SAHM --1/4/2010-1/10/2010

2010! 2010!!
Welcome all stay at home moms looking for a group of supportive, encouraging, and understanding fellow travelers. We are an open informal group, so join in anytime!
We don't have official weigh in's or challenges. But we do often share our goals and help each other reach for the brass ring! We also discuss other random topics like parenting and cooking and how to find ways to exercise indoors.

So we hope you'll join us and make 2010 your BEST YEAR YET! :flowerforyou:


  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    amy--following up on your last post--YAY you! and how sweet for your doggie. smooch!

    kids will be back at school today! yay, i can get a routine again. they'll be in session for 5 weeks then track break for 2 weeks. so for these 5 weeks, i absolutely have to focus on my health and reaching goals.
    --exercise regimen!
    --get in those fruits and veges!
    --avoid the crap. avoid the crap. avoid the crap.

    --love up my kids and dh. we have it good (overall) and must celebrate that! happy monday, ladies! looking forward to hearing about your lives. :heart:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    If anyone needs dinner ideas, we're having Taco Salad tonight. I'm finishing off my leftover veggie chili in it, along with calidad tortilla chips, finishing off my swiss cheese from Christmas, lettuce, fresh tomatoes, and browned ground turkey with taco seasoning.
    518 calories, 838 sodium for a mountain high plate of food. Can't wait!

    Already have 30 oz water down the hatch. Let's go, Ladies!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning ladies! Here's to a great start to the new year! :drinker: :drinker: (that's water in those cups!)

    To help keep myself accountable, I'm posting my daily goals again. It worked before. This time, I'm posting them on another group I belong to and telling dh.

    Today's goals:

    Walk 1 mile
    Drink 64 oz water
    Eat no more than 1000 cals over my daily allotted amount. (I've been eating 1200-1500 over for the past few weeks . . . maybe longer)

    The kids are back in school today here too. Enjoying being able to get back on a normal routine. Not enjoying having to get up so early.

    Stacey - Thanks! It's rare that a Great Pyrenees gets to 13. And it was almost a year ago that we thought we were going to have to put her down. Luckily, she bounced back, but she's starting to have more problems. Horrible arthritis in her rear hips. The right one tends to go out on her more often now. She doesn't appear to be in pain, but we don't want her to get to the point of being in constant pain either.

    Trish - Taco salads sound good! I have the ingredients to make meatless tacos this week. I'm trying to decide whether to do that or vegetarian Italian sausage & pasta. It partly depends on dh's schedule. If he has to be at his company's dinner mtg tonight, I may cook up the frozen cheese pizza we have in the freezer for the kids and me. They'll get most of the pizza anyway.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    GM everyone! I hope to be a regular now that the crazy schedule has settled! AAAAAAHHHHHH.....:tongue:

    My weight has been fluctuating like crazy! Does anyone know if turkey breast really has as much sodium as what the food list says? if I eat 4 ounces, it says something crazy like 1237mg of sodium.....WOAH! How can that be?:noway: :noway: Is that why my weight is fluctuating so bad? I really haven't been going crazy with the food....
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    nicolee--deli turkey meat?? homemade? with skin?

    i try to put in the actual brand--like sara lee or boar's head
    sara lee has a reduced sodium one, btw, and it's pretty ok.

    altogether tho, over the counter processed meats are typically crazy high in sodium. read labels carefully.

    glad to have you back chatting.
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    Hi all, long time since i've dropped in. I was looking forward to my ds going back to school today but he decided to switch it up a bit and get sick around 5am. Then my dd decided to do the same about 20min later, 2 sick babies throwing up all over me and my bed LOL why can't this stuff happen when my dh is home? I finally have a remission from puke so I'm taking some mommy time while they watch a movie.
    I dropped a pound over christmas and I couldn't be happier. I want to get to my mini goal and lose 4# by Jan 23. I've been pretty slow going but I think I can step it up a bit for the next few weeks without feeling to pressured. I was thinking about the day I started (aug 1,09) and even though I have weeks I don't lose weight I make up for it other weeks. Essentially I've lost an average of 1# a week since august 1 !!! I started at 185 and now i'm 164 so putting it that way I feel like i've accomplished something! Day by day it doesn't really feel like it but over christmas my grandparents had noticed and it had been 2 months since the last time we saw them.
    This year one of my resolutions is to have 2 meatless meals a week (you should have seen the look on my dh face when I said vegetarian ROFL) i'll stick with "meatless" HAHA I need to do some more looking up of recipes but I figured I would ask anyone on here if they have any favorites? I was thinking bean taco's, tofu speghetti for this week but i want to get a jump start on next.

    -Nicolee- I'm sorry I can't help you with how accurate that might be just hang in there and drink some more water it will even out i the end. I've been eating turkey soup but I know that has a ton of sodium because of the broth we put in there. I gained 4# and didn't over induldge at all. I drank a ton of water and in 4-5 days it all came back off. Good luck!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    I cooked an actual Turkey for New Year's Day....I guess I will have to try to figure out the info...if I can remember the companies name.

    Way to go Shera on the weight loss! It always feels good when someone notices, especially family! I alwyas make my chili veggie style, as I do my spaghetti, for protein I use beans!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Oh, Shera! Two words for meatless recipe idea: VEGGIE CHILI! Completely filling, healthy, and insanely delicious. It has plenty of protein and fiber. PM me if you want the recipe.

    You can also spring for Morningstar products & surprise DH with cheeseburgers (don't tell him they're meatless, cuz y'really can't tell anyway). Throw some baked beans on there & you've got a really good, high protein burger.


    Glad to see you back, Nicole. I missed my water buddy!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Shera - for meatless meals, I agree with the Morningstar products. Also, Boca products are really good too. They're in the freezer section at the grocery store. The only product I would recommend to stay away from when trying meatless meals for the first time is the veggie bacon of any brand. It's just not the same. You can find veggie versions of most meats. They tend to be more expensive than the meat products, but for one or 2 meals a week, They're not bad. I used to be a vegetarian.

    Trish - I would love your recipe for veggie chili too, if you don't mind.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Amy check your MFP inbox for the recipe. I just sent it!

    Grace finally fell asleep after babbling for an hour. I went to check on her & she had taken all her clothes off, and almost succeeded in doing the same with her diaper. What was it that another mom told me to use in this situation? Oh, yeah! DUCT TAPE!

    Off to workout so I can enjoy my meal tonight. :)

    Shera, avoid the Gardenburger brand at all cost. I tried it recently and it was BLECH!!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Ok, so I looked up my brand of turkey that I cooked and YEAH!!! someone already put it in to the food list!!! I didn't think of looking it up that way! Thanks for suggesting that Stacey! HUGE difference in sodium! try 420gms vs. 1200gm! WOAH!:flowerforyou:

    It's a little rough getting back into the school swing with Kyle...neither one of us feel like doing it...but we just keep chuggin' along...just like my water! 40 oz down!

    Chug-a-lug ladies!:drinker: :drinker:
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    Thanks ladies for the suggestions, I will see what I can find at the store w/ my coupons LOL but will definately stay away from the garden burger stuff, not my cup of tea. I have tried a boca burger ages ago and I really liked that, my only complaint was it was dry but I added a pineapple slice and it was AMAZING! Will have to do that again.
    would love the recipe drborkbork can't ever have enough recipes to try!
    off for some shopping, hubby got home this a.m and got some sleep so now i'm needing some food in the house!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Shera, just PM'd you 3 super easy, yummy recipes! :)

    Got my workout in. Torched a total of 500 cals between my 1 mile walk this morning and Wii Fit Plus. Also secured a new high score in Expert Rhythm Boxing-- 1466! YAHOO!

    Will have 90 oz down by dinner, for sure. Hoping to do 120 before bed.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    well....i did eat my 5 fruits/veges. BUT i also had 2T chocolate frosting. :(
    i'm over my cals by 700. i have NOT exercised.

    i'm working on the water still....

  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    aaarrrrrrrgggghhhhh!!!! i hate homework!!!! it takes just so much time and is so tedious. my oldest takes forever to complete something simple and usually the little one is good but miss distracto tonight. plus there's the extra "decorate a snowman" project. i know some people find this stuff fun. i am not that people.

    so arrrrrggggghhhhh again.
    thank you for listening
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    that's my new pic from the last day of 2009. there's a better one in my file but it's the opposite direction and i don't know how to rotate it and then upload. hmmm

    this is 4 lbs heavier than the october one but the clothes are more camoflauging (word??).
    the polar bear in the profile is from the bellagio conservatory, dec'd out for the holiday season.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    You look great Stacey! I wish I was at your weight! someday! *sigh* I totally understand what you are talking about with the homework! Kyle takes forever!

    Nice job Trish! I love when I burn alot of cals! Do you eat your exercise calories?

    I am chuggin' away ladies!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Today I ate most of mine back, but not on purpose like some people do. It just came out that way. I usually don't eat back my calories.

    Topped off at 90 oz tonight. Feeling lazy. Hubby went to bed 2 hours early, poor guy.

    EDIT: Watching Fraggles with Grace. There's a great song on, sung by Cantus.

    "Worry less about who I am & worry more about who you are. You could be a great King. You could be a coward. You could be the kind of kid who teaches us to sing. You could be whatever your little heart desires. You could be a walkin, talkin, breathin ball of FIRE!"

    Remember: at the end of the day, IT'S A CHOICE!

    I choose to be the last part! I hope you do too.

    Night now ;)
  • curliegirl
    Well ladies I feel like I am over the hurdle. Not the weigh hurdle--I wish! We pulled off the Court of Honor for my son's Eagle Scout Rank. 100 people. Cake, punch, the works. I am sooooo glad it is over & life can go back to the normal frantic race. :)

    I did pretty good today considering all the stress & running around. No work out but some how I think moving chairs and tables at the church might have gotten my heart rate up.

    Goals for tomorrow:

    8 glasses of water
    Make menus for the week(missed it today)
    WALK--appt w/ me in the afternoon!

    Keep it up everyone!

  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    thanks nicolee--but that picture is VERY deceiving. i weighed 138.6 that day. i am 5ft 4.5in and today i am 140.2. that outfit had such dark colors and my dd was unable to figure out how to take it closer.
    i'm not saying i'm not an acceptable wt. i know i could stop now and be "healthy" (i think?). but up close--the spare tire that measures at least 39" around is a problem. i care abt my legs/butt and boobs but not as much as that spare tire. it's ugly and unhealthy. plus, i really need to tackle my eating habits this year. i really need to figure out and stick to a healthier diet for the everyday--not just a week or for a reunion.

    in any case, thank you for the compliment! i do look better than when i started but still have another 1/2 to go. :)

    can i share a secret? i've been having trouble getting back to p90x. i'm intimidated by it. here i got thru my hybrid version of 7 weeks with 7 more to go--and i feel like i'm not up to it. too fat, too much goo to move. i know it's just in my head and i need to press PLAY anyway. and it's not like tony horton is coming to my house to check on me! still, do any of you get these mental hurdles to exercise? what do you do? do you just press play? do you re-direct your exercise? do you focus on something else?
    i feel like i'm supposed to be the motivator on this thread--but i've really gone downhill wrt a healthy lifestyle these past cpl months.

    sorry if it comes out like whining...only you gals really understand these kinds of struggles. it's not like my non-mfp friends want to discuss this stuff all the time.
    so thank you for listening/reading tonight.

    ps--kim that is so AWESOME! congrats to your son and you for supporting him in reaching this incredible goal. :)