Ghosts/spirits/unexplainable happenings??



  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member

    I find these stories fascinating, but not as fascinating as this link. I think this may explain my irrational fear of basements and underground places. Thank you for posting this. You have saved me a LOT of money on therapy. :D
  • wymanic
    wymanic Posts: 62 Member
    Lots of stories, but I feel pictures say more than words. Here are some creepy ones a ghost hunting friend of mine took and the last is a visit from my grandfather at Christmas!



    The first one is very ompressive, for an old man to be able to execute the doggy style position is amazing actually. Go Grandda, hitt that

    Just to clarify--they all aren't my grandpa! The first one was a "haunting" that my friend went on because weird things kept happening around the little girl shortly after her father died in a car accident. When my friend went to the house, she talked to the little girl and asked her what she thought and she said "Daddy likes to play". My friend then snapped this photo--shortly after that the weird stuff stopped.

    The second was a woman that my friend knew who had always felt that she was being watched by something and it didn't matter where she was. This photo was taken on the way home from the cinema on a night out for a mutual friend's birthday. In the end, they thought it might be a demon and the woman in the photo went to a church and was blessed and the thing left.

    The last is my grandfather. It was the Christmas right after his death and we were all sitting around talking about how much we missed him. We were recalling the good times when I said to my mother, "I just keep thinking of Grandpa's favorite song, Fern Husky's 'On the Wings of a Snow White Dove'" when suddenly we heard a small thump under the tree. I got up to take a look and found a small plastic white dove on the tree skirt. We searched and searched for the ornament that it had to have fallen off of, but noone recognised it. We all felt it was a message from him. We took this photo on the same night and found the moving orb in only one. My mother also believes that if you find a dime, it means that someone who has passed is thinking of you. We often find dimes in unexpected places when thinking of our lost loved ones. I even found one in our house in England where they don't even use them in this country! Mom keeps a stack of them in a little jewelry box on her dresser.
  • klbaierwalter
    klbaierwalter Posts: 309 Member
    bump for later, I will also share my stories.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    My mother has a sort of ESP with people who are about to die. She has, on several separate occasions, had dreams where a person will come to her and tell her something very personal or say a type of goodbye. These are people that are not really close or aren't a part of her everyday life, like a great aunt or an old family friend. Within the next few days, she receives a call that the person passed away. She has told me about the dreams prior to the person passing, so I know it's for real. It's eerie.
  • matthew67899
    matthew67899 Posts: 58 Member
    My neighbors down the street found out a few years after they moved in that the house belonged to a man who killed himself in the basement with a shotgun in the mid 70's. They had strange things like hearing a glass shatter in the kitchen only to walk in and see a glass that had been on the counter, sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor -- still in one piece. Also the TV in their bedroom popped on one night at about 2am with this pulsating blinding light and LOUD static noise (like you'd get if you had no signal) with the remote sitting on top of the TV.

    They were talking about some of these happenings with another neighbor who, as it turned out, had been living there for more than 40 years when he told them about "Larry". Larry was the guy who shot himself and this neighbor was one of the guys that helped carry his body out of the house after they found him.

    They were still not 100% convinced the house was haunted until another couple was over one evening and the four of them were playing with a Ouija board to see if anything happened knowing what weird things had already taken place. Their friend's wife had used one before so she led the way and asked some simple questions but nothing seemed to be all that spooky at that point. Finally she asked a question like "How many souls are currently present in this house?" and the planchette moved to "8". My neighbors figured there's no way that can be right since only the four of them were there......until their three beagle dogs came into the room and jumped up on the couch. They FREAKED out and put the Ouija board back in it's box and asked their friends to get rid of it when they left. They've never touched a Ouija board again.

    They still live there, but now that they've lived there for more than 15 years themselves they notice some weird things, but few and far between and not quite as spooky. Apparently "Larry" doesn't mind them living there as much as before.
  • Init_to_winit
    Init_to_winit Posts: 258 Member
    Bump to read later!
  • crimznrose
    crimznrose Posts: 282 Member
    Too many to write them all buy my saddest and still my favorite was the night my grandpa died. I was 10 and at my house doing homework and watching my two little brothers. My mom and dad were next door, along with my uncles and grandmother who were all watching over my grandpa. He was at the end of a long struggle against cancer and each day was a moment-by-moment in-home hospice care.

    Since he'd gotten really sick, looking more like a skelaton than my grandpa, I didn't visit as often. He had been my hero and mentor and it scared and hurt me to see him in such a frail state. I had stopped in that morning to borrow some gloves because it was getting chily in those November mornings, and I told him "I love you" before I ran to catch the bus. He couldn't speak back because the cancer had strangled his vocal chords by that time, but I could still see my grandpa in his eyes.

    After school, I stayed at my house, keeping my brother from going over there and doing homework when suddenly a warm gust blew through the room. It was pleasant and comforting. It wasn't anything flashy, but it did make me look around for a minute. I didn't know he had died at that exact time, until my mother told me of his passing the next morning. As soon as she told me I knew that breeze had been my grandpa saying goodbye.
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    Never believed in ghost at all, I was always skeptical and thought it was a bunch of bologna until I it happened to me.

    I was a Probation Enforcement Officer (enforced probation orders set forth by the court) for the a County District Court, which recently built a new courthouse. I did home curfew checks on clients placed on an intensive supervised probation. This types of checks would be done late at night around 1 AM to 3 AM.

    The second to last night I worked there (I accepted a job with the Feds) I heard banging noised after wrapping up on checking up on all the clients(it was around 4 AM). They noise got louder and louder and was coming from the hallway. When I stepped out to see they hell I was hearing, it stopped. As soon as I walked back inside my office, I heard muffled whispers accompanied by a noise that sounded like a faint scream.

    I thought that someone broke into the courthouse at this point. I locked my office door and immediately called the sheriff's department and had nine cruisers show up. I told the supervising officer ( a twenty year vet.) that I heard banging noises and heard whispers and he started laughing at me. I asked what was so damn funny and he said that the newly built courthouse was built on what used to be a cemetery.

    To make a long story short, my second to last day was my last day.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    OMG those photos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • love4ransom
    love4ransom Posts: 67 Member
    It's a long story but here it goes:

    Back in 2007 (I was 17) me and a friend slept over at my boyfriends house. He lived with his grandmother at the time and there was a spare room in the basement. My friend slept down there and I was sleeping upstairs with my boyfriend. He got up early the next morning for work and my friend and I were going to spend the day there just hanging out so we continued to sleep. The basement door was right next to my boyfriend's room and out of habit the night before my boyfriend shut the door and locked it. So I'm sleeping and I was woken up to banging on the basement door. It scared me at first but then I realized that my friend was wanting to come up. So I get out of bed and yelled "Hold on Leah I'm coming". She didn't say anything so before I opened the door I said "Leah is that you?" No answer. Well I thought she was trying to play a prank so out of spite I didn't open the door for her. I went back to bed. A few minutes after I laid down I heard banking on the door again. This time I didn't get out of bed I just yelled "Leah stop banging I'll open the door just say something." And again nothing. I was freaked out at this point. I wanted to see if it was her but at the same time dark basements freak me out so I didn't want to just open the door so quickly. I walked around the house, went out side and saw that no one else was home, it was just me and Leah. I come back in to hearing banging on the door and the door knob was rattling. At was at this point I realized that because of how old the house was, I would have heard her walking up and down the stairs. Which I didn't hear any footsteps. I was scared for Leah b/c I didn't know what I was going to find when I unlocked the door and opened it. I turned on ALL the lights I could and opened the door. There was NO ONE at the door. I was so freaked out. I yelled from the top step for Leah. I didn't hear anything. Then I was like this has to be a sick joke. So I walked down the stairs a little bit and yelled LEAH! and finally I heard her. She whispered "yeah". I said are you up? She said yes and before I knew it she flew up the stairs, ran into my boyfriends room. I go up the stairs, shut the door and go into his room and asked her what the heck was going on. She replied ," Didn't you hear the banging all night? Someone kept banking on the door and the walls in my room all right, I was so scared I couldn't move." She was pale and crying and sweating. I told her what happened to me that morning and I told her I thought it was her. She told me at first she thought it was us playing a prank on her but she realized it wasn't a prank when it went on all night long. I also didn't realize the room she was staying in didn't have light bulbs in the lamps so she was in the complete dark the whole night and morning until I came down. I felt horrible. We were both so freaked out we locked the door and stayed in my boyfriends room until he came home. Several hours later he came home and we told him what happened. He just laughed at us. Then his grandma came home from work and we told her what happened. She replied, " oh yeah that basement is haunted by a little girl, I've seen her".....And that's a WHOLE other story.
  • BriskaPacojame
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    this 7 fot tall being with goats horns was need a blessing!!!!
    It wasnt...and I have been =)
    Thank you!
  • KristysLosing
    Bump for later! Thanks for sharing! I wish I had one to share!!
  • dane11235813
    dane11235813 Posts: 684 Member
    for reading later
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    First I must say that as I was begining to read this post Ricki Lake came on the tv with 2 psychics and they are doing a show today about life after death and speaking to the dead... Spooky!

    Anyway, my grandmother passed away when I was 12 years old. A couple days after her death my grandfather went out of town to visit his Mother who was still alive at the time but out of state, and asked us to watch his dog. We went to the house my grandparents shared to pick up the dog and it's food and other belongings just the two of us, no one else was home. We were out in the driveway loading up the car when my mom said we forgot the leash and asked me to go get it. I went back inside the house to get the leash and as I go to grab the leash I hear "Hello?" in my grandmother's voice. It sent chills up my spine. I was thinking "surely it's my mom and she came back in the house after I did" So I walk to where I can see where she is and she is still in the drive way, FAR from where I was, loading the car. I ran SCREAMING bloody murder back to the car and told my mom what happened. She said "oh my God that is so weird, I just asked her earlier today in my mind to please just give a sign that she's okay and say hello." I also feel she sends me birds because occasionally I'll have birds do weird things like this one bird (not a woodpecker) would come every single day for months and tap on the window of our house for hours.

    My step father also passed away and visits me in my dreams when I'm especially missing him or sometimes just randomly out of the blue, but has never done anything in my waking life that I'm aware of.

    ETA: I just remembered this. Recently I saw a dark shadow in our backyard, like I could see the silhouette of it through the blinds walking by the window. It as clearly a human figure/shape. I went to check though and there was no one there. Our yard is privacy fenced and locked so no way someone got out that quickly. It scared me so much that I called my boyfriend and made him stay on the phone with me for awhile :laugh:
  • natty_34
    Bump. I want to read this later! :bigsmile:
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    I need to stop reading these or I'll freak myself out tonight and not get any sleep! But for those who like reading the stories, here's one of mine -- I was deployed several years ago, and was sleeping in my room. I woke up when someone came in the room -- it was a woman in uniform, walking from the door, through the room, and into the bathroom (that adjoined with the next room). I assumed it was my roommate. I thought it was weird that my roommate would be walking around in uniform in the middle of the night, but then I looked over at her bed, and she was in it, fast asleep. I stayed wide awake for quite a while after that. :-)
    This was shortly after I arrived in theater, and the next day we had our welcome brief. Turns out a female security forces Airman had died in a vehicle rollover a few months prior -- she was supposed to go home shortly after I got there. I never saw her again; to this day I think she was doing her rounds and finishing out her deployment.
  • ilyahna
    ilyahna Posts: 96 Member
    I have had a few dream visits myself, but the one that stuck with me the most, and the one that most like a "communication" rather than an unconscious concoction, was just after my grandmother died.

    She spent many years in a nursing home far away in another state, and I didn't get to see her for a long time. Neither did my mother, who lived across the US. She had been very sick for years and was in a lot of pain when she went, and toward the end we could barely talk to her, and neither my mother nor I felt like we really got to say goodbye.

    After she died, I had a dream a weeks later in which I saw a tall, black-haired beauty on a beach in a gold evening dress, standing in the surf in the sunset. The light reminded me of an old photograph, the way the red-gold hues get over-exposed. The woman didn't say anything, she just stood in front of me in the surf with this fantastic smile, and I was filled with a radiating sense of happiness, peace, and the sure knowledge that she wanted my mother and my aunt (and me) to know that she was in a good place.

    I told them about the dream later, and we all cried, truly feeling like it was a message from my grandmother, who had been that dark-haired beauty in my mother and aunt's childhood ... though I had never seen her that way. =)