Facebook Status u wish u could post but can't? Post away :)



  • YogaNikki
    YogaNikki Posts: 284 Member
    I don't know if this has been said, but joint Facebook pages annoy the crap out of me....lol!! I have people I adore who have them and wonder, is it so much work having your own?!?
  • reasnableblonde
    reasnableblonde Posts: 212 Member
    I have two, and they're directly targeted at two ladies.

    1) If your life was ~~SOOO PERFECT~~, you wouldn't be on Facebook all the time trying to convince everyone so. You'd be too busy enjoying it. But keep posting all those pictures, honey, and keep telling everyone how great it all is.

    2) You are a troll and you've ruined my <insert family member here>'s life. If I could have you arrested for animal abuse, I would do it in a heartbeat. You are nothing but trash, but your fish-face camera-whoring with bright pink lipstick smeared all over the lower half of your face is hilarious, so please keep that up.

    I stepped off Facebook and have felt a lot better since. I go on a once or twice a week, that's all. The narcissism is so thick on that site that I can't stand it.
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    Stop posting pics of yourself in all that scantily clad *kitten*, you look like a sausage casing, and it's not cute.
  • Seriousmom3
    my would be facebook post....

    everything you just regurgitated about your "political" stance can be debunked on snopes.com you idiot...so do a little research if you want someone to take you seriously. gah!

    My Grandma likes to boycott various businesses / products that she heard of doing terrible things. I would send her the snopes debunk link and hear nothing. Then I explained to her how to use it. Then I had an ACTUAL conversation with her about it and she informed me that snopes is paid to debunk things that are true "and I wonder WHO is actually doing the research. I'm sure it's the very people who are accused of doing these terrible things!!". Sigh. I gave up. But she DID stop sending me emails about businesses. She still sends me the "warnings for women who are walking through a parking lot / street / basement / peace rally and get abducted / raped / perfumed & robbed". She also asks me to order things online for her using my credit card because she just doesn't think it is safe. Ohhh, so it's okay if MY identity gets stolen??

    ahahahaha that's great....grandma's don't count.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    1) STOP trying to guilt or scare me into posting stupid opinionated crap on my wall. I reserve MY wall for MY thoughts. I don't have to post your crap or prove to anyone else that I love something/someone, or believe/disbelieve in something or agree/disagree with you. If everybody reposted that crap every time it showed up, we'd all have duplicate walls. What's the point?

    2) If I haven't accepted your lame game requests the first 5 times you sent it, WHY are you still sending them? I DON'T PLAY FACEBOOK GAMES!

    3) Sticking your lips out like a duck beak, IS NOT attractive. That same face in the same bathroom with a different pose and different clothes looks just as stupid.

    4) I couldn't care less what song you are listening to, I have my own jam going on. I certainly don't need the video.

    5) The continuous barrage of pretty pictures with inspirational quotes is not inspirational, it's annoying and hogging up my timeline. Also, the lack of proofreading on some of these pictures, undermines the point.

    6) If you are going to rant or attempt to make an important point, please use punctuation. Otherwise, it reads like gibberish, and no one understands you.

    OH, you said "post" not "posts". Sorry, I got carried away.
  • oneworkoutatatime
    Bump! ..:laugh: :laugh:
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 517 Member
    "I love how you bash the police department, the court system, etc. Then post about how you're going to roll up a blunt and get crunk". Yeah, the police made you speed and put that bong and bag of weed in your car, right?
  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    Wow....these comments sound so bitter.
    Why don´t you all post something positive, something funny that you have said or done to make people laugh instad of get depressed

    Ummm the reason I started this thread was so that people could post whatever the hell is on their mind. Go find a happy rainbow thread that suits you, but don't *kitten* on our party friend...

    I love that this post was started.....this is the only safe place I can say what's on my mind, without people getting upset.....so to the OP......thank you :)
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    Dear friend - PLEASE stop sharing every single photo of every cute little puppy or kitty or about books or libraries and tv shows you like and photos of military stuff. yeah it's great your patriotic but just because your lazy *kitten* nephew is in the reserves and goes once a month and sometimes doesn't even go at all and wont get a job and mooched off of you and his grandma for 2 freakin years because he lived in your basement for those years while you didn't make him pay rent or for his own food because he sat on his butt all night and played video games and slept all day... he's not much to be proud of, trust me. Ahhh just stop it please!! And it would help if you'd grow up a little yourself. Your thirty something married working and own your own home and if you want a freakin dog get a dog and just because your mommy and daddy think they can still tell you what to do does NOT mean you have to listen to them and give your dog back because for some odd reason still can't figure that one out.. they think you should not have a dog!

  • You know all those posts about how horrible your life is? Don't follow them up with the ones about how awesome your life is. Unless BOTH of your personalities have pages!!!


    Thank you. Took the words right outa my mouth.
  • DylansMom312
    DylansMom312 Posts: 10 Member
    Dear Friend who buys into pyramid schemes:

    Please stop posting multiple (as in 15/day) "success" stories of people who lost X amount of weight after 90 days using your coffee/tea product. I would believe in the product more if I knew it was a long term success for these people and if I knew it wouldn't make you and your friends money every time I buy the product from you. Also, it's wrong to tell people that it's okay to take the "easy way" out when it comes to being healthy.

    Dear Friend who sells above product:

    Please stop pushing your sugar-y vitamins on me when I come over. I do not want you to give my child this stuff in hopes that it'll make me buy it from you.We make sure our son has a balanced diet and gets his nutrients from that and not a pill that's filled with god knows what.

    And another one for dear friend above:

    I'm choosing to not spend time with you lately because I'm tired of it always being on my dime and at your convenience. I do not have time to run over to your tiny, too cramped with toys condo for an hour before we're kicked out. If you want someone to entertain your children in that time, hire a clown. If you want to keep doing things that are convenient for you then we aren't going to be friends much longer.

    Dear MIL:

    Would it kill you to be a decent grandmother for once? You talk about how much you love your grandkids but it's like pulling teeth to even get you to babysit for several hours. Also, do you have to take a 5 hour nap from 2 hours of babysitting? I've never met a lazier woman in my life. And seriously? Stop bragging like you're an awesome grandmother. You aren't. Oh and can you stop making comments about my parents involvement with our son? They spend more time with him and do more for us than you EVER have.
  • Rachel_1986
    Rachel_1986 Posts: 38 Member
    Wow....these comments sound so bitter.
    Why don´t you all post something positive, something funny that you have said or done to make people laugh instad of get depressed

    Ummm the reason I started this thread was so that people could post whatever the hell is on their mind. Go find a happy rainbow thread that suits you, but don't *kitten* on our party friend...

    Loooool!! im loving this lil hate fest!! because of it my afternoon at work is flying by!! :D
  • Crucker73
    Crucker73 Posts: 53 Member
    Stop posting bible verses - you're the biggest sinner on the face of the planet!
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    You know all those posts about how horrible your life is? Don't follow them up with the ones about how awesome your life is. Unless BOTH of your personalities have pages!!!


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • basslinewild
    basslinewild Posts: 294 Member
    Please post more pics of your duck face with a peace sign. We all love that. NOT
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    Hey old classmates, so you're working your dream job and traveling the world now? thats great.........I'm smaller than you!!!!! lol

    Petty I know, but its all i got :-/

    i keep thinking the same thing when i read daily that a friend is starting a new job.
  • kme2011
    kme2011 Posts: 100 Member
    this is a great thread. reminds me why i dont' have a FB page anymore. I was sick of hearing all these things from so called "friends". where are those "friends" when you need them? MIA! Stupids FB thank goodness i'm done with that mess. Its so much better without it.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    Dear Facebook idiots,

    Could you please start facing your problems instead of Facebooking them? I understand you and your husband/ daughter/ mother/ sister/ bestfriend are having issues but you sure as hell seem to have a lot of issues with a lot of people. Maybe it's because you post stupid *kitten* about them all instead of having actual conversations with them. Either fix that or deactivate your account. As for me, I'll keep reading as long as you keep posting. Schadenfreude, ya know?

    Dear friend's wife,

    Posting *kitten* like this is completely unacceptable "You wanna know a secret?......I wish I would have died on March 18, 2012 in the fatal car crash I was in, instead of the other guy. I wish." Following that with listing how your husband is now a stranger to you and all of the other things wrong in your in your life in the comments section is completely stupid, especially when the day before you were talking about how amazing your husband is and how wonderful your life is right now. Please for the love of all things get on some f*cking medication!
  • ShayWolfexo
    The pictures of the bruised up bloody child or dog or burnt up kitten... I will not like those picture because I am against child and animal abuse. Of course I'm against it But I don't want a picture of a golden retriever with blood coming out of its mouth half dead and I don't wanna see that crap on my wall! If anything the people that are passing and sharing these picture are provoking child and animal abusers to do it more!
  • basslinewild
    basslinewild Posts: 294 Member
    Dear fb friend who I haven't deleted just because I don't want to be mean,

    No one cares that your "tummy hurts" every 5 secs. How is it possible that your bf is horrible one minute and the greatest the next? Also, posting about your drama with your parents, siblings, and friends every day is annoying. Get a life!