I am the only one here not following a low carb diet?!



  • petercalexander
    This is my first time dieting, but I'm basically trying to load up on veggies and oatmeal (and some fruits) to keep me away from the cookie jar and jelly beans at work. I figured that a high-fiber approach might help with the munchies. Naturally, my carb ratio is going to be through the roof....:smile:
  • bexpennell
    Its the only way I can lose weight! My typical day goes

    Breakfast: All Bran
    Lunch: Chicken or salmon and veges or rice
    Snacks: fruit or rice crackers
    Dinner: Protein fruit smoothie. Sometimes chicken and veges.

    If I eat carbs in the evening I just don't seem to lose weight!
  • smaugish
    smaugish Posts: 244 Member
    I just eat what I want to eat. Lately, that's meant my dinner is (more often than not) veggies and protein, but I sure as hell don't restrict my carbs consciously. I love a bit of carbohydrate. My dad brought home a fresh loaf of white (WHITE!?) bread from Wenzel's the baker yesterday, and I sneaked a couple of slices for my breakfast. It was amazing, though the diet Gods are probably biding their time to strike me down as we speak.
  • SovanJedi
    SovanJedi Posts: 27 Member
    If there's one thing I learned in the 4-ish months I've been doing this, it's two words: IN MODERATION.

    I haven't really been paying the slightest bit of attention to where my calories are coming from - carbs, fat, fibre, protein, whatever - as long as I have been keeping to my calorie amount each day. So far it's worked out pretty well. Now once I reach my goal weight I'll try and do the whole "balanced diet" thing for a while and see how it goes, but to be honest if I didn't find a way to fit that Kit-Kat Chunky into my day I think I'd go insane and gnaw off my own elbows out of madness.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I've had to go low carb as my losses stopped until I cut them back. No choice x
  • GreyBinkie
    I was trying the 30/30/30 method (I know it doesn't add up but the extra 10% went to whatever) and finding I was getting emptionally unstable. I tried atkins a few years back and within a week was a quivering mess so I guessed it would be the carbs.
    I have a high stress job and my brain needs food.

    That is the so called "Keto flu". After a week your body adjusts to the lessened carb intake and you will feel better.
  • tigertrax3
    tigertrax3 Posts: 37 Member
    I still eat my carbs . I've gotten a bit choosier though and Definately don't eat as many as i used to. I know that if went low carb, i couldn't maintain that.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I was trying the 30/30/30 method (I know it doesn't add up but the extra 10% went to whatever) and finding I was getting emptionally unstable. I tried atkins a few years back and within a week was a quivering mess so I guessed it would be the carbs.
    I have a high stress job and my brain needs food.

    That is the so called "Keto flu". After a week your body adjusts to the lessened carb intake and you will feel better.

    I tried low carbing for 3 months and just got worse and worse. I think low carb is only really suitable for those with a lot of weight to lose, and even then only because it's so restrictive.
  • Struelove1
    Struelove1 Posts: 14 Member
    Im not following any kind of "diet" I am trying to eat healthier, which according to my doctor, protein and fiber main things to go for. I am going to see a dietitian soon to help with the healthy eating. cause i swear if i hear another person tell me what NOT to eat I think I might punch someone
  • lewench
    lewench Posts: 4 Member
    I have been on a reduced carb diet since April and this morning marked my 40th pound lost. I haven't been on any one plan but kinda combo between Paleo and Eat-Clean Plans

    I stay away from ALL processed high carb foods aka junk food, white breads, starches such as potato chips, minute rice and processed sweets. I do get carbs in my diet because your body really does need them but they come from my veggies and smaller amount of whole grain foods, beans and low sugar fruits.

    I have been eating a lot of varied meats such as chicken, beef, pork, lamb, fish and shellfish to get my proteins as well as low sugar fruits such a berries to get my sweets. When I get a "sweet tooth", I have a Tbls of peanut butter (a high protein snack with carbs) or a sugar free Popsicle.

    Portions and exercises are a BIG part of my success as well but due to back injuries I do simple things like speed walk.

    I also don't use my children as an excuse to have unhealthy snacks in the house. They are watching and learning from me. I am the adult and the one who buys the food so they eat what I do. It is good for them to get in the habit of exercising and eating healthy instead if vegging out in front of the TV, computer or video games while eating chips. Plus walking time is time talk about the day and bond with the girls provided I have them leave the cell phones behind. My girls are older but if you have smaller children, a stroller or them on a bike would work.

    Check out

    Hope that helps and best of wishes to you
  • GreyBinkie
    I tried low carbing for 3 months and just got worse and worse. I think low carb is only really suitable for those with a lot of weight to lose, and even then only because it's so restrictive.

    Well, low carb usually works for everyone. Once reaching my goal i intend to stick with it.

    Any other medical conditions that would influence your dietary intake? Perhaps a lactose intolerance...?
  • LupaNera
    Im not following any kind of "diet" I am trying to eat healthier, which according to my doctor, protein and fiber main things to go for. I am going to see a dietitian soon to help with the healthy eating. cause i swear if i hear another person tell me what NOT to eat I think I might punch someone

    Just love your post! :) In fact it is just personal choice!

    PS. Sorry for you being far away otherwise you could just join my gym. :D
  • dawn8642
    dawn8642 Posts: 4 Member
    I am starting a Carb cycling diet on monday , untill now my diet has been mainly high protein looking forward to it :)
  • Jde56
    Jde56 Posts: 9 Member
    I began this diet eating carbs but my weight only moved when I limited them. Don't really understand it but I lose better on lots of protein
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    Love carbs and do not like meat very well, so I'm NOT doing the low carb thing!
  • ColeyBear08
    ColeyBear08 Posts: 495 Member
    I eat as many carbs as I want. I feel that any diet that tells you to restrict is exactly that, A DIET! You need to start a lifestyle that involves portion control, healthy eating that includes moderation not deprivation, and a strong exercise program that you'll love doing.

    That's my 2 cents.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    I saw that the majority of people here is following a low carb diet. I was curious to exchange some ideas with people following a balanced diet as mine. (55% carbs, 30% fat, 15% protein).

    Those are the ratios I work to. I love my carbs.
  • CDG1013
    CDG1013 Posts: 106 Member
    I'm not. I choose whole grains instead of processed carbs...whole wheat bread and pasta, whole grain rice, etc. I minimize the sweets (but can't avoid Reese's cups completely). When I eat chips, I eat rice chips with hummus or fresh salsa. I eat lots of fruits and veggies as well. When I get a sugar craving, I find that an apple or some grapes satisfy the craving better than a candy bar would. So...no low carb for me...did Atkins before but was miserable. The balance approach works better...I feel better...and is a sustainable lifestyle change.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    I love carbs. Personally I tend to hit between 50/25/25 and 40/30/30 with my macros. Works for me. I actually lost most of my weight on mostly carbs (that was before I learned about proper nutrition though)