Ghosts/spirits/unexplainable happenings??



  • bugaha1
    bugaha1 Posts: 602 Member
    Twenty years ago my mother In-law was watching her granddaughter who was 4 or 5 and she was singing a made up song with lyrics like “let it burn, let it burn let it burn” It turns out her home burnt down a few weeks before and that’s what she heard her father saying.

    Sorry not a ghost story only insurance fraud =)
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
  • BrandNewFabulousMe
    There's one that keeps eating my lunches at the office. Very spooky.

    LMBO I've known of this one too
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,375 Member
    About 3 weeks ago, a really close friend called to tell me her ex-husband was found dead in his house. I didn't have any feelings about it because he wasn't a good person. About a minute after I hung up from talking to her, I heard what sounded like my ex putting his key in the door, and looked over waiting for him to come in. My dogs heard it, too, and both ran to the door. It never opened, and when I looked outside, there was nobody there. My white dog, Dolly, sees things, or used to, before I was given a tiger's eye that was supposed to protect me. She sleeps with me every single night, curled up behind my legs. She wouldn't even come into my room that night. Neither of my dogs would. The next night while I was working out, I noticed that Dolly was watching something in the hallway, and then she whipped her head around and looked behind her. I never heard or saw anything. The following Sunday, the day after the memorial service, I was lying on my bed, and the dogs were in front of me. I felt something sit on my bed by my feet, and thought my son had come into my room, but there was nobody there. Kinda freakin' me out a little.
  • 820Resa
    820Resa Posts: 40 Member
    I very much so believe in the supernatural. I've had a couple limited experiences with it, but not nearly as interesting as other peoples on here! I do however have a very close spiritual connection with certain people in my life. I've always had a little bit of a sixth sense thing but ever since I met my boyfriend it's like my sixth sense has gone on crack when it comes to him. We believe he has certain demons, whether literal or something not quite so literal, that have been with him since he was very young and have come out to play with me a few times. I've seen him do some crazy *kitten* stuff when they come out to play. The weirdest thing is that I can literally feel when anything is not right with him. If he has a bad day, I know it before he tells me. If he is in danger (and this has happened three times now) I can feel it and I've saved him twice, third time I wasn't home and thankfully the situation didn't require intervention. I can also feel if I take certain actions or make certain choices they won't bode well for him and I always immediately change course. It's an interesting thing, scares me a bit, but I'm grateful for it because if it wasn't there he may not be here either.
  • tifferz_91
    tifferz_91 Posts: 282 Member
    I'll be posting some of my personal experiences throughout this thread. So if you don't believe any of it, simply ignore it. Thankyou.

    My first black eyed children encounter:

    I went to visit a close friend about 3 weeks ago. It was around night time when i got ready to leave.

    Anyway, when i was approaching my car i saw 4 children standing across the street about 15 ft away.

    They all looked about 7 yrs old. They were staring directly at me. No talking. No moving. Just staring.

    I started to get that negative feeling in my stomach (i get them whenever there's a negative energy or spirit around).

    I fumbled to unlock my door. I look back up a good second later & they were already about 4 feet away me!

    In my head, i yelled at them to keep their kind away from me.

    Then the growls starting to happen.

    One finally said "We don't want to hurt you. We just want a ride home. Would you give us a ride home?"

    It sounded like a child's voice but very mono-tone.

    I started saying the Lord's Prayer in my head while still struggling to unlock the door.

    The more i kept going, the angrier they got & the darker their eyes got. 100% pitch black. Sh-t got TOO real!

    They started huffing furiously & slowly getting closer. That's when the growling began to happen.

    And at this point i FINALLY got the car unlocked & jumped into that MFer & locked the doors!

    They started beating on the doors like crazy animals as i was trying to start the car.

    Their voice instantly got deep & demonic!

    Their eyes got darker, their skin literally turned white, their teeth got sharper. They didn't look like children anymore.

    The veins in their faces got bigger & redder & looked like they were going to instantly explode.

    When i finally sped off, i heard the most gut-wrenching growling that turned into this terrible screaming in demonic language.

    I didn't even look back to see if they were still there. I was gone! haha.

    I have not told my friend & don't plan on telling her either.

    I've researched about them after my experience & they say you should NEVER let a Black Eyed child/children in. No matter how much they beg. Who the f--- would anyway?! For some reason, i have a strong feeling they'll be back. They say they that always do. If so, hopefully i'll be prepared this time haha.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    I often think some paranormal experiences have rational explanations and overactive imagination can play a role in many of them.

    But not all of them..........

    Where I used to live, in a college town, there was an old dorm that is well documented as being haunted. For a while it was closed down for renovations. The legend was that a female killed herself when she found out her fiance had died. It may have just been urban legend... but at the same time it reportedly happened when things like suicide were just not talked about. If something did happen it was likely hushed.

    Often the running theme was that it was a "ghost bride".

    My friend and co-worker who was a photographer was commissioned to do a photo shoot for a well known travel magazine. He had hired a model to pose as a bride in a vintage gown in the dorm's attic.

    I asked to tag along because I had never been in the dorm's "famous" attic. It had always been sealed off as long as the dorm had recently been in operation. Some legends said the girl had hung herself from the rafters. Since this was a renovation period, I wanted to take advantage of this interesting opportunity to explore the building.

    So he photographed our ghostly girl bride throughout the building. I had the chance to tell people I had been in the attic. At the time we were excited about how this photoshoot was going to turn out, and this was before digital cameras were good enough to make publisher quality print photos, so the film was standard analog, and different kinds of film, plus different cameras.

    He joked about how terrible it would be if anything happened and the film didn't turn out. I said "don't even say that!" He said "don't worry, that hasn't happened to me in ages, only once as a student!"

    The next day he proceeded to tell me that none of the rolls of film turned out, except for a couple that had odd ghostly "mist" throughout the film and some odd lines slashing across here and there. I thought he was joking at first, but sure enough saw it for myself. It was one of the weirdest things I have ever seen.

    My friend was not a believer in the hauntings until then. Different kinds of film, different cameras, none really turning out, save for a few strange photos too misty to really use. He never had problems before as a pro, or since. We tried to find explanations -- contacted Poloroid at the time, they had no explanation. The magazine backed out of the commission because they found it too creepy.

    There was no power or electricity in the entire building. Renovations had not started yet, the whole place was in shutdown mode at the time. No water, appliances, nothing.

    I like to keep an open mind about these things, I will always wonder and always have a great story in any case. Sometimes I suspect that if it was a spirit, it just wanted to be known. Or else she or it took offense to the staged model and felt it was being mocked.
  • Rado_SVK
    Rado_SVK Posts: 442 Member
    Here is my real story:
    I'm originally from Slovakia and shortly after I have finished my Secondary School,the compulsory national military service was about to be ceased and the army become professional only.Unfortunately I was caught in the last recruiting and had to go.I really hated it,I think it was wrong to force someone to do something they didnt want at all,Dont need to mention the often happening bullying of the newbies,and the depression coming with such experience.So it wasnt really a place for weaker natures..Anyway I got to one of the biggest boot camps in the hills as my first stop and S**t was getting real there..Made some friends and met some guys,there was this guy in our group upon arrival,he really seemed like he doesnt belong there.Anyway group was split into smaller groups and we were then relocated into all sort areas within the camp.I havent met the guy after but I know my second stop was a camp near the village where he was coming from.that was around 500 miles away from the previous boot day we were selected and given orders to get ready that we are going to attend a military our shock there we were acknowledged that this guy I was talking about asked for a short leave to home and days later he was found hung at I was carrying his coffin and him to his resting place..never forget the grief and pain I saw in the eyes of his closest - parents and his little sister.I felt terribly sorry for them..after few months I was transferred to another camp,this time close to my home..One thing I never understood how can they in army recruit ppl and without any examination for the person to be capable,they are given rifles with sharp ammunition.while if you are civil citizen in my country,to legally own a gun first you need to pass several tests including a psycho test..anyway we got in the camp and first news we heard was that there was a newbie that on his first patrol shift on an old ammunition and machinery object ,just a day before we got there,put the barrel of his rifle in his mouth and blew his brains out...
    couple of days later I was send on my first patrol shift and guess where..
    So we got there on a truck late afternoon and I didnt have a good feeling from the place at was winter,and the place was cold,gritty,unwelcoming and depressive..on my first watch shortly before the down I was patrolling my side of the object.places like that were for security reasons split into two walk paths with 2 guards at a time which never met on either side to avoid shooting each basically you were left that for weak natures?? I was doing my round and I had to check back on the phone from several check points...and then it came..the moment when I came first time to the post where there was a big patch of sand smothered in the snow and I knew it was used to cover the blood...I knew it was the spot where it happened..I came up the patch and I just couldnt help it and had a close look.I swear I saw bone fragments in the sand and a voice in my head was telling me "get the f**k out of here" It was one of the darkest moments in my life...I was scared..because I knew my next round is after down...I got back to the barrack and I was allowed 2 hours of I was trying not to think too much and sleep I feel someone tapping my shoulder and saying wake up man its your turn..opened my eyes,trying to put myself together,I looked out of the window..It was pitch black,windy and freezing cold...I shortly after dressed up in my gear,was given my rifle and ammunition and after short briefing send out with the second of the rules were you were not allowed to use a flashlight,so basically for 2 hours you were walking in a pitch black,around a military object in the forest ..alone...the wind was whistling and snow cracking under my feet with every step and I was scared out of my mind.I heard crazy echoes of wild animals making movement close and around the fence,sometimes they run into it,could be a dear or boar but it made you pissing in your pants big time.I was hearing all kind of S**T from the woods but thats nothing compared what I had to experience when I first got to the post where the guy shot himslef...guys Im not even joking now but as soon as I have reached the post,right opposite somewhere deep in the woods a mind blowing echo of a rusty gate moving slowly with the wind was starting to sound...every f*****g time I was passing by the post..and I could only hear it from there only!! you cant imagine the effect it had on my imagination and I was freaked out and couldnt wait to get out of there..when I got back in the barrack I was asking everybody about the strange noise from the woods but no one heard next round was after dusk and I never heard the sound again..I never got back to the place after our patrolling shift was over and I will never forget this experience..
  • tifferz_91
    tifferz_91 Posts: 282 Member
    I'll be posting more of my personal experiences throughout this thread. So if you don't believe any of it, simply ignore them.

    Since i've already explained in one of my earlier posts on here that i'm a magnet to the paranormal & used to it, something happened yesterday that was quite different from what i usually experience.

    Well, yesterday i was watching t.v. & decided to go check to see if i had any mail.

    I live in an apartment btw. So i got my mailbox key & went to check the mail.

    I unlocked my mail box & found an envelope with my name written in cursive.

    No address. No post stamp. Just my name in cursive. I found that odd.

    So i took it out & took a peek inside to find that it was pictures & a key.

    I go through the photos & noticed that it was pics of me and my grandmother from when i was a little girl!

    The pics had my name & the dates they were takened on the back.

    That wasn't what shocked me though.

    My grandmother had these pics locked away in her chest box. And everytime i would visither, we would always end up going to her chest box to look at family photos & whatnot.

    But it gets grandma has been dead for 3 years so far. My grandpa died 6 years before her.

    Mind you, i'm in Cali. My grandparents lived in Vermont.

    Her chest box is still in their attic & only she knew where she hid the key to it.

    Me & my family have been searching for this key every since she's been gone.

    I just broke down crying, cause it just lets me know that she's still around in spirit watching me.

    I still see her spirit all the time. But i'm even happier that she put her trust in me to keep the key.

    My family doesn't know that i have the key now.

    I haven't told them & don't plan on telling least for some years :laugh: .

    I know it sounds selfish, but i just want to cherish this special secret bond with my grandmother for as long as i can :smile:
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    I went to college in Gettysburg, PA, which is supposed to be one of the most haunted towns and campuses in the country. (The college was around at the time of the battle, though much smaller, and its buildings were used as hospitals).

    I lived there for four years and visit twice a year since. I've only had two experiences but here they are:

    When I was a student, I was out with some of my sorority sisters hanging fliers for an event we were having. One of my sorority sisters was really afraid of ghosts and didn't want to be out after dark so she was complaining about it. I thought it was ridiculous that someone would go to a school that is so well known for paranormal activity if they are afraid of ghosts and said of the building we were standing in front of "Even this building is haunted". The building had a railing that ran up the middle of the marble steps and it started to shake violently. No one else seemed to notice and I felt like maybe it was something just for me to see. Although it wasn't windy, I reached out afterward to see if it was loose, but it wasn't.

    My second experience there was just a few years ago. I went out with my husband and brother and we shared a room in a hotel we'd never been to before. In the middle of night, I woke up in a panic from a completely sound sleep. I sat up and looked down at the foot of my brother's bed and saw someone sitting there. He looked like my brother so I asked what he was doing up. My brother answered me - from where he was laying in the bed. The person disappeared. The next morning I looked at all of the furniture to make sure that it wasn't making the shape of a person but there was nothing there that would have. I didn't think too much of it at the time because we were not in town, a little bit outside of town, and far from the battlefield. But a few months later, my brother got a book about ghosts in Gettysburg and there was a chapter about that same hotel. There was a hospital on that site as well and people had reported seeing ghosts in the hotel!
  • da1syJane
    da1syJane Posts: 16 Member
  • tifferz_91
    tifferz_91 Posts: 282 Member
    If you don't believe anything i put in this thread, simply ignore it or skip over it.

    The "little creatures"

    Well the very first time i saw this "little creature" was when i was about 5 or 6.

    They're about 3-4 feet tall. Have very dark blotchy green-ish brown wrinkly skin that kinda sags.

    No hair, no fur. Completely hairless.

    They have yellow orange-ish eyes. Sometimes it's completely pitch black or completely white.

    They look like a mix of half swamp creature, half skull, half troll-ish looking with sharp teeth.

    You can literally see their rib cage & bony spines.

    They have very very very skinny arms & legs. Their arms are so long that it drags the ground.

    They waddle with a fast pace.

    When i was a child, this particular one would come out of my sister's bed room closet & would peep in & out in my doorway and would always give me the most evil grin i've ever seen.

    I was very scared & terrified when i would always see it, but eventually got use to it being around me all the time.

    It actually had a name, but i forgot what it called itself.

    It wanted to be my friend & would always tell me to do evil things to harm my family & friends at the time.

    My parents & siblings would always ask who i was talking to & have caught me many times doing dangerous things.

    First it was little stuff like smashing dishes or pricking my parents feet with a needle while they were napping or sleep.

    But then it wanted me to do more evil & violent things, that i personally don't feel like sharing on here.

    Sometimes when i didn't want to do what it was telling me, it would push me down really hard or scratch me.

    A few years later, it stopped showing around & i eventually grew older & moved on from it.

    Now i see them more often again. But not around me.

    I'm beginning to see alot of them hanging around alot of random places. Especially at my aunt's friend's house. I don't think my aunt's friend can see them though =/

    Everytime i drive pass her house, i see them either peeping in her windows or coming in & out of her bushes.

    I'm too afraid to tell her. I don't want to freak her out. Then again, she'll probably think i'm crazy or on drugs :laugh: .
  • AbbyCar
    AbbyCar Posts: 198 Member
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    There will be noises from any old building due to settling, etc., but there are no such things as ghosts, hauntings, or spirits. ... that's just superstition.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    bump to read
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Yay, resurrected ghost thread! Um, zombie thread...erm, whatever! don't care! yay ghost stories!!!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    There will be noises from any old building due to settling, etc., but there are no such things as ghosts, hauntings, or spirits. ... that's just superstition.

    Says someone who's never seen one. Many of us have.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,375 Member
    There will be noises from any old building due to settling, etc., but there are no such things as ghosts, hauntings, or spirits. ... that's just superstition.

    Says someone who's never seen one. Many of us have.

  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    I don't understand the argument, or point of arguing. Spirits only visit those who believe, and never, ever pester or present themselves to people that don't believe in them. Hm.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    unexplainable happenings?...dear sandwich thief.... :angry: