Ghosts/spirits/unexplainable happenings??



  • tru2m3
    tru2m3 Posts: 31
    I can't wait to read. :love:
  • Surfrider
    Surfrider Posts: 364 Member
    Any new Christmas stories?
  • mercina22
    mercina22 Posts: 446 Member
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Oh man!!

    Well about 8 year's ago my husband and I lived in this apartment with our very young son, who is now 9. Well My bathroom had over flowed and I mean like ankle deep water, I went in to clean it up and it was gone, I mean in like a 5 min. span. No idea what that was but it was dry like it never happened.

    When we lived in another place my son was now 4, I went to bed and my husband was still up, I heard a thump, and I sat up, but never heard it again so laid back down, then I heard something fly across the room and hit my dresser, I freaked out and ran to my husband who ran in the room and seen my hair brush that was sitting on my bed side, on the floor by my dresser which was clear across the room. My husband thought I was pulling his leg, but 2 weeks later he went to bed earlier then me and heard the same thing and this time the hair brush hit him in the face. Freaked him out and he ran into me and told me that we were moving. Since living here we haven't had any problems and been here for almost 6 years.
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    I'm positive I was possessed when I was 14 or thereabouts. Not too much aside from that though.
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    bumping to read later
  • Katrina_vw91
    Katrina_vw91 Posts: 232 Member
    I've seen a ghost with my own eyes in front of me. I was in an old abandoned insane asylum "Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in West Virginia" and we were walking as a tour in one of the civil war wings, and from the corner of my eye I thought I saw something. I did a double take, and it looked like a woman figure standing right in front of me. It had a face and looked like it was wearing a nurse outfit. I turned white and I ran back to the group and explained to them what I saw, and they were jealous that I was the only one that saw something like that during the tour. We also heard doors slamming on their own and it was the scariest place I've ever been in my life.
  • beyondmywildestdreams
    beyondmywildestdreams Posts: 79 Member
  • nyrina4life
    nyrina4life Posts: 196 Member
    I have believed in ghosts for a while.

    Couple events:

    When I lived on base in Camp LeJeune, I was sitting at my computer desk and the shelving unit on the other side of the room fell straight down. Everything that is, except for a candle that managed to fly across the room and hit me in the back. It hurt, and felt like there was a lot of forced behind it. The weird thing was, no one was in the room, no one was in the hall either.

    Another incident happened when my grandma passed away. The coroner was on his way, and we were making arrangements to go up to West Virginia. Well, when I passed her bedroom, I saw her standing there dressed in white, and she was glowing, and beside her was an angel. I stepped back and did a double take, but she was gone. After that, the house and yard smelt like roses for two weeks, and there were none in bloom.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,375 Member
    I've seen a ghost with my own eyes in front of me. I was in an old abandoned insane asylum "Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in West Virginia" and we were walking as a tour in one of the civil war wings, and from the corner of my eye I thought I saw something. I did a double take, and it looked like a woman figure standing right in front of me. It had a face and looked like it was wearing a nurse outfit. I turned white and I ran back to the group and explained to them what I saw, and they were jealous that I was the only one that saw something like that during the tour. We also heard doors slamming on their own and it was the scariest place I've ever been in my life.

    I went to an abandoned hospital in Pt. Pleasant, Wv where they used to castrate black males (that was the story I was told, anyway). It wasn't open for tours, we were trespassing. I was scared out of my wits, and I thought I was going to be sick. I'd never been that afraid to go into a place. Cops came and made us leave before we got very far. My friend who took me said she felt someone put their hand on her shoulder and doors slammed when there was no wind the last time she was there. This is a picture my cousin took at a psych hospital that used to be in Ijamsville, MD in the 1800s. I'm not sure when it closed, or what it is now. She was on a tour of the place. If you look in the mirror, on the left side, there's a dark figure. My cousin said his name is David, and he attached himself to her. He took his own life when he was 14, after his family left him there and never came back.

  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I don't believe in ghosts or anything like that, but what I do know is that I suffer from sleep paralysis. Does anyone else ?Now that is an interesting thing. I often think I see all kinds of things, ghouls, monsters, old ladies, family members.. I think i hear screams, moans and the like.. it's crazy
    My husband has sleep paralysis, or did. He finally fought off a snake in a dream and his haunting/demons have disappeared.
    I've always been able to see and sense "things". There is always one that will stick out though. Right after I had my daughter I was laying in bed and she was in her crib right across from me. I had just woken up and I looked over to watch her sleep. Just as I rolled over I saw a shadow about 5'6" standing right next to her crib. I looked up at it and said, "No, not her. What ever you're going to do to her I'll take it in her place. Take me." It stayed there for about 20 seconds and vanished. Not more than 24 hours later I was in the hospital. They thought I was having mini strokes, but I had developed a severe infection. I still deal with some of the side effects today, but I will never regret saying what I did to that "thing" because I honestly believe if I had not my daughter might not be here today. I love her with everything and I would do it 1000x over for her.
    You are a great mother :heart: Weird things happening in my house right now and I slept with my 8 year old in my bed last night, my leg and arm both draped over her.
    I have something that follows me around. It hides things, messes with people who live with me, interfere with my life.
    So does my husband. I had the strange energy and feelings, he had the demons and ghosts. When our worlds collided, so did the wrath of hell.
    I bumped a long time ago, intending to return to tell my tales. Never did.
    Don't have time to now either. Hoping I remember soon.
    Ours began with playful ghosts, then demons, then a single demon, and now something weird is going on again and it is messing with the kids directly so mama ain't happy in the least.
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    My grandma passed away in 2002. My friend and I were using her Spirit board a few years ago and I believe we connected with my grandma. She told me I would meet an amazing man who will adore me (I had been single for about 2 years). I did meet him about a year later. :heart:

    Another time we were trying to get guidance for my friend, but the board kept spelling out mom. I was going through a time where I was questioning if I would ever be a mother and if I would be good at it. It was grandma again telling me I will be a great mom and I will have kids. I haven't seen the truth in that yet, but I believe I will. Somehow I managed to connect through that board, but my friend never seemed to get truthful responses.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    Yesterday, my husband accused me of moving his fork, he sat next to the microwave. He was heating up his food, and had left to use the restroom, when he came back his fork was on the table in the dirty dishes pile. After talking to me, we came to the conclusion it was a ghost, since all we have is cats. lol
  • tifferz_91
    tifferz_91 Posts: 282 Member
    I'm VERY used to the paranormal side haha. I'm pretty much a human magnet with the paranormal. I've been that way since i was a child. Many would called people like me an 'Indigo'. I deal with the paranormal every. single. day. It's my life.
    I see alot sh-t that the average person can't see with the naked eye.

    ● I get pushed alot.

    ● My items would randomly go missing for days & will end right back where i left it.

    ● I see my deceased family members all the time

    ● I MUST cover my mirror before i go to bed. If i don't i end up seeing the burned ghost girl standing by my window in the reflection if i wake up.

    ● I'm always seeing terrifying "little creatures" by my aunt's friend's house.

    ● I go through Incubus attacks at least 3x a month. I always awake to find neck hickies & bite marks.

    ● My hair gets pulled alot.

    ● I see black entities, ghosts, & "little creatures" in the most random places.

    ● I experience Astral Projection at least 4x a week.

    ● Demons like to breath heavily in my ear telling me things in their language on my very negative days.

    ● I'm always hearing deep growling moans outside my bedroom in the hallway.

    ● I'm always hearing random gut-wrenching screaming at least twice a day from my kitchen.

    ● I see auras all the time.

    ● My doors & closets slam open and shut all the time. It's really annoying.

    ● The ghost children giggle all the time around me alot.

    ● I witnessed my very first Black Eyed children 3 weeks ago. They looked about 7 yrs old, but literally had the eyes of no soul.

    ● The ghost children will jump up & down on my bed when i'm trying to sleep sometimes.

    ● I've witness UFOs the past 4 months & other beings that i can't quite explain.

    ● A few friends & i went hiking some months ago. I saw this tall, brown-ish grey-ish ugly looking thing & instantly stopped walking. My friends caught on & they had the look of horror on their faces. This thing was about 9 feet tall. Had a long shaped head. And it had really really really skinny legs. It was pacing back & forth really fast like it didn't want us to cross into the area at all. It was so real, that we all literally had to shield ourselves with our coats to keep from looking at it as we ran past it. I've never seen anything like it in my life! To this day me & friends have sworn to never go there again.

    I have stories for yeeeeeeaaaars. No these are not myths. I don't do drugs, nor drink.

    These are 100% real, raw, in your face, what you SEE, is what you GET experiences baby!

    No BS.

    So don't give me any sh-t that these are 'sleeping paralysis'.

    I live alone & literally have to live & deal with this every damn day on my own!

    So these over-rated "scary" Hollywood movies doesn't have *kitten* on my daily life!

    Yes, it's scary as hell, but i'm honestly glad that i was blessed with this gift. It's a big @ss old @ss world. You never really know who or what's really watching you.
  • JovanValor
    JovanValor Posts: 2,114 Member

    damn no bs ???? your a bamf! props , paranormal is no joke ???? ,

    ok ok so i want to share a dream i had long ago, this dream was so heavy upon me i woke up to feel like i was been submerged in water, i felt a great pressure on my back as i looked around wondering wtf is this shettt ???? !! during this paralysis i could hear vigorous steps in the hallway , like the sound of a violent taping getting closer and closer. I was freaked but i told myself that i would not be defeated by such a wicked entity, i refuse to be a victim to such a terrible feeling , energy, i believed it in my mind in my heart my soul that fuk this guy! gtfo ???? , yeah it wasn't as easy as it is been written here , but nonetheless its a harsh moment that would scar anyones mind. And like Tiff mentioned, the unknown is no bs , its no mental sickness or scientifically explanation. there are forces out there that many cannot even begin to imagine so they cast them out because they refuse to accept what they do not understand ????

    With that said, the Dream goes as follows!

    The nightmare began with a soft tender whisper by the side of my ear, it was very much like a lovely lullaby beging me to fall into deep sleep without my concent and as i continued to focus on the melody my dream began to take shape. There i was sitting on a motorcycle( Yeah cause i have a motorcycle, i love her!)in the center of a long and empty road, their was not one single person or insect or bird around, it was completely silent and my heart was pounding because of how alone i was. As i looked behind me i started to have flashbacks within the dream itself, i started seen doctors and nurses all around me, i was in some type of a medical room and everything was so blurry i felt like i was actually dying. These doctors and nurses were running around moving their mouths like mad men but i couldnt hear a single word.
    Their it was again like a woodpecker endleslly pecking at a door, that lullaby that soft whisper circling inside my mind was driving me insane! Suddenly everything stopped; the doctor,the nurses, that soft breeze coming through the large window not far from my bed, eveything just froze. Feeling heavy and delicate i turned my head towarss the window where that irritating sound kept calling for me. I asked it to stop, and the sound became louder delicately transitioned into this dead tone much like white noise, it became overwhelming so i had to scream it out, Stop! It was then that i heard her, the sound of a child a timid little girl asking me whispering to me "Help me.." I could swear i skipped a hearbeat as i heard her voice, she literally sent shivers down my spine to a point where my eyes were so wide open i had not even realized i had already woken up.
    There i was laying in my room staring at the cealing, still hearing the echo of that child, it gave me goose bumps just someone spoke to me in my own dream. As i craked my fingers patiently waiting to find some peace i realized that my dream was perhaps my subconscious trying to show me something important.i pondered for about one or two hours and decided that this was an opportunity to find out something about myself that may have have been hidden or blocked by my own mind.i closed my eyes and with my heart pounding violently i trusted that id be ok because afterall, this was just a dream.

    After closing my eyes all i saw was complete darkness, i assumed that if this was meant to be then the dream would find me and all i had to do was be willing to dream. I remember having random fragmented thoughts; my childhood memories were flashing like a collage and everything felt so happy and cheerful, i would smell roses and candy and tear the wrapping of my birthday presents, it was a brief moment of relief inside my thoughts and heart. As i continued to dream of my past i began to hear this creeking, that sound when you walk into an old house and it feels like everything is falling apart. That sound just began to get louder and louder and then it happened; "Help me.." Only this time it was as if the words were crealy coming through the sound of creeking wood. It was a horrific voice, all i knew was that i had to run far into the nothingness of my mind where not even this thing or whatever it was could find me.
    I sat there in the center of an empty abyss, i whimpered in fear like any child would. I heald my batman toy like no tommorow and even asked him if the coast was clear. He may not have responded but i began to feel safe so i opened my eyes and there i was all grow up again holding the brake and accelarator in the center of that empty road. I looked far into the road ahead of me and saw the shape of a young child gesturing her hand to go to her, provoking me to go closer. I wasnt afraid this time, i was filled with rage and all i could think of was finding out why this was happening to me. So i held on tight and drove as fast as i could towards the empty road. As i grew closer to the shape of that child her figure started to disintegrate, she simply fell apart like ashes scattering right before my eyes. She had just vanished and i began to feel alone and with no direction of what i had to do; i looked all around me hoping shed appear again but i was sorrounded by a wasteland, just dirt,rocks,small and more rocks. As i brought my attention back to the road this bright white light consumed everything ahead of me, i felt blinded like when someone shines a powerful beam at your eyes with no warning. Everything became white, all i could hear was the echoing sound of a honk or thunder slowly fading in the distance. I closed my eyes to drown out that intense light, my eyes felt at rest. I began to feel comfortable and safe again, so i slowly opened my eyes feeling that anxiousness to see what comes next; And there she was the shape of a child, covered in ashes. She delicately liftend her arm as her figure slowly fell apart, she opened her hand as if she was asking me to hold her or accompany her. She moved her lips but i could not hear a single word, i asked her " What do you want from me, why am i here? " She smilled as she looked me up and down and spoke to me. Her soft voice gave me relief now that i got to hear her once again " Look at you, You are just like me.." I giggled, what does she mean by that? as i looked to her and smilled i lifted my arm and began to see the shape of a child's arm, Only i was covered in flames. I felt complete fear and panik , my hearted started pounding outside of my chest and i begged her to stop and all she would do is smile as she began to completely desinegrate. The moment she vanished i woke up with sweat and a pounding heart. It was in this moment that my nightmare was a reality a nightmare so real i can recall every detail till this day. Although i hate the experience and memory, i am also grateful because the following days after that immersive dream, i knew my imagination had to be shared with anyone that was willing to know,read and see. I can honestly say theres a whole other world within us and its beging to be known, we just have to be willing to search deep within ourselves.
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 335 Member
    My father passed away about 8yrs ago in Alaska(yes, black people do live there)! Lol!

    We had so many people in and out if our house paying their respects, it was insane. I had brought my digital video camera with me from atlanta and had been taping me and the family throughout my visit home. Unexpectedly the camera came up missing, but I had plugged it into the wall to charge in my moms clearly someone unplugged it , left the charger plugged in and took the camera. We searched high and low for days. I was so upset that someone would steal from us during this time in our lives. I was so upset !

    One night I fell asleep and kept having dreams and visions of dad. It was as clear as day in my dream that dad was showing me where the camera was located.... My old playroom I grew up in As a Child. I kept ignoring his message because I knew I had not been in that room since my entire trip and no one even goes in there! Finally I went to look in that bedroom closet( just for kicks) and low and behold...his old-school 'VHS-tape' video camera was in that closet. I just sat in the cluttered closet and cried my eyes out. I knew he was telling me,"baby, just take MY video camera....u can have mine! Sorry someone took yours." He always loved me soooo...much and would give up his last. After crying my eyes out I laughed because he loved that huge dinosaur-sized camera that u had to lug around in your shoulder in order to tape anything,lol!

    We never found my digital video camera, but had fun using dad's old skool camera.

    Miss u daddy, baby Shannon
  • tifferz_91
    tifferz_91 Posts: 282 Member
    @JovanValor it felt like i was reading a book. Pretty frightening indeed! haha.

    But yes, the paranormal & supernatural is NO joke. And i am obvious proof of that!

    It's a blessing & curse being an Indigo & a human magnet to the paranormal/supernatural.
  • the_summer_belle
    the_summer_belle Posts: 353 Member
    Lived in a house near an abandoned old rail line in the middle of the day in front of my flat mate the clock on the wall flew off the wall at my head and smashed on the wall behind me. It did not fall and the nail it was hanging on was still there secure in the wall. It was as if someone picked it up off the wall and threw it at my head i ducked in time. In that same house again in front of my flat mates the plug for the kettle popped out of the wall and was left swinging, again in the SAME house i was lone this time and cleaned out the attic i smoked at the time and put out my butt i made sure i did it well i have always been paranoid about house fires i came back because there was a weird sound in the hall way and my butt was moved and lit.

    Yea i moved out of that place ASAP!

    Nothing happened again until... yrs and yrs alter in a different house in a different country the kettle turned on my by itself. I just stood there saying ok that happened.

    In that same house in the middle of the night around 2:30am i got up to get water everything seemed fine. In the morning at 6am all the chairs in the house were turned upside down here is the thing those chairs were heavy! i mean it would have made alot of noise to do that and took some help.

    Yea weird stuff happened alot like things going missing turning up in weird places etc.
  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    A great read - bump!
  • awtume9
    awtume9 Posts: 423 Member
    After college I moved back in with my parents for a while. As soon as I moved back in weird things would happen. In my sister's room, she woke up because her dog was pacing around the room in the middle of the night. She looked at her bedside table and her iPod was on, just a blank white screen. The dogs started randomly barking in the middle of the night, in the dead silence. We eventually switched rooms. I would fall asleep with the tv on, and wake up to a fuzzy screen like the cable had gone out. I asked my mom the next morning if her cable had gone out (she stays up like all night) and she said no.

    I heard my mom walking down the hallway in the middle of the night with the dogs walking behind her, and when I asked her about it the next morning she said she never got up. She started experiencing things too, like she would look at her door in her room when it was cracked open and would see a lady with a pixie haircut looking in, and she had someone whisper in her ear when she was wide awake. She yelled at it and it never happened again.

    I would hear scratching at the wall behind my bed in the middle of the night. One morning I walked from the bathroom into the living room (where my mom was) and as soon as I walked into the room a hanging shelf flew off the wall, we both screamed like little girls.

    I moved out a few months ago, and nothing has happened to either of us since then. The dogs don't bark in the middle of the night anymore either. But a month or two ago my mom was going through pictures and found one of me on my high school graduation day and my entire body is covered in a haze. No other pictures from that day have it. I don't know what or who it was but they apparently liked me and followed me around. It scared me sometimes but I got used to it. I am curious as to what or who it was!