SAHM --1/4/2010-1/10/2010



  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    i got rid of the p90x ticker--not cuz i'm not gonna do it. i am. but i can't seem to operate 2 tickers in tickerfactory. when i log in it only brings up my miles.
    idk. i'm not very techie.

    anyway, gn ladies. "see" you tomorrow!:flowerforyou:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    gm ladies! Welcome bacy!

    Stacey...I don't know how to do 2 of the tickers either! HA!!!!

    We are starting to get back into the swing of things....finally! :happy:
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning!

    Jr - (((hugs))) You're in my thoughts & prayers. :flowerforyou:

    Jennifer, bacy - Welcome!

    I did it! Three days in a row of making my daily goals! Yesterday, I drank all 8 cups of water, walked a mile on the treadmill, was well under my goal of no more than 900 cals over (only 530 over), and I watched the entire Jillian Michaels DVD. Ouch!! I'm definitely going to have to work my way up to doing the entire DVD. There are actually parts of it that I can't do with the bone spur on my toe. :cry: I'm so out of shape that even the warm-up looked like a work-out to me!

    Well, my goals for today are:

    Drink 8 cups of water
    Walk 1 mile on the treadmill
    To not go over my cals by any more than 800
    Do the warm-up section of the workout DVD
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    amy, you ROCK!! i love how you're doing the calorie over in a decreasing fashion. very smart.

    i'm holding my own wt wise and am getting the water in. i ate some frosting yesterday and then poured soap and water in the rest of it. yep, didn't trust myself to put it in the garbage. (trish, you are a far superior mama machine model than i!)

    i had late night snack of walnuts and raisins. + it's healthy. - it packs on lots of cals fast, and i have to accept i am somewhat allergic to walnuts. my lips swell and my mouth tingles when i have more than an 1/8 cup. so those went in the garbage too (no one else in the house eats walnuts).

    off to a good start with food today. BUT i am sitting here typing with a dead battery in the van in the garage--b/c i forgot to turn off the interior lights AGAIN!!! will probably just walk the kids to school at this point. that will at least give me some exercise.
    and i really need to buckle down and clean the house. some days......

    jr--if you're lurking--big hugs. you were even in my dreams last night--so just know you are in our hearts and prayers.

  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member

    Stacey...I don't know how to do 2 of the tickers either! HA!!!!

    glad i'm in good company!! have a great day!!
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Hey Everyone. Thank you all for the hugs and support. Today is getting off to a better start. Forced myself to get up and do some yoga and jogging. Worked up a little energy/appetite. I've gone from eating a basically liquid diet (smoothies and yogurt) to eating "half" meals- half a veggie omelette for breakfast, half a lean cuisine meal for lunch. Stacey, I notice you give advice in a very rational, organized manner whether it's family stuff, exercise, or eating. I see you as someone who makes a lot of lists.. I can learn from you. One thing you said really rang true for me... stay busy. If I'm too busy to think of the things that get me down then I can trudge through it. So yesterday and today that's what I did. Allowing myself moments to lock myself in the bathroom and fall apart. But then pull myself together and get through the day to day with the kids. I think it's helping, and my house is getting cleaner too! Also, I'd just started taking the med and side effects are worst in the first 3-5 days. I'm on day 4 so it's getting better.

    Oh, Stacey, I figured out your ticker situation if you're interested in still having the 2. All you need to do is save the URL address for each ticker to your favorites. Each ticker has its own code (mine all start with a w then some numbers, but might be diff combo for others). Anyway, when you put the url in your browser, it automatically takes you to the edit/update ticker page for that ticker. Enter the PIN for that ticker and you're good to go. (If you didn't save the url the first time, you can copy and paste from your signature. The first line says "url=" you just copy from the http to the /) HTH.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Jr, I just wanted to let you know I've been quietly thinking about your situation. I also wanted you to know that I've kinda been on both sides. As a kid, I've seen my mom go through divorce and separation. I can understand how your kids will initially feel. I've also seen one of my best friend's husbands walk out on her & 4 wonderful kids. She had no idea he was unhappy. Frankly, that one was a little too close to home for me, emotionally. That's a different story though.
    Anyway, end result... both cases: Moms were happier, healthier, better moms. And you know there is no better mom than a happy one. Everything else just finds a way to fall into place when you're in the right mindset. So just wanted to tell you about that & let you know I feel for you. *hugs*

    Stacey, I'm proud of you for getting rid of some of the junk! And hey, putting soap in frosting sounds a whole lot more fun than just throwing it out. Did anything spontaneously combust? You should start putting soap in other junk food to see if there's any chemical reaction! That would be AWESOME!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    trish, just so you know--you keep me going. you are very motivating!!
    no fun chem rxn--just slimy looking frosting. not like when you mix bleach with other chemicals and get noxious fumes. :laugh: not that i've ever done that...

    and jr--glad something i said helped. i am a big list maker. i don't necess do all the things on the list, but it helps me to be focused and i love CHECKING things off. i am otherwise a scatterbrain.
    hope the rest of today goes well for you--hang in there :flowerforyou:

    catch y'all later
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    jr--thanks for explaining. will try that.

    here's a link to 20 under $3 healthy(ish) meals. a couple of them look really good to me!

    i did try the kraft recipe last night. it took me an hour--b/c of cutting up chkn into bite size pieces (and i'm always trimming out tendons and stuff). i enjoyed it immensely. family rxn --thumbs down. oh well. i'll be eating it lunch and dinner till it's gone...
    meanwhile, all i'm making them tonight and tomorrow is plain pasta. yes--i hold grudges. :devil:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    jr.- I am glad you are having a better day! There are definitely good days and bad days with this kinda stuff.

    Trish- How's the water going today? Mine's goin' slow...but slowly picking up speed!

    Stacey-I love how you put soap in the icing!:laugh: I thought I was the only one who does crazy things like that! I sometimes completely crumble cookies or chips, throw them in the trashcan, and then pour something nasty over them like the fat from draining the meat I have browned....I will definitely try the soap!:laugh: :tongue:

    My knee is slowly starting to feel better, I have been icing it 2x's a day and putting essential oils on it...I'm getting this puppy back into shape! I don't have time to have a bum knee.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Hey, Nicole! I am just finishing tucking 30 oz away, but after workout 60 should be no problem, and 90 with dinner. Making stuffed peppers tonight. Mmmm.

    Counting the days till I see my diabetes doc for checkup next month. Can't wait to tell her how I lost all this weight playing VIDEO GAMES of all things! LOL.

    I am bound & determined to return to being her poster child!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    nicolee--sorry your knee is still hurting. sounds like you know how to take care of it.

    just an fyi--from rvws i have read jillian michael's workouts as well as biggest loser have lots of jumping and lunges and squats. for that reason, i have stayed away from their pgm. i know lots of people love it, but i don't like jumping around. i even modify jumping jacks in p90x cuz my insides don't like all that jiggling.

    soooo when you're feeling better, you might want to spend time on amazon rdg rvws of diff fitness dvd's. they've been a BIG help to me in making my fitness dvd collection.
    *hugs* and hope you get to feeling better SOON.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Trish- I know you will be the poster child again! Yo uare doing so great! :-) Stuffed peppers...I will be right over! :tongue: :wink: I love stuffed peppers...that gives me a great idea for next week when I go to the store.

    Stacey- thanks for the tip on amazon, I will check it out. I thought the Shred would be awesome, which I know it would get you tone, but I think the jumping jacks and all of the jumping around is what killed it. Maybe the lunges too...I was doing squats with the Kathy Smith dvd, and I didn't have a problem. I even run and don't have a problem...funny about I don't blame you for doing a modified jumping jack. I have always hated those, even as a kid I now I am trying to do them? UGH!:laugh: :tongue: :noway:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I am too uncoordinated to jumping jacks. Instead, I jog in place in time to the jumping jacks and raise & lower my arms. So it's kinda like a jumping jack, right? If I try to do jumping jacks, my arms just flail wildly and confuse my legs, LOL.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    and the mommy crowd ROARS--cuz you're the best ever

    stacey did core (p90x). day 1 DONE.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Yay, Stacey for gettin' it done! Better make that poster larger so we all can fit on it ;)
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    trish and nicole good job on the water. Nicole I hope your knee gets better soon. Stacey, great job starting up the p90x. You are really brave. I am nowhere near ready to tackle that kind of pgm.

    I just wanted to share happy mommy moment I think we can all appreciate. IDK if it has anything to do with what's going on between my husb. and I, but all afternoon my 6yo son has been playing "dad" with one of my DD's dolls. Now his normal doll play is to see how hard he can bash them against the wall or floor without me yelling at him. But today he's doing everything-diapering, dressing, rocking, feeding, pushing in stroller. Even set the baby at the table with us for dinner to "feed" it applesauce. And then he says, "Mommy, I love my baby, you know why? Cuz she's teaching me how to be a great father for when I grow up and have kids for real." Now isn't that the best dose of happy I could possibly get?:happy:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Yeah Stacey!!!!! Keep it up!

    Jr- That's wonderful about your son! Those kinda moments are priceless!

    Off to make some dinner...not sure what...I have chicken defrosted...I don't really feel like cooking...:frown: :huh:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    jr--that is so sweet--and exactly the right thinking!

    thanks for the rah-rah's, girls. :drinker:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Here's an extra one from me, Stacey:


    90 oz down the hatch. Off to veg. Night, girls!