Facebook Status u wish u could post but can't? Post away :)



  • monipie
    monipie Posts: 280 Member
    hey married dudes. stop freakin messaging me or i am going to tell your wives! :)
  • sh4690
    sh4690 Posts: 169 Member

    It starts a mummy "who's child is better?" war!

    Awwww he BLINKED! ... :grumble:

    Mum - "My baby just started crawling, only 6 months old"
    Other Mum - "Oh mines started at 5 1/2 months"
    3rd Mum - "Mines was walking at 6 months!"
    4th Mum - "Mines came out the womb walking"

    Really guys, REALLY!

    And there are pictures of your naked children on your Facebook, why!?!?

    Your children's photo album is like a Paedophiles dream come true!
    Surely on top of that it should be up to your kids when and if they want to expose younger photos of themselves in that manner on the internet??

    Works As: Full Time Mummy! <3 (or) MummyToBe!!<3<< THIS IS NOT A JOB! It is a life choice! Well done you are <18 and you finally figured out what the consequences are from having unprotected sex!
    Works As: Dole Bum! <3 <<< Again, claiming benefits IS NOT A JOB! Why would you even publicise this fact to everyone AND seem happy about it you lazy son of a gun!

    On that note people who have kids and moan about them on Facebook!
    "Awww my kid is being such a brat today, I total can't handle this **** anymore, it is so tuff being a single parent I deserve an award, my childs father is a *kitten*" << Sort Yourself OUT! That is your CHILD! This is the consequence of you being such a slut! DEAL! ... Also really an AWARD?? No hen.... just no....

    HaHaHa! Big Rant!
  • flpmomi
    flpmomi Posts: 117 Member
    I have posted something simliar to this on FB, but I feel like I could post this once a week for some people....

    Facebook is not REAL LIFE people, its the effin internet. It is not that serious!!! Stop looking for attention and when you don't get it complain that people aren't your real friend because they didn't check up on you on facebook. If someone is your real friend they will hityou up via text or phone call.

    And for the LOVE of God, just because you delete me on facebook, my feelings are not hurt and I do still exsist in the real world. Get a grip on reality!!! Just saying!
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    I started feeling a lot better when I started editing who and what I can see in my feed.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    I started feeling a lot better when I started editing who and what I can see in my feed.

    Ditto. The block and hide-from-newsfeed functions are a godsend.
  • KatManx
    KatManx Posts: 168 Member
    Oh far too much to list :)
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    1) I don't care.
    2) Nobody else cares.
    3) Vaguebooking something you don't have the balls to say to an individual in person doesn't earn you cool points.
    4) Leave the politics in the polling booths... you're not changing my mind and I'm not changing yours.
    5) Save the drama... oh, wait... I just deleted you.

  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Dear attention *kitten*, being a regular *kitten* just isn't enough for you is it??
    OMG...this would totally be mine!

    Gotta love those vague 'ask me what's wrong' type of posts too...:laugh:
  • michelle850
    michelle850 Posts: 65 Member
    To those people with the perfect husbands, perfect kids, and perfect happy wonderful lives...I know you're lying!!!!! If your husband, kids, and life in general are that perfect allllll the time, you are either highly medicated or totally full of crap! :)
  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    1). I wish I could tell you what I REALLY think about you, but I'm a lady:-)
    2). When did it become Ok to put your whole LIFE on FB?
    3). Do you have ANYTHING better to do with your time?
  • victoriadw84
    victoriadw84 Posts: 77 Member
    LoL love this....writing so I can come back later and add my comments in LMAO!
  • phatycake
    I've just been thinking about all the statuses I'd LOVE to post on facebook but I can't, so I thought a 'Get it off your chest' thread would be fun to have :smile:

    I'll start:

    Dear attention *kitten*, being a regular *kitten* just isn't enough for you is it??

    Lol x

    Oh you're not a *kitten*? ...so, just a volunteer prostitute?
  • Bex2Bslim
    Bex2Bslim Posts: 1,092
    I've just been thinking about all the statuses I'd LOVE to post on facebook but I can't, so I thought a 'Get it off your chest' thread would be fun to have :smile:

    I'll start:

    Dear attention *kitten*, being a regular *kitten* just isn't enough for you is it??

    do we have a mutual friend? *giggle*

    I think we all have at least 1 of those friends lol
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    If the "research" you've done to back up your beliefs is a 5-second Google search that turns up a website about alien conspiracies and an article about how AIDS was created by humans to weed out gay men from the gene pool, please Google "how to tie a noose"
  • FreeStuffRockz
    lol I am laughing hysterically! You guys are awesome!

    How about the friend who is single no kids moves to a new job/state every 6 months then complains they have no friends or family around?? But life is PERFECT & they have an endless amount of $$$$ Yeah! Wow really? "You're so fantastic!" Says no one ever!

    Or the one that deletes their Facebook then reinstates it so you keep getting the old
    "You are no longer friends with so & so"
    Then you think okay I will just delete them!
    So then they send you a friends request again! REALLY? Drama Queen seriously! Get over it! hah hah hah to funny!
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    Dear fiancé, you are a pathetic loser who I'm only with because I hope it'll get better. I'm not cheating on you thank God but I am finding emotional satisfaction elsewhere, and in fact I am closer to my ex than you think (we're actually an unofficial couple, we're that close).

    I really really love you but I can't bear to be around you whilst my career goes in one direction and yours goes down the toilet. I'm working two jobs and trying to get into a law career whilst you sit there fiddling with your stupid telescope and doing nothing with your life.

    I don't know if I should leave you or stay with you but right now I have to focus on my career and my life.

    Hunny, leave the guy. If you love him/ have loved him, you owe him the honesty to tell him things are not working, not to let him think they are while you slink around behind his back. Get off the fence and pick a side, cause it's really cruel to him otherwise, and not to mention the angst on yourself!
  • Polebarbie
    Who really gives a **** where you are !!

    Omg yes
  • MissCarter79
    MissCarter79 Posts: 227 Member
    Seriously woman.... your kids are in school/day care all day and you don't work outside the home. Please don't tell me how stressed you are.

    And yes.... we all know you are mother of the year, baker of the year, home room mom of the year, crafter of the year.... stop posting 800 million pics on facebook of all your crap just to try and get validation from people that you have self worth. No one cares!

  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    Wow, this is obviously a very therapeutic thread for so many...LOL

    Everyone has pretty much covered everything I would want to post.

    I hate the, "repost if you agree, or repost if you love your kids, repost if you're happily married..." WTF is that *kitten*? Like I really need to repost or else I don't agree, love my kids etc.?? I will NOT repost...period. Never have, never will.

    Just like "chain letters" ... FB is just another medium.
  • MissCarter79
    MissCarter79 Posts: 227 Member
    (Facebook Person) "omg I just got some really bad news!!"
    (Every nosey person on their friendlist) "OMG What happened?"
    (Facebook Person) "Oh I can't say, sorry.."

    Same goes for statuses like "OMG I AM SO HAPPY!!! JUST GOT THE BEST NEWS EVER!!!!" and then when people ask, it's private... lol

    I agree!!!