SAHM --1/4/2010-1/10/2010



  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Kim - Congratulations for your son making Eagle Scout! I know that is not an easy accomplishment!

    Stacey - Your new pic looks great! You can definitely tell the difference from your earlier pics! I can understand the spare tire problem. That's my new pic taken Jan. 2. To get pants that fit in the waist, they're way too big in the butt & legs, but to get them to fit in the butt & legs, they're way too tight in the waist. But from your pic, there is no extra weight in your face or arms. You look great!

    I'm impressed that you were able to start p90x. I've been way too intimidated to try it. My main problem is just getting motivated to get up and exercise. However, I think I got bored with the videos I've been using. I've had them for so long. Two of them are actually on VHS. I got a new DVD a couple weeks ago, but I haven't tried it yet. I've felt better the last 2 days since I started walking again. I've noticed that for me, the more I exercise, the more I want to. It's just the initial start that is so difficult.
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Oh, and I made my goals today. I drank all 8 cups of h20, I walked a mile on the treadmill, and I was well under the 1000 cals over. I was only 335 over!

    My goals for Tuesday are:
    Drink 8 cups of h2o
    Walk 1 mile
    Eat no more than 900 cals over - I have problems going cold turkey.
    Watch the new exercise DVD to check it out.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Gm ladies!

    Kim- That's so great about your son! What an accomplishment! MY son is in boyscouts too. I hope he gets to Eagle Scout1

    Amy- I know whay you mean about clothes fitting weird. my problem is that I have a tiny waist, big hips, but and thighs. When I get jeans the bulge at the waist, so I get hip huggers and they still bulge in the back so when I bend over my undies hang out!:laugh: :ohwell:

    Stacey- I understand the mental thing with exercise. Here's what gets me through it. I think of it as one day at a time. For example, I think "ok, I am going to do this today to the best of my ability. If it's not perfect, it's where I'm at and it's the right place for exercise for me. I know if I keep doing this one day at a time, I will eventually be able to do all of it." Each time I put in that video, I try to do a little more, if I can't and I do the same amount or less, than that's where I am at! I try to push myself a little more. I use this with running as well. trying to get back into running, or even running for the first time is tough! There is no other way to put it. But I knew if I kept slowly chipping away at it I would be rewarded.:flowerforyou: I hope that makes sense!:tongue:

    You can do it Stacey! Just put the PX90 in and do what you can. Each time you do it, it will get just a little bit easier!

    As for me- I tweaked my knee, I think doing the 30 day shred, so I am going to lay off of that for a week, and hopefully it will get better!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Stacey, did you not read my post? You can be a walkin, talkin, breathin ball of fire... if you CHOOSE to be! It's a choice. So push that play button and soldier through it, hon! It doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be an honest to goodness old college try!
    Hop to it lady ;)
  • curliegirl
    Thanks everybody for the congrats! It feels GOOD to have that behind us. Now on to bigger & better things. Like college--cannot believe we are at this point already. Those of you with little ones get ready for how FAST it goes. This young man was my little guy just yesterday.

    Nicole--sorry about your knee!!! Injuries slow us down so much--keep doing little things if you can!

    Stacey--some advice I heard on the radio the other day says we have to get creative. We DON'T want to get up off our fat fannies! It is easier to just sit in front of the TV or computer. It is easier to say I am too tired today--tomorrow sounds better! These are all things I do--not pointing the finger at you. However--do you do laundry(Ha HA!)? Well if the "official" work out is too much try this. Fold the laundry as far from the place you have to put it away as possible. Then put it away--once piece at a time--and go as fast as you can. Do you put away dishes? Well if it is out of the dishwasher--do a deep knee bend for EACH piece coming out of there. Do you brush your teeth? Go up & down on your tiptoes while you brush to exercise your calves. Sometimes we have this mental thing about "doing" my work out. Some days I cannot make it to the treadmill, but I know that there are other ways. I just have to find them--get creative!!!!

    Amy--The pants I put on last night for the Scout deal--about killed me. Too tight--I know they fit better when I was 5 lbs less so I feel your pain. I HATE shopping for pants/jeans. It is so hard to find things that fit me right!

    So today is off to a good start. Done some water & now off to reclaim my life--where did I leave it?

    Have a great day ladies!

  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    you girls are awesome! didn't finish reading all the posts yet--cuz we are soooo late. (yet here i am typing)

    i mistyped my msrmnts it's not body distortion; i'm really bad with remembering #s.
    here's what it should be 30" waist, 34.5" spare tire, 40" hips/butt. clearly i am a PEAR. so i have gone up 0.5-1inch all on all those msrmnts.

    thanks for all the nice compliments and motivating thoughts. honestly, i cd not have come this far without mfp and all of you! xoxo
  • cirka2002
    cirka2002 Posts: 134 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new here. Just found this site the other day. I'm a SAHM/WAHM in Colorado and looking to loose another 10-15lbs. Happily married for 7.5 years and have a beautiful 7 year old daughter. I'd love all the motivation and help I can get!!

    Currently I am trying to track my calorie intake better and getting back to my healthy eating habits...dang holiday!! For exercise I usually walk my dog. We do a short 10-15 min walk M-Th before picking up my daughter at school (weather permitting) and during warmer weather (has to be at least 40 degrees) we walk about 2 miles at night. He's a greyhound and I have long legs, so we walk fast (between 3-3.5mph) and the weather has to be nice because he gets cold easily. Since we are currently not walking at night, I just ordered the Wii Active to try and it should be here this week.

    I'd love to get healthy recipies for quick lunches and snacks. Unfortunately my family will not eat what I want for dinners, so I just try to limit the amount of dinner I eat. Love to make new friends and get more motivation!

  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Welcome Jennifer! This is a great group of ladies, who really support each other, not just with fitness but family and personal life as well.
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Hi everyone. I am in full crisis mode and after spending several days in a depressed state shutting everyone out, I've decided I should reach out and find some support. I don't usually publicly discuss my private stuff, but like I said need some support and don't have many family isn't good with this sort of thing. Ok, so I had some thoughts niggling at my subconscious that something might be going on with my husband, and I was really irritable with him and couldn't figure out why. Well, we've had issues with his fidelity off and on for 3 years now, just reconciled 3 mos ago after being separated for 3 mos. The holidays of course have been very stressful and we had very little time just to ourselves with my sis staying at the house. So initially contributed my feelings to this. But then he stayed gone all night one night, and another night went to a friend's house at 9pm didn't come home til 4:30 am and was very drunk. I had vowed that last time would be the last time, that I couldn't tolerate this kind of behavior anymore. So I've asked him to move out. And yet I'm the one depressed, taking anti-depressants that make me want to do nothing but sleep. Can't hardly eat at all, yesterday had nothing but fruit smoothies. He is begging me to not go through with *gulp* (it's so hard to say the word) divorce, but I feel he's left me no choice. And on top of everything, I've got to pull myself together for my kiddos. Everything is so hard right now. I called my therapist last night, and he told me I need to get out of the house everyday, that I need to talk to someone. And then he called my husband to put me on a suicide watch? Does that make sense to anyone? I mean hubby's the reason I'm in this state, but he's gonna take care of me and pull me through? Doubtful. Therapist warned that if I stay depressed like this I'll have to go to a mental hospital. Then what of my kids?
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hi everyone. I am in full crisis mode and after spending several days in a depressed state shutting everyone out, I've decided I should reach out and find some support. I don't usually publicly discuss my private stuff, but like I said need some support and don't have many family isn't good with this sort of thing. Ok, so I had some thoughts niggling at my subconscious that something might be going on with my husband, and I was really irritable with him and couldn't figure out why. Well, we've had issues with his fidelity off and on for 3 years now, just reconciled 3 mos ago after being separated for 3 mos. The holidays of course have been very stressful and we had very little time just to ourselves with my sis staying at the house. So initially contributed my feelings to this. But then he stayed gone all night one night, and another night went to a friend's house at 9pm didn't come home til 4:30 am and was very drunk. I had vowed that last time would be the last time, that I couldn't tolerate this kind of behavior anymore. So I've asked him to move out. And yet I'm the one depressed, taking anti-depressants that make me want to do nothing but sleep. Can't hardly eat at all, yesterday had nothing but fruit smoothies. He is begging me to not go through with *gulp* (it's so hard to say the word) divorce, but I feel he's left me no choice. And on top of everything, I've got to pull myself together for my kiddos. Everything is so hard right now. I called my therapist last night, and he told me I need to get out of the house everyday, that I need to talk to someone. And then he called my husband to put me on a suicide watch? Does that make sense to anyone? I mean hubby's the reason I'm in this state, but he's gonna take care of me and pull me through? Doubtful. Therapist warned that if I stay depressed like this I'll have to go to a mental hospital. Then what of my kids?

    Oh Jr---I feel for you! I went through a divorce 9 years ago, so I can understand what you are going through! I didn't have kids though. However, I understand the depression you are feeling. To this day I don't know if he cheated on me but it was quite possible. He had his own business at the time and he would not work all day, and then right before I would come home from work he would leave to "go to work" and not come home until midnight or later. He also wouldn't be intimate with me at all. He actually would cringe when I would touch him. I finally said enough's enough! I am worth more than this! As you are JR. and your kids! :flowerforyou: You are so much better than that! You are a beautiful young woman who has a great life ahead of her with her kids! The kids can feel it when you are not happy. They are resilient and they will pull through it if you do decide to divorce.

    I would think about maybe getting a new therapist! One that maybe you and the kids can go to. You can get through this Jr!!! You have alot going for you! You know what keeps going through my head? Dori from Finding Nemo, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!"

    If you need to talk further, please PM me! I will gladly talk! :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    AWW JR.. *HUGS* I"m sorry your going through this. But you need to focus on your kids and pull out of this. Or else your husband will have grounds to take the children FROM you. I say this with love and understanding... I can't believe the therapist called you husband to watch you though. I wish I had more advice, but I hope you can get through this.
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    AWW JR.. *HUGS* I"m sorry your going through this. But you need to focus on your kids and pull out of this. Or else your husband will have grounds to take the children FROM you. I say this with love and understanding... I can't believe the therapist called you husband to watch you though. I wish I had more advice, but I hope you can get through this.

    Thank you silver. I know you're right. Part of what adds to the stress is feeling like my reaction to a devastating situation is going to make me lose my kids- the only thing that brings me any joy. We separated before and he couldn't even handle one night with the kids, brought them home to me at 9 p.m. But I do think he might try to fight for custody just to hurt me, out of anger. And I worry what he would do with them, having strange women and men around, and drinking. Or just wanting the kids cuz he finds a woman who wants an instant family. He acts like he's such a great dad around strangers, but he doesn't even know how to give the baby a bath. I'm terrified. I'm trying to get better for the kids, but the thought of having to do that stresses me more, makes more tired and depressed. It's such an awful cycle.

    I know you've had some issues with your daughter's father, so you prob know so well what I'm going through. Thank you again for the warm thoughts.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    (((hugs))) jr--so sorry for what you are going thru. i agree with the advice given already. now to some unpleasant nitty gritty.

    #1 the anti-dep you are on may not be appropr for you or you might need a combo to keep you awake/more alert

    #2 get a LAWYER and the best you can possibly afford--even if it means going into debt. you absolutely do not want to chance losing your kids to him. you need to protect yourself and them IMMEDIATELY.

    #3 get a new therapist--i don't think he/she was legally allowed to tell your dh anything, with hipaa laws and all. and the next step is NOT a mental hospital--there are many steps before that. BUT you do need to be honest--you don't need to answer here just answer yourself.
    are you thinking of harming yourself? are you thinking of ending it to escape all the upcoming difficulties? do you think you would hurt your kids? do you think you'd take them out with you so that you all go together?
    i know this is grim and creepy--but if your answer to yourself is YES you do need more crisis counseling/intervention. you can call a suicide hotline to even walk you thru better coping options.

    #4 do you have a pastor you can turn to or any church support group--even to take the kids or sit with them for a cpl hours so you can walk (fresh air) and shower each day. eat whatever's easiest to fix but try to get some fruit/vege in there. it's ok if your kids don't eat perfectly for a period of time. non-american kids survive much worse conditions.

    #5 be careful what you post here or any other online outlet. your stuff can be found (there's really no privacy measures on mfp) and i don't know what can possibly be used against you in a court of law. your own journal/notebook may be a better outlet--again to protect yourself and your beautiful children.

    #6 You don't have to be Polly Sunshine for the kids. You just need to provide for their basics (food, shelter, clothing, clean bodies) and give them lots of love. if it helps you to have very scheduled days, then do that. if not, then keep things low key. there's nothing wrong with playing at mcd's everyday if that's what works.

    (((hug hug hug)))

    i know i'm very nuts and bolts about this advice, but you've been thru enough turmoil. you'll need to take axn to keep your most treasured things--your sanity and your kids. no one else can do it for you. but you can lean on us as you forge ahead (you mama machine as trish would say). :heart:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome jennifer! things aren't usually so heavy here, but we are about getting healthy for ourselves and our families--so sometimes discussions go that way.

    mfp is amazing! getting a handle on what you eat is the biggest first step. it was such an eye opener for me--and still gives me a kick in the pants when i want to hide from reality.
    congrats on getting started and look forward to hearing from you!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Vegetarian Recipe from bush beans--Italian Style Rice & Beans

    1 can (14.5oz) diced tomatoes with Italian herbs
    1 can (15.8oz) Bush's Great Northern Beans or Cannellini, drained and rinsed well
    2/3 cup instant rice
    1/4 tsp ital seasoning or 1/2 tsp dry basil

    Place all ingredients in medium saucepan. Cook 3-4 minutes, covered, over medium-high heat. Uncover pan and continue cooking 2-3minutes, or until rice is tender. Add pepper to taste. Dish is slightly saucy when completely cooked.

    (haven't tried it yet, but pic looks yummy)
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    oooh. go to many yummy recipes!!

    they have a healthy living one and now a budget-wise tab--and within that you can do healthy options. i'm gonna try something tonight!
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Jr, when I was with Shane I did the majority of the child care. The first weekend he considered us broken up he took her for his 3 day weekend and I stressed teh whole weekend till he brought her back. i was so afraid he wouldn't bring her back. I was worried when we split and he had to take care of her full time on his days off how he would do. He did alot better than I expected. He loves his little girl and he tries to do what's in the best interest of her. but I've been there on the cheating boyfriend thing.. I know how you feel.
  • clcrawley
    clcrawley Posts: 15 Member
    Oh, Jr, I know I'm pretty new here, but I'm so sorry to hear what you're going through. It's awful... (((hugs))) and prayers being sent your way.

    Stacey -- that photo is great! (And we LOVE even gives the nutrition info, so there's no math to figure out.) ;)

    Welcome, Jennifer!

    Thanks, everyone, for the exercise tips for me... it really helped me get my head out of the box. So far, I've been cleaning the house (still) but doing extra chores, more movement, etc. I'll be digging out the jumpropes tomorrow. I'm hoping my dad (who is the best handyman EVER) can fix my treadmill for me next time he visits. ("Hey, Dad... time to come visit your grandkids! Oh, and I have this little project for you....") Also tomorrow, I'm building a compost bin so I can have at least a little compost built up by spring. Or at least those are my plans. :) That should burn a few calories!
  • bacyr21
    bacyr21 Posts: 10
    I would love to join the SAHM group. I am a stay at home mom of four under the age of 8. So glad the holiday's are over but I am now in need of losing about 10 pounds. Definitly need some support because once you get into the grazing and bingeing habit it seems so hard to break yourself from it. Hopefully I can get myself reset and back into exercising and eating moderately and not over indulging on everything.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome bacy! you can join in any time!

    i know what you mean by the grazing and overeating....