The one book everyone should read?!?



  • StephieF87
    StephieF87 Posts: 60 Member
    The girl with a dragon tattoo by Stieg Larsson is very gripping a thriller :-)

    If you aren't an avid reader, this won't work for you....took me over 150 pages to get into's like the with ALL 3 of those.

    A Game of Thrones, fantastic.
    Enders Game (the sci-fi book for people who don't like sci-fi)
    Lord of the Rings Trilogy (a must)

    And for some seriously well done post-apocalyptic 80's throwback (can you get all the 80's references in this book?) Ready Player One by Earnest Cline. Toppled Enders Game as my favorite all time book.

    agreed on the Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings---Both very awesome!!
  • SirKelsalot
    Robert Rankin's great if you want something amusing - especially his Brentford Trilogy. He describes himself as a writer of 'far-fetched fiction' and I think it's a pretty accurate description. He's influenced a lot of my writing certainly :)
  • guardian419
    guardian419 Posts: 391 Member
    The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolfe :)
  • AmandaPandah
    AmandaPandah Posts: 222 Member
    The Help.

    Although Harry Potter sort of changed my life when I was 14, lol.
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    World War Z by Max Brooks

    A Song of Ice and Fire series a.k.a. Game of Thrones by George RR Martin (The first time I ever read a book and had to set it down (multiple times) because I just felt like I was '*****' slapped, but in a good way, "You know nothing, Jon Snow")

    Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz

    The Stand by Stephen King
  • ajfrench
    ajfrench Posts: 323 Member
    If you're not an avid reader start with something light. The suggestions about Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Koontz or Grisham are all good suggestions. If you're going to read a classic, I think the Scarlet Pimpernel might be good.
  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member
    The Bible.

    It will change your life.

    He dies at the end.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Personally, I think it's "1984".
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    ANYTHING by Terry Pratchet :) Discworld books are set in a fantasy world but Pratchett is a witty and satirical writer. You'll laugh out loud.
    Specifically any book with the Death character in, Start with Mort, and move onto Soul Music. Binky is an amazing character too!

    Hope you give this a go and you love it as much as me! xxx

    lol! Our dog is called Gaspode, my son says he only talks to him though!

    However I read Long Earth by TP and Stephen Baxter and I didn't like it. Not a bit.
  • Gioooo
    Gioooo Posts: 301 Member
    Crime and Punishment is my favorite of all time
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    The Book Thief


    The Life of Pi

    They're both easy to read and engaging and oh so good :]

    Not bad books, but I didn't find either to be particularly engaging.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    The Bible.

    It will change your life.

    He dies at the end.

    GAH! SPOILERS, DUDE! :wink:
  • SirKelsalot
    Ooh, I also love To Kill a Mockingbird. I must have read that about 6 times now. Methinks it's due for another re-read actually... But yeah, it's a piece if classic literature that's dead easy for someone who's not an avid reader to get into.
  • WhatDoesLisa
    The Count of Monte Cristo, my favorite. Or anything by Charles ****ens.

    My two favorite authors are Sherman Alexie and Bill Bryson. Sherman Alexie is a Spokane Indian and his books are about Indian culture I guess you could say or playing with those stereotypes. But, I would advise reading Alexie's books in the order that he wrote them. He uses the same characters a lot so it helps to know the backstory. And Bill Bryson is the funniest man on the planet. Please read "The Lost Continent".
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Has anyone read The Jason Bourne books? The movies are great, but just wanted to know if the books were good as well.

    I might check those out. I have only seen the last movie (I know, I live under a rock!), but the storyline was just Flowers for Algernon with a car chase.

    I LOVED Flowers for Algernon...haven't read it since high school...that will be the next thing I read!
  • LBizzle117
    Lee Child is an amazing writer and I love the character Jack Reacher
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    How can I pick just one???

    Blacklands by Belinda Bauer springs to mind...
    Any of the Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum series
    I really loved Noughts and Crosses by Malorie fact I want to read that again - its been a while!!
    The whole Reacher series by Lee Childs are my favourites at the minute
    Walter Mosely has a lot of good ones about a black guy living in the deep south of America when it wasnt a good time to be black in the deep south!

    I agree the HP series are all brilliant, Steig Larsson's Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series is great and the LOTR trilogy of course!

    ...sorry I got a bit carried away....
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    The Coroner's Lunch by Colin Cotterill is a light and entertaining read.
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    The girl with a dragon tattoo by Stieg Larsson is very gripping a thriller :-)

    If you aren't an avid reader, this won't work for you....took me over 150 pages to get into's like the with ALL 3 of those.

    A Game of Thrones, fantastic.
    Enders Game (the sci-fi book for people who don't like sci-fi)
    Lord of the Rings Trilogy (a must)

    And for some seriously well done post-apocalyptic 80's throwback (can you get all the 80's references in this book?) Ready Player One by Earnest Cline. Toppled Enders Game as my favorite all time book.

    Agree about Girl with the Dragon tattoo, if you can stick with it past the first 100 pages it's a good read, but those first 100 pages are tough.

    My vote is for A Brave New World.
  • Aquarian
    Aquarian Posts: 1,094 Member
    Has anyone read The Jason Bourne books? The movies are great, but just wanted to know if the books were good as well.

    I liked the books a lot better than the movies... Not that the movies weren't fantastic too!