Ghosts/spirits/unexplainable happenings??



  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    When I was younger, prolly around 6-8 years old-been so long I forgot how old I was but I never forgot my experience- I lived in upstate New York in a city called Baldwinsville. We lived in this very old house-the house was sort of a colonial type and was huge! It was actually an old house that had been turned into a Brownstone with four different full apartments in it. It had a huge full cellar ... a dark cellar to a small kid is scary enough as it is-there were rooms in that cellar that I was to scared to go into. Anyway, the house itself was scary. I had always been terrified of that house. Almost every night-pretty much every night- I had nightmares, saw things outta the corner of my eye even thought I heard voices every now and then. Needless to say, I hated that house. My brother and I shared a room and my bed faced the doorway. One night, i woke up cause I felt someone pulling on my pillow and I rolled over to see if it was my brother messing with me...nope, my brother was still sound asleep in his bed. I thought it was just a dream or something so I rolled back over and went to sleep-I felt it again a few minutes later and again, I quickly rolled over and sure enough, my brother was still in bed. I called out to him and he mumbled something to me that I couldnt understand. I spent the rest of that night, in the center of my bed looking straight at the ceiling. Nothing happened the rest of the night. Oh, and Im not done yet, lol. Sometime after that night, I was sleep in my bed when I woke up, I looked up and out the doorway of my room and I saw what looked like an old man-glowing white- just pacing back and forth in front of the door way. naturally, I threw my blankets over my head, lol. I peaked out and looked straight at the door again and he was gone but I turned my head a lil and out of the corner of my eye, I saw him again. Still just pacing in front of the door, pausing a few times in the middle. I never could see him looking straight at him, just out of the corner of my eye. Then all of the sudden, he just stopped and looked at me. At that point, I was scared sh!tless I screamed as a child would and as soon as he continued his way passed my doorway, I ran down the hall heading towards my mom's room but before I got there, I turned back to see if he was chasing me...he wasnt but he was still pacing in front of my doorway so I screamed the loudest I could and of course my mom, woke up and when she did, she turned on the light and poof, the ghost was gone. I never saw him again while we lived there...prolly a year or so later we ended up moving to Texas and from the first night in Texas on, I never once had a nightmare or saw anything or heard anything again. That damn house, i know was haunted...I may sound crazy and you can say it was all a lil child's imagination but I know what I saw that night-it WAS a ghost.
  • Jenni129
    Jenni129 Posts: 692 Member
    I heard a woman say my first name, clear as a bell, but no one was near me. I remember looking around for whoever said it, but it didn't freak me out either.

    When i was a teen and into my early 20s, I could feel a spirit was riding in the back seat of my car, almost like a protector. I always thought it was probably one of my friends who died in a car accident.

    One night I was laying in bed, my master bathroom adjacent, only two steps from where I was trying to fall asleep. I heard someone laughing in that bathroom. I jumped out of bed, scared for my life! Ever since then, I have to close the door. I was freaked out for weeks. I live in a new house too.

    I have had Ouija board experiences with my friends, too. I tell everyone to stay away from them. I feel they are evil.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    I love this thread!! I have had ghosts hanging around since I was in a crib - No joke - I have had many experiences with them and will share them once I figure out which ones are the best to put on here.

    I love reading these stories from others though b/c it makes me feel like I am not alone with this and since I believe in it, I can defiinitely picture what you all are describing. :noway:
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    I love this thread!! I have had ghosts hanging around since I was in a crib - No joke - I have had many experiences with them and will share them once I figure out which ones are the best to put on here.

    I love reading these stories from others though b/c it makes me feel like I am not alone with this and since I believe in it, I can defiinitely picture what you all are describing. :noway:

    your definitely not alone.......

    well that sounded a lil creepy. I meant your not alone in having these experiences.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    First of all, I'm not the kind of person who really believes in ghosts unless I see one. Even though I have experienced 'them' several times, I'm still skeptical of others' stories and have always justified 'thing's that have happened in my home, just so I feel better and not so scared, I supose. We have 'them' in our home. The house was only 7 years old when we bought it and I knew the people who lived here, so no one has ever died in it, nor has anything tragic happened here, so I'm clueless as to why they chose our home.
    When we first moved in, every single night, for 2 years, at 10:15pm, we could hear a banging noise, like someone pounding a fist on a wooden table. Bam! Bam! Bam! No, it wasn't 'that' kind of banging. lol If I opened the bedroom window, it would stop immediately but start up again 10 minutes later. We know it wasn't plumbing or anything else so, to this day we are still clueless as to where it came from. That noise stopped after 2 years and hasn't happened since but our daughter who is 30 now, remembers the noise and that we told her it was 'woodpeckers' on the side of the house so she wouldn't be scared. Then nothing happened for years until our dog and cat both started acting strange. The dog would stop and bark at the wall and the cat would stare at the ceiling. My daughter came home to visit, and in one area of our home, her dog would put his tail between his legs and refuse to walk past it. He was terrified! That has happened many, many times since. Although, it has not happened in about a year now. Then weird stuff would happen like the doorbell would ring and no one was there. A gate that we keep padlocked would be open and there would be no footprints in the snow. You could hear something 'fall' in a room down the hallway, walk down there and nothing had fallen. Once in a while I could smell something like a men's cologne at the end of the hallway but no one in my home uses perfumes or cologne because of our allergies. I've heard noises all over the house, including the basement. Usually it's something like a door shutting but one really strange one was when I thought my husband was up and awake because I heard him walk down the hall, pick up the phone and heard someone dial numbers as though the phone was on speaker phone. I thought, why is he calling someone right after waking up? I walked into the kitchen and he wasn't there, then I walked down the hall and he was still in bed, with his 'loud' fan running and was sound asleep. The phone wasn't even IN the kitchen! It had been right beside me where I was watching tv. That has happened several times but only the phone deal once. I can handle the little pranks, smells, etc. but this past year my son came home for Christmas (he was in the marines then) and as soon as he left, the 'ghosts' were pissed or something. I was home alone, sitting in my sunroom, which is adjacent to our kitchen, heard a noise, got up and walked to the kitchen and literally saw a wine glass fly off the rack, hit the floor and shatter! That is the same area that my daughter's dog is afraid of. After that, I was terrified, but then it got worse! That same day I went back to the sunroom to watch tv and I heard a noise in the garage.. a LOUD noise and I knew that it wasn't time for my husband to be home from work yet so I got up to look out there. 2 huge Humvee tires that we had stored up against the front wall of the garage had been 'tossed' into the front of my car, breaking the license plate frame. Luckily nothing else was broken. After those two incidents, I was convinced that this 'thing' in our home was evil and I was terrified! I started doing research online because I didn't know what to do. A lot of articles mentioned burning sage and all kinds of 'crap' to get them to go away. I am Roman Catholic so I went to Holy Hill in Wisconsin (a huge, beautiful old Catholic church) and I purchased a St. Michaels pendant to protect me. I hung it on my car mirror and left it there. I was still scared but 'things' were still going on, not violent anymore, but I was still scared. I got online again and contacted the Discovery Channel out of hope that they could find someone to help me get rid of the 'ghosts'. They sent me an email stating that they wanted to tell my story but that they had no 'shows' to put it in yet and would I be interested for a future show. After thinking about it for several days, I decided not to because I'm afraid that if people found out about the house, I'd never be able to sell it if I got too scared to stay. We still have 'visitors' but I'm not as scared as I used to be, I know there is more out there than we try to rationally think of and in some cases, I do believe it should be feared. Well, as long as it's not **** flying around my house and breaking things, I'm OK with it, I guess.
  • knwitall
    knwitall Posts: 420 Member
    Bump to read later
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    I believe in ghost and demons. I have way to may experiences to write them here. But I can tell you this, I was out last month couldnt sleep or eat- wasnt going to the gym- i know this sounds crazy but I was dealing with a real life posession. Its not just a movie, this is some real stuff. I never want to see it again. So Help Me God.
  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Oh man... How long you got?? I've had a lot of happenings, but I'll pick the craziest story and you all can message me if you want the rest!

    We live in this house that's been around since the 40's, from the time we moved in until 2 years ago, one bedroom creeped me out, majorly. One night, my husband went to the dirt track races and left me home with my then 3 year old. I put her to bed, but she came in to the living room about 20 minutes later and told me she couldn't sleep, I asked her why, and she told me it was because of the boy in her room. I asked her what she was talking about, and she dragged me into her room to show me this boy. I couldn't see him, but she said he was standing right in front of me, but he usually sat in the chair. We discussed this for a while... I finally just asked her what he looked like, and she says "Oh, like my Uncle Micheal." (Micheal is my brother). It dawned on me then, that it was MY Uncle Mike (brother's namesake, who died when I was 3), coming to play with her. I've no longer been creeped out by that room, but it certainly gave me a scare at the time!
  • Daisy_Cutter_
    Daisy_Cutter_ Posts: 386 Member
    So when my ex gf dumped me, she asked if I'd be ok... I replied by asking her if she were to die before me, would she be willing to come back and give me ghost sex... she agreed!!

    So I have that going for me.

    LMAO.... so you really think you'll take her up on this?
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    No such thing as far as I am concerned...

    The so called unexplainable are only things that our science cannot understand at this time...

    Besides, we have emotions -- which are clearly biological in nature...

    When we die we just die...
  • DarwinChick95
    DarwinChick95 Posts: 144 Member
  • jessicae1aine
    My dad grew up in a haunted house, and my neice can't go to graveyards because the ghosts like to talk to her. When she was about 5 or 6 she was with my mom visiting a friend whose husband had died about 6 months before. My mom went looking for Becca and found her in the study talking to "herself" my mom asked her who she was talking to and she said the man. But there was no man. Turns out it was the husbands office before he died.

    My niece was really young when my mom died, and for years she'd be found having conversations "with herself" and would know things there was no way for her to know. She'd tell you she was talking to her Grandma. The day before my mom died, when she went into the hospital, my niece kept telling my sister they were going to see Grandma - my sister told her yes, they were (meaning her husband's mother) and my niece argued with her until she got the call and was understandably spooked as they packed up and drove the 80-some miles to see my mom.
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    interestingly enough, any other night I wouldn't have looked twice at this thread. but tonight, here I am sitting on my couch watching tv. and a receipt, a single receipt, starts moving on my coffee table. there were other papers and things on the table, but only that moved. no open doors or windows, nothing. just this receipt, slowly creeping along my coffee table. -.-

    don't you think you should check what was on it?
  • deborah0123
    I belong to a paranormal investigation hearing about all your hauntings...I have had some very interesting investigations...We are Paranormal Ohio Research some unusual things going on...Just let us know..I would love to hear about them even if we dont get to investigate...reading of the paranormal is interesting...happy ghost haunting to all
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    A little more than a year after my grandpa had passed, I was back at their place for a visit. My grandpa was a carpenter and had a workshop in the garage. I went out just to sit in his old stool. Smell the smells, close my eyes and remember him in that context. After awhile I decided to go back inside and as I opened the door I said aloud, "I love you grandpa. Miss you". In that moment I heard him say "Hi sweetheart". The hair on my neck stood up and I swung around to see him but of course, nothing there. I'd love to have that happen again but it never has. That was almost 8 years ago.
    thats insane! love that story.
    my aunt took her own life when i was 19, she was like a mom to me, and always used to say how i should have been hers. she always wanted a girl. we had so much in common and even looked alike. in 2009 i had my daughter. the first night i spent at home i had this dream that i was doing my makeup in the mirror, when i put on my mascara i heard someone say "im so jealous of ur eyelashes, what kind of mascara do u use?" -i swear my aunt would say that to me once every 3 months, lol. i turned around and there she was standing in my living room. i ran to her jumped over the coffee table, slid across the floor and right into her arms. we just stood there squeezing eachother like we'd never let go. when i woke up i cried, because i miss her and because i was happy too... i knew she was talking to me, sending me a msg, or just a hello to say congrats on ur baby girl :heart:
  • xnikkixsikkix
    First off, I love this thread! I love reading other people's experiences!

    When I was a kid I had tons of paranormal experiences, most of which I didn't realize until later. From time to time I still hear little whispers or feel little touches.

    My three most memorable experiences:

    I was with my parents, my brother, and our two friends on our way to drop our friends at home. We live in CT, not far from the infamous white lady cemetery (I had no idea about this until I saw an article years later, I nearly wet my pants), and we took the back roads to pick up a pizza before heading to their house. We were passing by, and I saw a woman in a white dress walking through the rows of gravestones. It was nearly dark, so I thought it was weird, and I was like "Hey, look at that woman.", and when we looked again there was nobody there.

    My best friend in elementary school moved into an older house whose previous owner had been an elderly woman who died on the property. We always joked about the ghost all the time. One day I was over her house, and she left the room to get popcorn and drinks. It was summer, and there was no air conditioning in the house, so we had windows open, propped with textbooks. At the same time the books holding both windows (on opposite ends of the room) flew out and the windows and bedroom door slammed shut. I started screaming, my friend came running, and it took like 5 minutes before we got the door open. That was super scary.
    Another time we were having a sleepover, and I woke up in the middle of the night to heavy sleeping breathing. I thought it was my friend, but she wasn't in the bed with me, and then I assumed it was her dog after I saw the dark shadow on the floor beside the bed. I poked it, and it was nothing. My friend and her sister had both gone downstairs to sleep with their mom because of nightmares. The breathing sound continued until I called for my friend. Super creepy.
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    I never believed until about 10 years ago.. we lived in an old victorian house that had been made into a duplex.. first when we moved in I was in the basement mopping just with dishsoap (kids have allerrgies) and the floor started smoking in one area...I didnt think to much about it... but then we started hearing foorstepsteps the foyer... it had this huge grand stairway to it and you could hear sounded like heels or boots going up and down... my cat would go crazy.. I thought oh its an old house just odd noises... I started dating this guy who truly believed in it and he started staying over and well lets say the house came to life... my daughter started talking to a *friend and her grandma*... I thought imaginary friend shes 5 ok.. thats fine... my boyfrind at the time told me he felt things.. some good some bad... he went to the basement to get clothes out and bring them up and all of a sudden he ran up the steps his face white his forehead sweaty and said did you hear that>?? I said wwhat?? he said someone told hm to GET OUT ....
    again I dismissed it ...I thought you are crazy... well my daughter started talking more and more to herself and she kept telling me stories that the little girl would tell her not to go to the basement... and that her and her grandma had to hide.. at this point I was getting worried... I started looking for other places to live... then things started to get ugly we would hear clawing noises going up the other steps.. scratching on the walls... this is what got me though... my daughter was coming down the steps and she tripped head first... I was at the bottom of the steps and no way I could get to her.. well as she started to topple over she sprang up and back landing on her bottom.. I was in shock.. I thought Im going insame what the helll........ I ran to her and I said katie what just happened???? she said mommy my friend saved me... then she said her neck hurt .. I pulled back her top and she had scratches on her back at her collar..... we left that house and was done... but I think her friend has stayed with us.. till this day we have seen things but nothing bad..... it has truly opened my eyes... and I am a believer......

    I did some research and there was a family in the early 1900's that the little girl and her grandma and baby brother went missing... no one ever found them.. the mother said she woke up up and they were gone... so hmmmmmm
  • TeenaMarina
    TeenaMarina Posts: 419 Member
  • SashThompson
    SashThompson Posts: 130 Member
    I was very close to my grandma when I was young, youngest of 3 girls so I always got left out. I was 11 when she passed away and about a month after she passed I was lying in my bed upset because my grandma was always there to give me cuddles and play games with me when I got left out and now I felt as if I had no one, I happened to say out loud that I was mad at her for leaving me on my own and at that moment I felt someone sit on the end of my bed and when I looked down I saw the crease of the blankets as if there was something heavy on top of them. I got so scared at the time but now I know it was just her way of being there for me and telling me that she never left me. To this day it still brings tears to my eyes to tell that story.
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    I wish I had a personal experience to relate, but I don't but I will relate a story I was involved in.

    At a trip to Gettysburg with my ex wife, we were driving through the park at night listening to a CD with a self guided ghost tour. After several stops at different locations like the Devils Den and the Wheatfield to stop and listen to the stories we made our way around towards the large Pennsylvania monument. As we stopped and listened to the story, she was looking to our right out the passenger side of the car into the field to out right. I was looking forward. She saw something in the woods (which she later described as flashes of light, which would flash from one side of the field, then flash again from the other side of the field.) she leaned over, ejected the CD, declared "Ghost tour OVER" and demanded that we leave immediately and go back to the hotel.

    She later described to me the flashes of light she saw as purple and orange lights (obviously not lightning bugs) that seemed to alternate from one side of the other, as if two phantom armies were trading volleys. This phenomenon of "muzzle flashes" is very common at Gettysburg, and possibly other Civil War battlefields. Since my eyes were forward into the headlights, even when I looked to the side, I could not see whatever it was she saw, but it obviously spooked her very badly, and we watched ghost shows. read ghost books etc, all the time and had never seen her spooked like that before.

    We also got a lot of photo's in that trip, and a lot of them contain the common bugs or dust particles that so commonly get labeled as orbs and so we knew those were nothing, but there were a few pictures that were a little harder to explain away.

    I do believe, but I've not had any personal experience, besides that one that I "experienced" but did not see.