of carbs. I try and make sure they're good carbs, but they make up a big part of my diet (60% carbs). I've managed to reach my goal weight, so I wouldn't stress too much. I think it may be a quicker way to lose weight, but I'm here for sustainable weight loss and I get hungry, so carbs are great for me :bigsmile:
  • Mguilmot
    Mguilmot Posts: 232 Member
    I don't care about macro's. I only "try" to stay under the 20% fats. Carbs are usually high and protein a bit low.
    Never stopped me from losing fat. Everyone can do for himself what he prefers or believes is best, as long as it's healthy.
  • LupaNera
    Anyway I am not lifting I am just focused on krav maga. I was doing general fitness but I found it a little boring.
    For me is just functional training and explosive power (coordination + speed + strength). So I do a lot of body-weight training, including ground fighting with some heavy weights, even heavier than me). I currently have a decent core (the kind that 70kg people can step on my belly and I can sustain them without problems).
    But It is just specific training.

    Anyway I opened this thread not to became something balanced versus low carb but just to get some ideas from people following the same guidelines as me.
  • apocalypsepwnie
    I was trying the 30/30/30 method (I know it doesn't add up but the extra 10% went to whatever) and finding I was getting emptionally unstable. I tried atkins a few years back and within a week was a quivering mess so I guessed it would be the carbs.
    I have a high stress job and my brain needs food.
    Since upping it about a month ago I've felt heaps better.
    I also know if you restrict your carbs, when you go to maintenance and start eating them your body does a mini flip out and will hold onto them even if you are making your goals.
    I try and get more protein than fat and am pretty happy with my carbs if they don't got below 40%.