What's the most polite insult you've recieved?



  • healthylady88
    healthylady88 Posts: 81 Member
    I was at a house party for interiors or something and a friend of mine said in front of everyone "you should really get into plus size modeling". I didn't know what to say. She meant well I guess but I was kind of hurt.
  • healthylady88
    healthylady88 Posts: 81 Member
    What??? That doesn't even make sense!
  • healthylady88
    healthylady88 Posts: 81 Member
    When I was pregnant..."you must be having a girl. You're not as pretty now as you used to be"

    WHAT? lol

  • RitaSantoss
    RitaSantoss Posts: 986 Member
    'You look so much prettier without your glasses.'

    I've had this a few times, from people who genuinely seemed to think they were complimenting me.

    THIS! I actually have to wear glasses all day everyday, and I can only do the laser surgery in about 3 years, so I'm already insecure about the way I look when I have glasses on. And for people to say this to me, is horrific. But I do notice that more people look when I'm not wearing them.
  • Peezy4President
    Peezy4President Posts: 292 Member
    Both from Himbo:

    You don't sweat much for a fat lass!
    And him watching me put my make-up on said.............you do not wear enough of that!

    ummm Those are not polite at all.
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    You would have a really cute shape if you were thinner..

    Yay!? Ya think so? lol...derp!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    'You look so much prettier without your glasses.'

    I've had this a few times, from people who genuinely seemed to think they were complimenting me.

    THIS! I actually have to wear glasses all day everyday, and I can only do the laser surgery in about 3 years, so I'm already insecure about the way I look when I have glasses on. And for people to say this to me, is horrific. But I do notice that more people look when I'm not wearing them.

    Yes, I was 20 when I first got glasses, but I had needed them for a long time (growing up my family would not believe me that I was not able to see well). So, when I first got them, someone told me that I looked really pretty without my glasses on. Since then I have gotten nicer frames and people usually compliment my glasses (because I have nice friends).
  • Peezy4President
    Peezy4President Posts: 292 Member
    A guy in a parking lot of a gas station comes over to hit on me while my boyfriend is inside. He made 3 attempts at hitting on me really and each line got worse and worse.

    "Hey beautiful lady, (wait for it...) you are gorgeous, you know, (wait for it...) I'm sure you don't hear that very often." WTF?!?!
    "Actually I hear it all the time, but thank you."
    "I know you big girls don't get enough love." ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
    "Actually, I get plenty of love thank you very much."
    And here is the line that really made the rest pale in comparison ...
    "Yeah, but I know most other guys only probably hit on you because they know fat girls are easier, I just want to get to know you."

    This ruined my whole week.

    oh.my.god!!!! what a jerk!!

  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    'You look so much prettier without your glasses.'

    I've had this a few times, from people who genuinely seemed to think they were complimenting me.

    THIS! I actually have to wear glasses all day everyday, and I can only do the laser surgery in about 3 years, so I'm already insecure about the way I look when I have glasses on. And for people to say this to me, is horrific. But I do notice that more people look when I'm not wearing them.

    Yep, I've had glasses since childhood, and I can't see without them. I don't do well with contacts - my eyes are dry, and the contacts have to be thicker and stay in a certain position because of my astigmatism. And I'm so short sighted that I wouldn't be able to have Lasik - I'd have to have Lasek, and to me it's not worth the risks. I'm quite happy with how I look with glasses - I don't have trendy frames, because my frames need to be as small as possible or else the lenses would be ridiculously thick, but they're not ugly frames either - so I find it quite pointless that people feel the need to tell me I look better without my glasses. They may just as well tell me I'd look better if I were ten years younger, or if I had a smaller nose! It may well be true, but I am as I am, and it's not something that's going to change.
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member

    He really did mean well, but it hurt because I thought I was already fairly attractive the way I am now. :sad:

    You are attractive the way you are now, hun! Just because you aren't a size 2, that doesn't make you unattractive! I, personally, would choose my size over being a size 2 any day! I do want to lose weight and tone up, but I want to be at a healthy weight and size for ME.....no one else! Stay strong, positive, and keep up the good work! :wink:

    That was very nice, thank you!
  • Dead_Darling
    Dead_Darling Posts: 478 Member
    'You look so much prettier without your glasses.'

    I've had this a few times, from people who genuinely seemed to think they were complimenting me.

    I've had that a lot when I was wearing glasses. Now I've had laser eye surgery and people are like, "oh you do realise you're gonna have to wear glasses again when you're 40?" This is why I don't like talking to people -___-
  • Peezy4President
    Peezy4President Posts: 292 Member
    this girl on the "What celeb does the person above you remind you of" told me i look like rapper Gucci Mane lol... it was funny tho
  • nyxrun
    I was running my first big project in the corporate world. Got sick, but had to take a conference call from home. Mid con call:

    "What did you just roll out of bed with some guy? You sound all sexed and satisfied"

    Mind you this came from a guy who was nearing retirement!
  • Mendelianparakeets
    "You're just a little Oompa Loompa."

    lawl. :(

    About two months later, the same girl looked at me real well and said, "You got skinny."

    Couldn't help smiling a little at that one.
  • butterflyqueen1984
    I get 'your not fat at all your just well rounded' so basically I am fat!
  • littlehedgy
    littlehedgy Posts: 192 Member
    this is kind of alhe same lines... with a sh*tty pick up line thrown in

    "hey girl, you've gotta baby makin body. Now you wanna go try?"

    I was 12, repeat TWELVE at the time.
  • Tank_Girl
    Tank_Girl Posts: 372 Member
    Nephew and his girlfriend have just started insanity... When I told them I intended on purchasing the dvds myself the nephew kept repeating to me how hard it was and that it was an intense program blah blah blah... Essentially implying I would be incapable of doing the program....
    The nephew isnt exactly the healthiest fella in the family cheeky fu.cker.
  • AliDarling
    this one just happened a few minutes ago. My daughter (2) loves finding nemo. espically the part about the jellyfish going boing boing. so she comes up to me, give me a hug, says "mommy! boing boing boing boing." while poking my stomach.

    Kids are so innocent and naive to what they are saying/doing. Your daughter loves you and enjoys playing with you! That was her way of showing love and affection.......and it is cute! I used to tell my mom she was a nice pillow to lay on when I was a little. That probably didn't sit with her well, but I was young and didn't know how to choose my words wisely at the time. I wasn't intentionally being mean.

    Btw......Your daughter is precious! :smile:

    lol yea. but nothing lets you know you need to do something other than your kids thinking you go boing :laugh:

    and thank you! she my lil buttercup
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    for a while, when i wa on here last and lost 40 lbs, i was feeling good about myself, and my mother in law (the jeans one) said, "wwhne you stop thinking about the weight it will come off." neever said anything about the 40 i had lost,

    Ah, you too huh?
  • rmf626
    I don't know if this really qualifies as an insult, but I always feel offended when someone who has known me before and during the weight loss is, "You've always been a beautiful girl".....Umm...I never really know what to say to this without sounding narcissistic or full of myself because my response is usually, "I've always known that I have been and still am beautiful". My weight did not and continues to not define how I feel about my "beauty".

    I have said this to people! And if it matters, my intent was to compliment in a way that doesn't make you feel like you were unappealing before the weight loss! I have lost weight and hate when people give overly effusive compliments. You know, when they rave about how wonderful you look with disbelief or surprise in the tone of their voices. Always made me think that I must have looked like crap beforehand.